BA/MA Thesis

I am particularly interested in proposals for BA and MA thesis topics that are closely related to our research projects and research focus. Please consult the publication list to figure out what we are doing and what we have done in the past.

If you are considering Nina von Uexkull as first supervisor for your BA or MA thesis, please send a one to two page document to, covering the following points: 

  1. Which research question do you want to address?
  2. What is the variation you want to explain?
  3. What is your most important independent variable?
  4. Which strand of the literature and which theories do you want to relate your thesis to?
  5. Which research design, type of data and analysis are you planning to use to answer your research question?
  6. How do you plan to measure your key variables? Did you check whether the necessary data actually exists?

If you intend to choose Nina von Uexkull as supervisor please register for her colloquium offered each term starting Fall/Winter 2024.

If you already have an agreement with Nina von Uexkull on supervision and just need to resolve formalities (signature for registering the thesis etc.), please get directly in touch with Nicole Lugibihl.