Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Hertrampf, Markus; Boerner, Sabine (2012): HPWS and Firm Performance : The Influence of Climate for Initiative and Environmental Dynamism Paper accepted at the 2012 Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. 2012

    HPWS and Firm Performance : The Influence of Climate for Initiative and Environmental Dynamism



  • Shikano, Susumu; Bräuninger, Thomas; Stoffel, Michael F. (2012): Statistical analysis of experimental data KITTEL, Bernhard, ed., Wolfgang J. LUHAN, ed., Rebecca B. MORTON, ed.. Experimental political science : principles and practices. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 163-177. ISBN 978-0-230-30085-9

    Statistical analysis of experimental data



    dc.contributor.author: Bräuninger, Thomas

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2012): Wenn ein Staat zusammenbricht : Über die Frühgeschichte und Funktion der Treuhandanstalt FREI, Norbert, ed. and others. Privatisierung : Idee und Praxis seit den 1970er Jahren. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verl., 2012, pp. 184-207. Vorträge und Kolloquien / Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. 12. ISBN 978-3-8353-1086-5

    Wenn ein Staat zusammenbricht : Über die Frühgeschichte und Funktion der Treuhandanstalt



  • Stoffel, Florian; Janetzko, Halldor; Mansmann, Florian (2012): Proportions in Categorical and Geographic Data : Visualizing the Results of Political Elections Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI '12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012, pp. 457-464. ISBN 978-1-4503-1287-5. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2254556.2254644

    Proportions in Categorical and Geographic Data : Visualizing the Results of Political Elections


    Colorpleth maps are commonly used to display election results, either by using one distinct color for representing the winning party in each district or by showing a proportion between two parties on a bi-polar colormap, for example, from red to blue representing Republicans vs. Democrats. Showing only the largest party may disable insights into the data whereas using bipolar colormaps works only reasonably well in cases of two parties. To overcome these limitations we introduce a new technique for visualizing proportions in such categorical data. In particular, we combine bipolar colormaps with an adapted double-rendering of polygons to simultaneously visually represent the first two categories and the spatial location. Our technique enables the recognition of close election results as well as clear majorities in a scalable manner. We proof our concept by applying our technique in a prototype implementation used to display election results from the U. S. Presidential election in 2008 and elections of the German Bundestag in 2005 and 2009. Different interesting findings are presented, which would not be recognizable when visualizing only the winner. As we additionally represent the party with the second most votes, we are able to show changes in the spatial distribution of the votes as well as outlier regions with exceptional results. Our visualization technique therefore enables valuable insights into categorical data with a spatial reference.

  • Koubi, Vally; Bernauer, Thomas; Kalbhenn, Anna; Spilker, Gabriele (2012): Climate variability, economic growth, and civil conflict Journal of Peace Research. Sage Publications. 2012, 49(1), pp. 113-127. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343311427173

    Climate variability, economic growth, and civil conflict


    Despite many claims by high-ranking policymakers and some scientists that climate change breeds violent conflict, the existing empirical literature has so far not been able to identify a systematic, causal relationship of this kind. This may either reflect de facto absence of such a relationship, or it may be the consequence of theoretical and methodological limitations of existing work. In this article we revisit the climate–conflict hypothesis along two lines. First, we concentrate on indirect effects of climatic conditions on conflict, whereas most of the existing literature focuses on direct effects. Specifically, we examine the causal pathway linking climatic conditions to economic growth and to armed conflict, and argue that the growth–conflict part of this pathway is contingent on the political system. Second, we employ a measure of climatic variability that has advantages over those used in the existing literature because it can presumably take into account the adaptation of production to persistent climatic changes. For the empirical analysis we use a global dataset for 1980–2004 and design the testing strategy tightly in line with our theory. Our empirical analysis does not produce evidence for the claim that climate variability affects economic growth. However, we find some, albeit weak, support for the hypothesis that non-democratic countries are more likely to experience civil conflict when economic conditions deteriorate.

  • Brahm, Taiga; Kunze, Florian (2012): The role of trust climate in virtual teams Journal of Managerial Psychology. 2012, 27(6), pp. 595-614. ISSN 0268-3946. eISSN 1758-7778. Available under: doi: 10.1108/02683941211252446

    The role of trust climate in virtual teams


    Purpose – Research testing a complex process model, incorporating moderating and mediating mechanisms associated with virtual team (VT) performance, remains rare. This paper aims to introduce trust climate as a crucial boundary condition for high performance in VTs. It also aims to propose a moderated-indirect model such that the relationship between team goals and task performance is mediated by task cohesion and the relationship between team goals and task cohesion is moderated by trust.

