Welcome to the Working Group on
Comparative Political Economy

The working group studies education and social policies from an international comparative perspective, the political causes and consequences of social inequality as well as individual attitudes and public opinion on the welfare state.

New book publication on the role of public opinion in education reform

The new book by Marius R. Busemeyer, Julian L. Garritzmann and Erik Neimanns studies the role of public opinion in education reform. The book shows that public opinion only matters under particular circumstances, competing with party politics and interest groups. The study provides detailed analysis of original public opinion data collected in eight European countries, complemented with detailed case studies of reform processes.

Current research projects

Currently, the following third-party funded projects are conducted in the working group:

- Digitalization, automation and the future of work in post-industrial welfare states

- Students' perceptions of inequality and their association with political participation and educational aspirations

- Inequality Barometer: survey project on attitudes and perceptions of inequality among the German resident population

- EU project on the "The Future of European Social Citizenship"

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Best Paper Award

Gianna Maria Eick and Marius Busemeyer were given the Best Paper Award from the Research Network on Political Economy and Welfare of the Council for European Studies (CES) for their paper „Migration levels and welfare support: Evidence from the local level“. This picture shows the two with Julian Garritzmann (Prof. of Political Science at the University of Frankfurt and Head of the Prize Committee) on the occasion of the presentation of the award at the CES Annual Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland (June 28, 2023). The paper studies the influence of migration on support for the welfare state, using data from the Cluster’s Inequality Barometer. Here is a link to the already published paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13501763.2023.2195440