Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Chauvet, Lisa; Collier, Paul; Hoeffler, Anke (2010): Paradise Lost : the Costs of State Failure in the Pacific Journal of Development Studies. 2010, 46(5), pp. 961-980. ISSN 0022-0388. eISSN 1743-9140. Available under: doi: 10.1080/00220381003623871

    Paradise Lost : the Costs of State Failure in the Pacific



    dc.contributor.author: Chauvet, Lisa; Collier, Paul

  • Jungherr, Andreas; Jürgens, Pascal (2010): The Political Click : Political Participation through E-Petitions in Germany Policy & Internet. 2010, 2(4), pp. 131-165. eISSN 1944-2866. Available under: doi: 10.2202/1944-2866.1084

    The Political Click : Political Participation through E-Petitions in Germany


    Electronic petitions can serve as an influential mechanism for political participation. We present a study on the dynamics in the German e-petition system which was introduced in late 2008. Drawing on a data set of signatures, we analyze four aspects: (a) the types of petitions found, (b) the temporal dynamics of petitions, (c) the types of users found, and (d) the intersection of different petitions' supporter populations. We present evidence that (a) the system is dominated by a very small number of high-volume petitions and (b) these high-volume petitions have a delayed boosting effect on the base activity in the petition system. We furthermore (c) present a typology of users, showing that although highly active “new lobbyists” and “hit-and-run activists” exist, one- or two-time petitioners have the largest impact. Finally, it is indicated that (d) many of the high-volume petitions share a significant part of their user base, hinting at a complex, topically motivated network of supporters. Through the application of methods from what has been called “Computational Social Sciences,” we illuminate a highly relevant field of political behavior online, while demonstrating the capability of data-driven approaches in such novel domains.

  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhueser, Werner (2010): An international review of key issues : Employment protection ; 1. What are fair and unfair individual dismissals? ; 2. Germany BLANPAIN, Roger, ed., Greg BAMBER, ed.. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws: international comparisons between key countries. Austin Tex [u.a.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 120. Bulletin of comparative labour relations. 74. ISBN 978-90-411-3199-7

    An international review of key issues : Employment protection ; 1. What are fair and unfair individual dismissals? ; 2. Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Nienhueser, Werner

  • Studentische Selbstverwaltung im Vergleich : Kiewer Nationale Taras Schewtschenko Universität und Universität Konstanz



    dc.contributor.editor: Universität Konstanz, International Office

  • Jochem, Sven (2010): Wandel und Zukunftsaussichten des schwedisch-sozialdemokratischen Modells Leviathan. 2010, 38(2), pp. 227-249. ISSN 0340-0425. eISSN 1861-8588. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11578-010-0083-9

    Wandel und Zukunftsaussichten des schwedisch-sozialdemokratischen Modells


    Dieser Beitrag analysiert sowohl die politischen Grundlagen des schwedisch-sozialdemokratischen Modells als auch jüngere Dynamiken im Bereich demokratischer Reformpolitiken. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass sich die Grundkonstanten des schwedisch-sozialdemokratischen Modells grundlegend verändert haben. Erstens büßte die Sozialdemokratie ihre hegemoniale Position ein und zweitens erodierte die korporatistische Reformpolitik. Bedeutsame Veränderungen des schwedischen Wohlfahrtsmodells wurden bereits nach 1990 auch von sozialdemokratisch geführten Regierungen durchgeführt. Die jetzige bürgerliche Koalition führt die Deregulierung und Privatisierung fort und schränkt zudem erfolgreich die Machtbasis der Arbeiterbewegung ein. Das schwedische Modell ist auf dem Weg, seine sozialdemokratische Besonderheit in Europa und weltweit einzubüßen.

  • Bennett, Walter Lance; Givens, Terri E.; Breunig, Christian (2010): Crossing Political Divides : Communication, Political Identification, and Protest Organization STEFAAN WALGRAVE …, , ed.. The world says no to war : demonstrations against the war on Iraq. Minneapolis, Minn.: Univ. of Minnesota, 2010, pp. 215-238. Social Movements, Protest, and Contention. 33. ISBN 978-0-8166-5095-8

    Crossing Political Divides : Communication, Political Identification, and Protest Organization



    dc.contributor.author: Bennett, Walter Lance; Givens, Terri E.

