Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Wucherpfennig, Julian; Weidmann, Nils B.; Girardin, Luc; Cederman, Lars-Erik; Wimmer, Andreas (2011): Politically Relevant Ethnic Groups across Space and Time : Introducing the GeoEPR Dataset Conflict Management and Peace Science. Sage Publications. 2011, 28(5), pp. 423-437. ISSN 0094-3738. eISSN 1549-9219. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0738894210393217

    Politically Relevant Ethnic Groups across Space and Time : Introducing the GeoEPR Dataset


    This article introduces GeoEPR, a geocoded version of the Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) dataset that charts politically relevant ethnic groups across space and time. We describe the dataset in detail, discuss its advantages and limitations, and use it in a replication of Cederman, Wimmer and Min’s (2010) study on the causes of ethno-nationalist conflict. We show that territorial conflicts are more likely to involve groups that settle far away from the capital city and close to the border, while these spatial variables have no effect for governmental conflicts

  • Holzinger, Katharina; Knill, Christoph; Sommerer, Thomas (2011): Is there convergence of national environmental policies? : An analysis of policy outputs in 24 OECD countries Environmental Politics. 2011, 20(1), pp. 20-41. ISSN 0964-4016. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644016.2011.538163

    Is there convergence of national environmental policies? : An analysis of policy outputs in 24 OECD countries


    A central issue of globalisation research is the question whether globalisation leads to the convergence of policies or whether domestic responses to global challenges remain strongly influenced by existing domestic structures. In the field of environmental policy, there is some analysis of the diffusion of policy innovations, but there is a lack of systematic knowledge as to whether this leads to policy convergence at a broad scale. To what extent does environmental policy convergence take place? The analysis of policy development uses a data-set covering 22 different environmental policy measures in 24 OECD countries from 1970 to 2005. It reveals increases in the similarity of individual policies across countries, in the homogeneity of their policy repertoires and, particularly, in the strictness of regulations, as well as processes of catching-up and overtaking among countries.

  • Hönnige, Cristoph; Sieberer, Ulrich (2011): Germany : Limited Government Agenda Control and Strong Minority Rights BJORN ERIK RASCH, , ed. and others. The role of governments in legislative agenda setting. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 21-37. Routledge / ECPR studies in European political science. 71. ISBN 978-0-415-48101-4

    Germany : Limited Government Agenda Control and Strong Minority Rights



    dc.contributor.author: Hönnige, Cristoph

  • Keller, Berndt; Seifert, Hartmut (2011): Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Stand und Lücken der aktuellen Diskussion WSI-Mitteilungen. 2011, 64(3), pp. 138-145

    Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Stand und Lücken der aktuellen Diskussion


    Der Beitrag behandelt den aktuellen Stand sowie die bestehenden Lücken der anhaltenden Auseinandersetzung über atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse. Zunächst beschreibt er die langfristige Entwicklung und den Umfang der einzelnen Formen (Teilzeit, Minijobs, Befristung, Leiharbeit) sowie Gesamtumfang und Strukturen. Anschließend trifft er Abgrenzungen zur aktuellen Diskussion über Prekarität und analysiert detailliert die sozialen Risiken (Einkommen, Beschäftigungsstabilität, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, Integration in die sozialen Sicherungssysteme). Letztere sind im Vergleich zum Normalarbeitsverhältnis deutlich erhöht und treten sowohl während als auch nach der Erwerbstätigkeit auf; zudem sind die Mobilitätschancen eingeschränkt. Abschließend unterbreitet er einige Vorschläge zur Re-Regulierung (Einführung eines generellen Mindestlohns sowie individueller Ansprüche auf Weiterbildung, Anpassung der sozialen Sicherungssysteme, vor allem der Rentenversicherung).

  • Skandinavische Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik : Vorbilder für den vorsorgenden Sozialstaat



  • Walgrave, Stefaan; Bennett, W. Lance; Van Laer, Jeroen; Breunig, Christian (2011): Multiple Engagements and Network Bridging in Contentious Politics : Digital Media Use of Protest Participants Mobilization. 2011, 16(3), pp. 325-350. ISSN 1086-671X

    Multiple Engagements and Network Bridging in Contentious Politics : Digital Media Use of Protest Participants


    Based on three series of protest surveys across nations, issues, and time, this study examines to what extent the use of digital media permits activists to sustain multiple engagements in different protest events and different movement organizations. We find that digital media use stimulates multiple activisms. Through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), activists can maintain multiple engagements and manage weak ties with diverse protest and movement communities. The data also suggest that these multiple engagements and overlapping activisms effectively provide linkages to and integration within social movement networks. Core activists who are closely linked to protest organizations rely more on ICTs to manage their multiple commitments. Even activists less closely tied to core protest organizations can link to more diverse communities through Internet use. These basic patterns systematically hold across nations, across issues, and across time.

