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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
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  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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20 / 4358
  • Tosun, Jale (2011): When the grace period is over : Assessing the new member states’ compliance with EU requirements for oil stockholding energy policy Energy Policy. 2011, 39(11), pp. 7156-7164. ISSN 0301-4215. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.08.035

    When the grace period is over : Assessing the new member states’ compliance with EU requirements for oil stockholding energy policy


    The accumulation of appropriate emergency stocks of crude oil and petroleum products has been at the heart of the European Commission's efforts to increase the security of supply. This study investigates how effectively the ‘new’ Member States comply with the requirements of Council Directive 2006/67/EC, which imposes the obligation to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products. The empirical focus of this analysis is not only motivated by the practical relevance of this issue, but also by the fact that eleven of the twelve new Member States were given grace periods between one and seven years to bring their national stockholding arrangements in line with the European requirements. The granting of extended deadlines raises the question whether this instrument indeed facilitates the transposition process. The empirical findings show that except for Latvia, compliance with the EU stockholding requirements is generally very good. A more detailed analysis of the Latvian case highlights that the transposition delays principally stem from budgetary constraints. More generally, the individual new Member States' capacity to cope with the financial burdens and the degree of adjustment pressure determine the variation in oil stock levels.

  • Bartsch, Wiebke; Schneider, Gerald (2011): Globalisierung : Hinweise zur Klärung eines Begriffs KNOBLOCH, Jörg, ed.. Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in einer globalisierten Welt : Chancen und Risiken. München: Kopaed, 2011, pp. 20-35. Kjl & m / Extra. 11. ISBN 978-3-86736-259-7

    Globalisierung : Hinweise zur Klärung eines Begriffs



    dc.contributor.author: Bartsch, Wiebke

  • Koos, Sebastian (2011): Explaining Ethical Consumption Behavior in Europe : A Comparative Analysis NAWOJCZYK, Maria, ed.. Economy in changing society : consumptions, markets, organizations and social policies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2011, pp. 17-44. ISBN 978-1-4438-2699-0

    Explaining Ethical Consumption Behavior in Europe : A Comparative Analysis



  • Häusermann, Silja; Kübler, Daniel (2011): Policy frames and coalition dynamics in the recent reforms of Swiss family policy German Policy Studies. 2011, 6(3), pp. 163-194

    Policy frames and coalition dynamics in the recent reforms of Swiss family policy



    dc.contributor.author: Kübler, Daniel

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2011): Polykratische Integration : Nationalsozialistische Spitzenbeamte als Netzwerker in der deutschen Besatzungsverwaltung in Belgien 1940-1944 REICHARDT, Sven, ed. and others. Der prekäre Staat : Herrschen und Verwalten im Nationalsozialismus. Frankfurt [u.a.]: Campus-Verl, 2011, pp. 241-273. ISBN 978-3-593-39422-0

    Polykratische Integration : Nationalsozialistische Spitzenbeamte als Netzwerker in der deutschen Besatzungsverwaltung in Belgien 1940-1944



  • Mergel, Ines (2011): Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again PA Times. 2011, 34(4), pp. 4-6. ISSN 1041-6323

    Crowdsourced Ideas Make Participating in Government Cool Again


    The article focuses on the open innovation platforms used by the U.S. government in 2011 to engage the public on government issues and plans. It says that the platforms are designed to fill the challenges faced by government in making proper analysis in several social media tools, such as blogs, Twitter or Facebook. It states that the government can extract new ideas or valuable insights to solve the complexity of a government task using a crowdsourcing approach.

