Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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20 / 4358
  • Leuffen, Dirk; Shikano, Susumu; Walter, Stefanie (2012): Measurement and Data Aggregation in Small-n Social Scientific Research European Political Science. 2012, 12(1), pp. 40-51. ISSN 1680-4333. eISSN 1682-0983. Available under: doi: 10.1057/eps.2012.8

    Measurement and Data Aggregation in Small-n Social Scientific Research


    How should small-n researchers aggregate the information collected during their research in an effort to measure the relevant theoretical concepts with high levels of validity and reliability? This article specifically focuses on the method of triangulation, which is frequently used in process-tracing approaches. We introduce and theorise different aggregation strategies commonly used in triangulation, such as weighted and simple averages or ‘the winner takes it all’ strategy. We then evaluate their performance with regard to their proneness to measurement error using computer simulations. Our simulation results show that averaging different information sources, in general, outperforms other aggregation strategies. However, this is not the case if poorly informed sources are biased in a similar direction; in these situations the 'winner takes it all' strategy shows a superior performance.

  • Keller, Berndt; Werner, Frank (2012): New forms of employee involvement at European level - the case of the European Company (SE) British Journal of Industrial Relations. 2012, 50(4), pp. 620-643. ISSN 0007-1080. eISSN 1467-8543. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2011.00860.x

    New forms of employee involvement at European level - the case of the European Company (SE)


    This article focuses on important but widely neglected problems of supranational employee involvement both at the level of information and consultation as well as at board level. It takes the most important pattern, the European Company (SE), and presents a systematic empirical analysis of its negotiated forms of worker representation and employee involvement. The questions addressed are: What do these new forms of collective voice and representation at the supranational level look like? What is the relevance of SEs for the development of an emerging system of European industrial relations in a broader perspective? Is the negotiated form of employee involvement likely to lead to new forms of harmonization and convergence or rather to heterogeneity and fragmentation?

  • Meer, Tom van der; Lubbe, Rozemarijn; Elsas, Erika van; Elff, Martin; Brug, Wouter van der (2012): Los zand of geemancipeerde burgers? : Bewegingen op de Nederlandse kiezersmarkt 2006-2010 MARKTONDERZOEKASSOCIATIE, , ed.. Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek : jaarboek 2012. Haarlem: De Vrieseborch, 2012, pp. 211-228

    Los zand of geemancipeerde burgers? : Bewegingen op de Nederlandse kiezersmarkt 2006-2010


    De Nederlandse verkiezingen zijn de grilligste van West-Europa: kiezers veranderen in groten getale van stemvoorkeur. Maar zijn deze veranderingen willekeurig, of worden ze gestructureerd door onderliggende ideologische dimensies? We toetsen verschillende theorieën over de structuur van de Nederlandse kiezersmarkt op gegevens uit het 1Vandaag Opiniepanel (1VOP), met 54.763 respondenten en 53 peilingen tussen november 2006 en juni 2010. We beschrijven de veranderingen in stemvoorkeur van deze respondenten, en analyseren de structuur in hun veranderingen. We komen tot verschillende conclusies. Het Nederlandse partijstelsel wordt gestructureerd door een sociaaleconomische en een sociaal-culturele dimensie. Nederlandse kiezers zijn weliswaar volatiel, maar die volatiliteit is begrensd: ze blijven trouw aan een blok van linkse partijen (PvdA, SP, GL) of een blok van rechtse partijen (CDA, VVD, TON en PVV). D66 neemt als enige een centrale positie in, als spil in deze politieke ruimte. Hoewel de gevestigde partijen voor grote electorale uitdagingen staan, wijst de electorale grilligheid geenszins op een crisis van de Nederlandse partijendemocratie.

  • Trettin, Frederik; Winckler, Joel Gwyn (2012): Die Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen - Komplexe Organisationen mit schwierigen internen Herausforderungen Vereinte Nationen : Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Sonderorganisationen. 2012, 60(3), pp. 115-120. ISSN 0042-384X

    Die Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen - Komplexe Organisationen mit schwierigen internen Herausforderungen


    Die Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen sind in den letzten 20 Jahren umfangreicher und komplexer geworden, so dass die Organisationsstrukturen im UN-Sekretariat immer wieder angepasst werden mussten. Eine Folge dieser Anpassungen ist die immer stärkere Arbeitsteilung, welche mit einer Fragmentierung der Organisationsstrukturen einhergeht. Die dadurch entstandenen Probleme für die interne Koordinierung und Integration sind erheblich, können aber zumindest teilweise gelöst werden. Wie dies etwa auf der Landesebene geschehen kann, zeigt die Umstrukturierung der Feldbüros in der UN-Mission in Liberia.

