Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Mayer, Ines; Schneider, Volker; Wagemann, Claudius (2011): Energieeffizienz in privaten Haushalten im internationalen Vergleich : eine Policy-Wirkungsanalyse mit QCA Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2011, 52(3), pp. 399-423. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0032-3470-2011-3-399

    Energieeffizienz in privaten Haushalten im internationalen Vergleich : eine Policy-Wirkungsanalyse mit QCA


    Das Thema Energieeffizienz erhält seit einigen Jahren vermehrt politische Beachtung sowohl auf nationaler, als auch auf internationaler Ebene. Das Streben nach einem sparsamen Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen schlägt sich in einer zunehmenden Zahl politischer Maßnahmen nieder. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Wirkung dieser Policies auf den Stromverbrauch privater Haushalte im internationalen Vergleich zu analysieren. Im Fokus des Interesses steht dabei die Frage, welche politischen Instrumente am wirkungsvollsten sind, bzw. in welcher Kombination sie Wirkung entfalten. In methodischer Hinsicht greifen wir dabei auf Qualitative Comparative Analysis (in der Version Fuzzy-Set QCA) zurück, eine Methode, die sich zur Beantwortung dieser Art von Forschungsfragen hervorragend eignet. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass bestimmte politische Instrumente, wenn sie miteinander kombiniert eingesetzt werden, hinreichend für eine Senkung des privaten Stromverbrauchs sind. Institutionen wie Energieagenturen haben dabei eine wichtige Funktion, insbesondere in Kombination mit Normen und Standards. Ein niedriges Wirtschaftswachstum konnte als bedeutender Kontextfaktor identifiziert werden, der die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Stromeinsparungen erhöht.

  • Knill, Christoph; Schäfer, Ansgar (2011): Policy-Netzwerke WEYER, Johannes, ed.. Soziale Netzwerke : Konzepte und Methoden der sozialwissenschaftlichen Netzwerkforschung. 2. München: Oldenbourg, 2011, pp. 189-218. ISBN 978-3-486-58315-1




  • Wolf, Sebastian (2011): Die Antikorruptionspolitik der Europäischen Union zwischen Wertevermittlung und Eigeninteressen KLICHE, Thomas, ed. and others. Korruption : Forschungsstand, Prävention, Probleme. Lengerich [u.a.]: Pabst Science Publ., 2011, pp. 95-114. ISBN 978-3-89967-691-4

    Die Antikorruptionspolitik der Europäischen Union zwischen Wertevermittlung und Eigeninteressen



  • Klüver, Heike (2011): The contextual nature of lobbying : Explaining lobbying success in the European Union European Union Politics. 2011, 12(4), pp. 483-506. ISSN 1465-1165. eISSN 1741-2757. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1465116511413163

    The contextual nature of lobbying : Explaining lobbying success in the European Union


    Why are some interest groups able to lobby political decisions successfully whereas others are not? This article suggests that the issue context is an important source of variation because it can facilitate or hamper the ability of interest groups to lobby decision-makers successfully. In order to test the effect of issue characteristics, this article draws on a new, unprecedented data set of interest group lobbying in the European Union. Using quantitative text analysis to analyse Commission consultations, this article studies lobbying success across 2696 interest groups and 56 policy issues. The findings indicate that lobbying success indeed varies with the issue context, depending on the relative size of lobbying coalitions and the salience of policy issues, whereas individual group characteristics do not exhibit any systematic effect.

  • Haer, Roos (2011): Commitment among Fighters : A Research Note Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. 2011, 17(1). ISSN 1554-8597. eISSN 1554-8597. Available under: doi: 10.2202/1554-8597.1236

    Commitment among Fighters : A Research Note


    The key idea of this paper is that the level of commitment among combatants should be analyzed to get a better understanding of civil war duration and the survival of armed groups. The empirical application focuses on a sample collected during field research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bayesian analyses show that the ways in which fighters are recruited and the amount of training and promotion they receive have a significant, reliable effect on the level of affective organizational commitment showed by the fighters.

