Current news

Marius Busemeyer appointed Senior Fellow at WSI

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer, Head of the Working Group Comparative Political Economy, was chosen for a senior fellowship at the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) for a duration of three years, starting on 01 April 2021.

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Projects of the Digital Governance Lab attract attention in media, politics and science

The research projects of the Digital Governance Lab headed by Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel are generating increasing attention in the media, politics and academia. In particular, the project "Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age" and the accompanying research of the "Work4Germany Fellows" enjoy enormous interest due to their current practical relevance.

Gerald Schneider interviewed by Open Science Magazine

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider was interviewed by the Open Science Magazine of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics about his Open Science experiences. The entire interview is openly accessible on the magazine's website.

Wolfgang Seibel guest at Fridays for Future panel discussion

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seibel, Professor at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, was invited to the online panel discussion "Climate Protection at All Levels". The discussion was organized by the Constance section of the climate movement Fridays for Future. The exciting discussion can be viewed in its entirety on Youtube, and the Wochenblatt also reported on the event.

Thomas Malang receives the Manfred Fuchs Award

Dr. Thomas Malang has been awarded the Manfred Fuchs Prize 2021 of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. The prize, which has been granted annually by the academy since 2015, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and honors the outstanding scientific achievements of qualified young researchers from Baden-Württemberg. In his work, Thomas Malang examines the role of parliaments in times of increasing internationalization, combining the methods of various scientific disciplines, from political…

Marius Busemeyer guest at panel discussion on hate crime

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer has been invited to a panel discussion on the topic "Mit Herz und Haltung gegen Hass und Hetze". In the course of the discussion, Marius Busemeyer gave exciting insights into his research on inequality in our society, which can be identified as a decisive factor for radicalization, hate and agitation.

Deutschlandfunk interviewed Gerald Schneider

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider was interviewed by Deutschlandfunk in the podcast format "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften". In the feature, Gerald Schneider reports on the interesting results and implications of his current study on the unequal treatment of asylum seekers. Furthermore, he explicitly addresses the reactions, especially of the BAMF, to the results of his study.