Current news

New Article in Journal of Conflict Resolution

The article "Integrating Conflict Event Data" co-authored by Karsten Donnay, Eric Dunford, Erin McGrath, David Backer and David Cunningham introduces a new automated, transparent and reproducible methodology for the integration of event data sets. The article outlines ways in which the quantitative study of conflict profits from integration, lays the conceptual foundations for the approach, develops the methodology and illustrates it for selected cases.

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Vortrag zu Eigenschaften und Ursachen des Populismus

Kommenden Donnerstag (2. Mai 2019) wird Andreas Jungherr im Rahmen des 5. Symposium „Ordnungspolitik für das dritte Jahrtausend“ des Aktionskreis Freiburger Schule und des Walter Eucken Instituts in Freiburg einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Furcht vor der Freiheit? – Eine politikwissenschaftliche Einordnung des modernen Populismus" halten.

Upcoming presentation at the AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie

Susumu Shikano will present the paper "A paradox of digital innovation in political participation: Emerging new digital divides" at the upcoming annual meeting of the AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie, 23.-24. May 2019 at the University of Bremen. The paper is co-authored with Theresa Küntzler (CDM) and Taehee Kim (University of Oldenburg).

New Publication: Discursive Power in Contemporary Media Systems

The Journal of International Press/Politics just published a new article written by Andreas Jungherr, Oliver Posegga, and Jisun An. In “Discursive Power in Contemporary Media Systems” we provide a comparative framework for the empirical analysis of influence in contemporary media systems.

Call for Papers on Computational Political Communication

Yannis Theocharis (University of Bremen) and Andreas Jungherr will be editing a special issue of Political Communication focusing on Computational Political Communication: Theory, Applications, and Interdisciplinary Challenges. Our goal is to offer a forum for work that illustrates the potential of computational methods and large data sets in political communication research.

Call for Papers "Analyzing Strategic Interactions in Political Decision-Making"

The ECPR Standing Group on Analytical Politics and Public Choice is pleased to announce the 2019 conference on Analyzing Strategic Interactions in Political Decision-making. The conference will take place at CIES-IUL in Lisbon, Portugal from 09 to 11 May 2019. We seek both empirical and theoretical papers which analyze strategic interactions in political decision-making.

Upcoming presentation at MPSA Conference in Chicago

Susumu Shikano will present a paper "Ballot Sequence and Choice Set Effects on Voting in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems" (co-authored with Erik Herron, West Virginia University) at the upcoming annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, 4.-7. April 2019 in Chicago.