Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2011): The quest for freedom and stability : political choices and the economic transformation of East Germany 1989-1991 CALDWELL, Peter C. .., ed.. German unification : expectations and outcomes. New York [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. 99-120. ISBN 978-0-230-12075-4

    The quest for freedom and stability : political choices and the economic transformation of East Germany 1989-1991



  • Higher Education Policies in Central and Eastern Europe : convergence towards a common model?



  • Jürgens, Pascal; Jungherr, Andreas; Schoen, Harald (2011): Small worlds with a difference : new gatekeepers and the filtering of political information on Twitter Proceedings of the 3rd International Web Science Conference on - WebSci '11. New York, New York, USA: ACM, 2011, 21. ISBN 978-1-4503-0855-7. Available under: doi: 10.1145/2527031.2527034

    Small worlds with a difference : new gatekeepers and the filtering of political information on Twitter


    Political discussions on social network platforms represent an increasingly relevant source of political information, an opportunity for the exchange of opinions and a popular source of quotes for media outlets. We analyzed political communication on Twitter during the run-up to the German general election of 2009 by extracting a directed network of user interactions based on the exchange of political information and opinions. In consonance with expectations from previous research, the resulting network exhibits small-world properties, lending itself to fast and efficient information diffusion. We go on to demonstrate that precisely the highly connected nodes, characteristic for small-world networks, are in a position to exert strong, selective influence on the information passed within the network. We use a metric based on entropy to identify these New Gatekeepers and their impact on the information flow. Finally, we perform an analysis of their input and output of political messages. It is shown that both the New Gatekeepers and ordinary users tend to filter political content on Twitter based on their personal preferences. Thus, we show that political communication on Twitter is at the same time highly dependent on a small number of users, critically positioned in the structure of the network, as well as biased by their own political perspectives.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2011): Globalisierung und Frieden : die Perspektive der Politischen Ökonomie NEUMÄRKER, K. J. Bernhard, ed.. Konflikt, Macht und Gewalt aus politökonomischer Perspektive. Marburg: Metropolis-Verl., 2011, pp. 163-176. ISBN 978-3-89518-627-1

    Globalisierung und Frieden : die Perspektive der Politischen Ökonomie



  • Holzinger, Katharina (2011): Environmental Policy in the Joint-Decision Trap? : The Critical Balance between 'Market Making' and 'Market Correcting' FALKNER, Gerda, ed.. The EU's decision traps : comparing policies. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2011, pp. 110-127. ISBN 978-0-19-959622-5. Available under: doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199596225.003.0007

    Environmental Policy in the Joint-Decision Trap? : The Critical Balance between 'Market Making' and 'Market Correcting'



  • Framing Peace : public information and security in UN peace operations


    UN Friedensmissionen tragen in Konfliktregionen zu Sicherheit bei. Dabei müssen diese mit lokalen Akteuren interagieren. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Wahrnehmung von Sicherheit und die Kommunikation über Sicherheit. Wie Sicherheit und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Konfliktgebiet zusammenhängen, und wie effektive Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für UN Friedensmissionen überlebenswichtig sein kann, zeigt „Framing Peace“ anhand von drei Fallstudien zu den UN-Missionen in Bosnien-Herzegowina, dem Kosovo und Liberia. Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Polizeikomponenten der drei UN-Friedensmissionen. Die Arbeit deckt den Zeitraum der Entwicklung von UN Friedensmissionen zwischen 1996 bis 2006 ab.

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2011): The Holocaust in western Europe FRIEDMAN, Jonathan, ed.. The Routledge history of the Holocaust. London [u.a.]: Routledge, 2011, pp. 221-231. ISBN 978-0-415-77956-2

    The Holocaust in western Europe



  • Elff, Martin; Roßteutscher, Sigrid (2011): Stability or Decline? : Class, Religion and the Vote in Germany German Politics. 2011, 20(1), pp. 107-127. ISSN 0964-4008. eISSN 1743-8993. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644008.2011.554109

