Dr. Jule Beck

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Development Research Group since 2024, focusing on the intersections between food and nutrition security, sustainable development, and global health. I hold a Ph.D. in Decision Sciences from the Graduate School of Decision Sciences at the University of Konstanz. I also hold a B.A. and an M.A. in Politics and Public Administration with specializations in 'International Relations and European Integration' and 'Methods of Politics and Public Administration' from the same university.

My research focuses on the linkages between food security, nutrition and development in low-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. I use quantitative survey analysis and spatial data analysis (GIS) to explore these critical issues. In particular, I focus on historical large-scale government policies, revealing their central role as systemic drivers that shape livelihood strategies and potentially perpetuate food insecurity. In addition, in the face of increasing exposure to shocks and stressors, I work on the linkages between food and nutrition security and mental health, as well as the sources of resilience and the capacity of individuals and households to manage these risks without compromising their future well-being.

I have experience in designing and teaching a variety of courses for different levels of study in a wide range of teaching-learning settings and at various universities. I also have in-depth training in didactics and teaching, as certified by the "Certificate for Teaching and Learning at the University Level" of the State of Baden-Württemberg.


SoSe 23: Gender & Development (Vertiefungsseminar/Advanced BA Seminar) – with Anke Köbach & Abena Yalley

WS 22/23: Ernährungssicherheit und nachhaltige Entwicklung (Vertiefungsseminar/Advanced BA Seminar)

SoSe 22: Gender & Development (Vertiefungsseminar/Advanced BA Seminar)

WS 21/22: Hunger, Ernährungssicherheit und Entwicklung (Proseminar)

SoSe 21: Gender & Development (Vertiefungsseminar/Advanced BA Seminar)

WS 20/21: Bedrohungen und Chancen für Ernährungssicherheit und nachhaltige Lebensgrundlagen (Vertiefungsseminar/Advanced BA Seminar)

SoSe 20: BA-Seminar: “Rural Development: Opportunities and Challenges”

WS 19/20:BA-Vertiefungsseminar „Ernährungssicherheit, Armut und Konflikt“



Beck, Jule. 2019. The Health Resource Curse – Why children in resource abundant regions are left behind: A subnational analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa [Master Thesis]. University of Konstanz

Wegenast, Tim and Jule Beck. 2020. Mining, Rural Livelihoods and Food Security: A Disaggregated Analysis of Sub- Saharan Africa. World Development 130: 104921.

Jule Beck, Anke Köbach, Liliana Abreu, Mekdim Dereje Regassa, Anke Hoeffler, Wolfgang Stojetz and Tilman Brück. 2024. COVID-19 pandemic and food insecurity fuel the mental health crisis in Africa. International Journal of Public Health 68: 1606369.

Jule Beck. 2024. Food insecurity ­– Causes, Consequences and Ways Forward [Dissertation]. University of Konstanz.



Presentation at the 8th annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Research conference:
Parallel thematic session C: Nutrition in crises and protracted humanitarian contexts

Food Insecurity Deteriorates Mental Health During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Africa: Causal Evidence From An Instrumental Variable Analysis

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/CGaN2wgBS5s