  • Grofman, Bernard; Selb, Peter (2010): Turnout and the (effective) number of parties at the national and district levels : A puzzle-solving approach Party Politics. 2010, 17(1), pp. 93-117. ISSN 1354-0688. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1354068810365506

    Turnout and the (effective) number of parties at the national and district levels : A puzzle-solving approach


    Blais (2006) and Blais and Aarts (2006) in their review essays on voter turnout call attention to a striking puzzle about the link between electoral systems and turnout, namely that, ceteris paribus, proportional representation (PR) systems with many parties appear to have higher national-level turnout than single-member district (SMD) plurality systems with few parties, yet turnout does not increase with the (effective) number of parties (ENP) at the national level. To address this puzzle we turn to district-specific within-nation panel data from Switzerland and Spain. Our country-specific findings allow us to explain the national-level puzzle as essentially an ecological artefact, in that the multi-member districts found in proportional systems, on average, do exhibit higher turnout than SMDs, but turnout does not rise with district magnitude, m, once we move beyond the contrast between m = 1 and m > 1. Using a more sophisticated approach to measuring political competition that does not treat all PR systems as generating identical turnout incentives (Grofman and Selb, 2009), we seek to explain this puzzle by showing both empirically and theoretically that (1) proportionality does not necessarily increase with district magnitude, and (2) competition does not necessarily increase with district magnitude.

  • Nabatchi, Tina; Mergel, Ines (2010): Participation 2.0 : Using Internet and Social Media Technologies to Promote Distributed Democracy and Create Digital Neighborhoods SVARA, James H., ed., Janet DENHARDT, ed.. Connected Communities : Local Governments as a Partner in Citizen Engagement and Community Building ; A white paper prepared for the Alliance for Innovation. Phoenix, Arizona: Alliance for Innovation, 2010, pp. 80-87

    Participation 2.0 : Using Internet and Social Media Technologies to Promote Distributed Democracy and Create Digital Neighborhoods


    This essay explores the notion of Participation 2.0, which refers to the use of Internet and social media technologies to engage citizens in the work of government. Participation 2.0 has become an important feature in the landscape of American citizen engagement, and particularly in efforts at the local level.36 In addition to producing other benefits, it is seen as a vehicle with which to promote open and transparent government, increase citizen trust and political efficacy, and improve the responsiveness of government to citizen needs and concerns. This essay begins with a brief history and discussion of Participation 2.0. Next, it provides several examples of innovative projects in local government where Participation 2.0 is being used to promote distributed democracy and create digital neighborhoods. The essay then turns to a brief discussion about the challenges of Participation 2.0 and considerations for local officials wishing to engage in such activities.

  • Ebbinghaus, Bernhard; Koos, Sebastian (2010): Business and Employer’s Associations ANHEIER, Helmut, ed., Stefan TOEPLER, ed.. International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York: Springer, 2010, pp. 89-93. ISBN 978-0-387-93994-0. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-93996-4_58

    Business and Employer’s Associations


    According to Friedrich Engels, business is always organized and therefore does not need a formal association. Nevertheless traditional guilds and craftsmen associations existed before the first trade unions were founded. With the industrial and democratic revolutions the organization of business interests changed substantially, first challenging and later becoming an important partner for organized labor. Research on business and employers’ associations is less advanced and more recent than research on labor unions. Comparatively, business interest organizations are often more powerful and more specialized than labor interest organizations.

  • Haunss, Sebastian; Kohlmorgen, Lars (2010): Conflicts about intellectual property claims : the role and function of collective action networks Journal of European Public Policy. 2010, 17(2), pp. 242-262. ISSN 1350-1763. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501760903561534

    Conflicts about intellectual property claims : the role and function of collective action networks


    Decision-making processes in Europe involve complex networks of actors who are trying to influence them at the various levels of the European multi-level governance system. Interest group research often assumes that the ability of an actor to exert influence depends mainly on its financial and personal resourcefulness, on its ability to provide expert knowledge and on its economic and/or political power. Recent conflicts in which ‘weak’ actors were able to persist have challenged this assumption. We claim that a careful analysis of the actor networks is able to complement the traditional actor-resource-centred perspective, and that paying attention to the structure of collective action networks is necessary to fully grasp the dynamics of decision-making processes in Europe in which the power of networks sometimes outweighs the power of resources.

