Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Mergel, Ines (2011): Government networks BARNETT, George A., ed.. Encyclopedia of social networks ; Band 1. Los Angeles [u.a.]: Sage Publ., 2011, pp. 331-334. ISBN 978-1-4129-7911-5

    Government networks



  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Trampusch, Christine (2011): Review article : comparative political science and the study of education British Journal of Political Science. 2011, 41(02), pp. 413-443. ISSN 0007-1234. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123410000517

    Review article : comparative political science and the study of education


    The study of education has long been a neglected subject in political science. Recently, however, scholarly interest in the field has been increasing rapidly. This review essay introduces the general readership to this burgeoning literature with a particular focus on work in comparative public policy and political economy. Particular topics discussed are the historical and political foundations of contemporary education systems, the political and institutional determinants of education policies, the internationalization and Europeanization of education, the political economy of skill formation in varieties of capitalism and the effects of education policies. The article also introduces scholarship in related disciplines such as economics, sociology and comparative education sciences, and points out avenues for future interdisciplinary dialogue between political science and these disciplines.

  • Haer, Roos; Banholzer, Lilli Susanne; Ertl, Verena (2011): Create Compliance and Cohesion : How Rebel Organizations Manage to Survive Small Wars & Insurgencies. 2011, 22(3), pp. 415-434. ISSN 0959-2318. eISSN 1743-9558. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09592318.2011.581477

    Create Compliance and Cohesion : How Rebel Organizations Manage to Survive


    Established conflict theories focus on the role of incentives in the decision to join, stay, or leave an insurgency. These theories, however, disregard the pressure that an organization can impose on its members. Similar to legal organizations, we assert that a rebel organization can sustain itself by effective human resource management. Using narratives resulting from psychological trauma therapy of former combatants of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), these management strategies are examined. The analysis shows that the LRA sustains itself in the first place by the use of brute force. However, they also manage themselves by a careful selection process of their fighters, by the conscious creation of social control, and by offering their members an alternative social network in which promotion and compensation play a role.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2011): Das Comeback eines Reformmodells? : Die duale Berufsausbildung in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise Newsletter Gesellschaftsforschung : Aktuelle Themen und Nachrichten ; 2011,1, pp. 3-8

    Das Comeback eines Reformmodells? : Die duale Berufsausbildung in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise


    Das duale Ausbildungssystem durchläuft seit einigen Jahren einen grundlegenden Transformationsprozess, und die Ausbildung wird immer stärker an den Bedürfnissen der betrieblichen Praxis ausgerichtet. Diese Neuausrichtung hat sich in den Jahren der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise bewährt, denn das betriebliche Angebot an Ausbildungsstellen ist nicht eingebrochen und die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit bleibt auf niedrigem Niveau. Allerdings besteht weiter Reformbedarf, denn das kurzfristige Comeback der dualen Ausbildung hat das strukturelle Problem der Ausgrenzung gering qualifizierter Jugendlicher nicht nachhaltig gelöst.

  • Wie sichtbar sind die Webseiten politischer Parteien für Suchmaschinen?



    dc.contributor.author: Ludwigs, David J.; Schoen, Harald

  • Tosun, Jale (2011): Political parties and marine pollution policy : exploring the case of Germany Marine Policy. 2011, 35(4), pp. 536-541. ISSN 0308-597X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2011.01.015

    Political parties and marine pollution policy : exploring the case of Germany


    Effective marine pollution policy strongly depends on actions coordinated at the international level. As a result, scholars tend to more closely examine the formulation and implementation of international agreements, while paying scant attention to policy making at the domestic level. How important is the protection of seas to domestic key actors? This study gives an overview of German parties’ policy agendas with respect to marine pollution. In doing this, it analyzes manifestos for nine federal elections taking place between 1980 and 2009. The findings of the qualitative content analysis show that the combat of marine pollution has persistently formed an integrative part of German parties’ policy agendas, although there is notable cross-party variation regarding the scope of attention paid to this issue. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that German parties do not limit themselves to only recognizing sea pollution as a general problem and making some vague statements about the need to enhance protection levels. On the contrary, they present concrete proposals for improving the status of German and international marine ecosystems.

