Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Bräuninger, Thomas; Bächtiger, André; Shikano, Susumu (Hrsg.) (2012): Experiment und Simulation

    Experiment und Simulation



    dc.contributor.editor: Bräuninger, Thomas; Bächtiger, André

  • Weiffen, Brigitte (2012): OAS – Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten FREISTEIN, Katja, ed. and others. Handbuch Internationale Organisationen : theoretische Grundlagen und Akteure. München: Oldenbourg, 2012, pp. 175-183. ISBN 978-3-486-58310-6

    OAS – Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten



  • Spilker, Gabriele; Schaffer, Lena; Bernauer, Thomas (2012): Does social capital increase public support for economic globalisation? European Journal of Political Research. Wiley. 2012, 51(6), pp. 756-784. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2012.02058.x

    Does social capital increase public support for economic globalisation?


    The dominant explanation of public attitudes vis-à-vis economic globalisation focuses on re-distributional implications, with an emphasis on factor endowments and government-sponsored safety nets (the compensation hypothesis). The empirical implication of these theoretical arguments is that in advanced economies, on which this article focuses, individuals endowed with less human and financial capital will be more likely to experience income losses. Hence they will oppose economic openness unless they are compensated by the government. It is argued here that including social capital in the analysis can fill two gaps in explanations relying on factor endowments and the compensation hypothesis. First, generalised trust – one key aspect of social capital – constitutes a personal endowment alongside human and financial capital. Second, structural social capital – another key aspect of social capital – can be regarded as a nongovernmental social safety net that can compensate for endowment-related disadvantages of individuals. Both aspects of social capital are expected to contribute, for distinct reasons, to more positive views on economic openness. The empirical testing relies on survey data for two countries: Switzerland and the United States. For both countries, the results indicate that generalised trust has a strong, positive effect on public opinion of economic globalisation, whereas structural social capital has no effect.

  • Green-Pedersan, Christoffer; Flemming, Juul Christiansen; Euchner, Eva-Maria; Jensen, Carsten; Turnpenny, John (2012): Dismantling by Default? : The indexation of social benefits in four countries BAUER, Michael W., ed. and others. Dismantling public policy : preferences, strategies, and effects. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2012, pp. 129-154. ISBN 978-0-19-965664-6

    Dismantling by Default? : The indexation of social benefits in four countries



    dc.contributor.author: Green-Pedersan, Christoffer; Flemming, Juul Christiansen; Jensen, Carsten; Turnpenny, John

  • Dutton, William H.; Schneider, Volker; Vedel, Thierry (2012): Ecologies of Games Shaping Large Technical Systems : Cases from Telecommunications to the Internet BAUER, Johannes, ed., Achim LANG, ed., Volker SCHNEIDER, ed.. Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 49-75. ISBN 978-3-642-12562-1. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-12563-8_3

    Ecologies of Games Shaping Large Technical Systems : Cases from Telecommunications to the Internet



    dc.contributor.author: Dutton, William H.; Vedel, Thierry

  • Party-Voter Linkage in Africa : Ghana and Senegal in Comparative Perspective



  • Spilker, Gabriele (2012): Helpful Organizations : Membership in Inter-Governmental Organizations and Environmental Quality in Developing Countries British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2012, 42(2), pp. 345-370. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123411000329

    Helpful Organizations : Membership in Inter-Governmental Organizations and Environmental Quality in Developing Countries


    Does membership in intergovernmental organizations help developing countries enhance their environmental performance? This article argues that IGO membership can improve the environmental performance of developing countries, by linking different issues, promoting the general idea of environmental sustainability and providing a channel through which these countries receive technologies and resources necessary to reduce pollution. This argument has been tested on panel data for 114 developing countries in 1970–2000. The results confirm that, controlling for a country's income and its political system, IGO membership is indeed associated with a reduction in both air pollution and greenhouse gases. To understand the mechanisms behind this result better, IGO membership is disaggregated according to both function and the degree of institutionalization of the respective organization.

