Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Grohs, Stephan (2013): Der Wandel der Rolle der Kommunen im Staat : welchen Weg geht Europa? BAUER, Hartmut, ed. and others. Starke Kommunen in leistungsfähigen Ländern : der Beitrag von Funktional- und Territorialreformen. Potsdam: Univ.-Verl., 2013, pp. 137-154. KWI-Schriften. 7. ISBN 978-3-86956-242-1

    Der Wandel der Rolle der Kommunen im Staat : welchen Weg geht Europa?



  • Weierstall, Roland; Haer, Roos; Banholzer, Lilli Susanne; Elbert, Thomas (2013): Becoming cruel : appetitive aggression released by detrimental socialisation in former Congolese soldiers International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2013, 37(6), pp. 505-513. ISSN 0165-0254. eISSN 1464-0651. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0165025413499126

    Becoming cruel : appetitive aggression released by detrimental socialisation in former Congolese soldiers


    Appetitive aggression – a rewarding perception of the perpetration of violence – seems to be an adaptation common to adverse conditions. Children raised within armed groups may develop attitudes and values that favour harming others when socialized within a combat force. Combatants who joined an armed force early in their lives should, therefore, perceive aggression in a more appetitive way than those who were recruited later. We interviewed 95 former members of armed groups operating in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Those combatants that were having higher levels of appetitive aggression were those who joined a rebel force earlier in life. Surprisingly, neither the amount of military training nor the amount of time spent in the forces had a significant effect on the level of appetitive aggression. Our results show that when civil socialization is replaced by socialization within an armed group early in life, self-regulation of appetitive aggression may become deficient, leading to a higher propensity towards cruelty.

  • Cranmer, Mirjam; Cranmer, Skyler J. (2013): The impact of Hispanic and white group cues on attitudes towards the violation of generic norms PloS one. 2013, 8(12), e83154. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083154

    The impact of Hispanic and white group cues on attitudes towards the violation of generic norms


    While much work in political science has examined the impact of racial cues on individual perceptions, we know little about how individuals evaluate members of minority outgroups on issues that are not linked to stereotypes. We measure the impacts of Hispanic and White cues on individual assessments related to a stereotype-independent norm violation: alcoholism. We test three competing theories--cognition, intergroup emotions, and social identity--using a population-based vignette experiment included in the General Social Survey. Our results contradict much of the literature, but keep with social identity theory's predictions. Hispanic alcoholics, when Hispanics constitute the outgroup, are assessed less negatively than White alcoholics in the ingroup, the latter experiencing what is called the black sheep effect. The black sheep effect occurs when ingroup members are more punitive towards members of the ingroup than the outgroup. However, the black sheep effect does not extend to measures that are more consistent with outgroup stereotypes, such as violence or money mismanagement; Hispanic alcoholics are evaluated more negatively than Whites on these measures. The implication is that the effect of racial cues depends strongly on issue linkages to group stereotypes.

  • Mader, Matthias (2013): Alles eine Frage des Blickwinkels? : Framing-Effekte und Bevölkerungsurteile über einen möglichen Bundeswehreinsatz in Libyen Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. Nomos. 2013(1), pp. 5-34. ISSN 0946-7165. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0946-7165-2013-1-5

    Alles eine Frage des Blickwinkels? : Framing-Effekte und Bevölkerungsurteile über einen möglichen Bundeswehreinsatz in Libyen


    Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob in Deutschland trotz antimilitaristischer Grundhaltungen öffentliche Unterstützung zu militärischen Auslandseinsätzen durch Kommunikationsstrategien erzeugt werden kann. Am Fall des im Jahr 2011 kurzzeitig diskutierten Bundeswehreinsatzes in Libyen wird mit einem Umfrageexperiment untersucht, ob sich Bewertungen seitens der Bevölkerung verändern, wenn dessen militärischer Charakter oder dessen humanitäre Zielsetzung betont werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die öffentliche Zustimmung unverändert bleibt, wenn auf die Gefahr militärischer Auseinandersetzungen verwiesen wird. Wird dagegen die humanitäre Zielsetzung in den Vordergrund gerückt, erhöht sich die Zustimmung substanziell. Diese Verschiebung ist bei jenen Bürgern besonders groß, die eine aktive deutsche Außenpolitik befürworten und sich dem linken politischen Lager zuordnen.