  • Ahn, Junghyun; Borowiec, Anna; Buckley, Kevan; Cai, Di; Chmiel, Anna; Czaplicka, Agnieszka; Dąbrowski, Grzegorz; Garas, Antonio; Garcia, David; Hołyst, Janusz (2011): CYBEREMOTIONS : Collective Emotions in Cyberspace Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier. 2011, 7, pp. 221-222. eISSN 1877-0509. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.09.076

    CYBEREMOTIONS : Collective Emotions in Cyberspace


    Emotions are an important part of most societal dynamics. As with face to face meetings, Internet exchanges may not only include factual information but may also elicit emotional responses; how participants feel about the subject discussed or other group members. The development of automatic sentiment analysis has made large scale emotion detection and analysis possible using text messages collected from the web. We present results of two years of studies performed in the EU Large Scale Integrating Project CYBEREMOTIONS (Collective emotions in cyberspace) Our goal is to understand the role of collective emotions in creating, forming and breaking-up ICT mediated communities and to prepare the background for the next generation of emotionally-intelligent ICT services. Project results have already attracted a lot of attention from various mass media and research journals including the Science and New Scientist magazines. Nine Project teams are organised in three layers (data, theory and ICT output).

  • Who are the outsiders and what do they want? : Welfare state preferences in dualized societies


    This paper makes three contributions. First, it presents a new conceptualization and measurement of outsider-status, which is based on social class and which takes into account that the category of outsiders is composed differently in different countries, depending on labor markets and welfare states. Second, it argues theoretically and shows empirically that the classbased measure of insider-and outsider status has a stronger explanatory power with regard to individual-level welfare preferences than the measure based on labor market status. And third, it demonstrates empirically that dualization, combined with skill-levels, shapes people's preferences with regard to different welfare policies: Outsiders have stronger preferences for redistribution and for social investment than insiders. The analyses are based on micro-level ISSP data

  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2011): The Institutional Power of Western European Parliaments : A Multidimensional Analysis West European Politics. 2011, 34(4), pp. 731-754. ISSN 0140-2382. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2011.572389

    The Institutional Power of Western European Parliaments : A Multidimensional Analysis


    Parliaments are more than legislative bodies. However, we lack an adequate understanding of the theoretical relationship between different facets of parliamentary activity or ‘parliamentary functions’. Relying on the principal–agent framework, this article argues theoretically that parliamentary power is a multidimensional concept comprising three distinct mechanisms to ensure policy outputs in line with the collective preferences of parliaments: direct influence on policymaking, the ex ante selection of external officeholders, and the ex post control of the cabinet. These mechanisms mirror the classic legislative, electoral, and control functions of parliaments. Empirically, the paper uses factor analysis of newly developed indicators for electoral powers and established measures of legislative and control resources to show that the institutional powers of 15 Western European parliaments comprise four distinct dimensions. These dimensions match the three theoretically derived mechanisms with committee power as an additional factor. Locating the 15 parliaments in this multidimensional space of parliamentary powers demonstrates that classifications based solely on lawmaking lead to biased assessments of parliamentary strength and weakness. Instead, the paper provides a more nuanced picture of the ways in which Western European parliaments can influence policymaking under the conditions of delegation.

  • Haunss, Sebastian (2011): The Politicisation of Intellectual Property : IP Conflicts and Social Change WIPO Journal : analysis and debate of intellectual property issues. 2011, 3(1), pp. 129-138. ISSN 2041-2029

    The Politicisation of Intellectual Property : IP Conflicts and Social Change


    In the last 15 years a remarkable string of contentious mobilizations has emerged, challenging the normative and institutional frameworks that regulate how knowledge is produced, appropriated, and used. In this article I argue that these conflicts are more than contingent phenomena of fluctuating protest patterns. They are rooted in the growing global economic and political importance of immaterial goods, and – on a more fundamental level – they address a set of new cleavages which originate in the social transformations of the knowledge society.

  • Hoeffler, Anke; Söderbom, Måns (2011): Post-conflict risks COLLIER, Paul, ed.. Conflict, Political Accountability and Aid. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 87-103. ISBN 978-0-415-58727-3. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780203842256-5

    Post-conflict risks


    Post-conflict societies face two distinctive challenges: economic recovery and risk reduction. Conflict will usually have severely damaged the economy. Supporting the recovery was the founding objective of the World Bank, and both aid and policy reforms have been found to be highly effective in the post-conflict context (Collier and Hoeffler, 2004). In this chapter we study the other challenge, risk reduction. The post-conflict peace is typically fragile: around half of all civil wars are due to post-conflict relapses (Collier et al. 2003). Both external actors and the post-conflict government must therefore give priority to reducing the risk of conflict. The two objectives of economic recovery and risk reduction are likely to be complementary: economic recovery may reduce risks, and risk reduction may speed recovery. However, this complementarity between objectives does not imply coincidence of instruments: the instruments that are effective for risk reduction may be quite distinct from those for economic recovery.