    Stability or Decline? : Class, Religion and the Vote in Germany


    This article looks at the development of the relation between social divisions and voting in Germany in the Bundestag elections after German unification. Considering the data from German electoral studies since 1994, it examines how social class impinged on support for the Social Democrats and for the post-communist PDS/Left and how church attendance and religious denomination affects the tendency to vote for Christian Democrats. It seems that it is much too early to write off the electoral relevance of social cleavages. The ‘core constituencies’ of cleavage-based parties have anything but disappeared and still show marked differences in voting patterns. In addition there are striking east–west differences in the patterns of electoral behaviour, especially regarding support for the post-communists. There is some, though not overwhelming, evidence of change in the social patterns of voting. But these changes hardly justify the elimination of the concept of social cleavages from electoral research. Instead, the results are consistent with the view that the politicisation of social cleavages depends on parties' appropriate mobilisation strategies and policies.

  • Taking a closer look at the "entrepreneurs of identity": How leaders influence collective identity construction in teams



  • Mergel, Ines (2011): Public Sector Networks BARNETT, George A., ed.. Encyclopedia of Social Networks ; Vol. 2. Los Angeles: Sage Publ., 2011, pp. 727-728. ISBN 978-1-4522-6650-3

    Public Sector Networks



  • Wolf, Sebastian (2011): Euratom before the court : a political theory of legal non-integration European integration online papers : EIoP. 2011, 15, 10

    Euratom before the court : a political theory of legal non-integration


    This paper mainly explores how law-based neo-functionalism can contribute to explain the legal development of the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom) in the last decades. The neo-functionalist approach developed by Burley (Slaughter) and Mattli in the 1990s expects spill-overs because it assumes that subnational actors try to overcome national law in order to pursue their interests by means of preliminary proceedings before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). It also presumes political dynamics as a consequence of a general strategy of the European Commission to widen the scope of the EAEC’s and/or its competences by means of actions against member states. By analysing ECJ case law on Euratom, the paper shows that the mechanisms and phenomena highlighted by this particular neo-functionalist approach do not occur in the case of the EAEC. It is concluded that a revised version of law-based neo-functionalism which takes into account, inter alia, context factors such as the interdependence of deregulation and reregulation is likely to have more explanatory power.

  • Shikano, Susumu; Mack, Verena (2011): When does the second-digit Benford's Law-test signal an election fraud? : Facts or misleading test results Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. 2011, 231(5/6), pp. 719-732. eISSN 0021-4027. Available under: doi: 10.1515/jbnst-2011-5-610

    When does the second-digit Benford's Law-test signal an election fraud? : Facts or misleading test results


    Detecting election fraud with a simple statistical method and minimal information makes the application of Benford's Law quite promising for a wide range of researchers. Whilst its specific form, the Second-Digit Benford's Law (2BL)-test, is increasingly applied to fraud suspected elections, concerns about the validity of its test results have been raised. One important caveat of this kind of research is that the 2BL-test has been appliedmostly to fraud suspected elections. Therefore, this article will apply the test to the 2009 German Federal Parliamentary Election against which no serious allegation of fraud has been raised. Surprisingly, the test results indicate that there should be electoral fraud in a number of constituencies. These counterintuitive resultsmight be due to the naive application of the 2BL-test which is based on the conventional v2 distribution. If we use an alternative distribution based on simulated election data, the 2BLtest indicates no significant deviation. Using the simulated election data, we also identified under which circumstances the naive application of the 2BL-test is inappropriate. Accordingly, constituencies with homogeneous precincts and a specific range of vote counts tend to have a higher value for the 2BL statistic.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Linkohr, Marius; Kiefer, Sabine (2011): Top management team diversity : positive in the short run, but negative in the long run? Team Performance Management: An International Journal. 2011, 17(7/8), pp. 328-353. ISSN 1352-7592. Available under: doi: 10.1108/13527591111182616

    Top management team diversity : positive in the short run, but negative in the long run?