  • European Union as a blueprint? : Nine Hypotheses on differentiated integration in a comparative perspective



  • Euchner, Eva-Maria; Heichel, Stephan; Nebel, Kerstin; Raschzok, Andreas (2013): From 'morality' policy to 'normal' policy : framing of drug consumption and gambling in Germany and the Netherlands and their regulatory consequences Journal of European Public Policy. 2013, 20(3), pp. 372-389. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2013.761506

    From 'morality' policy to 'normal' policy : framing of drug consumption and gambling in Germany and the Netherlands and their regulatory consequences


    Drug consumption and gambling are regarded as morality policies, especially in the American literature. Both are perceived as sinful and treated accordingly. This highly generalized assessment is rarely analysed systematically in a non-American context. Therefore, we investigate whether these policies are indeed framed morally and if this framing is stable over time in two European countries. Next, we analyse whether shifts in morality framing have consequences for regulation. In this way,we contribute to the literature on morality policies, particularly the ways in which these policies are defined and empirically identified. We identify morality policies based on how actors frame issues rather than by policies' substantive content. We show that the morality framing was once prominent but has lost its importance over time, and we find a close connection between frame shifts and policy output, although this is not a uniform development and does not characterize all cases.

    Forschungszusammenhang (Projekte)

  • Jochem, Sven (2013): Entzauberung der Demokratie - Theorien der Postdemokratie im Vergleich ARMINGEON, Klaus, ed.. Staatstätigkeiten, Parteien und Demokratie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 445-456. ISBN 978-3-658-01852-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-01853-5_26

    Entzauberung der Demokratie - Theorien der Postdemokratie im Vergleich


    Demokratien sind weltweit auf dem Siegeszug. Nur wenige Staaten meiden gegenwärtig eine explizite demokratische Selbstbeschreibung.

  • Reinhard, Janine; Biesenbender, Jan; Holzinger, Katharina (2013): Do arguments matter? : argumentation and negotiation success at the 1997 Amsterdam Intergovernmental Conference European Political Science Review. 2013, 6(02), pp. 283-307. ISSN 1755-7739. eISSN 1755-7747. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S1755773913000064

    Do arguments matter? : argumentation and negotiation success at the 1997 Amsterdam Intergovernmental Conference


    It is widely debated in studies of international negotiations why certain negotiators are more successful than others. Institutionalist and rationalist approaches claim that institutions and negotiators’ resources largely explain the outcome of negotiations,whereas constructivist approaches stress the importance of shared norms and values. The article asks to what extent the use of normative arguments explains negotiation success in EU treaty negotiations. We apply our approach to the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Amsterdam. We first define normative arguments as justifications for positions that refer to common norms and develop a concept of common values for EU constitutional negotiations. Second, we assess to what degree governments justify their positions by normative arguments using an automated analysis of position papers. Finally, we ask if such justifications increase success in negotiations. The results of our statistical models show that arguing affects negotiation success significantly and positively.

  • Becher, Michael; Donnelly, Michael (2013): Economic Performance, Individual Evaluations, and the Vote : Investigating the Causal Mechanism The Journal of Politics. 2013, 75(04), pp. 968-979. ISSN 0022-3816. eISSN 1468-2508. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0022381613000959

    Economic Performance, Individual Evaluations, and the Vote : Investigating the Causal Mechanism


    While there are many studies on the impact of the economy on elections, there is little evidence on the full mechanism of economic voting implied by performance-based theories of elections. Addressing the scarcity of evidence on the mechanism, this study provides the first estimates of the linkage between macroeconomic performance, individual economic evaluations, and vote choice. Building on recent advances in the statistical analysis of causal mechanisms, we conduct a causal mediation analysis in a data set covering 151 surveys in 18 countries. We find that the effect of economic performance on the incumbent vote is largely accounted for by voters’ retrospective evaluations of the national economy. The effect is stronger in contexts where policymaking power is concentrated rather than dispersed. Altogether, the results imply that the performance-based channel of voting is more relevant in accounting for election outcomes than suggested by recent individual-level studies.