  • Der Einfluss von institutionellen und parteipolitischen Vetospielern auf den umweltpolitischen Wandel im Staatenvergleich (1970-2005)



  • Breunig, Christian; Ernst, Rose (2011): Race, Inequality, and the Prioritization of Corrections Spending in the American States Race and Justice. 2011, 1(3), pp. 233-253. ISSN 2153-3687. eISSN 2153-3687. Available under: doi: 10.1177/2153368711398716

    Race, Inequality, and the Prioritization of Corrections Spending in the American States


    Observers of U.S. criminal justice trends have noted the vast increase in spending on prison systems over the past 25 years. First, the authors empirically verify that overall spending on corrections not only increased but also that corrections spending grew compared to other budget areas. Second, the authors examine the mechanisms behind this prioritization. The authors posit that race and class dynamics of individual states affects the extent to which corrections spending is prioritized. Race acts as a central cleavage factor while class acts as a secondary cleavage in the political decision-making environment. Time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) analysis of state budget outlays between 1984 and 1999 provides strong evidence for this hypothesis. Our findings depart from previous scholarly work devoted to "underclass" theories of race and class interactions; the authors uncover a more intricate relationship between race and class. The article demonstrates that the higher the proportion of African Americans in a state, the higher the prioritization of corrections spending. Only in states with low proportions of African Americans does income inequality matter.

  • Häusermann, Silja; Schwander, Hanna (2011): Switzerland : building a multi-pillar pension system for a flexible labour market HINRICHS, Karl, ed., Matteo JESSOULA, ed.. Labour market flexibility and pension reforms : flexible today, secure tomorrow?. Basingstoke Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 155-181. ISBN 978-0-230-29006-8

    Switzerland : building a multi-pillar pension system for a flexible labour market



    dc.contributor.author: Schwander, Hanna

  • Jürgens, Pascal; Jungherr, Andreas (2011): Wahlkampf vom Sofa aus : Twitter im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009 SCHWEITZER, Eva Johanna, ed. and others. Das Internet im Wahlkampf : Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009. 1. Aufl.. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011, pp. 201-225. ISBN 978-3-531-17023-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-92853-1_8

    Wahlkampf vom Sofa aus : Twitter im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009


    Der deutsche Bundestagswahlkampf im Superwahljahr 2009 war mit seinen Online-Elementen im Wesentlichen durch zwei Umstände geprägt: Die Erwartungen von Öffentlichkeit und Medien einen starken Online-Wahlkampf zu erleben und den Online-Experimenten der Parteien im direkten Vorlauf zur Bundestagswahl.

  • Heinelt, Hubert; Lang, Achim (2011): Regional actor constellations in EU cohesion policy: differentiation along the policy cycle Central European Journal of Public Policy. 2011, 5(2), pp. 4-29

    Regional actor constellations in EU cohesion policy: differentiation along the policy cycle


    The aim of this article is to offer an empirical description and comparison of governance arrangements across different phases of EU cohesion policy and to offer explanations for national and regional variations in the prevalence of governance arrangements in non-Cohesion (Germany and Italy), old Cohesion (Greece and Spain), and CEE countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland), covering two regions for each country. Drivers of actor participation on the regional level are often linked to legal and normative requirements regarding the partnership principle. However, we conclude that Europeanization is far from being a straightforward process. The transformation of established vertical power relations within the political system as well as state-society relations at the national and sub-national level in accordance with the partnership principle are mediated by domestic and regional factors – including given responsibilities and administrative capabilities of regional government.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Cattaneo, Maria Alejandra; Wolter, Stefan C. (2011): Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education : microlevel evidence for the case of Switzerland Journal of European Social Policy. 2011, 21(3), pp. 253-273. ISSN 0958-9287. eISSN 1461-7269. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0958928711401769

    Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education : microlevel evidence for the case of Switzerland


    This paper uses an original dataset from a survey conducted in Switzerland in 2007 to explore the dynamics of education policy preferences. This issue has largely been neglected in that most studies on welfare state attitudes do not look at preferences for education. We argue that education policy preferences vary along two dimensions: the distribution of resources across different sectors of the education system (that is, vocational training versus academic education) and the level of investment in education both from public and private sources. With regard to the former, the findings suggest that individual educational experience matters most, that is, individuals prefer to concentrate resources on those educational sectors that are closest to their own educational background. With regard to the latter, we find that affiliation to partisan ideologies matters much more than other variables. Proponents of the left demand more investment both from the state as well as from the private sector and oppose individual tuition fees.

  • Tosun, Jale; Knill, Christoph (2011): The differential impact of economic integration on environmental policy JOVANOVIĆ, Miroslav N., ed.. International handbook on the economics of integration / Bd. 3: Factor mobility, agriculture, environment and quantitative studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011, pp. 240-256. ISBN 978-1-84980-427-1

    The differential impact of economic integration on environmental policy


    The interaction between international trade and environmental policy has become an important issue in the last few years. Despite the vast body of literature on the linkage between trade and environment, there are hardly any studies which attempt to conceptualize actual policy responses of governments to economic integration. To fill this gap, we suggest a theory-based disaggregation of the compound variable economic integration for deriving more precise expectations on its differential impact on environmental policy arrangements. Drawing on findings of our current research, such as in the field of cross-national policy convergence, this paper seeks to develop a better understanding of the effects of economic integration on environmental policy

  • Organstreitverfahren vor den Landesverfassungsgerichten : Eine politwissenschaftliche Untersuchung



    dc.contributor.author: Flick, Martina

  • Greenberg, Jason; Lazer, David M.J.; Binz-Scharf, Maria C.; Mergel, Ines (2011): Social Constraints, Agency, Inter-Organizational Tie Formation and Knowledge Diffusion

    Social Constraints, Agency, Inter-Organizational Tie Formation and Knowledge Diffusion


    Social capital is currently one of social structure‘s most prominent and debated manifestations. However, we have a limited understanding of how social ties as the basis of social capital form in the first place. From one perspective social capital is viewed as: "investment in social relations with expected returns in the marketplace" (Lin 2001, p. 19). A second perspective on social capital formation stresses contextual and environmental features beyond the control of individuals that may yield benefits. Both perspectives are based on premises implicating various motives and structural constraints pertaining to relationship formation including: exchange, power, and dependency; legitimacy seeking or preferential attachment based on status or prestige; homogeneity or homophily and related selection processes; propinquity; or cultural or institutional forces. These categories of mechanisms do not, however, specify a model of how social relationships as social capital are formed in the first place.

    If social capital results from "investment strategies," it is important to determine what these strategies are. If social capital originates from structural factors beyond individual control it is important to clarify what mechanisms lead to tie formation within social structures.

    The objective of this research is to specify mechanisms of social tie formation and reinforcement by peering inside the black-box of foci (Feld 1981) in which social ties are formed. We do so by focusing on the structural contexts within which individual (micro-level) corporate actors form social relationships for knowledge acquisition that results in macro-level knowledge sharing. A mixed-method analytical approach is employed to this end. Findings illustrate how the subtleties of social structure define the parameters within which social relationships are (strategically) formed.

