Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
20 / 4358
  • Calca, Patricia (2012): A elite vista de dentro : uma análise à Nova Classe Dirigente de Milovan Djilas População e Sociedade. 2012, 20, pp. 185-201. ISSN 2184-5263

    A elite vista de dentro : uma análise à Nova Classe Dirigente de Milovan Djilas



  • Holzinger, Katharina (2012): Inequality in Collective Action Problems GRASNICK, Jan, ed., Katja WALTER, ed.. Politik in Nordamerika und Europa. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012, pp. 177-195. ISBN 978-3-531-19497-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19498-1_11

    Inequality in Collective Action Problems


    Rainer-Olaf Schultze was a second supervisor for my dissertation and he took this role very seriously. He showed me what to do and how, and more importantly: what not to do. I was very grateful for his advice, if not always in the very first moment, than surely later on. Looking back, I am still grateful because his level of engagement was not at all a matter of course. Although my ways led me elsewhere soon, geographically and academically, Rainer-Olaf further supported me in the early phases of my career and we never lost contact. There was one strong bond between us, namely our disagreement about the value of rational choice analysis. In what follows I do not strive to persuade Rainer-Olaf of the usefulness of this kind of reasoning; instead I want to demonstrate what I have learned at least: the rational actor is a fiction.

  • Mobilisierung im katholischen Milieu? : Zum Einfluss der konfessionellen Komposition des Kontextes auf die individuelle Wahlbeteiligung von Katholiken in Deutschland.


    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit untersucht den Effekt der konfessionellen Zusammensetzung des Kontextes auf die individuelleWahlbeteiligung von Katholiken in Deutschland. Aufbauend auf dem mikro- und dem makrosoziologischen Modell des politischen Verhaltens wird sowohl der Einfluss individueller als auch kontextueller Faktoren auf die Teilnahme an Wahlen untersucht. Anhand von logistischen Mehrebenenanalysen mit Random Intercept und Random Slope werden die theoretisch hergeleiteten Hypothesen für die Bundestagswahlen 1994 bis 2009 empirisch überprüft. Dazu wird auf die Daten des forsa-Bus zurückgegriffen. Auf Individualebene kann ein zeitlich stabiler, positiver Effekt der katholischen Religion auf die Wahlbeteiligung bestätigt werden. Dies wird auf strukturelle Eigenschaften des Katholizismus sowie auf die religiös-konfessionelle Konfliktlinie und eine damit verbundene Partizipationsnorm zurückgeführt. Der Effekt der konfessionellen Zusammensetzung des Landkreises bzw. der kreisfreien Stadt, welcher mittels graphischer Analysen untersucht wird, ist hingegen weniger robust und eindeutig. Betrachtet man Deutschland insgesamt, zeigt sich ein u-förmiger Effekt des Katholikenanteils im Kontext auf den Individualzusammenhang zwischen katholischer Religion und Wahlbeteiligung. Dies bestätigt zunächst die These von Huckfeldt (1980), wonach Menschen mit Assimilation auf einen mittleren und mit Konflikt auf einen sehr geringen Anteil der eigenen sozialen Gruppe im Kontext reagieren. Allerdings kann der Effekt in getrennten Analysen für Ost- und Westdeutschland nicht bestätigt werden: Für Ostdeutschland zeigt sich kein Effekt und für Westdeutschland ist nur für die Wahl im Jahr 2005 ein schwacher, umgekehrt u-förmiger Kontexteffekt zu erkennen.

  • Ahn, Junghyun; Gobron, Stéphane; Garcia, David; Silvestre, Quentin; Thalmann, Daniel; Boulic, Ronan (2012): An NVC Emotional Model for Conversational Virtual Humans in a 3D Chatting Environment PERALES, Francisco J., ed., Robert B. FISHER, ed., Thomas B. MOESLUND, ed.. Articulated motion and deformable objects : 7th International Conference, AMDO 2012, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012 ; proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2012, pp. 47-57. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7378. ISSN 0302-9743. eISSN 1611-3349. ISBN 978-3-642-31566-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31567-1_5

    An NVC Emotional Model for Conversational Virtual Humans in a 3D Chatting Environment


    This paper proposes a new emotional model for Virtual Humans (VHs) in a conversational environment. As a part of a multi-users emotional 3D-chatting system, this paper focus on how to formulate and visualize the flow of emotional state defined by the Valence-Arousal-Dominance (VAD) parameters. From this flow of emotion over time, we successfully visualized the change of VHs’ emotional state through the proposed emoFaces and emoMotions. The notion of Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) was exploited for driving plausible emotional expressions during conversation. With the help of a proposed interface, where a user can parameterize emotional state and flow, we succeeded to vary the emotional expressions and reactions of VHs in a 3D conversation scene.

