Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
20 / 4358
  • Libyen, das Prinzip der Schutzverantwortung und Deutschlands Stimmenthaltung im UN-Sicherheitsrat bei der Abstimmung über Resolution 1973 am 17. März 2011



  • Behnke, Nathalie (2013): Federalization and minority accommodation ALBERTO LÓPEZ BASAGUREN, , ed. and others. The ways of federalism in western countries and the horizons of territorial autonomy in Spain ; Bd 2. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2013, pp. 459-470. ISBN 978-3-642-27716-0

    Federalization and minority accommodation



  • Keller, Berndt (2013): Sind Gewerkschaftszusammenschlüsse die Lösung oder das Problem? : Das Beispiel der Bahn RÜB, Stefan, ed. and others. Arbeitsbeziehungen im Prozess der Globalisierung und Europäischen Integration : ökonomische und soziale Herausforderungen im Zeichen der Euro-Krise ; Festschrift für Hans-Wolfgang Platzer. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013, pp. 151-170. Schriften zur europäischen Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik. 13. ISBN 978-3-8487-0987-8

    Sind Gewerkschaftszusammenschlüsse die Lösung oder das Problem? : Das Beispiel der Bahn



  • Selb, Peter; Herrmann, Michael; Munzert, Simon; Schübel, Thomas; Shikano, Susumu (2013): Forecasting runoff elections using candidate evaluations from first round exit polls International Journal of Forecasting. 2013, 29(4), pp. 541-547. ISSN 0169-2070. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2013.02.001

    Forecasting runoff elections using candidate evaluations from first round exit polls


    We draw attention to a simple yet underappreciated way of forecasting the outcomes of elections involving two rounds of voting: surveying the voters’ candidate evaluations in first round exit polls, poststratifying the sample proportions of reported votes to official first round election returns, and redistributing the votes for eliminated competitors according to their supporters’ lower-order preferences among the viable alternatives in round two. We argue that the approach is likely to outperform standard pre-election surveys, due to its better coverage and reduced measurement error, and the possibility of correcting for sample selection. We set out the practical details of the method and demonstrate its usefulness by employing a recent German mayoral election as an empirical case. Thirteen candidates were competing in the first round, while there were six candidates in the decisive second round. The runoff result was forecast two weeks in advance with an average absolute error of less than one percentage point.

  • Nome, Martin Austvoll; Weidmann, Nils B. (2013): Conflict diffusion via social identities : entrepreneurship and adaption CHECKEL, Jeffrey T., ed. and others. Transnational Dynamics of Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 173-204. ISBN 978-1-107-02553-0. Available under: doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139179089.010

    Conflict diffusion via social identities : entrepreneurship and adaption



    dc.contributor.author: Nome, Martin Austvoll

  • Dobbins, Michael (2013): Divergente Europäisierung? : Eine Analyse der Reformen der Hochschulsteuerung in Frankreich und Italien AMOS, Karin, ed. and others. Europäischer Bildungsraum : Europäisierungsprozesse in Bildungspolitik und Bildungspraxis. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013, pp. 63-92. Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. 12. ISBN 978-3-8487-0841-3. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845250267-63

    Divergente Europäisierung? : Eine Analyse der Reformen der Hochschulsteuerung in Frankreich und Italien



  • Supranational administrative acts and judicial review in the Eu's state aid regime



  • Pospieszna, Paulina; Schneider, Gerald (2013): The Illusion of 'Peace Through Power-Sharing' : Constitutional Choice in the Shadow of Civil War Civil Wars. 2013, 15(sup1), pp. 44-70. ISSN 1369-8249. eISSN 1743-968X. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13698249.2013.850877

    The Illusion of 'Peace Through Power-Sharing' : Constitutional Choice in the Shadow of Civil War


    Conflict managers around the world cling to the hope that power-sharing decreases the risk of civil war in post-conflict societies. Distinguishing between territorial and governmental conflicts, we analyse the origin and effectiveness of power-sharing institutions (PSI) and power-sharing arrangements (PSA). Our examination reveals that power-sharing is largely a consequence of the institutional legacy and of the war outcome. While PSI such as proportional representation or federalism cannot prevent a war from recurring, PSA in the form of grand coalitions reduces this risk marginally. However, granting autonomy to a rebellious region increases the danger that the relationship with the government turns violent again. Our results suggest that constitution makers should advocate power-sharing with caution.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2013): Fachkräftequalifizierung im Kontext von Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystemen Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis : BWP. 2013, 42(5), pp. 6-10. ISSN 0341-4515

    Fachkräftequalifizierung im Kontext von Bildungs- und Beschäftigungssystemen



  • Dynamics in EU policy-making : The liberalization of the European gas market


    The liberalization of the European gas market has become a long-lasting project for the European Union that has spanned over twenty years. Along the road there have been periods of gridlock in negotiations and unexpected concessions, which significantly differ from the initial positions of some powerful member states. These developments gave inspiration to many scientific studies and sparked a vivid academic debate along the lines of the general questions of the European integration literature. The majority of explanations concentrate either on the core interests of the powerful member states, the industrial lobbyists or the European Commission. By concentrating on a specific group of actors or a short period of time these explanations often overlook the dynamics behind the overall process.

