Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Baute, Sharon; Levecque, Katia; Van Rossem, Ronan; Bracke, Piet (2013): Genderverschillen in professioneel zorggebruik in 25 Europese landen : Een onderzoek naar de impact van medicaliseringsattitudes en genderstratificatie Mens & Maatschappij. Amsterdam University Press. 2013, 88(1), pp. 33-62. ISSN 0025-9454. eISSN 1876-2816. Available under: doi: 10.5117/MEM2013.1.BAUT

    Genderverschillen in professioneel zorggebruik in 25 Europese landen : Een onderzoek naar de impact van medicaliseringsattitudes en genderstratificatie


    In this paper we investigate the impact of gender stratification on the gender gap in both medicalisation attitudes and professional health care use. Furthermore, we examine to what extent medicalisation attitudes explain the gender gap in professional health care use. Using data from the second wave of the European Social Survey (N = 42028), we find that women report more positive attitudes towards medicalisation than men, explaining a small part of the gender gap in professional health care use. No association was observed between gender stratification and the gender gap in medicalisation attitudes or health care use. However, respondents living in societies characterized by a lower level of gender stratification, position themselves more independently towards physicians, while they use professional health care more frequently.

  • Calca, Patricia (2013): Acreditar e não acreditar : A religião como instituição social e de clivagem SERRANO, Maria Manuel, ed.. Um retrato das Instituições Sociais na Sociedade Contemporânea. Évora: Departamento de Sociologia da Escola de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Évora, 2013. ISBN 9789899653238

    Acreditar e não acreditar : A religião como instituição social e de clivagem



  • Wolf, Sebastian (2013): Political Corruption as a Regulatory Problem in Germany German Law Journal. 2013, 14(9), pp. 1627-1638. ISSN 2071-8322

    Political Corruption as a Regulatory Problem in Germany



  • Keller, Berndt (2013): The public sector in the United States and Germany : Comparative aspects in an employment relations perspective Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal. 2013, 34(2), pp. 415-441. ISSN 1095-6654

    The public sector in the United States and Germany : Comparative aspects in an employment relations perspective



  • Linhart, Eric; Shikano, Susumu (2013): Parteienwettbewerb und Regierungsbildung bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 : Schwarz-Gelb als Wunschkoalition ohne gemeinsame Marschrichtung? WESSELS, Bernhard, ed., Harald SCHOEN, ed., Oscar W. GABRIEL, ed.. Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2009. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2013, pp. 426-451. ISBN 978-3-658-01327-1

    Parteienwettbewerb und Regierungsbildung bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 : Schwarz-Gelb als Wunschkoalition ohne gemeinsame Marschrichtung?



    dc.contributor.author: Linhart, Eric

  • Mergel, Ines (2013): Designing a social media strategy to fulfill your agency's mission The Public Manager. 2013, 42(1), pp. 26-29. ISSN 1061-7639

    Designing a social media strategy to fulfill your agency's mission


    Social media applications have become acceptable communication and interaction channels in the public sector. Driven by online behavior of citizens, available social networking platforms, and the governments' need to become more participatory, transparent, and collaborative, public managers must design a social media strategy that helps to fulfill the mission of their organization.Social media applications have become acceptable communication and interaction channels in the public sector. Driven by online behavior of citizens, available social networking platforms, and the governments' need to become more participatory, transparent, and collaborative, public managers must design a social media strategy that helps to fulfill the mission of their organization. Social media applications have become the newest wave of e-government and are making government Web sites more interactive and engaging. Tools such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and photo- and video-sharing sites have become accepted communication channels in the public sector. The most important driver for social media use in the public sector should be the existing organizational mission and communication strategy of the agency. The organizational goals and objectives drive the extent and types of social media tools an agency should add to the already existing communication channels.

  • Scharpf, Adam; Schneider, Gerald; Nöh, Anna; Clauset, Aaron (2013): Die Blutspur des Vetos : Eine Prognose zur Gefahr von extremen Massakern in Syrien Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. 2013, 2(1), pp. 6-31. ISSN 2192-1741

    Die Blutspur des Vetos : Eine Prognose zur Gefahr von extremen Massakern in Syrien