  • Mergel, Ines (2012): "Connecting to Congress" : The use of Twitter by Members of Congress Zeitschrift für Politikberatung. 2012, 5(3), pp. 108-114. ISSN 1865-4789. eISSN 1865-4797. Available under: doi: 10.5771/1865-4789-2012-3-108

    "Connecting to Congress" : The use of Twitter by Members of Congress



  • Haer, Roos (2012): The Organization of Political Violence by Insurgencies Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 2012, 18(3). ISSN 1554-8597. eISSN 1554-8597. Available under: doi: 10.1515/peps-2012-0004

    The Organization of Political Violence by Insurgencies


    A range of theories have attempted to explain the variation in civilian abuse of warring parties. Most of these theories have been focused on the strategic environment in which these acts take place. Less attention is devoted to the perpetrators of these human right abuses themselves: the armed groups. This study tries to fill this niche by using the organizational process theory in which it is assumed that armed groups, like every organization, struggles for survival. The leader tries to ensure the maintenance of her armed group by increasing her control over her troops. The relationship between the level of control and the perpetrated civilian abuse is examined with a new dataset on the internal structure of more than 70 different armed groups around the world. With the help of a Bayesian Ordered Probit model, this new dataset on civilian abuse is analyzed. The results show that especially particular incentives play an important role.

  • Calca, Patricia; Köhler, Sebastian (2012): Presidential Speech-Making and Leadership Images in Times of Crisis : Bush vs. Obama BELIM, Célia, ed., Patricia CALCA, ed.. Image of U.S. Presidential Administrations : The Cases of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012, pp. 205-234. ISBN 978-0-7391-6684-0

    Presidential Speech-Making and Leadership Images in Times of Crisis : Bush vs. Obama



  • Dobbins, Michael; Tosun, Jale (2012): A differential approach to energy policy? : Explaining the prevalence of market-based energy policy instruments in central and eastern Europe MORATA, Francesc, ed. and others. European energy policy : an environmental approach. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 115-131. ISBN 978-0-85793-920-3

    A differential approach to energy policy? : Explaining the prevalence of market-based energy policy instruments in central and eastern Europe



  • Weidmann, Nils B.; Callen, Michael (2012): Violence and Election Fraud : Evidence from Afghanistan British Journal of Political Science. 2012, 43(01), pp. 53-75. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123412000191

    Violence and Election Fraud : Evidence from Afghanistan


    What explains local variation in electoral manipulation in countries with ongoing internal conflict? The theory of election fraud developed in this article relies on the candidates’ loyalty networks as the agents manipulating the electoral process. It predicts (i) that the relationship between violence and fraud follows an inverted U-shape and (ii) that loyalty networks of both incumbent and challenger react differently to the security situation on the ground. Disaggregated violence and election results data from the 2009 Afghanistan presidential election provide empirical results consistent with this theory. Fraud is measured both by a forensic measure, and by using results from a visual inspection of a random sample of the ballot boxes. The results align with the two predicted relationships, and are robust to other violence and fraud measures.

  • Die politischen Systeme Skandinaviens



  • Distributed Democracy : SeeClickFix.Com for Crowdsourced Issue Reporting


    This document explores one case of the growing Government 2.0 eco-system in the United States of America. SeeClickFix.com (SCF) is a web-based service designed to help citizens report non-emergency issues in their neighborhood. The submissions can be submitted via a web interface, by iPhone, Blackberry and Android reporting apps and a Facebook application. Local government officials receive alerts about submitted issues or can track issues that citizens submitted via the so-called 'Watch Area' they are responsible for. The platform allows for direct feedback mechanisms: Local government officials assign a work order number and can change the status of the repair (from open, in progress, to fixed). Citizens are automatically informed about changes in the status of their reported issues allowing for a full feedback cycle. The service is integrated into the social networking services Twitter and Facebook and provides map-based reporting widgets for government and newspaper websites.

  • Lang, Achim; Mertes, Alexander (2012): Governance of Large Innovation Projects : The Implementation of the Electronic Health Card in Germany JOHANNES M. BAUER, , ed. and others. Innovation policy and governance in high-tech industries : the complexity of coordination. Heidelberg; Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2012, pp. 245-260. ISBN 978-3-642-12562-1

    Governance of Large Innovation Projects : The Implementation of the Electronic Health Card in Germany



  • Working the Network : A Manager's Guide for Using Twitter in Government


    Like many technological tools, Twitter does not come with an instruction manual. To help both government executives who must decide whether Twitter is a useful tool for their organizations and frontline managers who will create and administer the Twitter account, Ines Mergel has written this guide, detailing the benefits - and risks - of hosting a Twitter feed, as well as the specifics on how to maintain a Twitter feed to achieve optimum results. In addition to the information about Twitter itself, this guide presents material about the expanding ecosystem that is growing up around Twitter. Applications like Klout, TweetDeck, HootSuite, and Instagram add new kinds of functionality and make Twitter feeds more valuable both to government and to citizens who subscribe to their feeds.

