Roundtable Discussion: "Ask the editors - publications practices and strategies"

Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2023
15 bis 16:30 Uhr

Y213 & Zoom

Veranstaltet von
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Urs Fischbacher, Gerald Schneider and Vera Troeger (University Konstanz and University Hamburg)

Roundtable Discussion with Urs Fischbacher, Gerald Schneider, Vera Troeger: "Ask the editors - publications practices and strategies", organised by the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality"

Which journal is best to choose? What level of finality does my paper need to have for submission? Does revise and resubmit mean that my paper will be accepted? You can discuss these and other questions directly with editors at this roundtable discussion. Three experienced editors will answer your questions. Join us and get to know the inside story!

Urs Fischbacher, Chair of Behavioural Economics, University of Konstanz, Associate Editor of Review of Economics and Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Editorial Board of various journals (e. g.  European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics).

Gerald Schneider, Chair of International Politics, University of Konstanz, Executive Editor of European Union Politics, Associate Editor of Research & Politics, Editorial Board of various journals (e. g. British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Conflict Resolution)

Vera Troeger, Chair of Political Science/Comparative Politics, University of Hamburg, Editor-in-chief of Journal of Politics, Editorial Board of various journals (e. g. American Political Science Review, Journal of European Public Policy)

Where? Y213 and online:

Further information: Frank Wehinger, phone 07531 88-5316,

Registration is not necessary but a short message to would be helpful for organisational reasons.