  • Grohs, Stephan; Bogumil, Jörg (2011): Management sozialer Dienste EVERS, Adalbert, ed. and others. Handbuch Soziale Dienste. Wiesbaden: VS-Verl, 2011, pp. 299-314. ISBN 978-3-531-15504-3

    Management sozialer Dienste


    Allgemein umfasst der Managementbegriff Steuerungsaufgaben, die zur Leistungserstellung und -sicherung in komplexen arbeitsteiligen Organisationen notwendig sind. Management kann daher aufgefasst werden als zielorientierte Steuerung, als die Gestaltung und Lenkung von Organisationen, um diese und ihre Mitglieder auf bestimmte Ziele und Ergebnisse auszurichten (vgl. Naschold/Bogumil 2000; Steinmann/Schreyögg 2005). Im Bereich der Sozialen Dienste wird der Managementbegriff in der Regel enger mit der Übertragung betriebswirtschaftlicher Instrumente und Rationalitätsprinzipien auf traditionell unternehmensfern konstituierte Organisationen gleichgesetzt – seien es bürokratisch gesteuerte öffentliche oder an Wertmaximen orientierte freie Träger. Bedingt durch die traditionell duale Aufspaltung der sozialen Dienste in öffentliche und freie Träger (vgl. den Beitrag von Sachße in diesem Band) findet sich der Managementdiskurs in Deutschland seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre in zwei wesentlichen Spielarten: Für den öffentlichen Bereich war das Neue Steuerungsmodell (NSM) dominierender Trend in der Übertragung betriebswirtschaftlicher Prinzipien auf die öffentlich getragenen sozialen Dienste (vgl. Bogumil et al. 2007). Im Bereich der freien Träger dominierte der Sozialmanagementbegriff (vgl. Merchel 2006a) die ähnlich gelagerten Umgestaltungsdiskussionen. Im Schnittstellenbereich zwischen öffentlichen Trägern (als „Auftraggebern“) und freien Trägern (als „Auftragnehmern“) wurde zudem Kontraktmanagement zum Bindeglied der Modernisierungsarenen. Im Folgenden wird zunächst der Hintergrund der einsetzenden Managementdiskussion beleuchtet (2.) und die beiden wesentlichen Spielarten, das NSM und der Sozialmanagementdiskurs skizziert (3.). In Abschnitt 4 werden dann wesentliche Dimensionen und Problemstellungen des Managements sozialer Dienste behandelt und die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit NSM und Sozialmanagement seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre bilanziert.

  • Intellectuals' Pursuit of Being. Great Power During Republican Era


    China gradually got rid of foreign controls and finally became one of Great Powers from the "Sick man of East Asia" during the Republican era. During this period, intellectuals played significant roles both from the perspective of knowledge building and from the practical perspective. With respect to knowledge building, intellectuals initiatively introduced western knowledge and constructed a new knowledge framework about international relations based on Chinese tradition in order to counter the shock of external knowledge and to reduce the frustration from the collapse of Tributary System, which made China deal with the New world much more self-confident. The progress on knowledge building also provide theoretical foundation of foreign attitude and shape the Chinese, especially the elites' perceptions towards international affairs. Meanwhile, intellectuals attempted to deliver Chinese voices through diverse international platforms, which promoted Sino-western cultural exchange and demonstrated Chinese knowledge responsibility for the world. In terms of foreign practice, intellectuals built modern diplomacy system and educated a great amount of professionals on foreign affairs, which led to diplomacy modernization and Chinese quick involvement into international society. Particularly in face of national crisis, some intellectuals with foreign expertise participate into the professional foreign activities as diplomats; some intellectuals provided important policy suggestions for Chinese foreign decision-making; and some others referred to "weapon of knowledge" and tried to advocate and defense Chinese national policies on international platform.