  • Klüver, Heike (2012): Informational Lobbying in the European Union : The Effect of Organisational Characteristics West European Politics. 2012, 35(3), pp. 491-510. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2012.665737

    Informational Lobbying in the European Union : The Effect of Organisational Characteristics



  • Trapped in a Vicious Circle : Authoritarianism, Repression, and Civil War


    Wie sind verschiedene Bedrohungen menschlicher Sicherheit – Bürgerkrieg, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und andere politische Gewalt – miteinander verbunden? Wie können diese Verbindungen genutzt werden, um das Risiko zusätzlicher Gewalt abzuschätzen? Und was können wir tun, um gewalttätige Konflikte zu beenden? Dieses Buch untersucht diese Fragen empirisch.

    Im ersten Teil des Buches prüft der Autor Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Bedrohungen menschlicher Sicherheit. Eine erste Studie ergibt, dass Völkermord in neu unabhängig gewordenen Staaten die Chancen für Demokratie mindert. Eine zweite Studie zeigt eine starke Verbindung zwischen der Unterdrückung von Menschenrechten und dem Risiko von neuen Bürgerkriegen in den folgenden Jahren. Im zweiten Teil werden drei Risikomodelle für Bürgerkrieg, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Völkermord vorgestellt. Diese Modelle, die verschiedene andere Bedrohungen menschlicher Sicherheit berücksichtigen, können das Risiko zukünftiger gewalttätiger Konflikte mit einiger Genauigkeit vorhersehen. Der dritte Teil untersucht zwei Möglichkeiten, Bürgerkriege zu beenden.

    Die Resultate zeigen, dass internationale Verhandlungsvermittlung zwischen Bürgerkriegsparteien einen zwiespältigen Einfluss auf die Dauer des Friedens nach einem Bürgerkrieg hat. Die Resultate für Friedensmissionen zeigen, dass Staaten nicht davor zurückschrecken, ihre eigenen Soldaten in komplexe Konflikte zu entsenden.

  • Mergel, Ines; Mugar, Gabriel; Jarrahi, Mohammad Hossein (2012): Forming and norming social media adoption in the corporate sector Proceedings of the 2012 iConference. New York, NY: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 152-159. ISBN 978-1-4503-0782-6. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2132176.2132196

    Forming and norming social media adoption in the corporate sector


    Social media increasingly pervade the business context. Despite the widespread fascination with the transformative capabilities of these tools, and an increased observability of online social media practices in the corporate sector, the adoption process at the organizational level as well as its consequences on policies and strategies are currently less understood. To ameliorate this gap, this study sets out to examine adoption patterns and their resulting organizational policies and strategies that influence or are influenced by specific adoption behaviors. In doing so, this study builds on findings of an interpretive case analysis, that integrates insights from various social media strategists, purposively selected from multiple industries. Guided by several technology adoption frameworks -- primarily Orlikowski's structurational analysis - three distinct pathways of social media adoption emerged from the data: (1) early adopters, (2) internal mavericks and (3) bandwagon jumpers. Each pathway is driven by either internal or external social behaviors, and leads to distinct organizational social media practices. Our data shows that existing organizational polices and norms mediate social media adoption practices while in turn, innovative adoption practices transform and influence the emergence of policies and norms in the form of a reflexive feedback mechanism.

  • Mergel, Ines (2012): Open Data Goes Global : Challenges and Solutions PA Times. 2012, 2012(Supplement), pp. 7-8. ISSN 1041-6323

    Open Data Goes Global : Challenges and Solutions


    The article looks at the challenges and solutions to the Open Government and Accountability initiative of U.S. President Barack Obama's administration. It notes that the Open Government initiative has spurred technological and procedural innovation in public administration. The notion of information as a national-asset is regarded as the distinction of the initiative from previous Open Government efforts. The worldwide success of the Open Government initiative is explored.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2012): Skandalisierung oder seriöse Politikberatung? : Chancen, Grenzen und Entscheidungsdilemmata zivilgesellschaftlicher Korruptionsbekämpfung Zeitschrift für Politikberatung : ZPB. 2012, 5(4), pp. 188-192. ISSN 1865-4789. eISSN 1865-4797. Available under: doi: 10.5771/1865-4789-2012-4-188

    Skandalisierung oder seriöse Politikberatung? : Chancen, Grenzen und Entscheidungsdilemmata zivilgesellschaftlicher Korruptionsbekämpfung



  • Weiffen, Brigitte (2012): From domestic to international instruments for dealing with a violent past : causes, concomitants and consequences for democratic transitions ASSMANN, Aleida, ed. and others. Memory and political change. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 89-111. ISBN 978-0-230-30200-6. Available under: doi: 10.1057/9780230354241_6

