Blick vom See aus auf die Universität
Blick vom See aus auf die Universität

Welcome to the website of the chair of Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner

Research Focus



Female Leadership

Cooperation and communication in organizational groups

Leadership, cooperation and strategic management in cultural industries.


Here you will find information about current lectures of the chair.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner

Room D 317 Phone: +49 7531 88-3058
Holiday office hours: 13.08.24 from 14-15, online via Zoom.
Office hours (during lecture period only): Start 09.04.24, every Tuesday, 15.15-16.15 (D 317).
Booking appointments via ILIAS "Office hours Boerner".

Postal address

University of Konstanz
Department of Politics and Public Administration
Prof. Dr. Sabine Boerner
Universitätsstrasse 10
P.O.-Box 88
78457 Konstanz, Germany