Current news

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Vogler received the Kellogg/Notre Dame award from the Midwest Political Science Association

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Vogler, along with a colleague, received the Kellogg/Notre Dame award for the best paper in Comparative Political Science from the Midwest Political Science Association for his article entitled "Pandemics and Political Development - The Electoral Legacy of the Black Death in Germany." The article examines the impact of pandemics on political behavior using the Black Death as an example and can be found here. This paper also served as the basis for an article by Jan Vogler in…

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A bachelor student of the department has received the award for the best bachelor thesis of the Roland Berger Foundation 2021.

A bachelor student of the department has received the award for the best bachelor thesis of the Roland Berger Foundation 2021. Sophie Moser was honored for her Bachelor's thesis on the topic of diversity and corporate success. The Roland Berger Foundation for European Business Management promotes outstanding research by young students and their public perception. In addition to scientific excellence, the social and economic relevance of the topic are important selection criteria. The press…

Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann was awared with the Ken Young Prize by the Journal Policy and Politics

Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann, together with two colleagues, has been awarded the Ken Young Prize of the journal Policy and Politics. The Ken Young Prize is awarded annually by the journal Policy and Politics to the scholars who have published the best article in that journal. The award-winning article, titled "Beyond nudge: advancing the state of behavioral public policy and administration," presents a sharpened behavioral and integrated model of the policy process. A brief summary of the article and…

Prof. Dr Marius Busemeyer is quoted several times in a guest article in the New York Times.

A study by Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer and former Konstanz Prof. Dr. Philip Rathgeb was quoted extensively in a guest essay for the New York Times. In the essay entitled "What America would look like in 2025 under Trump", a guest author quoted this study on the opinion on social policy of voters of radical right-wing parties. They were not necessarily negative about basic social security, but only wanted to give it to "deserving" individuals who, in their eyes, had made a contribution to society.…

Learn more about our Master's programme during our Master Info Days (March, 1-3, 2022)!

The Department of Political and Administrative Science is represented with various events during the University Master Days.

1. General event on living and studying in Konstanz (March 1 2022 1:30 PM) - Click here to register

2. Master of Arts - Political and Administrative Science (March 2 2022 4:30 PM) - Click here to register

3. Master of Science - Social and Economic Data Science (March 3 2022 3:00 PM) - Click here to register

The Newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau asked Gerald Schneider about possible sanctions against Russia in an article on the current Russia-Ukraine crisis

The Frankfurter Rundschau has quoted Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider in an article on possible sanctions of the European Union against Russia. He thereby evaluates the clout and accuracy of economic sanctions in the arsenal of the European Union and shows a conditional sanctionability of these measures. The article in the online edition of the daily newspaper can be read here.

Konstantin Bätz examines a new EU measure that promises more clout on the global market

In a guest commentary in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Konstantin Bätz and Patrick Weber examine a new EU measure that promises more clout on the global market. The Anti-Coercion Instrument is described as an important step towards strategic autonomy, but it allows for too much flexibility, offers too little protection for private companies and neglects extraterritorial sanctions by EU partners. The guest commentary can be read here.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider talks to the Stuttgarter Zeitung about Switzerland's crumbling relationship with the EU and its implications for the Lake Constance region.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider talks to the Stuttgarter Zeitung about Switzerland's crumbling relationship with the EU and its implications for the Lake Constance region. Last April, Switzerland broke off negotiations with the EU for a framework agreement. This breakdown was also partly due to a growing nationalisation of politics in Switzerland and unsettled medium-sized companies in all parts of the four-country region of Lake Constance. The online article can be found here.

The Bild-Zeitung interviews Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider on Robert Habeck's climate policy for a commentary in the online edition of the newspaper.

The Bild-Zeitung interviews Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider on Robert Habeck's climate policy for a commentary in the online edition of the newspaper. The authors interview various association representatives and other experts on the climate policy for the next four years, which Robert Habeck presented at the beginning of the week. The commentary can be found here.