    Design/methodology/approach – Hypotheses are tested using a longitudinal design with a sample of 50 teams.

    Findings – The proposed moderated-indirect model is confirmed. The model explains the indirect relationship between team goal setting and performance transmitted through task cohesion, which is dependent on the level of trust climate.

    Research limitations/implications – Although hypotheses were tested in a longitudinal setting, common source bias might be a potential problem for some of the observed relationships. Future research could build on this model for further investigations on more complex theoretical models for VT performance.

    Practical implications – This research suggests that managers should emphasize the development of team trust at early stages of collaboration in a VT to reach high performance outcomes.

    Societal implications – For VTs, trustful working environments should become even more important in the future, supporting team members' satisfaction in working in VTs.

    Originality/value – Through this study, a complex process model for VTs was developed and trust climate established as a prominent context factor for VT success.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Gebert, Diether (2012): Fostering artistic ensemble performance : Exploring the role of transformational leadership Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2012, 22(3), pp. 347-365. ISSN 1048-6682. eISSN 1542-7854. Available under: doi: 10.1002/nml.20058

    Fostering artistic ensemble performance : Exploring the role of transformational leadership



    dc.contributor.author: Gebert, Diether

  • Der "vorsorgende Sozialstaat" in der Praxis : Beispiele aus der Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik der skandinavischen Länder



  • Mergel, Ines (2012): Social Media in the 2012 Election PA Times. 2012, 35(5), pp. 6. ISSN 1041-6323

    Social Media in the 2012 Election



  • Breunig, Christian; Mortensen, Peter B. (2012): Budget Dynamics Perspectives on Europe. 2012, 42(2), pp. 35-40. ISSN 0046-2802

    Budget Dynamics


    Budget dynamics may sound as a contradiction in terms to scholars familiar with Wildavsky and colleagues' seminal work on public budgeting (Wildavsky 1964). As stated by Davis, Dempster, and Wildavsky (1966, 529): “This year’s budget is based on last year’s budget, with special attention given to a narrow range of increases or decreases.” For some years this simple model was considered something of an empirical law of public budgets. However, already in the 1970s several scholars started to question the empirical validity of Wildavsky’s claim. John F. Padgett (1980) argued that the linear assumptions in normal regression statistics were too resistant to non-linear variation in data. In addition to this methodological criticism, rigorous theoretical criticism has claimed that the concept of incrementalism has never been clearly defined (Dempster and Wildavsky 1979; Berry 1990). But perhaps the most serious problem is that the incrementalism description of stable public budgets simply does not seem to find support in empirical observations. Most studies find periods of stability, but they also find significant and large changes that cannot be accounted for using the incremental Approach (Natchez and Bupp 1973). Although the reputation of incrementalism as a very static model of public budgeting may be a little unfair, the approach is definitely not well suited to account for large changes in public spending. Nevertheless, alternative explanations of this pattern of both stability and changes have been few, and for many years, as True (2000, 4) puts it: “we have been left with incrementalism by default.” In the past decade, however, the interest in stability and change in public budgeting has been revitalized and in this article we Highlight some of the main findings and insights of this research agenda.

  • Mergel, Ines (2012): Von Herantasten bis aktiver Nutzung : Social-Media-Taktiken der US-Bundesbehörden Behörden-Spiegel. 2012, 28(6), pp. 21. ISSN 1437-8337

    Von Herantasten bis aktiver Nutzung : Social-Media-Taktiken der US-Bundesbehörden



  • Die Rückkehr der Freiwilligen : Die steigende Bedeutung von GOTV in amerikanischen Kampagnen


    Wurde in den vergangenen Jahren über Innovationen im amerikanischen Wahlkampf gesprochen, war damit meist die kreative Nutzung des Internet gemeint. Neben den viel diskutierten und immer wieder enthusiastisch diagnostizierten Internet-Grassrooots, Facebook-, Twitter- und App-Revolutionen kam es gleichzeitig auch offline zu interessanten Veränderung in der Kampagnenführung. Als Folge dieser Veränderungen erhält die Arbeit von Freiwilligen eine immer gewichtigere Rolle in der Umsetzung politischer Kampagnen in den USA.

