Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Grohs, Stephan (2014): Hybrid Organizations in Social Service Delivery in Quasimarkets : The Case of Germany American Behavioral Scientist. 2014, 58(11), pp. 1425-1445. ISSN 0002-7642. eISSN 1552-3381. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0002764214534671

    Hybrid Organizations in Social Service Delivery in Quasimarkets : The Case of Germany


    With the introduction of quasimarket principles in the mid-1990s, the German social service sector faced several challenges from above (the state), within (the organizations), and outside (new competitors and “players”). Within the social services, considerable differences prevail between subsectors; although all reforms have been oriented at the principle of (quasi)markets, the governance arrangements implemented have been rather divergent across subfields. This article compares the effects of the introduction of quasimarket principles in two subfields with very different governance architectures: youth welfare and old-age care. Basic findings include different degrees and variants of hybridity at the meso-level of local welfare arrangements as well as at the micro-level of the organizations in the field. The analysis shows a considerable effect of different governance regimes on the openness of the subfields to new competitors (profit-oriented and voluntary), the reactions of established third sector organizations (internal reforms and hybridization), and the modes of political steering (with varying degrees of informality and oversight).

  • Grimm, Sonja; Groß, Lisa (2014): Building an EU member state through democracy promotion : The case of Croatia's public administration reform Anali Hrvatskog politoloskog drustva = Anals of the Croatian Political Science Association. 2014, 10(1), pp. 93-109. ISSN 1845-6707

    Building an EU member state through democracy promotion : The case of Croatia's public administration reform


    This contribution studies the process of building an EU member state through democracy promotion in the case of Croatia with a special focus on two reform initiatives in the field of Public Administration Reform (PAR). Croatia’s experience is representative of intense efforts of the international community to overcome the consequences of violent state dissolution and civil war. The EU in particular has assisted post-conflict democratization with diplomatic initiatives, the provision of aid, and political conditionality. The Croatian political elite showed great willingness to implement democratic reforms, while at the same time remaining critical of what they viewed as ‘too much’ external interference in domestic state affairs. Based on 30 interviews with Croatian officials, Croatian civil society actors, members of the EU delegation and other representatives of the international donor community, we empirically assess progress and setbacks in Croatia’s public administration reform and explain why some reform initiatives have been successfully implemented while others are still pending.

  • Knill, Christoph; Shikano, Susumu; Tosun, Jale (2014): Explaining Environmental Policy Adoption : A Comparative Analysis of Policy Developments in Twenty-Four OECD Countries DUIT, Andreas, ed.. State and environment : the comparative study of environmental governance. Cambridge [u.a.]: MIT Press, 2014, pp. 53-80. ISBN 978-0-262-02712-0

    Explaining Environmental Policy Adoption : A Comparative Analysis of Policy Developments in Twenty-Four OECD Countries



  • Trettin, Frederik; Junk, Julian (2014): Spoilers from within: bureaucratic spoiling in United Nations Peace Operations Journal of International Organizations Studies. 2014, 5(1), pp. 13-27. ISSN 2191-2556. eISSN 2191-2564

    Spoilers from within: bureaucratic spoiling in United Nations Peace Operations


    Taking the organizational characteristic of international organizations seriously, this article draws attention to the internal bureaucratic dimension of United Nations Peace Operations. It focuses on the obstructing behavior of individual members of this international bureaucracy and its potential impact on an operation’s overall performance. It does so by extending Stedman’s spoiler concept to include actors within the peace operations bureaucracy. Subsequently, based on findings from public administration research, a working definition of “bureaucratic spoilers” is developed. In order to demonstrate the empirical relevance of the theoretical concept “spoilers from within,” empirical examples are presented to illustrate the main forms of bureaucratic spoiling in UN peace operations: dissent-shirking, obstruction, and sabotage.