    This thesis strives to close this research gap by depicting the overall dynamics and the interactions between different actors involved in the liberalization of the European gas market. It thus offers explanations of policy change and policy stability within the developments of the European gas market. The theoretical framework is developed based on the premises of Rational Choice and by combining assumptions from European Integration Theories and Policy Change Theories. The data problems are overcome by combining the insights from the agent-based simulations, qualitative and quantitative data analyses, hereby applying a mixed method research strategy. The agent-based simulations depict the process of policy making as a result of network formation and changing dynamics of actors’ choices. Such a model has not been developed in this set up so far. The qualitative analysis illustrates the debates surrounding major gas directives with the help of the discourse network analyzer. The quantitative analysis uses a new operationalization of policy change to systematically analyze the influences of different explanatory variables. The results indicate that decisive for the observed policy changes were the growing power of the Commission and contra-intuitively the enlargements of the European Union.

  • Eisenbeiß, Silke Astrid; Boerner, Sabine (2013): A Double-edged Sword : Transformational Leadership and Individual Creativity British Journal of Management. 2013, 24(1), pp. 54-68. ISSN 1045-3172. eISSN 1467-8551. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2011.00786.x

    A Double-edged Sword : Transformational Leadership and Individual Creativity


    Leadership research has focused on the positive effects of transformational and charismatic leadership but has neglected the negative side effects. Addressing this gap, we analyzed followers' dependency on the leader as a relevant negative side effect in the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' creativity and developed an integrative framework on parallel positive and negative effects of transformational leadership. As expected, results from a study with 416 R&D employees showed that transformational leadership promotes followers' creativity but at the same time increases followers' dependency which in turn reduces their creativity. This negative indirect effect attenuated the positive influence of transformational leadership on followers' creativity.

  • Benner, Thorsten; Eckhard, Steffen; Rotmann, Philipp (2013): Learning in international organizations REINALDA, Bob, ed.. Routledge handbook of international organization. London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 361-373. ISBN 978-0-415-50143-9

    Learning in international organizations



    dc.contributor.author: Rotmann, Philipp

  • Schneider, Volker; Wagemann, Claudius; Janning, Frank (2013): Methods and study types in German policy analysis BLUM, Sonja, ed. and others. Policy analysis in Germany. Bristol [u.a.]: Policy Press, 2013, pp. 59-74. ISBN 978-1-4473-0625-2

    Methods and study types in German policy analysis



    dc.contributor.author: Wagemann, Claudius

  • Wegenast, Tim (2013): Opening Pandora's box? : Inclusive institutions and the onset of internal conflict in oil-rich countries International Political Science Review. 2013, 34(4), pp. 392-410. ISSN 0192-5121. eISSN 1460-373X. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0192512112467214

    Opening Pandora's box? : Inclusive institutions and the onset of internal conflict in oil-rich countries


    The literature on institutional determinants of intra-state violence commonly asserts that the presence of multiple political parties reduces the conflict potential within countries. By co-opting oppositional groups into an institutionalized political arena, dissidents would prefer parliamentary means over violent rebellion in order to pursue their goals. The present article shows that this proposition does not necessarily hold true for resource-abundant states. In the presence of vast natural resources such as oil, countries exhibiting numerous non-competitive parties are actually more susceptible to internal conflict. Logit models that employ different estimation techniques and alternative operationalizations are shown to corroborate the proposed claim.

  • Praxishandbuch Soziale Medien in der öffentlichen Verwaltung


    Soziale Medien werden immer häufiger in der öffentlichen Verwaltung eingesetzt und sind zu einem wichtigen Kommunikationsmittel von Behördenvertretern wie auch Politikern geworden. Zu den prominentesten Beispielen gehören die Nutzung von Facebook als Städteplattformen, Twitter als Kurznachrichtendienst, um Informationen schnell an die Follower zu verteilen, aber auch weniger bekannte Plattformen, wie zum Beispiel Wikis oder Blogs, die dazu genutzt werden, Bürgervorschläge zu sammeln und transparente Beteiligungsprozesse zu gestalten.​ Das Buch stellt Strategien für eine gelungene Online-Kommunikation vor und führt in die rechtlichen sowie organisatorischen Grundlagen ein.