  • Gebert, Diether; Boerner, Sabine; Chatterjee, Debabrata (2011): Diversity – diskutieren oder tabuisieren? : eine explorative Studie in Indien Zeitschrift für Management. 2011, 6(3), pp. 287-314. ISSN 1861-4264. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s12354-011-0147-z

    Diversity – diskutieren oder tabuisieren? : eine explorative Studie in Indien


    In Ergänzung zu vorliegenden Unterscheidungen innerhalb der Diversity-Forschung wird hier erstmals die Unterscheidung einer tabuisierten von einer nicht-tabuisierten Diversity eingeführt. Die Legitimierung dieser Unterscheidung ergibt sich daraus, dass – so die zentrale Annahme – tabuisierte Diversity mit einer Konfliktverschiebung, nicht-tabuisierte Diversity dagegen mit einer Konflikteskalation einhergeht. Für die Praxis des Managements ist diese Unterscheidung wichtig, um die Risiken des globalen Trends zu mehr Diversity genauer einschätzen zu können. An einer Stichprobe von N = 96 Schulen im Bundesstaat Kerala in Südindien zeigte sich im Sinne der Konflikteskalations-These, dass die nicht-tabuisierte gewerkschaftliche Diversity mit gruppeninternen Spannungen positiv beschleunigt verbunden ist. Im Sinne der Konfliktverschiebungs-These zeigte sich, dass die nicht-tabuisierte gewerkschaftliche Diversity mit gruppeninternen Konflikten besonders eng verbunden ist, wenn zugleich die tabuisierte religiöse Diversity hoch ausgeprägt ist. Zur Erklärung der Befunde wird einerseits auf die Besonderheiten der Stichprobe in Kerala eingegangen. Zur Formulierung von Managementimplikationen wird andererseits präzisiert, in Bezug auf welche Diversity-Arten in Deutschland analoge Konstellationen vorzuliegen scheinen und welche Konsequenzen hieraus für das Management erwachsen.

  • Keller, Berndt (2011): Labour and employment policy HEINELT, Hubert, ed. and others. Policies within the EU multi-level system : instruments and strategies of European governance. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011, pp. 231-259. ISBN 978-3-8329-6142-8

    Labour and employment policy



  • Hadjer, Tahmina Sadat; Schneider, Gerald (2011): Economics and Terrorism MARTIN, Gus, ed.. The Sage encyclopedia of terrorism. 2. Los Angeles [u.a.]: SAGE, 2011, pp. 173-179. ISBN 978-1-4129-8016-6

    Economics and Terrorism



    dc.contributor.author: Hadjer, Tahmina Sadat

  • Isett, Kimberley R.; Mergel, Ines; LeRoux, Kelly; Mischen, Pamela A.; Rethemeyer, R. Karl (2011): Networks in Public Administration Scholarship : Understanding Where We Are and Where We Need to Go Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 2011, 21(Suppl. 1), pp. i157-i173. ISSN 1053-1858. eISSN 1477-9803. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jopart/muq061

    Networks in Public Administration Scholarship : Understanding Where We Are and Where We Need to Go


    This article examines the road that network scholarship has followed in Public Administration. We look at the historical drivers of the use of networks in practice and scholarship in the field and discuss how that has shaped the current literature. The body of the article focuses on the current challenges that network scholars face in the discipline, specifically basic theoretical issues, knowledge about formal networks, knowledge about informal networks, and methodological issues. We close the article with a look to the future and some suggestions for the future of network scholarship in Public Administration.

  • Hoeffler, Anke; Rohner, Dominic (2011): Beyond greed and grievance COLLIER, Paul, ed.. Conflict, Political Accountability and Aid. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 35-62. ISBN 978-0-415-58727-3. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780203842256-3

    Beyond greed and grievance


    Over the past half-century civil war has replaced international war as the most prevalent form of large-scale violence. Once started, civil wars are hard to stop: they persist for more than ten times as long as international wars. Their consequences are usually dire, being massively destructive to the economy, to the society, and to life itself. The prevention of civil war is therefore rightly seen as one of the key priorities for international attention. Informed strategies of prevention must rest upon an analysis of what makes situations prone to civil war. Precisely because in any particular violent conflict the issue is highly politicized, with supporters of each side proffering a litany of self-serving ‘explanations’, the public discourse is hopelessly contaminated by advocacy. The issue is thus particularly well-suited to statistical analysis of global data. This approach both abstracts from any particular conflict and subjects the researcher to the discipline of statistical method.