  • Kommunale Sozialpolitik : Handlungsoptionen bei engen Spielräumen ; Expertise im Auftrag der Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung


    Kommunale Sozialpolitik steht vor dem Dilemma steigender Anforderungen (von „oben“ wie „unten“) bei stagnierenden Finanzen und schwindenden Handlungsspielräume. Von „oben“ werden den Kommunen durch die Gesetzgeber neue Aufgaben wie die Kindertagesbetreuung für unter Dreijährige übertragen, „von unten“ treten neue Problemlagen auf die städtische Agenda. Angesichts der Bedeutung der Sozialen Leistungen für die kommunalen Haushalte werden sie jedoch zum vorrangigen Gegenstand kommunaler Konsolidierungsbemühungen und Quelle der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Kommunen, Bund und Ländern. Vielfach wird für die deutschen Kommunen von einer Entwicklung gesprochen, die die kommunalen Handlungsspielräume soweit eingeengt hat, dass abgesehen von der Erfüllung der Pflichtaufgaben (insbesondere nach SGB II, VIII und XII) kein Spielraum mehr für eine eigenständige gestaltende Sozialpolitik bleibt. Städte und Kreise werden aus dieser Perspektive, die man zugespitzt als „Opferthese“ bezeichnen kann, zu reinen „Verwaltern des Elends“.
    Vorliegender Beitrag zu WISO Diskurs beleuchtet die trotz der misslichen Lage vorhandenen Handlungsspielräume und bewertet anhand der Kriterien der Rechtmäßigkeit, Legitimität, Effektivität und Effizienz die unterschiedlichen in der Diskussion angeführten Handlungsoptionen.

  • Breunig, Christian (2014): Content and Dynamics of Legislative Agendas in Germany CHRISTOFFER GREEN-PEDERSEN ..., , ed.. Agenda Setting, Policies, and Political Systems : a Comparative Approach. Chicago, Ill. [u.a.]: University of Chicago Press, 2014, pp. 125-144. ISBN 978-0-226-12827-6

    Content and Dynamics of Legislative Agendas in Germany


    This chapter explores the content and dynamics of the legislative policy agenda in Germany. Even when the policy space is summarized by just seven large policy topics, major ebbs and fl ows of particular policy issues become apparent for the time period between 1977 and 2005. Th is is true for relative large policy areas, such as the economy, as well as small items, such as government operations. In addition, the pace of policy issues varies across topics. For example, law and order slowly emerged on the legislative agenda after the mid-1990s, while environmental concerns rapidly and sporadically burst to the forefront.

  • Engert, Stefan (2014): Confessing the Holocaust : the evolution of German guilt MIHAI, Mihaela, ed. and others. On the uses and abuses of political apologies. Palgrave Macmillan: London [u.a.], 2014, pp. 96-118. ISBN 978-1-137-34371-0

    Confessing the Holocaust : the evolution of German guilt



  • Kunze, Florian; Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich (2014): Age-gender Faultlines and Team Innovation : The Role of Collective and Differentiated Leadership Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014, 2014(1), 12011. ISSN 0065-0668. eISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.12011abstract

    Age-gender Faultlines and Team Innovation : The Role of Collective and Differentiated Leadership


    In this study we investigate if and when age-gender faultlines relate to team innovative performance. Based on social identity, social categorization, and social dominance theory we first hypothesize that team innovative performance is impaired if subgroups of old male members and young female members are formed within a team. In a second step, we apply the theoretical framework of inclusion in diverse teams and propose that both, creating collective belongingness and emphasizing the individual uniqueness of team members are important context factors to reach innovative performance in age-gender faultline teams. Therefore, we hypothesize that collective-focused leadership and differentiated individual- focused leadership, which are tailored toward the two distinct dimensions of the inclusion framework, are useful leadership behaviors for buffering the negative impact of age–gender faultlines on team innovative performance. We test the hypotheses using a sample of 89 research and development (R&D) teams from an automotive company. We find support for the main effect of age–gender faultlines on team innovative performance as well as the context role of differentiated individual-focused leadership, whereas collective-focused leadership turns out to be non-significant as a moderator. These results are discussed in light of their theoretical contributions to the diversity, faultline, and leadership literature, as well as their practical relevance for an increasingly diverse workforce.

  • Kunze, Florian; Raes, Anneloes; Bruch, Heike (2014): Subjective Age in Organizations : Performance Consequences and Antecedents Academy of Management Proceedings. 2014(1), 12006. ISSN 0065-0668. eISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.12006abstract

    Subjective Age in Organizations : Performance Consequences and Antecedents


    This paper extends the knowledge of the concept of subjective age in organizations by exploring organizational-level antecedents and consequences of employees on average feeling younger than their chronological age. We draw from the theories of selection-optimization-compensation and socio- emotional selectivity to build a theoretical framework for subjective age in organizations. We hypothesize that companies in which employees on average perceive themselves to be younger than they actually are have a higher average individual goal accomplishment and in turn experience higher company performance. We further hypothesize that employees’ average experience of high work-related meaning relates to a younger subjective age in organizations. In addition, we assess the role of environmental dynamism and age-inclusive human resource management as moderators in this theoretical model. Through empirically testing this model in a multisource dataset including 107 companies with 15.164 participating employees, we received support for the hypothesized relationships. Our results contribute to current debates in the scientific literature on age and have important practical implications in light of the demographic changes faced by many companies. This research indicates to both audiences that it is not employees’ chronological age but their subjective age, a factor that can be influenced, that drives organizational performance outcomes.

