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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

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20 / 4358
  • Holzinger, Katharina; Sommerer, Thomas (2012): Was verursacht die Aufwärtsspirale in der Umweltpolitik? : Der Einfluss internationaler Harmonisierung auf nationale Umweltstandards Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. 2012, 41(1), pp. 53-72. ISSN 1615-5548. eISSN 2313-5433. Available under: doi: 10.15203/ozp.636.vol41iss1

    Was verursacht die Aufwärtsspirale in der Umweltpolitik? : Der Einfluss internationaler Harmonisierung auf nationale Umweltstandards


    Die klassische Theorie des Regulierungswettbewerbs im Umweltschutz sagte im Zuge der Globalisierung Regulierungswettläufe nach unten voraus. Die empirische Evidenz scheint widersprüchlich, was auch an den verwendeten Maßen für das Regulierungsniveau liegt. Insbesondere die auf Umweltqualitätsdaten beruhende Forschung deutet eher auf eine Aufwärtsbewegung hin. Zur Erklärung für eine Aufwärtsdynamik gibt es in der Literatur einige kausale Vermutungen, jedoch bisher keinen breit abgestützten empirischen Nachweis. In diesem Artikel ergänzen wir zunächst die Theorie um einen weiteren Faktor, die internationale Harmonisierung, von der wir vermuten, dass sie eine Regulierungsbewegung nach oben verursacht. Anschließend testen wir die Theorie mit umweltpolitischen Daten aus 24 Ländern von 1970 bis 2005, wobei wir erstmals die Regulierungsniveaus direkt messen. Wir finden eine eindeutige Aufwärtsbewegung des Regulierungsniveaus, keinen Effekt ökonomischen Wettbewerbs und klare Belege für den Einfluss der internationalen Harmonisierung.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2012): Assessing Eastern Europe's anti-corruption performance : views from the Council of Europe, OECD, and Transparency International SCHMIDT-PFISTER, Diana, ed. and others. Fighting corruption in Eastern Europe : a multi-level perspective. London [u.a.]: Routledge, 2012, pp. 11-33. ISBN 978-0-415-50299-3

    Assessing Eastern Europe's anti-corruption performance : views from the Council of Europe, OECD, and Transparency International



  • Osei, Anja (2012): Party System Institutionalization in Ghana and Senegal Journal of Asian and African Studies. 2012, 48(5), pp. 577-593. ISSN 0021-9096. eISSN 1745-2538. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0021909612465720

    Party System Institutionalization in Ghana and Senegal


    This paper presents a comparative case study of party system institutionalization in Ghana and Senegal. Both countries experienced a democratic change in government in the year 2000, but while positive development has continued in Ghana, democratic quality in Senegal decreased over time. Can the concept of party institutionalization help to explain this diverging development? Four dimensions of party System institutionalization are systematically compared: regularity, social roots, legitimacy, and party organization. It is found that party competition in Ghana is characterized by high stability and a low number of parties. The major parties are organized throughout the country and have definable support bases with deep historical roots. They give orientation to voters and are perceived as legitimate actors. In Senegal, in contrast, the party system is fluid and less predictable. Parties are not structured along social cleavages and many of them are weakly organized and highly personalistic. In summary, the case studies support the assumption that an institutionalized, well-structured party system in which relevant social cleavages are translated into electoral alternatives is positively related to democratic quality.

  • Osimo, David; Szkuta, Katarzyna; Pizzicannella, Roberto; Pujol, Laia; Zijstra, Ton; Mergel, Ines; Thomas, Craig; Wauters, Patrick (2012): Study on collaborative production in eGovernment (SMART 2010/0075) : Final Report ; Part. 2 Policy recommendations

    Study on collaborative production in eGovernment (SMART 2010/0075) : Final Report ; Part. 2 Policy recommendations



    dc.contributor.author: Osimo, David; Szkuta, Katarzyna; Pizzicannella, Roberto; Pujol, Laia; Zijstra, Ton; Thomas, Craig; Wauters, Patrick

  • Bauer, Michael W.; Ege, Jörn (2012): La politisation au sein de la bureaucratie de la Commission européenne Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. IISA. 2012, 78(3), pp. 429-451. ISSN 0163-4437. eISSN 0303-965X. Available under: doi: 10.3917/risa.783.0429

    La politisation au sein de la bureaucratie de la Commission européenne


    C’est dans le contexte du changement institutionnel et de la réforme organisationnelle que nous allons analyser la politisation de la bureaucratie de la Commission européenne. La politisation désigne généralement le fait de remplacer la neutralité bureaucratique par l’introduction de considérations politiques dans la gestion des ressources humaines et le comportement des agents de l’État. Les notions de politisation directe et de politisation professionnelle vont nous servir d’angles d’observation pour notre analyse. Les données empiriques sont issues d’une analyse documentaire et d’enquêtes en ligne et semi-structurées récemment menées auprès des agents de la Commission. Nous allons voir que les bureaucrates de la Commission, même s’ils sont très sensibles à l’aspect politique de leur fonction, sont moins politisés qu’avant, depuis les réformes Kinnock. Si le collège des commissaires est effectivement devenu plus politiquement sensible face à ses pairs supranationaux et aux gouvernements nationaux, la bureaucratie de la Commission peut être considérée comme faiblement politisée ou, selon les débats en cours, comme relativement instrumentale au sens néo-wébérien.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2012): Politikwissenschaftliche Korruptionsforschung GRAEFF, Peter, ed. and others. Was ist Korruption? : Begriffe, Grundlagen und Perspektiven gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Korruptionsforschung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012, pp. 113-133. ISBN 978-3-8329-7341-4