  • Parteien und Außenpolitik : eine Analyse des Abstimmungsverhaltens im Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Bundestages; Konferenzbeitrag für die Dritte Offene Sektionstagung Internationale Politik München, 6.-7. Oktober 2011


    Der Beitrag untersucht die Bedeutung von Parteipolitik im außenpolitischen Entscheidungsprozess. Vor dem Hintergrund der Exekutiv-Dominanz Theorie, wird der parteipolitische Spielraum im Deutschen Bundestag theoretisch und empirisch ausgelotet. Nach der Präsentation eines neuen Hypothesensets über die innenpolitische Dimension der Außenpolitik, wenden wir uns in der empirischen Untersuchung der Frage zu, wie Parteipolitik die Entscheidungen des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Bundestages beeinflusst. Grundlage der Analyse ist ein Datensatz, der sämtliche Entscheidungen zu Regierungsvorschlägen von 1990 bis 2005 umfasst. Der Beitrag argumentiert, dass außenpolitische Rollenkonzepte zwar einen gewissen Rahmen vorgeben, innerhalb dessen jedoch parteipolitische Varianzen verstärkt zum Tragen kommen. Die Analyse bildet eine Vorstudie zu einem geplanten ausführlicheren Projekt über die Innenpolitik der deutschen Außenpolitik.

  • The Diffusion of Atrocities : A Spatial Analysis on the Role of Refugees


    A range of theories have attempted to explain the existing variation in the level of civilian victimization across countries. To date, most of these theories have been focused on the influence of the strategic environment in which These atrocities take place or they have emphasized the organizational difference between the involved actors. Less attention is, however, devoted to the possible spillover effect of these atrocities. This study fills this niche by analyzing the role of refugee flows on the diffusion of atrocities. We do so through statistical analyses of refugee from neighboring countries and the occurrence of atrocities in Africa during the period of 1995-2010, controlling for other possible explanation of atrocities. Our study is the first to systematically examine the effect of refugees on the likelihood of atrocities in refugee-recipient states. We do this by employing a spatial lag model with a temporal component with two different spatial weighting matrices. The preliminary results of the analyses suggest that refugees indeed influence the amount of atrocities and that atrocities are spatially determined. Furthermore, civilian killings is primarily caused by strategic factors such as the number of atrocities and rebel groups in neighboring state and the number of rebel groups and battle deaths in the host country.

  • Boehm, Stephan A.; Baumgaertner, Miriam K.; Dwertmann, David J. G.; Kunze, Florian (2011): Age diversity and its performance implications : analysing a major future workforce trend BOPPEL, Michael, ed., Stephan BOEHM, ed., Sven KUNISCH, ed.. From Grey to Silver. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 121-141. ISBN 978-3-642-15593-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15594-9_11

    Age diversity and its performance implications : analysing a major future workforce trend


    Demographic change, increased retirement age, and efforts to shorten the duration of education will lead to a more age-diverse workforce in future. Age diversity’s successful management will therefore become an important business issue for company practitioners. Unfortunately, knowledge concerning the outcomes of diversity in general and age diversity in particular lacks consistency. On the basis of the similarity-attraction paradigm, social identity and self-categorisation theory, token status, and inequality, some scholars argue that diversity has negative effects. On the basis of the information/decision-making perspective, other scholars predict that diversity has positive outcomes.

  • Measuring environmental policy change : conceptual alternatives and research implications


    The study of policy change has been receiving increasing scholarly attention. Despite the growing number of empirical studies on policy change, the definition and measurement of the concept has made limited progress. In comparative environmental policy research, for instance, most existing large n studies rely on impact data such as pollutant emissions to approximate processes of policy change, often without discussing the conceptual implications of this measurement approach. Against this background, this article proposes a new measurement concept for empirically assessing environmental policy change, which conceives of policy change in terms of changes in policy outputs. We illustrate our measurement concept on the basis of an original dataset covering the evolution of clean air policies in 24 advanced democracies over a period of almost three decades (1976-2003). In a second step, we evaluate the relationship between our measurement of environmental policy change and standard emission data representing the most widely used proxy in the literature. Our findings suggest that clean air policies cannot be consistently associated with emission levels, therefore calling into question the viability of environmental impact data for the study of the determinants of policy change.