  • Managing peacebuilding : strategic management, organizational performance and the outcome of post-conflict police reform in Kosovo and Afghanistan



  • Shaping conflict and perceptions : the influence of political institutions on ethnicity in Africa



  • Bauer, Michael W.; Ege, Jörn (2013): Commission Civil Servants and Politics : De-Politicised Bureaucrats in an Increasingly Political Organisation NEUHOLD, Christine, ed., Sophie VANHOONACKER, ed., Luc VERHEY, ed.. Civil servants and politics : a delicate balance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 173-204. ISBN 978-0-230-30483-3

    Commission Civil Servants and Politics : De-Politicised Bureaucrats in an Increasingly Political Organisation



  • Leifeld, Philip (2013): texreg : Conversion of Statistical Model Output in R to LaTeX and HTML Tables Journal of Statistical Software. 2013, 55(8), pp. 1-24. eISSN 1548-7660. Available under: doi: 10.18637/jss.v055.i08

    texreg : Conversion of Statistical Model Output in R to LaTeX and HTML Tables


    A recurrent task in applied statistics is the (mostly manual) preparation of model output for inclusion in LaTeX, Microsoft Word, or HTML documents – usually with more than one model presented in a single table along with several goodness-of-fit statistics. However, statistical models in R have diverse object structures and summary methods, which makes this process cumbersome. This article first develops a set of guidelines for converting statistical model output to LaTeX and HTML tables, then assesses to what extent existing packages meet these requirements, and finally presents the texreg package as a solution that meets all of the criteria set out in the beginning. After providing various usage examples, a blueprint for writing custom model extensions is proposed.

  • Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag : eine Analyse über Karrierewege und ihre Auswirkungen


    Die hier dargestellte Studie erforscht politische Seiteneinsteiger im Deutschen Bundestag. Von Seiteneinsteigern, die nicht die klassische Parteiochsentour absolvierten, um an ihr Mandat zu gelangen, erhofft man sich berufliche und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven, die von denen der Berufspolitiker abweichen. Dies vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmenden Politikverdrossenheit, die zum Teil auf Berufspolitiker und deren mangelnde Erfahrung in Wirtschaft und gesellschaftlichem Leben zurückgeführt werden. In einem ersten Schritt identifizierten wir Seiteneinsteiger im Bundestag als Gruppe; in einem zweiten Schritt beleuchteten wir ihre Arbeitsweise, Einstellungen und ihre Herausforderungen näher.

  • Welz, Martin (2013): From Non-Interference towards Non-Indifference : An Ongoing Paradigm Shift in the African Union? ENGEL, Ulf, ed. and others. Towards an African peace and security Regime : continental embeddedness, transnational linkages, strategic relevance. Farnham [u.a.]: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 31-52. ISBN 978-0-7546-7604-1

    From Non-Interference towards Non-Indifference : An Ongoing Paradigm Shift in the African Union?



  • Rudolph, Lukas (2013): Federalism in South Asia and beyond : An introduction to models, best practices and new challenges HEGEMER, Christian J., ed., Hanns BÜHLER, ed.. Federalism in Asia and beyond : The Wildbad Kreuth Federalism Days 2012 : Models, Best Practices and New Challenges. München: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2013, pp. 17-36. ISBN 978-3-88795-439-0

    Federalism in South Asia and beyond : An introduction to models, best practices and new challenges



  • Gebert, Diether; Boerner, Sabine; Kearney, Eric; King, James E.; Zhang, Kai; Song, Lynda Jiwen (2013): Expressing religious identities in the workplace : Analyzing a neglected diversity dimension Human Relations. 2013, 67(5), pp. 543-563. ISSN 0018-7267. eISSN 1741-282X. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0018726713496830