  • A Manager's Guide to Designing a Social Media Strategy



  • Blendin, Hanja; Schneider, Gerald (2012): Nicht jede Form von Stress mindert die Entscheidungsqualität : ein Laborexperiment zur Groupthink-Theorie BRÄUNINGER, Thomas, ed., André BÄCHTIGER, ed., Susumu SHIKANO, ed.. Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012, pp. 61-80. ISBN 978-3-531-19605-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19606-0_3

    Nicht jede Form von Stress mindert die Entscheidungsqualität : ein Laborexperiment zur Groupthink-Theorie



  • Leifeld, Philip; Haunss, Sebastian (2012): Political discourse networks and the conflict over software patents in Europe European Journal of Political Research. 2012, 51(3), pp. 382-409. ISSN 0304-4130. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2011.02003.x

    Political discourse networks and the conflict over software patents in Europe


    In 2005, the European Parliament rejected the directive ‘on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions’, which had been drafted and supported by the European Commission, the Council and well-organised industrial interests, with an overwhelming majority. In this unusual case, a coalition of opponents of software patents prevailed over a strong industry-led coalition. In this article, an explanation is developed based on political discourse showing that two stable and distinct discourse coalitions can be identified and measured over time. The apparently weak coalition of software patent opponents shows typical properties of a hegemonic discourse coalition. It presents itself as being more coherent, employs a better-integrated set of frames and dominates key economic arguments, while the proponents of software patents are not as well-organised. This configuration of the discourse gave leeway for an alternative course of political action by the European Parliament. The notion of discourse coalitions and related structural features of the discourse are operationalised by drawing on social network analysis. More specifically, discourse network analysis is introduced as a new methodology for the study of policy debates. The approach is capable of measuring empirical discourses both statically and in a longitudinal way, and is compatible with the policy network approach.

  • Neue Philosophien des Politischen zur Einführung



    dc.contributor.author: Völker, Jan

  • Fatke, Matthias; Freitag, Markus (2012): Die direkte Demokratie in Baden-Württemberg und Stuttgart 21 Der Bürger im Staat. 2012(3), pp. 174-181. ISSN 0007-3121

    Die direkte Demokratie in Baden-Württemberg und Stuttgart 21


    Die Volksabstimmung über Stuttgart 21 hat der Diskussion über direktdemokratische Entscheidungsprozesse erneuten Auftrieb gegeben. Matthias Fatke und Markus Freitag nehmen die Volksabstimmung über Stuttgart 21 vom 27. November 2011 zum Anlass, die Grundzüge der direktdemokratischen Beteiligung, deren Vor- und Nachteile sowie die institutionelle Ausgestaltung der direkten Demokratie in Baden-Württemberg im Besonderen zu erörtern. Eingangs wird das Konzept der direkten Demokratie definitorisch abgrenzt und in der aktuellen Diskussion des Für und Wider verortet. Im zweiten Teil werden die Hintergründe, der Verlauf und das Ergebnis der Volksabstimmung über Stuttgart 21 erörtert. Des Weiteren werden die unterschiedlich hohen Beteiligungsraten am Volksentscheid und die je in Frage kommenden Motivationen der Beteiligung bzw. Nicht-Beteiligung erklärt und abschließend kommentiert.

  • Die politische Ökonomie der Erdölmärkte : eine Analyse des Einflusses von politischen Ereignissen



    dc.contributor.author: Meßmer, Sascha Patrick

  • Ferhadbegović, Sabina; Weiffen, Brigitte (2012): Erleben - Darstellen - Bewältigen : Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf den Bürgerkrieg Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. 2012, 1(2), pp. 187-218. ISSN 2192-1741

    Erleben - Darstellen - Bewältigen : Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf den Bürgerkrieg


    Bürgerkriege sind bisher nur selten ein Gegenstand interdisziplinärer geistes- oder kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung gewesen. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir aufzeigen, dass die Stärke einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Perspektive in einer präziseren Erfassung der vielschichtigen Zustände zwischen innergesellschaftlichem Krieg und Frieden besteht. Eine Zusammenschau von Erkenntnissen aus verschiedenen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen trägt zum besseren Verständnis sozialer Prozesse im Bürgerkrieg bei, da sie facettenreichere Einsichten in Mechanismen gesellschaftlicher Integration und Desintegration, die Rolle der Medien im Vorfeld, während und nach einem Konflikt sowie den Umgang von Postkonflikt-Gesellschaften mit der gewaltsamen Vergangenheit ermöglicht. Im Anschluss an die Einleitung gibt der zweite Teil des Aufsatzes einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der vornehmlich sozialwissenschaftlichen Bürgerkriegsforschung. Daraus leiten wir im dritten Teil den Nutzen einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Sicht ab. Der vierte Teil untersucht exemplarisch anhand der Facetten des Erlebens, Darstellens und Bewältigens die Funktion von Narrativen in Bürgerkriegen.

  • Bauer, Michael W.; Knill, Christoph (2012): Understanding Policy Dismantling : An Analytical Framework BAUER, Michael W., ed. and others. Dismantling public policy : preferences, strategies, and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 30-56. ISBN 978-0-19-965664-6

    Understanding Policy Dismantling : An Analytical Framework



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