  • Do Voters Join Unions or Do Unions Encourage Voting? : Evidence from the US Using a Latent Factor Potential Outcomes Model


    What is the causal effect of group membership on voter turnout? Extensive research on voting has documented a positive association between membership in groups like unions and participation in elections. But it is widely recognized that existing studies provide limited evidence on whether this reflects a causal relationship or is due to self-selection into union membership. We address this question using panel data from the US, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which allows us to exploit credible strategies to deal with unobserved confounders. Building on recent advances in econometrics, we use a potential outcomes model with matching on both observable and unobservable individual characteristics. Unobservable characteristics are captured using a latent factor structure, which allows for proxies measured with error. We implement the model in a Bayesian framework. We find a clear average treatment effect of union membership. All else equal, union member are 10 percentage points more likely to turn-out on election day. We also find evidence of non-random selection into union membership.

  • Burger, Valentin; Hock, David; Scholtes, Ingo; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Garcia, David; Seufert, Michael (2014): Social Network Analysis in the Enterprise : Challenges and Opportunities ZWEIG, Katharina, ed., Wolfgang NEUSER, ed., Volkmar PIPEK, ed. and others. Socioinformatics : The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT. Cham: Springer, 2014, pp. 95-120. ISBN 978-3-319-09377-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-09378-9_7

    Social Network Analysis in the Enterprise : Challenges and Opportunities


    Enterprise social software tools are increasingly being used to support the communication and collaboration between employees, as well as to facilitate the collaborative organisation of information and knowledge within companies. Not only do these tools help to develop and maintain an efficient social organisation, they also produce massive amounts of fine-grained data on collaborations, communication and other forms of social relationships within an enterprise. In this chapter, we argue that the availability of these data provides unique opportunities to monitor and analyse social structures and their impact on the success and performance of individuals, teams, communities and organisations. We further review methods from the planning, design and optimisation of telecommunication networks and discuss challenges arising when wanting to apply them to optimise the structure of enterprise social networks.

  • Knill, Christoph; Preidel, Caroline; Nebel, Kerstin (2014): Brake Rather Than Barrier : The Impact of the Catholic Church on Morality Policies in Western Europe West European Politics. 2014, 37(5), pp. 845-866. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2014.909170

    Brake Rather Than Barrier : The Impact of the Catholic Church on Morality Policies in Western Europe


    Previous research on morality does not present a clear picture regarding religious effects on abortion and same-sex partnership policies. An examination of the level of permissiveness in the two policy fields across Western European countries reveals that Catholic states do not significantly differ from their Protestant counterparts in terms of policy outputs. Our descriptive analysis of the reform processes in the two fields from 1960 to 2010 shows that Catholicism has no direct impact on morality policy outputs, but may slow down the pace of reforms. The delaying effect, however, is contingent upon the presence of additional conditions. In order to inductively develop theoretical insights into this relationship, particular emphasis is placed on the case of Austria, which was quick to liberalise abortion but a laggard in introducing legal recognition of same-sex couples. The Austrian case reveals that the influence of the Catholic Church may impede reforms so long as institutional and cultural opportunity structures do not promote secular efforts to politicise the issue and build consensus for policy change.

  • Sattler, Thomas; Spilker, Gabriele; Bernauer, Thomas (2014): Does WTO Dispute Settlement Enforce or Inform? British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2014, 44(4), pp. 877-902. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123413000136

    Does WTO Dispute Settlement Enforce or Inform?