  • Mergel, Ines (2012): Measuring the Impact of Social Media use in the Public Sector DOWNEY, Ed, ed. and others. Public Service, Governance and Web 2.0 Technologies : Future Trends in Social Media. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2012, pp. 48-64. ISBN 978-1-4666-0071-3. Available under: doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0071-3.ch004

    Measuring the Impact of Social Media use in the Public Sector


    Existing research on eGovernment performance has provided limited proof for the impact the use of technology has on citizen participation, engagement or generally satisfaction with government activities. Social media applications have the potential to improve responsiveness, reach, and efficiency, and even cost savings in government. The current Government 2.0 initiatives launched by all executive departments and agencies of the U.S. Federal Government as a response to President Obama’s Transparency and Open Government memo show that government agencies are implementing social media applications as additional information and communication channels. This chapter provides a comparison between traditional eGovernment measurement techniques and the current practices, highlighting the current practices of measuring social media impact in the public sector. The insights are based on data collected in 2010 from interviews with social media directors in the most innovative executive departments and agencies. The results show that the current standard practices mostly include quantitative impact measures instead of the qualitative measures needed to better understand the sentiments of citizens.

  • Knill, Christoph; Schäfer, Ansgar; Winkler, Daniela (2012): Die Rechtsprechung der deutschen Oberverwaltungsgerichte im Vergleich : Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Staatsrechtslehrern und Verwaltungsrichtern Verwaltungsarchiv : VerwArch ; Zeitschrift für Verwaltungslehre, Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungspolitik. 2012, 103(2), pp. 165-182. ISSN 0042-4501

    Die Rechtsprechung der deutschen Oberverwaltungsgerichte im Vergleich : Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Staatsrechtslehrern und Verwaltungsrichtern



  • The heart of darkness : how organizational structure influence civilian abuse



  • Wettrennen der Regionen nach Brüssel : die Entwicklung der Regionalvertretungen


    Die Regionalvertretungen in Brüssel sind das sichtbarste Zeichen für das europapolitische Engagement der verschiedenen Regionen. Obwohl die Anzahl der Regionalbüros in den vergangenen 20 Jahren stetig gestiegen, ist eine genaue Betrachtung dieser Entwicklung bislang ausgeblieben. Philipp Studinger widmet sich diesem empirischen Defizit und entwickelt darüber hinaus ein formales Kosten-Nutzen-Modell, das die Grundlage seines theoretischen Erklärungsrahmens bildet. Die Ergebnisse seiner Ereignisdatenanalyse zeigen, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Eröffnung einer Regionalvertretung mit der Spezifität der regionalen Interessenlage und durch die Emanzipationsbestrebungen der Region vom Nationalstaat steigt. Die Fallstudie über die österreichische Region Vorarlberg demonstriert zudem die Bedeutung der finanziellen Investitionskosten.

  • Verrechtlichtes Regieren und grenzüberschreitende Verwaltung : Rechtspolitologie in den Bereichen Korruptionsbekämpfung und europäische Atomenergiepolitik : [zusammenfassende Darstellung der kumulativen Habilitationsleistung]


    Zusammenfassende Darstellung der kumulativen Habilitationsleistung in Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft von Sebastian Wolf (Konstanz 2012).

    Immer mehr Politikfelder werden internationalisiert, erfahren also eine zunehmende Beeinflussung durch ausländische und internationale Akteure und Normen. Die kumulative Habilitationsschrift von Sebastian Wolf, bestehend aus neun in Fachzeitschriften publizierten Aufsätzen und der vorliegenden zusammenfassenden Analyse, untersucht vor diesem Hintergrund vor allem das Zusammenspiel bestimmter politischer und rechtlicher Prozesse in den Bereichen Korruptionsbekämpfung und Atomenergiepolitik. Die hierbei verwendete rechtspolitologische Perspektive, die etwaige Eigendynamiken von Rechtsnormen und die Rolle juristischer Institutionen besonders berücksichtigt, greift auf verschiedene Ansätze wie z. B. Neofunktionalismus, Kleinstaaten- und Implementationstheorien zurück.

    Die Europäische Atomgemeinschaft (Euratom) verfügt über verhältnismäßig starke rechtliche Grundlagen, erlangte aber aufgrund verschiedener politischer und wirtschaftlicher Faktoren in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten keine bedeutende Rolle. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die erst in den letzten Jahren entstandenen zwischenstaatlichen Antikorruptionsregime rechtlich eher schwach ausgestaltet, konnten aber bislang eine beträchtliche rechtspolitische Dynamik entfalten.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Schäffner, Mélanie; Gebert, Diether (2012): The complementarity of team meetings and cross-functional communication : Empirical evidence from new services development teams Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 2012, 19(2), pp. 256-266. ISSN 1548-0518. eISSN 1939-7089. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1548051811435792

    The complementarity of team meetings and cross-functional communication : Empirical evidence from new services development teams



    dc.contributor.author: Schäffner, Mélanie; Gebert, Diether

  • Grimm, Sonja; Leininger, Julia (2012): Not all good things go together: conflicting objectives in democracy promotion Democratization. 2012, 19(3), pp. 391-414. ISSN 1351-0347. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13510347.2012.674355