    Expressing religious identities in the workplace : Analyzing a neglected diversity dimension


    Responding to Jackson and Joshi’s (2011) call for specific models of the effects of particular diversity types and against the backdrop of the rising desire for the public expression of religious identities in the workplace (Hicks, 2003), we develop a framework that systematically explores when and how the expression of diverse religious identities induces relational conflicts in organizational units. In developing this framework, we integrate the respective literatures on religion studies (e.g. Hicks, 2003), identity-disclosure (e.g. Ragins, 2008) and diversity within organizational groups (Jackson and Joshi, 2011). Our framework specifies three paths whereby the public expression of diverse religious identities can engender relational conflicts. As mediators, we discuss perceivers’ attribution of proselytism and religious discrimination, as well as identity threats. Moreover, we examine the moderating roles of actors’ and perceivers’ religious fundamentalism, perceivers’ religious identity salience and minority members’ attribution of majority members’ religious hegemonial claims. At the theoretical level, we delineate particularities of religious identity diversity that distinguish this diversity type from other deep-level diversity attributes. Concerning practical implications, we argue that it is important to not only foster self-expression, but also to be cognizant of the risks that the public expression of religious identities entails.

  • Rölle, Daniel (2013): Einstellungen der Bürger gegenüber dem Deutschen Bundestag und dem Europäischen Parlament EBERBACH-BORN, Birgit, ed., Sabine KROPP, ed., Andrej STUCHLIK, ed., Wolfgang ZEH, ed.. Parlamentarische Kontrolle und Europäische Union :. 1. Auflage. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2013, pp. 227-252. Studien zum Parlamentarismus. 19. ISBN 978-3-8487-0361-6. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845246758-227

    Einstellungen der Bürger gegenüber dem Deutschen Bundestag und dem Europäischen Parlament



  • Weiffen, Brigitte; Wehner, Leslie; Nolte, Detlef (2013): Overlapping security institutions in South America : The case of OAS and UNASUR International Area Studies Review. 2013, 16(4), pp. 370-389. ISSN 2233-8659. eISSN 2049-1123. Available under: doi: 10.1177/2233865913503466

    Overlapping security institutions in South America : The case of OAS and UNASUR


    The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has positioned itself as a regional security organization aimed at reducing the influence of the Organization of American States (OAS) in South America. At the same time, the OAS paradoxically serves as a model for UNASUR because of its operational capacity and its legitimacy as a regional organization. This article analyzes the seemingly contradictory tendencies of replication and dissociation that UNASUR exhibits towards the OAS in terms of security conceptions and practices. In the first part of the paper, we will draw on recent debates on international regime complexity to develop a framework to study institutional overlap. The second part analyzes to what extent and in which respects UNASUR, and particularly its Defense Council, overlaps with the OAS in terms of security conceptions and practices, while the third part examines the causes of the emergence of a “competitor” for the OAS in South America.

  • Debus, Marc; Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale (2013): Registration Fees for Same-Sex Unions, Local Party Politics and Societal Demand Local Government Studies. 2013, 39(6), pp. 756-776. ISSN 0300-3930. eISSN 1743-9388. Available under: doi: 10.1080/03003930.2013.767798

    Registration Fees for Same-Sex Unions, Local Party Politics and Societal Demand


    This article addresses registration fees for same-sex unions and the number of registered gay couples in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. In contrast to the other 15 German states, in Baden-Württemberg each administrative district decides independently about the level of registration fees. Consequently, there is not only considerable variation of the number of registered gay couples across the individual administrative units, but also among the registration fees, which we seek to explain by relying on theories of public administration, policy analysis and political economy. Our findings show that the varying levels of registration fees for same-sex unions are primarily determined by the preferences of parties in the regional legislative committees. In this way, we can demonstrate that the definition of registration fees is politicised, which contradicts the legal principles of equivalency and cost recovery.

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