  • Cunha, Alice; Calca, Patricia (2011): The Portuguese Voters and European Elections : A Political-Sociological Appraisal PAPANIKOS, Gregory T., ed.. Essays on Social Themes. Athen: ATINER, 2011, pp. 29-38. ISBN 9789609549806

    The Portuguese Voters and European Elections : A Political-Sociological Appraisal



    dc.contributor.author: Cunha, Alice

  • Euratom, the European Court of Justice, and the limits of nuclear integration in Europe



  • Hoeffler, Anke (2011): On economic causes of civil war COLLIER, Paul, ed.. Conflict, Political Accountability and Aid. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 173-183. ISBN 978-0-415-58727-3. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780203842256-9

    On economic causes of civil war


    This chapter investigates whether civil wars have economic causes. Explanations of particular civil wars often invoke such causes. For example, the war in Rwanda has been attributed to pressure on land, while that in Angola has been interpreted as a contest for natural resources. The subject has not, to our knowledge previously been investigated. A related study by Bennett and Stam (1996) investigates the duration of international wars in terms of political and military variables. We utilize a comprehensive data set of civil wars (Singer and Small, 1982, 1994) and attempt to explain why they occurred in terms of underlying economic variables. Section 8.2 discusses the variables used in the analysis, basing them on a simple analytic framework. Section 8.3 presents the results, and Section 8.4 concludes.

  • The conditions and mechanisms of policy diffusion : an empirical analysis of the global spread of environmental legislation and practices



  • Grohs, Stephan; Ebinger, Falk; Reiter, Renate (2011): The Performance of Decentralisation Strategies Compared : An assessment of decentralisation strategies and their impact on local government performance in Germany, France and England Local Government Studies. 2011, 37(5), pp. 553-575. ISSN 0300-3930. Available under: doi: 10.1080/03003930.2011.604557

    The Performance of Decentralisation Strategies Compared : An assessment of decentralisation strategies and their impact on local government performance in Germany, France and England


    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of differing decentralisation strategies – political, administrative and horizontal – on administrative performance subsequent to reform. In this respect, the paper presents core results from a comprehensive research project that has been carried out between 2006 and 2009 on the impact of decentralisation in three European countries. The aim of the project has been to develop and apply an analytical framework for the measurement of the effects of national decentralisation policies on local government performance. A total of six reform ventures were scrutinised in French, German and English local communities applying a multidimensional set of performance measures. Surprisingly, many of the theoretical assumptions about the effects of decentralisation strategies could not be confirmed. Moreover, straightforward relations were not discovered between decentralisation strategies and performance effects but between policy fields, political interests and the time elapsed since the reform and performance.

  • Dobbins, Michael; Toens, Katrin (2011): Politologische Zugänge zur Hochschulforschung Die Hochschule : Journal für Wissenschaft und Bildung. Institut für Hochschulforschung Wittenberg. 2011, 20(2), pp. 56-73. ISSN 1618-9671

    Politologische Zugänge zur Hochschulforschung



    dc.contributor.author: Toens, Katrin

  • Sicherheitskultur und Strategiefähigkeit : die ressortgemeinsame Kooperation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Afghanistan



  • Weiffen, Brigitte (2011): Erleben, erzählen, erinnern: Sequenzen der Aufarbeitung von Regimeverbrechen in Argentinien in Politik und Literatur KNOLL, Christina, ed. and others. Forschung trifft Literatur : Aktuelle Forschungsthemen im Spiegel literarischer Werke. Oberhausen: Athena, 2011, pp. 119-135. ISBN 978-3-89896-416-6

    Erleben, erzählen, erinnern: Sequenzen der Aufarbeitung von Regimeverbrechen in Argentinien in Politik und Literatur



  • The African Union Integration vs. Souvereignty



  • Die Entstehung und Einführung des Gesundheitsfonds : eine kausale Rekonstruktion der Neuordnung der Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung


    Gegenstand der Publikation ist die Entstehung und Einführung des Gesundheitsfonds und somit der Prozess der Neuordnung der Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) seit dem Jahr 2009.

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