    Whereas some researchers emphasize how World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement reduces complexity and clarifies legislation, others argue that dispute rulings promote co-operation by providing an enforcement mechanism. This article identifies empirical implications from these distinct arguments and tests them on WTO disputes from 1995 to 2006. The study's analytical approach combines a three-step coding of dispute escalation with a strategic bargaining model and statistical backwards induction to account for governments’ forward-looking behavior. It finds strong support for the argument that WTO dispute settlement primarily serves as an enforcement device. It finds much less support for the argument that dispute settlement reduces complexity and clarifies trade law. These results suggest that the role of WTO dispute settlement in generating information on acceptable trade policy standards is less relevant than proponents of the complexity argument tend to assume.

  • Sauermann, Jan; Glassmann, Ulrich (2014): Restraining free-riders : The effects of actor types and decision rules in the public goods game Rationality and Society. 2014, 26(3), pp. 290-319. ISSN 1043-4631. eISSN 1461-7358. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1043463114533073

    Restraining free-riders : The effects of actor types and decision rules in the public goods game


    Many experiments comparing individual and group behavior find that groups behave more egoistically than individuals. However, most of these studies do not control for the influence of within-group decision-making rules that might have an important impact on group behavior. In this article, we report findings from laboratory experiments comparing individual and group behavior in a public goods game. We find that rather than cooperation levels differing between individuals and groups per se, the intragroup decision-making rule has an influence on the cooperativeness of groups. Groups decide either by majority or unanimity rule. While groups deciding by majority rule reach roughly the same level of cooperation as individuals, groups deciding by unanimity rule contribute significantly lower amounts to the public good.

  • Grimm, Sonja (2014): Der Friedensprozess in Bosnien und Herzegowina unter Internationaler Aufsicht (1995 bis heute) FROMMELT, Fabian, ed.. Zwangsadministrationen : Legitimierte Fremdverwaltung im historischen Vergleich (17. bis 21. Jahrhundert). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2014, pp. 247-280. Historische Forschungen. 100. ISBN 978-3-428-14229-3

    Der Friedensprozess in Bosnien und Herzegowina unter Internationaler Aufsicht (1995 bis heute)



  • Wolf, Sebastian (2014): Monarchien im Antikorruptionsmonitoring des Europarates Liechtensteinische Juristenzeitung. 2014, 35(2), pp. 24-30. ISSN 1029-1776

    Monarchien im Antikorruptionsmonitoring des Europarates



  • Business and Sustainability : Between Government Pressure and Self-Regulation


    Demands for sustainability policies have set new challenges for business both on the individual firm level and on the level of organized business interests. This edited volume brings together economic, social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of sustainability that comprise different challenges for business processes and activities. The aim is to develop an overarching framework to the study of sustainability and business and to advance an interdisciplinary analytical perspective. The book establishes a balanced account that equally represents business as problem causers as well as problem solvers, and therefore responds to the urgent need to investigate the intersection between sustainability issues and business participation.

  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhüser, Werner (Hrsg.) (2014): Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Schwerpunktheft

    Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Schwerpunktheft



    dc.contributor.editor: Nienhüser, Werner

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2014): Was hat die Banalität des Bösen mit mir zu tun? ROTH, Harald, ed.. Was hat der Holocaust mit mir zu tun? : 37 Antworten. München: Pantheon, 2014, pp. 17-25. ISBN 978-3-570-55203-2

    Was hat die Banalität des Bösen mit mir zu tun?



  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2014): „Und wie fanden Sie es heute Abend?“ : eine empirische Analyse des Zuschauerurteils im Sprechtheater Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen. 2014, 37(4), pp. 253-270. eISSN 0344-9777. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0344-9777-2014-4-253

    „Und wie fanden Sie es heute Abend?“ : eine empirische Analyse des Zuschauerurteils im Sprechtheater


    Der Beitrag untersucht, welche Faktoren die Bewertung eines Theaterbesuchs aus Sicht der Zuschauer bestimmen und mit welchem Gewicht die verschiedenen Faktoren in das Urteil der Besucher einfließen. Konkret zielt der Beitrag auf die Beantwortung der folgenden Fragen:
    1) Welche Rolle spielen die Kernleistung einerseits und die Zusatzleistungen andererseits für die Bewertung eines Theaterbesuches aus Sicht der Zuschauer?

    2) In welchem Maße trägt die unmittelbare (kognitive, emotionale und konative) Reaktion eines Theaterbesuchers auf die Aufführung zu seiner Bewertung eines Theaterbesuches bei?

    Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen einer qualitativen Vorstudie berichten wir die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Untersuchung von 2.795 Besuchern von 44 Aufführungen in 12 Theatern aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum.

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