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Dr Daniel Herfurth receives the LBS science grant for sustainable living and housing!

The Department of Politics and Public Administration congratulates Dr. Daniel Herfurth on receiving the LBS Science Grant for Sustainable Living and Housing, which is endowed with 5,000 Euros. Daniel Herfurth is a post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Dr. Eva Thomann's working group for Public Administration. He is in charge of the SPNV-Monitor transfer platform, which is funded as part of the Universities Excellence Strategy. The platform analyses the development of local rail passenger transport (SPNV) in Germany in order to derive recommendations for action to shape the mobility of the future. Herfurth already analysed the organisation and attractiveness of local rail passenger transport in Germany during his doctorate. He is now exploring this topic in greater depth by supporting the exchange between political science and engineering in order to tackle climate change on the one hand and improve the attractiveness of regional rail transport services on the other. To this end, he is expanding the existing transfer platform ("SPNV-Monitor") to include the "Politik-Ingenieur", a communication space for networking these two disciplines on a scientific and practical level. "They also observe the controversial Deutschlandticket, which is beloved by the press, and make recommendations for a reform of regional rail transport," emphasised laudator Marion Mai, member of the board of the Stiftung Umwelt und Wohnen, on the occasion of the award ceremony as part of the Dies academicus 2024.