  • Satoh, Keiichi (2012): Longing for the Right to Decide Nuclear Policy by Ourselves : Social Movements led by the Citizen Group Minna de Kimeyo in Tokyo Call for Referendums on Nuclear Policy Disaster, Infrastructure and Society : Learning from the 2011 Earthquake in Japan. Study Group on Infrastructure and Society. 2012, 3, pp. 46-52

    Longing for the Right to Decide Nuclear Policy by Ourselves : Social Movements led by the Citizen Group Minna de Kimeyo in Tokyo Call for Referendums on Nuclear Policy



  • Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela (2012): Efficiency and Equality of Education : The Effectiveness of Education Policy in the German Federal States Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Nomos. 2012, 53(2), pp. 265-290. ISSN 0720-7182. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2012-2-265

    Efficiency and Equality of Education : The Effectiveness of Education Policy in the German Federal States


    The central goal of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of education policy in the German federal states with regard to two central educational outcomes: educational efficiency and equality. Applying a two-stage multi-level analysis, the degrees of efficiency and equality in the German Länder are estimated before the effects of sub-national education policy on these two outcomes are evaluated. A primary finding of the paper is that there is no “efficiency-versus-equality trade-off” in Germany’s school education. By contrast, both outcomes are interdependent. Furthermore, education policy has very different impacts on efficiency and equality: Equality of education is mainly determined by early childhood education. Efficiency, however, is affected by the strict tripartite tracking system.

  • Jungherr, Andreas (2012): Spannende Ergänzung Move : moderne Verwaltung. 2012, 10(2), pp. 30-33. ISSN 1612-9881

    Spannende Ergänzung



  • Supporting Policies, Regulations and Milestones for Government 2.0 in the United States of America : Report prepared for the European Commission tender


    Government 2.0 the United States has evolved out of political, regulatory and ‘acceptable use’ changes, but also an increased level of maturity of social media tools. To highlight just the most prominent tools: LinkedIn, Friendster, and MySpace were launched in 2003, followed by Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006. We can add to this development the emergence of a whole conglomerate of other Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, blogs or virtual worlds. This paper explores the supporting policies, regulations and milestones that have lead to Government 2.0 implementation in the United States of America.

  • Managing inter-agency coordination in United Nations peacebuilding : project summary and recommendations for practioners


    This Management Brief addresses the question, which factors lead to successful inter-agency coordination (IAC) in United Nations Peacebuilding Operations. It was written for practitioners and intends to provide concrete recommendations for improving IAC in integrated UN peace endeavors. The results are a product of a research project on the management of peacekeeping and -building operations conducted at the Center of Excellence of the University of Konstanz, Germany. The findings conveyed in this publication are based on data gathered during several field visits of UN operations in Liberia and Haiti and interviews at UN headquarters in New York City and Geneva.

  • Bauer, Johannes; Lang, Achim; Schneider, Volker (Hrsg.) (2012): Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries : The Complexity of Coordination

    Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries : The Complexity of Coordination



  • Strategie, Anarchie oder fehlendes internationales Engagement? : Zur Logik von einseitiger Gewalt


    Systematische Gewalt gegenüber der Zivilbevölkerung gehört zu den Instrumenten, auf die sich die meisten Konfliktparteien in einem Krieg verlassen. Das Ausmaß dieser sog. einseitigen politischen Gewalt variiert aber stark sowohl zwischen den Akteuren als auch im Verlaufe der bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen. Das DSF-Projekt versuchte deshalb zu erkunden, ob sich diese Unterschiede über das Auf und Ab der militärischen Entwicklung, organisationelle Attribute der Konfliktparteien bzw. das Fehlen adäquater internationaler Interventionen erklären lassen. Um die Dynamik der einseitigen Gewalt zu erfassen, bildete das Forschungsteam Zeitreihen aufgrund des Konstanz One-Sided Violence Event Datasets (KOSVED). Die Analyse zeigt, dass sich das Ausmaß dieser Gewaltform nur zum Teil auf Rachemotive zurückführen lässt. Während einseitige Gewalt etwa in Bosnien eher das Mittel der über Territorialgewinne gestärkten Serben war, gehört es in Uganda zum Gewaltrepertoire der militärisch weniger bedrohlichen „Widerstandsarmee Gottes“ (Lord‘s Resistance Army). Im Gegensatz zu anderen aktuellen Studien ließ sich im Rahmen des Projektes zeigen, dass Gewalt gegenüber der Zivilbevölkerung von hierarchisch organisierten Gruppen ausgeht und dass diese auf einfache positive wie negative Anreize setzen, um Soldaten für diese Form der Gewalt zu gewinnen. Internationale Akteure können das Niveau der einseitigen Gewalt durchaus beeinflussen, wie die Analyse des Bosnienkrieges zeigt. Allerdings geht die Tötung von Zivilisten zum Teil auch mit Verhandlungen oder Gesprächen mit einer Drittpartei einher. Keine hemmenden Effekte wiederum gehen von den Aktivitäten des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) aus. Vielmehr lässt sich ökonometrisch zeigen, dass das vom IKRK propagierte Kriegsvölkerrecht besonders einige Jahre nach der Unterzeichnung der Normen, welche den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung bewirken sollen, mit einer Erhöhung der einseitigen politischen Gewalt einhergeht.

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