Kilian Hampel in the German media: Why young Germans vote for populists

In the study Jugend in Deutschland 2024 (Youth in Germany 2024), Kilian Hampel shows that young Germans have lost their trust in the entire political system. The study shows that young people are confronted with existential fears: Old-age poverty, war, climate crisis, inflation and other financial problems. Among other things, a fifth of those surveyed, i.e. more than 2,000 young people, stated that they were in debt. 

The study also shows that young people want to be heard. Thereby parties lack a clear vision for the future that could perhaps turn the current situation around: "But it will be very difficult for the established parties to do this before the next election," says Kilian Hampel. In uncertain times, when the dispute between the governing parties has become a constant topic in the news, the AfD has offered a clear line. 

Broad coverage in German of the latest results of the Youth in Germany 2024 study and the AfD's success among young voters can be found here:

SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz

hessenschau - Young voters: What role does social media play in the European elections?

rbb radio 3 - Young voters: Why is the AfD approval rating so high here too?

SWR Kultur - Shift to the right due to permanent crisis? Why young Germans are voting for populists

Badische Zeitung -  Political scientist on young voters who vote for the AfD: "They feel helpless"