
Proksik, Joschka J. (2017): "EULEX and the fight against organised crime in Kosovo: what's the record?" Trends in Organized Crime, 1-25.

Proksik, Joschka J. (2017): "The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo: a capsized flagship?" In: Petrus C. Van Duyne, Georgios A. Antonopoulus, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.): The many Faces of Crime for Profit and Ways of Tackling it, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 425-455.

ISBN: 9789462404366 Link

Proksik, Joschka J. (2015): "Organised crime in post-war Kosovo: Local concerns vs. International responses?" In: Petrus C. Van Duyne, Almir Maljevic, Georgios A. Antonopoulus, Jackie Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (eds.): The relativity of wrongdoing: Corruption, organised crime, fraud and money laundering in perspective, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 73-104.

ISBN: 978946202287 Link

Proksik, Joschka J. (2014): "Die internationale Übergangsverwaltung im Kosovo: Ein modernes Protektorat" [The International Transitional Administration in Kosovo: A Modern Protectorate], in Frommelt, Fabian (ed.): Zwangsadministrationen: Legitimierte Fremdverwaltung im historischen Vergleich (17. bis 21. Jahrhundert) [Forced Administrations:  A Historical Comparison of Legitimized External Administrations (17th to 21st Century)], Historische Forschungen, Band 100, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 281-308.

ISBN: 9783428142293 Link

Proksik, Joschka J. (2013): “Organized Crime and the Dilemmas of Democratic Peace-building in Kosovo”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 20, Issue 3, 280-298.


Proksik, Joschka J. (2013): „Schwierige Mission: Organisierte Kriminalität im Kosovo“ [Difficult Mission: Organized Crime in Kosovo], WeltTrends 91, 69-77.

ISSN: 09448101 Link