Current news

For the format: "Ask a question!" of the Südkurier, Prof. Wolfgang Seibel and Prof. Michael Herrmann answer questions posed by children

In the "Ask a question!" format of the Südkurier newspaper, questions from children are answered by professors from HTWG Konstanz and the University of Konstanz. As part of this format, Prof. Wolfgang Seibel and Prof. Michael Herrmann answered two questions. Prof. Wolfgang Seibel answers the question: "How does one become Federal Chancellor?" and Prof. Michael Herrmann explains the concept of the blocking clause in the German Bundestag in an age-appropriate way. Prof. Seibel's answer can be…

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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juhi Kulshrestha wins a grant of the "Foundational Integrity Research 2021" of the Facebook Foundation.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Juhi Kulshrestha wins a grant of the "Foundational Integrity Research 2021" of the Facebook Foundation. This research award is given to scholars in the social sciences who have submitted research projects on Fake News and polarisation on social media. The exact description and the other winners of this award can be read on the Facebook Foundation website here.

Wintersemester / Back on Campus

The University of Konstanz is planning an *in-person* winter semester: 
In compliance with infection prevention measures, a large amount of
courses in all subjects will be offered on the university campus. In
most cases, these courses will not have online alternative formats.

In order for courses to take place in this way, however, students and
teachers *are required to provide proof of vaccination, recovery from
COVID-19 or a current negative test result (3G-rule)*. If you are *fully