    Dank größerer Datenfülle und verbesserter Schätzverfahren ist es für die Konfliktforschung mittlerweile möglich, das Risiko von Kriegen oder terroristischen Ereignissen recht präzise zu schätzen. Doch wie bei der Prognose von besonders heftigen Erdbeben ist die Vorhersage von extrem blutigen Ereignissen in andauernden Konflikten bis anhin schwer gefallen. Dieser Artikel berichtet, wie sich mit den Potenzgesetzen extreme Massaker gegenüber der Zivilbevölkerung ex post und ex ante prognostizieren lassen. Die verwendete Power Law-Verteilung beruht auf der Beobachtung, dass besonders massive Gewaltereignisse von gängigen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen wie der Normalverteilung unterschätzt werden. Nach unseren Berechnungen liegt die Wahrscheinlichkeit von mindestens einem Massaker mit 250 oder mehr zivilen Opfern in Syrien bis Ende Februar bei rund 80% (60% - 94%) und zwischen März und Mai 2013 bei bis zu 48%. Wir diskutieren die moralischen und praktischen Implikationen solcher Befunde und argumentieren, dass Prognosen den Entscheidungsträgern eine transparente Risikoeinschätzung bieten können.

  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2013): Die Bewertung eines Theaterbesuchs aus Zuschauerperspektive : eine empirische Analyse zum Einfluss persönlicher Merkmale BEKMEIER-FEUERHAHN, Sigrid, ed. and others. Die Kunst des Möglichen - Management mit Kunst. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013, pp. 191-222. Jahrbuch für Kulturmanagement …. 2013. ISBN 978-3-8376-2688-9

    Die Bewertung eines Theaterbesuchs aus Zuschauerperspektive : eine empirische Analyse zum Einfluss persönlicher Merkmale



  • Weibel, Antoinette; Six, Frederique (2013): Trust and control : the role of intrinsic motivation BACHMANN, Reinhard, ed. and others. Handbook of advances in trust research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 57-81. ISBN 978-0-85793-137-5

    Trust and control : the role of intrinsic motivation



    dc.contributor.author: Six, Frederique

  • Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale (2013): Europeanization of national administrations in the Czech Republic and Poland : assessing the extent of institutional change DRORI, Gili S., ed., Markus HÖLLERER, ed., Peter WALGENBACH, ed.. Global themes and local variations in organization and management : perspectives on glocalization. New York [u.a.]: Routledge, 2013, pp. 264-277. ISBN 978-0-415-80760-9

    Europeanization of national administrations in the Czech Republic and Poland : assessing the extent of institutional change



  • Asian Societies and Climate Change : The Variable Diffusion of Global Norms


    Through the promulgation of science, norms and rules about climate change, the United Nations has been trying to build a global community of agreement, concern and action. This essay compares the changing response of five Asian societies, namely, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to the emerging UN global climate change community. Data comes from the content analysis of Asian newspapers from 1997 to 2010, with a special focus on 2007-8. The global average and the Asian societies paid increasing attention to climate change, but only episodic focus to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The relatively low level paid by Taiwan indicates the positive effect of membership in the UN system on global climate change coverage. The Asian societies framed climate change in different ways, indicating the effect of divergent domestic factors with data from the international project Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks (Compon).

  • Kunze, Florian; Boehm, Stephan A. (2013): Research on age diversity in the workforce : current trends and future research directions FIELD, John, ed. and others. The SAGE handbook of aging, work and society. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: Sage Publ., 2013, pp. 41-59. ISBN 978-1-4462-0782-6. Available under: doi: 10.4135/9781446269916.n3

    Research on age diversity in the workforce : current trends and future research directions



    dc.contributor.author: Boehm, Stephan A.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2013): Bribe and cheat to get a doctoral degree in Germany? SWEENEY, Gareth, ed. and others. Global Corruption Report : education ; transparency international. London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 178-184. ISBN 978-0-415-53544-1

    Bribe and cheat to get a doctoral degree in Germany?



  • Grohs, Stephan; Reiter, Renate (2013): Kommunale Sozialpolitik in der Haushaltskrise : Handlungsfelder und Handlungsstrategien HAUS, Michael, ed., Sabine KUHLMANN, ed.. Lokale Politik und Verwaltung im Zeichen der Krise?. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 196-214. ISBN 978-3-531-18640-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19160-7_11

    Kommunale Sozialpolitik in der Haushaltskrise : Handlungsfelder und Handlungsstrategien



    dc.contributor.author: Reiter, Renate

  • Jungherr, Andreas (2013): Digitale Werkzeuge als Teil der Infrastruktur politischer Kampagnen ROGGENKAMP, Klas, ed., Sebastian SCHMIDTSDORF, ed.. #BTW13 : Bundestagswahl 2013 – Themen, Tools, Wahlkampf. Berlin: polisphere e.V., 2013, pp. 142-145. ISBN 978-3-938456-76-7