  • The Rocky Road from I to We : Retracing the Emergence of Members’ Team Identification


    Members’ identification has long been considered an important phenomenon in teams. Research has shown that individuals’ team identification may lead to a number of desirable member behaviors, including the willingness to engage in activities that benefit the group (e.g., Dutton, Dukerich, & Harquail, 1994; Haslam, Powell, & Turner, 2000), the readiness to communicate and cooperate (e.g., Dukerich, Golden, & Shortell, 2002), loyalty (van Vugt & Hart, 2004), and team learning (Van der Vegt & Bunderson, 2005). Yet, despite the importance of identification, the knowledge about its emergence and contingencies has remained rather limited. The research presented in this dissertation contributes to a better understanding of team identification (TI) by specifying the cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes involved in TI emergence, their mutual relation, as well as central contingency factors that pertain to an individual’s identification path. Based on interview and observational data stemming from members of seven heterogeneous teams in the context of UN peacebuilding operations, the thesis presents a grounded theory analysis of TI emergence. It shows that when individuals become members of a team, they engage in processes of identity enactment, team experience sensemaking, team outcome evaluation, and identity narrative adaption. Thereby, they either choose a withdrawal, reactive, or active convergence mode to reconcile the team’s identity with their existing identity narrative. As a result of this convergence, members may subsequently develop either negative, temporary, or deep-structured identification. Furthermore, seven contingency factors are shown to influence how the members’ TI emergence unfolds. On the team level, these are, (1) the nature of the team’s collective identity, (2) a team’s performance, (3) the degree of interaction and communication in a team, (4) a team’s scope of autonomy, and (5) team leadership. On the level of the system in which a team is embedded, we found (6) environmental hostility and favorability, as well as (7) the collective system culture to constitute strong influences of the emergence of members’ TI. Finally, the thesis provides tentative insights into the temporal sequence of TI emergence and shows that it is likely to emerge in repeating cycles and follow certain patterns. As such, the present work provides important insights for practitioners and scholars alike

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2011): Peace operations and modern protectorates : the logic of successful failure MAYALL, James, ed. and others. The new protectorates : international tutelage and the making of liberal states. London: Hurst, 2011, pp. 163-182. ISBN 978-1-84904-125-6

    Peace operations and modern protectorates : the logic of successful failure



  • Demokratisierung unter Stress : Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises „Demokratieforschung“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft vom 26. bis 28. Mai 2011 in Konstanz



  • Bernhard, Ebbinghaus; Claudia, Göbel; Koos, Sebastian (2011): Social capital, ‘Ghent’ and workplace contexts matter : Comparing union membership in Europe European Journal of Industrial Relations. 2011, 17(2), pp. 107-124. ISSN 0959-6801. eISSN 1461-7129. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0959680111400894

    Social capital, ‘Ghent’ and workplace contexts matter : Comparing union membership in Europe


    Union density still varies considerably across Europe. This cross-national diversity has inspired multiple explanations ranging from institutional to workplace or socio-demographic factors. In this comparative multilevel analysis, we combine personal, workplace and macro-institutional explanations of union membership using the European Social Survey. By controlling for individual factors, we test the cross-national effect of meso- and macro-level variables, in particular workplace representation, establishment size, Ghent unemployment insurance and a society’s social capital. We conclude that all these institutional and social contextual factors matter in explaining differences in union membership.

  • New Experiment of Global Governance? : Inter-embedded Issues, interrelated Institutions and the rise of Civil Society ; by Case-Studies of Trade and Climate Change


    Development of globalization has been changing the structure of International Society, and affects the legitimacy, responsiveness, and effectiveness of global governance institution. At present, the distinction of different issues is blurred, their overlapped structure is extended, and the connection of issues is strengthened. Secondly, International Institutions, as the key mechanism to handle global issues, are lagged compared with the changes; thirdly, non-state actors, esp. Global Civil Society, began to account great significance in the global platform during the deconstruction of international structure, which play multiple roles in Global Governance. This paper takes the "Inter-Embeddedness" structure of trade and climate change as the research subject, which will show a comprehensive picture about the overlapped issues, interrelated mechanisms, and the interactive actors. It tries to depict the possible directions and changing content of Global Governance. This paper will provide implications for the trend and the possible approach of China's involvement of Global Governance.