  • Varieties of cross-class coalitions in the politics of dualization : insights from the case of vocational training in Germany


    The literature notes an increasing trend towards labor market stratification and dualization in coordinated market economies such as Germany. Labor market insiders and insider-oriented cross-class coalitions are usually identified as the driving forces behind these developments. This paper adds to this perspective by identifying different varieties of cross-class coalitions. On the basis of three case studies from the field of vocational training policy in Germany, two kinds of coalitions are identified: a conservative cross-class coalition of unions and employers that is against state intrusion into the domain of firm-based training, and a segmentalist cross-class coalition of social democratic government actors and business that is promoting an incremental flexibilization of the system against union opposition. In an alternating manner, both coalitions block the large-scale change that would be the most effective in countering dualization. Hence, they tacitly support dualization by drift.

  • Kunze, Florian; Boehm, Stephan A.; Bruch, Heike (2011): Age diversity, age discrimination climate, and performance consequences : a cross organizational study Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2011, 32(2), pp. 264-290. ISSN 0894-3796. eISSN 1099-1379. Available under: doi: 10.1002/job.698

    Age diversity, age discrimination climate, and performance consequences : a cross organizational study


    This paper deals with the emergence of perceived age discrimination climate on the company level and its performance consequences. In this new approach to the field of diversity research, we investigated (a) the effect of organizational-level age diversity on collective perceptions of age discrimination climate that (b) in turn should influence the collective affective commitment of employees, which is (c) an important trigger for overall company performance. In a large-scale study that included 128 companies, a total of 8,651 employees provided data on their perceptions of age discrimination and affective commitment on the company level. Information on firm-level performance was collected from key informants. We tested the proposed model using structural equation modeling (SEM) procedures and, overall, found support for all hypothesized relationships. The findings demonstrated that age diversity seems to be related to the emergence of an age discrimination climate in companies, which negatively impacts overall firm performance through the mediation of affective commitment. These results make valuable contributions to the diversity and discrimination literature by establishing perceived age discrimination on the company level as a decisive mediator in the age diversity/performance link. The results also suggest important practical implications for the effective management of an increasingly age diverse workforce.

  • von Cossel, Friederike : Entscheidungsfindung im Kulturbetrieb am Beispiel der Spielplangestaltung im Theater



  • Keller, Berndt; Kirsch, Anja (2011): Employment relations in Germany BAMBER, Greg J., ed. and others. International and comparative employment relations : globalisation and change. 5. Los Angeles [u.a.]: Sage, 2011, pp. 196-223. ISBN 978-1-84920-722-5

    Employment relations in Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Kirsch, Anja

  • Searle, Rosalind; Den Hartog, Deanne N.; Weibel, Antoinette; Gillespie, Nicole; Six, Frederique; Hatzakis, Tally; Skinner, Denise (2011): Trust in the employer : the role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice in European organizations The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2011, 22(5), pp. 1069-1092. ISSN 0958-5192. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09585192.2011.556782

    Trust in the employer : the role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice in European organizations


    Despite the central role of trust in the organizational sciences, we know little about what makes people trust the organizations they work for. This paper examines the antecedents of employees' trust in their organizations drawing on survey data from over 600 European professional workers and managers. The results revealed direct as well as indirect relationships of both human resource (HR) practices and procedural justice with trust. The relationships of both HR practices and procedural justice with trust were partially mediated by perceptions of organizational trustworthiness (in terms of perceived ability and trustworthy intentions of the organization). Justice and HR practices were also found to interact such that justice forms a stronger predictor of trust in organizations when HR practices are less developed. In addition, employees' dispositional propensity to trust explained significant variance in employee trust in their organization, even when it was controlled in our analysis. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed.

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