Current news



SWR reports on the study by Marius Busemeyer

The SWR published an article on the study by Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer. The recent study examines the public's trust in the health care system and the competence of the German government in times of the Covid-19 pandemic and is part of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality".

Dirk Leuffen guest at WDR 5

Prof. Dr. Dirk Leuffen was interviewed in the WDR 5 show "Politikum" on the importance and consequences of the European corona aid. The enlightening program can be listened to on the WDR website.

Max Reinwald receives Schmalenbach-Prize

Max Reinwald, postdoc at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" and member of the research group for Organizational Studies, was awarded the Schmalenbach-Prize for the best dissertation in business administration.

Book by Prof. Dr. Nils Weidmann is awarded with several prizes

The book "The Internet and Political Protest in Autocracies" by Karl-Deutsch Prize winner Nils Weidmann and co-author Espen Geelmuyden Rød was awarded two prizes at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. The highly appreciated work received the Best Book Award of the "Information Technology and Politics" and the Honorable Mention for the Best Book Award of the "Conflict Processes".

Article by Prof. Dirk Leuffen and Jun.-Prof. Sebastian Koos published on Social Europe

An article by Dirk Leuffen, Professor at the Chair of Political Sciences & International Politics, and Sebastian Koos, Junior Professor at the Working Group for Corporate Social Responsibility, was published on the "Social Europe" platform. The article deals with the support for European solidarity during the Corona-Pandemic among the population and presents the interesting findings of a survey conducted in April.