Current news

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer in the Cicero Podcast Wissenschaft: "The right-wing populists benefit from negative framing"

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer argues that the subjective perception of inequality is growing. In the Cicero Podcast Wissenschaft, he discusses the impact it has on citizens' voting behavior. In his studies, Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer shows that the subjectivity of perception is particularly important when it comes to political (electoral) decisions. And that today's pessimistic assessments of the development of inequality tend to go hand in hand with higher support for right-wing populist parties.…

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Prof Dr David Garcia publishes a report on disinformation on the internet for the Spanish parliament

Prof. Dr. David Garcia and his colleagues have published a report on disinformation on the internet for the Spanish Parliament. This report examines the causes and effects of the phenomenon of disinformation and the mechanisms that can help to combat it.

The Internet and digital development have brought numerous economic and social advances and benefits. However, this development has created a new social and informational context that favours an unprecedented spread of disinformation and acts…

Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze speaks on WDR 5 about the situation of foreign trainees in Germany.

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce estimates that Germany has a shortage of around 1.8 million skilled workers. Immigration is therefore necessary. For immigrants and Germans alike, dual training is an important route into the labour market. However, young immigrants drop out of training more often than German trainees. In their Integration Network project, Prof. Dr. Florian Kunze is investigating how well foreign trainees manage to integrate into the German labour market. Prof. Dr. Florian…

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Prof. Dr. Anke Hoeffler appointed to Economic Advisory Network of the German Development Ministry.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has appointed Prof. Dr Anke Hoeffler as a scientific advisor to the newly established Economic Advisory Network for Sustainable Development Policy. The aim of the network is to incorporate research results and scientific recommendations in a more targeted manner into development policy processes. The network will identify economic issues relevant to development policy and develop analyses and recommendations for the strategic…

Deutschlandfunk reports on the Hilde Domin Programme for refugees at our department

Getting fit for democracy and more: The DAAD Hilde Domin Programme for refugees started at the department. The programme is aimed at young people who were unable to begin or continue their studies in their home countries due to the political situation. The students dealt with the possibilities and challenges of modern civil societies. What conditions are needed for democracy, the rule of law and a vibrant civil society? These questions will be discussed in depth. Further interdisciplinary…

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider talks about the effects of sanctions in the podcast "dis:arm"

Sanctions are useless, always hit the wrong people and are only a means for the strong countries to subjugate the small ones. This is one view of sanctions on the left. The other sees sanctions as a pacifist alternative to military attacks, as a way to avoid war. We explore this controversy in our new episode and debunk some of the myths surrounding sanctions. In the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation's peace podcast "dis:arm" with Linda Peikert and Jan van Aken, Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider comments on…