    Not all good things go together: conflicting objectives in democracy promotion


    Conflicting objectives are often problematized as challenges to the effectiveness of international democracy promotion. However, systematic research about their emergence and effects is still missing. This special issue addresses this research gap and seeks to provide conceptual and empirical answers in the field of conflicting objectives in international democracy promotion. The authors represented in this special issue investigate (post-) conflict societies, developing countries, and authoritarian regimes, attempting to identify the patterns of conflicting objectives in democracy promotion, the reasons for their emergence, and their consequences. This introduction presents a conceptual framework that pursues four aims: first, it differentiates between two types of conflicting objectives (intrinsic and extrinsic); second, it offers an approach for identification of their phases of emergence; third, it proposes reasons for their emergence; and fourth, it discusses how political actors deal with these conflicting objectives. The empirical findings of the contributions to this special issue illustrate and substantiate the theoretical and conceptual reflections.

  • Netzpolitischer Rückblick 2012



  • Bernauer, Dominik; Knill, Christoph (2012): When the Dismantling of an Ineffective Policy Becomes Increasingly Costly : Default Strategies, Arena-Shifting, and Symbolic Action in German Waste Policy BAUER, Michael W., ed. and others. Dismantling public policy : preferences, strategies, and effects. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 155-175. ISBN 978-0-19-965664-6

    When the Dismantling of an Ineffective Policy Becomes Increasingly Costly : Default Strategies, Arena-Shifting, and Symbolic Action in German Waste Policy



  • Der Gesundheitsfonds : Entstehung - Einführung - Weiterentwicklung - Folgen



  • Jungherr, Andreas (2012): The German federal election of 2009 : The challenge of participatory cultures in political campaigns Transformative Works and Cultures. 2012, 10, Jungherr. eISSN 1941-2258. Available under: doi: 10.3983/twc.2012.0310

    The German federal election of 2009 : The challenge of participatory cultures in political campaigns


    Increasingly, political actors have to act in online communication environments. There they meet overlapping networked publics with different levels of participatory cultures and varying expectations of participation in the (re)making and co-production of political content. This challenges political actors used to a top-down approach to communication. Meanwhile, online users are increasingly politically involved as legislatures all over the world become more active in regulating communication environments online. These new political actors often share participatory practices and have high levels of new media skills. Now they are challenged to adapt these bottom-up participatory cultures to the traditional political environment. This paper examines these adaption processes by examining three examples from the campaign for the German federal election of 2009. These examples include the attempt of Germany's conservative party (CDU) to encourage their supporters to adapt participatory practices, the German Social Democrats' (SPD) top-down production and distribution of online content that mimicked the look and feel of user-generated content, and the bottom-up emergence of political flash mobs.

  • Gobron, Stéphane; Ahn, Junghyun; Garcia, David; Silvestre, Quentin; Thalmann, Daniel; Boulic, Ronan (2012): An Event-Based Architecture to Manage Virtual Human Non-Verbal Communication in 3D Chatting Environment PERALES, Francisco J., ed., Robert B. FISHER, ed., Thomas B. MOESLUND, ed.. Articulated motion and deformable objects : 7th International Conference, AMDO 2012, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, July 11-13, 2012 ; proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2012, pp. 58-68. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7378. ISSN 0302-9743. eISSN 1611-3349. ISBN 978-3-642-31566-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31567-1_6

    An Event-Based Architecture to Manage Virtual Human Non-Verbal Communication in 3D Chatting Environment


    Non-verbal communication (NVC) makes up about two-thirds of all communication between two people or between one speaker and a group of listeners. However, this fundamental aspect of communicating is mostly omitted in 3D social forums or virtual world oriented games. This paper proposes an answer by presenting a multi-user 3D-chatting system enriched with NVC relative to motion. This event-based architecture tries to recreate a context by extracting emotional cues from dialogs and derives virtual human potential body expressions from that event triggered context model. We structure the paper by expounding the system architecture enabling the modeling NVC in a multi-user 3D-chatting environment. There, we present the transition from dialog-based emotional cues to body language, and the management of NVC events in the context of a virtual reality client-server system. Finally, we illustrate the results with graphical scenes and a statistical analysis representing the increase of events due to NVC.

  • Entwicklungen und Strukturmerkmale der atypischen Beschäftigung in Deutschland bis 2010



    dc.contributor.author: Seifert, Hartmut; Schulz, Susanne

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