  • Kunze, Florian; Boehm, Stephan A.; Bruch, Heike (2011): Generational leadership : how to manage five different generations in the workforce KUNISCH, Sven, ed.. From grey to silver : managing the demographic change successfully. Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 2011, pp. 87-100. ISBN 978-3-642-15593-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15594-9_8

    Generational leadership : how to manage five different generations in the workforce



    dc.contributor.author: Boehm, Stephan A.; Bruch, Heike

  • Schimmelfennig, Frank; Leuffen, Dirk; Rittberger, Berthold (2011): Everlooser Union : towards a theory of differentiated integration in the EU EUSA Conference, 3.- 5. März 2011, Boston. 2011

    Everlooser Union : towards a theory of differentiated integration in the EU


    While differentiated integration has been a prominent issue of EU policy-making and policy debate for a considerable time, it has been sidelined by integration theory. By the mid-1990s, the British and Danish opt-outs from Economic and Monetary Union and the development of the Schengen regime outside the treaty framework had shown that European integration would not necessarily develop in a uniform manner. Debates about “closer” or “enhanced cooperation” signaled attempts to give differentiated integration constitutional rank. At the same time, the so-called Schäuble-Lamers paper on Kerneuropa (core Europe) by prominent members of the CDU, Germany’s main governing party, triggered an intense policy debate in 1994. Yet the dominant integration theories – intergovernmentalism and supranationalism – continued to debate the causes and conditions of growth rather than differentiation in European integration...

  • Boerner, Sabine; Moser, Volker; Jobst, Johanna (2011): Evaluating Cultural Industries : Investigating Visitors' Satisfaction in Theatres The Service Industries Journal. 2011, 31(6), pp. 877-895. ISSN 0264-2069. Available under: doi: 10.1080/02642060902960792

    Evaluating Cultural Industries : Investigating Visitors' Satisfaction in Theatres


    This study investigates visitors’ satisfaction with their subjective experience in theatres. Reconciling research on theatre marketing and theatre studies, a model of visitors’ satisfaction in theatre is suggested and an instrument to capture visitors’ satisfaction and its determinants is developed. Results from a field study (n = 158) on three performances of ‘Twelfth Night or What You Will’ (Shakespeare) in a German community theatre revealed spectators’ perception of stage direction and their emotional response as significant determinants. Comparing experienced to inexperienced visitors’ judgements, no differences were found. Conclusions for theatre marketing are drawn.

  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2011): Understanding customer satisfaction in opera : first steps toward a model International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2011, 16(1), pp. 50-69. ISSN 1465-4520. Available under: doi: 10.1002/nvsm.394

    Understanding customer satisfaction in opera : first steps toward a model


    Despite the frequent call for a strengthened customer orientation in performing arts organizations, no efforts have been made to investigate customer satisfaction in opera so far. The paper aims at filling this gap by suggesting a first integrative model of customer satisfaction in opera. This model integrates insights from both services marketing literature (i.e., general services marketing and performing arts marketing) and performing arts literature (i.e., music perception and theater studies). The model is tested in a field study interviewing 116 visitors of a public German opera house. Results reveal visitors' level of appraisal to be the main antecedent of their satisfaction, followed by their perception of the artistic quality, empathy/identification with the actors on stage, and recall from memory. Furthermore, differences within the audience regarding the relative importance of the antecedents of customer satisfaction in opera are investigated. Using gender and attendance frequency as segmentation variables, only minor differences are found, though. Managerial implications for opera marketing are discussed in conclusion. First, efforts in opera marketing should rather concentrate on the core service quality instead of the peripheral service quality. Second, professional opera companies may attract broader audiences if they focus on the emotional satisfaction of their customers. Third, since only minor and mostly insignificant differences between men and women, and occasional compared to frequent visitors are found, a need for further research to explore alternative segmentation variables in the opera context is identified.

  • Bonoli, Giuliano; Häusermann, Silja (2011): Swiss welfare reforms in a comparative European perspective : between retrenchment and activation TRAMPUSCH, Christine, ed., André MACH, ed.. Switzerland in Europe : continuity and change in the Swiss political economy. London [u.a.]: Routledge, 2011, pp. 186-204. Routledge advances in European politics. 72. ISBN 978-0-415-58051-9

    Swiss welfare reforms in a comparative European perspective : between retrenchment and activation



    dc.contributor.author: Bonoli, Giuliano

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