    From domestic to international instruments for dealing with a violent past : causes, concomitants and consequences for democratic transitions


    This contribution focuses on the way the state and the international community deal with the legacy of a violent past after repressive dictatorships or civil wars. During the 1980s and the early 1990s, attempts to institutionalize memory and to come to terms with the past in the transitional period after the collapse of repressive authoritarian regimes were usually undertaken within a domestic framework. Since the 1990s, there have been increasing numbers of external initiatives to promote democracy and, in light of increased international interventions to enforce and keep the peace, the mechanisms of truth, reconciliation and justice have also become internationalized. Institutional procedures and the politics of memory now increasingly involve international actors; the duty of lifting the lid of silence off painful periods of history has almost become an international norm.

  • Schutte, Sebastian (2012): Cooperation beats Deterrence in Cyberwar Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 2012, 18(3). ISSN 1079-2457. eISSN 1554-8597. Available under: doi: 10.1515/peps-2012-0006

    Cooperation beats Deterrence in Cyberwar


    This brief article argues for a narrow definition of cyberwar and a technology-centric approach to understanding its strategic implications. Based on a review of the underlying technologies, approaches to facilitating peace in this rather new form of confrontation will be derived. This brief discussion already shows that Cold War era strategies such as credible deterrence through retaliation are ill-suited to serve peace in the digital domain. Generally, building offensive capabilities for cyberwar does not increase an actor’s security. Instead, geographically unrestricted security communities (Deutsch et al., 1957) of nationstates that employ similar technologies seem to serve individual security best.

  • Interessenvermittlung in der Europäischen Union : nationale Verbände auf dem Weg nach Brüssel



  • Converting combatants civilians : a multilevel approach to the successful demobilization and reintegration of combatants



  • Koos, Sebastian (2012): The institutional embeddedness of social responsibility : a multilevel analysis of smaller firms' civic engagement in Western Europe Socio-Economic Review. 2012, 10(1), pp. 135-162. ISSN 1475-1461. eISSN 1475-147X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/ser/mwr027

    The institutional embeddedness of social responsibility : a multilevel analysis of smaller firms' civic engagement in Western Europe


    This study sets out to explore the institutional embeddedness of civic engagement in the form of monetary donations and volunteering by firms in Western Europe. Drawing on a recent analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), two contradictory hypotheses—institutional mirror versus substitute—are discussed focusing on three institutional spheres: corporatism, welfare arrangements and statism. The paper argues for moving beyond a linear perspective and takes the interaction of institutional spheres into account. Using a comparative quantitative multilevel approach, institutional, sectoral and organizational determinants of enterprises' civic engagement are empirically analysed drawing on a survey of small- and medium-sized firms in 17 Western European countries. While firm size remains an important determinant of civic engagement, it is shown that the impact of welfare arrangements is conditional on the presence of corporatist arrangements and vice versa. This suggests that civic engagement both mirrors and substitutes for existing institutions, depending on underlying institutional complementarities.

  • Breunig, Christian; Koski, Chris (2012): The tortoise or the hare? : Incrementalism, punctuations, and their consequences Policy Studies Journal. 2012, 40(1), pp. 45-68. ISSN 0190-292X. eISSN 1541-0072. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0072.2011.00433.x

    The tortoise or the hare? : Incrementalism, punctuations, and their consequences


    In this article, we contrast the long-term consequences of incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium. We test what the impact of each of these types of policy change is on long-term budgetary outcomes for the American states. Policy scholars have applied both theoretical approaches to the study of budgetary spending as an extension of policymaking. Given the two contrasting paradigms of policy change, we develop the following line of inquiry: Does punctuated equilibrium create a different budget in the long term than incrementalism? We address this question through an analysis of American state budgets because the U.S. states provide a rich variation in both budgetary outcomes and political institutions. We use budget data from all American states across all government functions for the period between 1984 and 2009. We find that, first, state budgets and budget functions vary in their degree of punctuation and, second, the degree of punctuation in a state's budget function corresponds to smaller long-term growth. Additionally, the kind of spending matters: allocational budget categories are more likely to exhibit punctuations.