  • Hertz, Robin; Leuffen, Dirk (2011): Group Size and Formalization : A comparison of European Union decision-making before and after Eastern Enlargement Geopolitics, History and International Relations. 2011, 3(1), pp. 59-76

    Group Size and Formalization : A comparison of European Union decision-making before and after Eastern Enlargement


    In this paper, we analyze European Union (EU) decision-making before and after Eastern Enlargement. Theoretically, we take up the debate on whether and under which conditions a growth in group size leads to a formalization or an informalization of political decision-making. We test two hypotheses related to this question by comparing the fit of established decision-making models on a pre- and post-enlargement dataset of EU decision-making. For the pre-enlargement period we utilize the dataset from the Decision-Making in the European Union (DEU) project. Additionally, our dataset includes the ideal points of the 27 member states, the European Commission and the European Parliament on 120 issues from the post enlargement period. Against our initial expectation, we do not find an improved fit of the procedural model as compared to the compromise model after enlargement. While the paper is primarily a process-oriented contribution to the growing literature on how enlargements affect political decision-making, we also present first evidence for a growing status-quo bias pointing towards qualitative effects of enlargement.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2011): Korruptionsbekämpfung : es bleibt viel zu tun Wirtschaftsdienst : Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik. 2011, 91(1), pp. 4-5

    Korruptionsbekämpfung : es bleibt viel zu tun



  • Leuffen, Dirk (2011): Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte? : Divided Government im dynamischen Mehrebenensystem der EU STETTER, Stephan, ed. and others. Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält : Debatten zur Legitimität und Effektivität supranationalen Regierens. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011, pp. 315-342. ZIB Reader. 01. ISBN 978-3-8329-5856-5

    Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Dritte? : Divided Government im dynamischen Mehrebenensystem der EU



  • Grohs, Stephan; Bogumil, Jörg; Kuhlmann, Sabine (2011): Evaluation des Neuen Steuerungsmodells BLANKE, Bernhard, ed. and others. Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. 4. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011, pp. 554-562. ISBN 978-3-531-17546-1

    Evaluation des Neuen Steuerungsmodells



    dc.contributor.author: Kuhlmann, Sabine

  • Haunss, Sebastian (2011): Was ist der beste methodische Zugang? Bewegungsdiskurse und Prozesse kollektiver Identität Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen. 2011, 24(4), pp. 36-38. ISSN 0933-9361. Available under: doi: 10.1515/fjsb-2011-0408

    Was ist der beste methodische Zugang? Bewegungsdiskurse und Prozesse kollektiver Identität



  • Hoeffler, Anke (2011): Aid, policy, and growth in post-conflict societies COLLIER, Paul, ed.. Conflict, Political Accountability and Aid. London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 124-146. ISBN 978-0-415-58727-3. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780203842256-7

    Aid, policy, and growth in post-conflict societies


    In January 2002 the international donor community pledged $4.5bn in aid to Afghanistan for post-conflict reconstruction. This follows similarly substantial donor responses in East Timor and Bosnia. By contrast, donor responses to the end of some other conflicts have been modest, with the international financial institutions sometimes constrained by the problem of arrears of debt, precluding renewed lending. Evidently, the enormous variation in response is because post-conflict situations are sometimes highly politicized. However, since the needs of post-conflict situations compete for the same pool of resources devoted to aid for development, it is useful to benchmark the efficacy of aid in post-conflict situations relative to development assistance more generally.

  • Ich und die anderen : zu den intersubjektiven Bedingungen von Selbstbewusstsein


    Dass ein Subjekt einen privilegierten epistemischen Zugang zu den eigenen mentalen Zuständen hat, scheint eine alltägliche Selbstverständlichkeit zu sein. Wer immer Gedanken, Gefühle, Wahrnehmungen, Wünsche oder Empfindungen hat, weiß auch, dass er selbst diese Zustände hat. Als philosophische These galt das Wissen des Selbstbewusstseins aufgrund seiner besonderen Struktur und Funktion lange als geeignetes Fundament, um generelle Wissensansprüche über die Welt und die Subjekte, die in ihr leben, zu begründen. Die Autorin setzt sich mit zeitgenössischen und historischen Selbstbewusstseinstheorien und mit verschiedenen intersubjektivitätstheoretischen Ansätzen auseinander. Sie verteidigt auf Grundlage dessen die These, dass eine intersubjektive Beziehung zwischen mindestens zwei Personen eine notwendige Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass ein Subjekt Selbstbewusstsein haben kann. Der systematische Zugang des Buches beinhaltet die Diskussion einer Vielzahl von Theorien und Theoremen, u.a. die Debatte zwischen Tugendhat, Henrich und Frank, Nagels These vom objektiven Selbst, Perrys Analyse von Überzeugungen de se als reflexiven Einstellungen, Meads Theorie der Perspektivenübernahme, die Grammatik des Ausdrucks ‚ich‛ und die Herausforderung, die der semantische Externalismus für das Wissen von den eigenen mentalen Zuständen darstellt.

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