Policy Priorities in the US Public across Time and Space

Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023
17 bis 18:30 Uhr


Veranstaltet von
University of Konstanz

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Tevfik Murat Yildirim (University of Stavanger, Norway)

Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „Department Colloquium“.

The Most Important Problem Dataset codes all available responses to the ‘most important problem' question in American public opinion from 1939 to 2015. I first describe a number of innovations in the dataset. Coding 2,150,000 quasi-responses provided by around a million respondents into 110 response categories, I explore what is important to the American public. The unification of codes fosters the development of more fine-grained categories and more accurate inferences at the individual- and aggregate-level. I finally offer preliminary evidence supporting this switch and an application of issue prioritization at the state level.

T. Murat Yildirim is Associate Professor of political science at University of Stavanger, Norway. His research broadly focuses on political elites, identity politics, and policy agendas, and has appeared in various journals including American Political Science Review and British Journal of Political Science.