    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the moderating role of top management team (TMT) longevity on the TMT diversity-firm performance relationship.
    Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents results from a quantitative longitudinal study of 59 TMTs in German companies in different industries.
    Findings – For age diversity, dominant educational background diversity, and diversity in dominant industry experience, the curvilinear moderating effect of TMT longevity on the TMT diversity–firm performance relationship is confirmed. However, for organizational tenure diversity, the form of the moderating effect is contrary to expectations (being u-shaped).
    Research limitations/implication – In line with previous studies, the results were sensitive to the performance measures in use. Furthermore, the results should not be generalized since they may be sensitive to the sector under study and the small sample size.
    Originality/value – First, a curvilinear moderating effect of TMT longevity on the TMT diversity-firm performance relationship is investigated for the first time. Second, although the selected diversity dimensions have been investigated in previous TMT studies, they are examined simultaneously for the first time. Third, this study analyzes TMTs of large and medium-sized German corporations operating in a variety of sectors. Fourth, relating demographic data on TMTs collected in 2004 to performance data for the years 2004 to 2007, the present paper presents one of the few longitudinal studies in the context of TMT diversity.

  • Pietsch, Lutz-Henning (2011): Die anthropologische Charakteristik der Spätaufklärung und die moralistische Tradition : Johann Georg Zimmermann - Johann Kämpf - Johann Caspar Lavater KAPP, Volker, ed., Dorothea SCHOLL, ed., Georg BRAUNGART, ed. and others. Literatur und Moral. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2011, pp. 325-338. Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft. 34. ISBN 978-3-428-13660-5

    Die anthropologische Charakteristik der Spätaufklärung und die moralistische Tradition : Johann Georg Zimmermann - Johann Kämpf - Johann Caspar Lavater



  • Hüttermann, Hendrik; Boerner, Sabine (2011): Fostering innovation in functionally diverse teams : the two faces of transformational leadership European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2011, 20(6), pp. 833-854. ISSN 1359-432X. Available under: doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2010.524412

    Fostering innovation in functionally diverse teams : the two faces of transformational leadership


    Empirical research on the effects of functional diversity on team innovation has yielded largely inconsistent results, showing positive, negative, as well as nonsignificant effects. For capitalizing on the positive potential inherent in functionally diverse teams, opening the black box between cross-functionality and team innovation by analysing mediating and moderating processes thus seems to be highly relevant. In this article, task and relationship conflicts are introduced as mediators of functional diversity and team innovation. Within this framework, transformational leadership is discussed as a moderator. It will become apparent that the role of transformational leadership in fostering the innovativeness of cross-functional teams is rather ambiguous. The discussed mediators and the moderator transformational leadership are integrated into a comprehensive framework and propositions for future research are derived.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Gebert, Sabrina (2011): Leading diverse people to creative outcomes : insights from the performing arts Paper accepted for the 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2011

    Leading diverse people to creative outcomes : insights from the performing arts



  • Schneider, Gerald; Gleditsch, Nils Petter; Carey, Sabine (2011): Forecasting in international relations : one quest, three approaches Conflict Management and Peace Science. 2011, 28(1), pp. 5-14. ISSN 0738-8942. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0738894210388079

    Forecasting in international relations : one quest, three approaches


    We consider the advantages and disadvantages of three different approaches that are used for forecasting international politics.

  • Reformimpulse für das liechtensteinische Korruptionsstrafrecht durch internationale Vorgaben



  • Searle, Rosalind; Weibel, Antoinette; Den Hartog, Deanne N. (2011): Employee trust in organizational contexts International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 2011, 26, pp. 143-193. Available under: doi: 10.1002/9781119992592.ch5

    Employee trust in organizational contexts



    dc.contributor.author: Searle, Rosalind; Den Hartog, Deanne N.

  • Knill, Christoph; Lenschow, Andrea (2011): Coping with Europe : the impact of British and German administrations on the implementation of EU environmental policy Journal of European Public Policy. 2011, 5(4), pp. 595-614. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501769880000041

    Coping with Europe : the impact of British and German administrations on the implementation of EU environmental policy


    A central problem for improving the implementation effectiveness of European legislation lies in the impact of national administrative traditions. The dependence on national administrations for implementing European policies implies that the formal transposition and practical application of supranational policies are crucially influenced by administrative traditions prevalent in a certain policy field, which may differ substantially from country to country. Focusing on the implementation of EU environmental policy in Britain and Germany, it is the objective of this article to investigate the interplay of national administrative traditions and European policy implementation in closer detail. The main argument is that the extent to which administrative traditions affect implementation effectiveness is less dependent on the "real" costs of adaptation than on the level of embeddedness of existing structures.

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