    Politikwissenschaftliche Korruptionsforschung



  • Engert, Stefan; Junk, Julian (2012): Der verunsicherte Staat - Die Folgen des Wandels der Sicherheitskultur. Ein Bericht der zweiten Jahreskonferenz des Forschungsprojekts "Sicherheitskultur im Wandel" Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. 2012, 5(4), pp. 663-668. ISSN 1866-2188. eISSN 1866-2196. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s12399-012-0294-z

    Der verunsicherte Staat - Die Folgen des Wandels der Sicherheitskultur. Ein Bericht der zweiten Jahreskonferenz des Forschungsprojekts "Sicherheitskultur im Wandel"



  • Keller, Berndt (2012): Der Zusammenschluss von Gewerkschaften im Eisenbahnsektor - Von Vernunftehen und unwilligen Dritten Arbeit : Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik. 2012, 21(4), pp. 247-262. ISSN 0941-5025

    Der Zusammenschluss von Gewerkschaften im Eisenbahnsektor - Von Vernunftehen und unwilligen Dritten



  • Osimo, David; Szkuta, Katarzyna; Pizzicannella, Roberto; Pujol, Laia; Zijstra, Ton; Mergel, Ines; Thomas, Craig; Wauters, Patrick (2012): Study on collaborative production in eGovernment (SMART 2010/0075) : Final Report ; Part 1. Collaborative production in eGovernment - practice and implications

    Study on collaborative production in eGovernment (SMART 2010/0075) : Final Report ; Part 1. Collaborative production in eGovernment - practice and implications


    This study aims to identify what is collaborative e-government and how Europe is positioned against the US and Australia; how it is implemented and what are its barriers and drivers; why it is important in terms of socio-economic impact; and finally what should be done by government to increase its positive impact.

  • Atypical employment in Germany : forms, development, patterns. Paper presented at the 16th ILERA World Congress, Philadelphia/USA, 2 - 5 July, 2012.



    dc.contributor.author: Seifert, Hartmut

  • Lang, Achim; Schneider, Volker; Bauer, Johannes M. (2012): Innovation Policy and High-Tech Development : Conclusions BAUER, Johannes, ed., Achim LANG, ed., Volker SCHNEIDER, ed.. Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 287-299. ISBN 978-3-642-12562-1. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-12563-8_13

    Innovation Policy and High-Tech Development : Conclusions



    dc.contributor.author: Bauer, Johannes M.

  • Garas, Antonios; Garcia, David; Skowron, Marcin; Schweitzer, Frank (2012): Emotional persistence in online chatting communities Scientific Reports. Springer Nature. 2012, 2, 402. eISSN 2045-2322. Available under: doi: 10.1038/srep00402

    Emotional persistence in online chatting communities


    How do users behave in online chatrooms, where they instantaneously read and write posts? We analyzed about 2.5 million posts covering various topics in Internet relay channels, and found that user activity patterns follow known power-law and stretched exponential distributions, indicating that online chat activity is not different from other forms of communication. Analysing the emotional expressions (positive, negative, neutral) of users, we revealed a remarkable persistence both for individual users and channels. I.e. despite their anonymity, users tend to follow social norms in repeated interactions in online chats, which results in a specific emotional "tone" of the channels. We provide an agent-based model of emotional interaction, which recovers qualitatively both the activity patterns in chatrooms and the emotional persistence of users and channels. While our assumptions about agent's emotional expressions are rooted in psychology, the model allows to test different hypothesis regarding their emotional impact in online communication.

  • Fatke, Matthias; Freitag, Markus (2012): Direct Democracy : Protest Catalyst or Protest Alternative? Political Behavior. 2012, 35(2), pp. 237-260. ISSN 0190-9320. eISSN 1573-6687. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11109-012-9194-0

    Direct Democracy : Protest Catalyst or Protest Alternative?


    This paper presents the first investigation of whether direct Democracy supplements or undermines the attendance of demonstrations as a form of protest behavior. A first approach assumes that direct democracy is associated with fewer protests, as they function as a valve that integrates voters’ opinions, preferences, and emotions into the political process. A competing hypothesis proposes a positive relationship between direct democracy and this unconventional form of political participation due to educative effects. Drawing on individual data from recent Swiss Electoral Studies, we apply multilevel analysis and estimate a hierarchical model of the effect of the presence as well as the use of direct democratic institutions on individual protest behavior. Our empirical findings suggest that the political opportunity of direct democracy is associated with a lower individual probability to attend demonstrations.

