Data protection information according to Art. 13 GDPR &
Declaration of consent for research project
"When do women take the lead in shared leadership? A social network analysis"

Information according to Art. 13 GDPR

1. Responsible in the data protection sense

Björn Salzwedel
University of Konstanz, Politics and Public Administration
Georgstraße 4
88046 Friedrichshafen

2. Contact Person

If you have any questions, concerns or doubts, please contact:
Björn Salzwedel
Tel.: +49 17655630484

3. Purpose of data processing and consequences of not providing personal data

  • As part of Björn Salzwedel's master's thesis at the University of Konstanz, the emergence of shared leadership in teams is being investigated in the context of various factors. To conduct the research project "When do women take the lead in shared leadership? A social network analysis" the provision of personal data within the questionnaires is required. Without this information, participation in the research project is not possible.
  • In addition, the data is shared in anonymized form with the Chair of Organizational Behavior at the University of Konstanz to control for the chair's own research constructs.
  • We ask you to participate in the survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and there are no disadvantages in the event of non-participation.

4. Legal foundation

  • Willingness to participate in the survey and permission to process the data is based on the consent of the persons surveyed (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR; Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a).

5. Duration of data storage

  • The personal data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the Master's thesis, but no later than three months after submission of the thesis.
  • The personal data will only be presented in the Master's thesis in pseudonymized form.

6. Data recipients

  • Björn Salzwedel über Sosci Survey

7. Consent to the provision of research data to third parties

  • The data is only passed on to the Chair of Organizational Behavior in pseudonymized form for the purpose of controlling the chair's own research constructs.

8. Your rights

  • You have the right to obtain information from Björn Salzwedel about the personal data stored about you and/or to have incorrectly stored data corrected.
  • You also have the right to erasure or restriction of processing or a right to object to processing. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the law.

The supervisory authority in Baden-Württemberg is the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Baden-Württemberg.