    Digitale Werkzeuge als Teil der Infrastruktur politischer Kampagnen



  • Selb, Peter; Munzert, Simon (2013): Voter overrepresentation, vote misreporting, and turnout bias in postelection surveys Electoral Studies. 2013, 32(1), pp. 186-196. ISSN 0261-3794. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2012.11.004

    Voter overrepresentation, vote misreporting, and turnout bias in postelection surveys


    Figures from postelection surveys often grossly overestimate election turnout. Two distinct phenomena are responsible for this gap: overrepresentation of actual voters and vote misreporting by actual nonvoters among survey respondents. Previous accounts of turnout bias are inconclusive in that they either focus on a single component, or fail to separate between the two. In this paper, we formally decompose turnout bias in election surveys into its constituent parts, assess their empirical prevalence and heterogeneity using an extensive collection of 49 vote validation studies from six countries, and employ Bayesian meta regression techniques to account for cross-study differences. Our results indicate that both election and survey characteristics such as actual voter turnout and survey response rates differentially affect the components of turnout bias. We conclude with a discussion of the threats and potentials of our findings for survey-based comparative electoral research.

  • Das Internet in Wahlkämpfen : Konzepte, Wirkungen und Kampagnenfunktionen


    Das Internet ist aus Wahlkämpfen in vielen Ländern kaum mehr wegzudenken. Politiker und Kampagnenstäbe setzen das Internet als Wahlkampfinstrument ein. Bürger nutzen das Internet, um sich über Politik zu informieren oder in das politische Geschehen einzugreifen. Obwohl das Internet zum Kampagnenalltag gehört, herrscht vielerorts noch Unsicherheit über Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Wirkungen des Internets in Wahlkämpfen. Der vorliegende Band stellt daher kompakt den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zur Nutzung, Bedeutung und Wirkung des Internets in Wahlkampagnen in den USA und in Deutschland dar. So trägt er zu einem fundierten Verständnis von Wahlkämpfen im Internetzeitalter bei.​

  • Herrmann, Michael (2013): Stata tip 115 : How to properly estimate the multinomial probit model with heteroskedastic errors The Stata Journal. 2013, 13(2), pp. 401-405. ISSN 1536-867X. eISSN 1536-8734

    Stata tip 115 : How to properly estimate the multinomial probit model with heteroskedastic errors



  • Schmitt, Sophie; Euchner, Eva-Maria; Preidel, Caroline (2013): Regulating prostitution and same-sex marriage in Italy and Spain: the interplay of political and societal veto players in two catholic societies Journal of European Public Policy. 2013, 20(3), pp. 425-441. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2013.761512

    Regulating prostitution and same-sex marriage in Italy and Spain: the interplay of political and societal veto players in two catholic societies


    This contribution adds to the scholarship on morality politics. It addresses the conditions of morality policy change by comparing the decision-making dynamics in the regulation of prostitution and same-sex partnerships in Italy and Spain over two decades. We seek to explain why and under what circumstances some political actors are successful in reforming morality policies. For this purpose, we develop a four-fold typology of morality policy change. Our findings highlight that the different regulatory dynamics in both Catholic nation-states depend on the balance of power among the change and blocking coalitions and their degree of congruence. We show that governments succeed in realizing their morality policy goals only if they are able to form a coalition with the relevant political and societal actors. Furthermore, the Catholic Church, not least owing to its historical ties with both nation-states (Italy and Spain), plays a particular but context-specific role.

  • Spilker, Gabriele; Böhmelt, Tobias (2013): The impact of preferential trade agreements on governmental repression revisited The Review of International Organizations. Springer. 2013, 8(3), pp. 343-361. ISSN 1559-7431. eISSN 1559-744X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11558-012-9155-8

    The impact of preferential trade agreements on governmental repression revisited


    Previous research suggests that most treaties are ineffective in ensuring countries’ compliance with human rights standards. It has been argued, however, that preferential trade agreements (PTAs) including ‘hard’ human rights standards can withhold economic benefits and, thus, can have a real potential to substantially reduce human rights violations. The following article questions this as existent work on the effects of PTAs on human rights standards neglects a selection process underlying the implementation of these treaties. Countries being aware of the ‘shadow of the future’ already take into account what may happen at the succeeding enforcement stage when establishing a particular PTA. This implies that states agree on ‘hard’ human rights standards in PTAs only if they have a general propensity to abide by human rights in the first place. For testing the empirical implications of their argument, the authors collected new data on PTAs in 1976/77-2009, and employ genetic matching techniques. The results support the theoretical argument that PTAs are unlikely to affect human rights compliance when controlling for the outlined selection problem.

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