  • Garcia, David; Garas, Antonios; Schweitzer, Frank (2012): Positive words carry less information than negative words EPJ Data Science. SpringerOpen. 2012, 1, 3. eISSN 2193-1127. Available under: doi: 10.1140/epjds3

    Positive words carry less information than negative words


    We show that the frequency of word use is not only determined by the word length [1] and the average information content [2], but also by its emotional content. We have analyzed three established lexica of affective word usage in English, German, and Spanish, to verify that these lexica have a neutral, unbiased, emotional content. Taking into account the frequency of word usage, we find that words with a positive emotional content are more frequently used. This lends support to Pollyanna hypothesis [3] that there should be a positive bias in human expression. We also find that negative words contain more information than positive words, as the informativeness of a word increases uniformly with its valence decrease. Our findings support earlier conjectures about (i) the relation between word frequency and information content, and (ii) the impact of positive emotions on communication and social links.

  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2012): Die Stakeholder-Analyse im Kulturbereich : ein empirischer Beitrag Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis : BFuP. 2012, 64(1), pp. 1-17. ISSN 0340-5370

    Die Stakeholder-Analyse im Kulturbereich : ein empirischer Beitrag



  • Merkel, Wolfgang; Weiffen, Brigitte (2012): Does heterogeneity hinder democracy? Comparative Sociology. 2012, 11(3), pp. 387-421. ISSN 1569-1322. eISSN 1569-1330. Available under: doi: 10.1163/156913312X638606

    Does heterogeneity hinder democracy?


    Research linking heterogeneity and democracy usually focuses on one single dimension of heterogeneity, such as the distribution of power resources, income inequality, gender inequality, or ethnic fractionalization. Empirical results have so far been inconsistent. This article attempts a sound conceptualization of the phenomenon of heterogeneity. In order to assess whether and how heterogeneity hampers democracy, we will first define what “heterogeneity“ means and examine its various dimensions. Then we will discuss why and in which respect heterogeneity constitutes a challenge to democratic transition and consolidation and will review previous research. Our empirical analysis gauges the effect of various dimensions of heterogeneity on the political trajectory of states since the beginning of the third wave of democratization. We find that, while most facets of heterogeneity do not hinder democratic transition, most of them complicate democratic consolidation. Our final discussion offers some suggestions on how the obstacles that heterogeneity poses for democratic development could be overcome and which principles, procedures and institutions are most appropriate to deal with each of the different dimensions of heterogeneity.

  • Kampf gegen Korruption in eigener Sache bleibt aus



  • Häusermann, Silja; Schwander, Hanna (2012): Switzerland: Building a Multi-Pillar Pension System for a Flexible Labour Market HINRICHS, Karl, ed.. Labour market flexibility and pension reforms : flexible today, secure tomorrow?. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 155-181. Work and welfare in Europe. ISBN 978-0-230-29006-8. Available under: doi: 10.1057/9780230307605_6

    Switzerland: Building a Multi-Pillar Pension System for a Flexible Labour Market


    The Swiss multi-pillar system has been widely praised over the last two decades for its capacity to adjust to shifts in economic and demographic circumstances. The regime also enjoys widespread support in the Swiss population, because its structure means that the pension security of all Swiss residents is based on the interplay of three different pillars. A closer look at the distributive implications of this system, however, reveals that the idea of all Swiss pensioners resting securely on three pillars in their old age does not hold true. The Swiss three pillar system, in place since 1985, targeted its coverage mainly at standard employees. A range of important reforms since 1985 has enhanced pension security for atypical workers but they are still at considerable risk of receiving an inadequate income in old age.

  • The Somali crisis and the EU : Moving onshore and committing to Somalia


    About 90 percent of world trade is conducted via sea transport and up to 50 percent of the world’s container ships pass by the Horn of Africa. In result, Somali piracy attacks costs the global economy some USD 7 billion a year according to the One Earth Future Foundation.
    The crisis in Somalia has thus become a global problem. In response, the worlds’ powers are trying to contain and defuse it. The United States, China, Russia, NATO and the European Union all patrol the Indian Ocean in one of the largest military operations currently ongoing. Thousands of navy officers on war ships are engaged off the Somali coast aiming to protect container and cargo ships. With this costly undertaking not having much effect on preventing piracy, new strategies are needed.
    The Global Governance Institute takes a look at the political dynamics in Somalia and recommends to closer integrating shore and offshore-based engagement. It focuses on the European engagement with two running crisis management operations and one launched on 16 July 2012 and to be operational in the autumn. In the medium- to long-term engagement on the ground is needed.
    Piracy is a symptom of political instability in Somalia, not its cause. The revenue generated by pirates via ransom was about USD 160m in 2011, a fraction of what the international naval operations cost.
    The new European EUCAP Nestor operation can be a first step in the right direction if it is the first of many steps to much stronger engagement, fostering dialogue and addressing the causes of conflict: poverty and instability within Somalia rather than merely deploying warships to patrol the Somali coast.

  • Social Media in the Public Sector Field Guide : Designing and Implementing Strategies and Policies



    dc.contributor.author: Greeves, Bill

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