  • Klüver, Heike (2013): Lobbying as a collective enterprise : Winners and losers of policy formulation in the European Union Journal of European Public Policy. 2013, 20(1), pp. 59-76. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2012.699661

    Lobbying as a collective enterprise : Winners and losers of policy formulation in the European Union


    Why does lobbying success in the European Union (EU) vary across interest groups? Even though this question is central to the study of EU policy-making, only few have dealt with it. The small number of existing studies is moreover characterized by a multitude of hypotheses and contradictory findings. This article aims to overcome these shortcomings by presenting a theoretical exchange model that identifies information supply, citizen support and economic power of entire lobbying camps as the major determinants of lobbying success. The hypotheses are empirically evaluated based on a large new dataset. By combining a quantitative text analysis of interest group submissions to Commission consultations with an online survey among interest groups, the theoretical expectations are tested across a large number of policy issues and interest groups while controlling for individual interest group and issue characteristics. The empirical analysis confirms the theoretical expectations indicating that lobbying is a collective enterprise.

  • Otto, Sabine (2013): Coding one-sided violence from media reports Cooperation and Conflict. 2013, 48(4), pp. 556-566. ISSN 0010-8367. eISSN 1460-3691. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0010836713507668

    Coding one-sided violence from media reports


    Event datasets on political violence, which are comprised of coded collected news reports, have enjoyed a renaissance within the academic community. The inclusion of civilian fatalities within these datasets is a promising and welcomed advancement regarding the availability of data on one-sided violence. However, these datasets are often criticised due to their heavy reliance on media records, which may be tainted by biases. So far, little attention has been paid to the specific problems that arise in the coding procedure with respect to one-sided violence. This article addresses such difficulties by discussing particular challenges presented by media biases and by providing empirical evidence from coding one-sided violence. Furthermore, solutions and strategies are offered to the issues that could affect the coding process, including increased transparency, definition-adaptation, and the use of appropriate statistical models.

  • Kunze, Florian (2013): Werte der Digital Natives : Führungs- und Anreizsysteme angemessen ausgestalten Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation : ZfO. 2013, 82(4), pp. 232-236. ISSN 0722-7485

    Werte der Digital Natives : Führungs- und Anreizsysteme angemessen ausgestalten


    Haben die Digital Natives andere Wertvorstellungen und Präferenzen als die übrigen generationalen Gruppen in der Arbeitswelt? Eine Befragung von Mitarbeitenden eines Automobilzulieferers liefert erste Antworten. Der Beitrag leitet daraus Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung von Führungs- und Anreizsystemen sowie die Führungsbeziehungen unterschiedlicher generationaler Gruppen am Arbeitsplatz ab.

  • Garcia, David; Tanase, Dorian (2013): Measuring Cultural Dynamics Through the Eurovision Song Contest Advances in Complex Systems. World Scientific Publishing. 2013, 16(8), 1350037. ISSN 1294-8535. eISSN 0219-5259. Available under: doi: 10.1142/S0219525913500379

    Measuring Cultural Dynamics Through the Eurovision Song Contest


    Measuring culture and its dynamics through surveys has important limitations, but the emerging field of computational social science allows us to overcome them by analyzing large-scale datasets. In this article, we study cultural dynamics through the votes in the Eurovision song contest, which are decided by a crowd-based scheme in which viewers vote through mobile phone messages. Taking into account asymmetries and imperfect perception of culture, we measure cultural relations among European countries in terms of cultural affinity. We propose the Friend-or-Foe coefficient, a metric to measure voting biases among participants of a Eurovision contest. We validate how this metric represents cultural affinity through its relation with known cultural distances, and through numerical analysis of biased Eurovision contests. We apply this metric to the historical set of Eurovision contests from 1975 to 2012, finding new patterns of stronger modularity than using votes alone. Furthermore, we define a measure of polarization that, when applied to empirical data, shows a sharp increase within EU countries during 2010 and 2011. We empirically validate the relation between this polarization and economic indicators in the EU, showing how political decisions influence both the economy and the way citizens relate to the culture of other EU members.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Franzmann, Simon T.; Garritzmann, Julian L. (2013): Who owns education? : Cleavage structures in the partisan competition over educational expansion West European Politics. 2013, 36(3), pp. 521-546. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2012.753703

    Who owns education? : Cleavage structures in the partisan competition over educational expansion


    The literature on the partisan foundations of education policies leads to ambiguous expectations with regard to the predominant cleavage structures in party competition on this topic. There is disagreement as to whether leftist or rightist parties are responsible for increasing spending on education, while others claim that educational expansion has become a consensual topic. This paper analyses the cleavage structure of party competition over the topic of educational expansion, relying on data from the Comparative Manifesto Project. It identifies political parties as ‘issue-owners’ and ‘issue-ignorers’, respectively, and finds considerable variation with regard to cleavage structures of party competition between countries and across time. One tentative conclusion from the analysis is that policy legacies play an important role in shaping cleavage structures.

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