  • Grohs, Stephan (2012): Ende des regionalen Experiments? : Eine Bilanz der Reform des englischen Planungssystems unter New Labour Raumforschung und Raumordnung. 2012, 70(6), pp. 501-514. ISSN 0034-0111. eISSN 1869-4179. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s13147-012-0197-4

    Ende des regionalen Experiments? : Eine Bilanz der Reform des englischen Planungssystems unter New Labour



  • Pietsch, Lutz-Henning (2012): Ralf Klausnitzer, Carlos Spoerhase (Hrsg.): Kontroversen in der Literaturtheorie : Literaturtheorie in der Kontroverse Arbitrium. De Gruyter. 2012, 30(3), pp. 274-280. ISSN 0723-2977. eISSN 1865-8849. Available under: doi: 10.1515/arb-2012-0073

    Ralf Klausnitzer, Carlos Spoerhase (Hrsg.): Kontroversen in der Literaturtheorie : Literaturtheorie in der Kontroverse



  • The figure of the dissident : the emergence of Central European dissidentism and its impact on the transnational debates in late-Cold War era



  • Skills and Inequality : Political Parties, Economic Coordination and the Variety of Skill Formation Regimes in Western European Countries


    In a seminal contribution to the fledgling comparative literature on welfare state policies, Harold Wilensky made the fateful claim that “education is special” (Wilensky 1975: 3). More specifically, he argued that: “A nation’s health and welfare effort is clearly and directly a contribution to absolute equality, the reduction of differences between rich and poor, young and old, minority groups and majorities; it is only a secondary contribution to equality of opportunity. In contrast, a nation’s educational effort, especially at the higher levels, is chiefly a contribution to equality of opportunity - enhanced mobility for those judged to be potentially able or skilled; it is only a peripheral contribution to absolute equality.” (Wilensky 1975: 6) In other words, Wilensky argued that education needs to be assessed and analyzed separately from other kinds of social policies, because in contrast to these, its primary purpose is not necessarily to mitigate socio-­economic inequalities. Being a meritocratic good, the promotion of educational opportunities entails both private benefits in the form of wage increases for the better educated as well as collective benefits. Thus, Wilensky’s claim is not entirely unjustified. Nevertheless, it has contributed to (or at least it symbolizes) the neglect of the study of education in comparative welfare state research as well as comparative political science (Busemeyer/Nikolai 2010; Busemeyer/Trampusch 2011; Iversen/Stephens 2008; Jakobi et al. 2010). It is the purpose of this book to contribute to the reintegration of the analysis of education and training systems into comparative welfare state research, which is both possible and necessary (see Iversen/Stephens 2008: 602). This book will show that there are multiple connections between education and other parts of the welfare state. Neglecting these connections has prevented us from developing a deeper understanding of the driving forces of welfare state reforms, socio-­economic inequality and the citizens’ perceptions of and attitudes towards the welfare state. Thus, paraphrasing Wilensky, education may be different from other kinds of social policies, but variations in the institutional set-­‐up in the education and training systems do have enormous consequences with regard to the distribution of skills, income and wealth in the political economy at large. Political actors are very aware of the distributive implications of institutional choices in education policy (Ansell 2008, 2010) as the balance of power between politico-­economic coalitions during critical junctures of historical development had a lasting impact on the formation of different development paths of education and training regimes in advanced industrial democracies. Thus, in brief, the book traces the political and institutional connections between education and the welfare state at large in three domains: The first is politics. I argue and show that those politico-­‐economic coalitions supporting the expansion of the welfare state in the postwar decades have also been influential in shaping the guise of education and training systems. The second is outcomes. Variations in the institutional set-­‐up of the education and training system, in particular the importance of vocational education and training relative to academic education as well as the division of labor between public and private sources of financing, affect the distribution of income and wealth in the political economy. Finally, I will also document the effects of educational institutions on citizens’ attitudes and preferences vis­‐à-‐vis the welfare state, providing the essential micro­‐foundation for explaining the durability and sustainability of welfare state arrangements.

  • Mergel, Ines (2012): The social media innovation challenge in the public sector Information Polity. 2012, 17(3-4), pp. 281-292. ISSN 1570-1255. eISSN 1875-8754. Available under: doi: 10.3233/IP-2012-000281

    The social media innovation challenge in the public sector


    The use of social media applications has been widely accepted in the U.S. government. Many of the social media strategies and day-to-day tactics have also been adopted around the world as part of local Open Government Initiatives and the worldwide Open Government Partnership. Nevertheless, the acceptance and broader adoption of sophisticated tactics that go beyond information and education paradigm such as true engagement or networking strategies are still in its infancy. Rapid diffusion is challenged by informal bottom-up experimentation that meets institutional and organizational challenges hindering innovative tactics. Going forward governments and bureaucratic organizations are also facing the challenge to show the impact of their social media interactions. Each of these challenges is discussed in this article and extraordinary examples, that are not widely adopted yet, are provided to show how government organizations can potentially overcome these challenges.

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