Registration Advanced Seminars

Attention: changed procedure due to Covid-19

Until further notice, all courses of the summer semester 2020 will be held in digital form. Therefore, the seminar spots for the Bachelor's advanced seminars and the Master's seminars will be allocated centrally, via ZEuS. At first, each student can only be assigned one seminar place in a seminar (see step 1). Afterwards, it is possible to get a place in further seminars (see step 2).

DEADLINE: 16.04.2020


IMPORTANT: The procedure starts on 09.04. and ends on 16.04.2020 (deadline). Those who miss the deadline will not be allocated a seminar place. If necessary, the affected students can contact the lecturers directly from 21.4. onwards to inquire about remaining spots (see Step 2).

On 20.04.2020 the places will be allocated. Afterwards you can consult ZEuS to find out which seminar spot you got. You will also receive a corresponding message from the respective seminar leaders.

In the following section is a step-by-step guide to the central registration procedure:

STEP 1: The Procedure

Please log in to ZEuS with your e-mail account from the University of Konstanz. Then select the following course:

"Anmeldung BA-Vertiefungsseminare – Platzvergabe"

For students of the Bachelor programs (major subject PolVer, minor subject PolWiss), Bachelor & Master of Education PolWiss and WiPäd with elective subject PolWiss 8 PRIORITIES/Seminars MUST be specified/selected here.

For priority 1 the probability of allocation is higher than for priority 2, 3, etc

NOTE: The seminar: "Data Management for Social Scientists | POL-23770"

(Lecturer: Nils Weidmann) will not be assigned centrally as special selection criteria apply (see entry in ZEuS).

STEP 2: Allocation of places for a second or third seminar

The following applies to students who wish to attend a second or third seminar in the Summer Term 2020: Immediately after all students have been assigned a place in a seminar, a list of seminars in which places are still available will be published. On this list you will also find the contact details of our lecturers. Please contact the lecturer with whom you wish to take your second or third seminar by e-mail.

This list will be published on Tuesday, 21.4.2020. This gives you and the lecturers of the department one week to clarify your booking of your second or third seminar.

All courses of the department will start on Monday, 27.4.2020.

STEP 3: Registration of exams/seminar papers

Please do not forget to register via ZEuS also for the exams/seminar papers in the period between 01.05. and 15.06.2020.