  • Häusermann, Silja; Walter, Stefanie (2010): Restructuring Swiss welfare politics : post-industrial labor markets, globalization, and Welfare Values HUG, Simon, ed., Hanspeter KRIESI, ed.. Value change in Switzerland. Lanham Md [u.a.]: Lexington Books, 2010, pp. 143-170. ISBN 978-0-7391-3933-2

    Restructuring Swiss welfare politics : post-industrial labor markets, globalization, and Welfare Values



    dc.contributor.author: Walter, Stefanie

  • Boerner, Sabine (2010): Managing Multiple Stakeholder Interests in a Theatre : Evidence from Germany Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management, 2010. ISSN 2151-6561. Available under: doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2010.54483976

    Managing Multiple Stakeholder Interests in a Theatre : Evidence from Germany


    Best Paper Award of the Public and Nonprofit Division

  • Herrmann, Michael (2010): Voter uncertainty and failure of Duverger’s law : an empirical analysis Public Choice. 2010, 151(1-2), pp. 63-90. ISSN 0048-5829. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11127-010-9734-2

    Voter uncertainty and failure of Duverger’s law : an empirical analysis


    Real-world simple plurality elections rarely bear out the strong Duvergerian prediction that, in equilibrium, only two competitors receive votes. Recent advances in strategic voting theory demonstrate that voter uncertainty about competitors’ true support levels in the constituency may lead to limited strategic voting, and hence incomplete desertion of trailing parties. This is the first attempt to estimate empirically the impact of uncertainty on incentives to vote strategically. Calibrating a model of strategic voting to voting results from simple plurality elections in German constituencies, it is found that strategic voters operate under high levels of uncertainty. These results support the proposition that uncertainty about party support impedes formation of Duvergerian equilibria.

  • Keller, Berndt; Werner, Frank (2010): Industrial democracy from a European perspective : the example of SEs Economic and Industrial Democracy. 2010, 31(4 Suppl), pp. 40-54. ISSN 0143-831X. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0143831X10375728

    Industrial democracy from a European perspective : the example of SEs


    The article deals with the forthcoming challenges to the German system of co-determination (Mitbestimmung ) arising from the Europeanization of industrial relations (IR) in general and the European Company (Societas Europaea — SE) in particular. After some short remarks on co-determination’s national history and present challenges, recent political controversies are discussed. Then the most important European regulations on employee involvement are analysed from a German perspective. The main part of the article presents some first empirical results on the new SE form with particular emphasis on its impact on the existing German system. Finally, some tentative conclusions are made.

  • Reiber, Tatjana: Demokratieförderung und Friedenskonsolidierung. Die Nachkriegsgesellschaften von Guatemala, El Salvador und Nicaragua : [Rezension]



  • Modernisierung kommunaler Sozialpolitik : Anpassungsstrategien im Wohlfahrtskorporatismus



    dc.contributor.editor: Wollman, Hellmut

  • A good bluff is half the battle : The role of non-legislative reports for the European Parliament



  • Behnke, Joachim; Behnke, Nathalie (2010): Wissenschaftstheorie und Methoden GERLACH, Irene, ed., Eckhard JESSE, ed., Marianne KNEUER, ed., Nikolaus WERZ, ed.. Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010, pp. 537-558. Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (DGfP). 27. ISBN 978-3-8329-6229-6

    Wissenschaftstheorie und Methoden



    dc.contributor.author: Behnke, Joachim

  • Cunningham, Kathleen Gallagher; Weidmann, Nils B. (2010): Shared Space : Ethnic Groups, State Accommodation, and Localized Conflict International Studies Quarterly. Oxford University Press. 2010, 54(4), pp. 1035-1054. ISSN 0020-8833. eISSN 1468-2478. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2478.2010.00625.x

    Shared Space : Ethnic Groups, State Accommodation, and Localized Conflict


    Why does ethnic violence occur in some places but not others? This paper argues that the local ethnic configuration below the national level is an important determinant of how likely conflict is in any particular place. Existing studies of ethnicity and conflict focus on national-level fractionalization or dominance, but much of the politics surrounding ethnic groups’ grievances and disputes takes place at a more local level. We argue that the existence of multiple ethnic groups competing for resources and power at the level of sub-national administrative regions creates a significant constraint on the ability of states to mitigate ethnic groups’ grievances. This in turn increases the likelihood of conflict between ethnic groups and the state. In particular, we argue that diverse administrative regions dominated by one group should be most prone for conflict. Using new data on conflict and ethnic group composition at the region level, we test the theory and find that units with one demographically dominant ethnic group among multiple groups are most prone to conflict.

  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2010): Behavioral consequences of mixed electoral systems : Deviating voting behavior of district and list MPs in the German Bundestag Electoral Studies. 2010, 29(3), pp. 484-496. ISSN 0261-3794. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2010.04.012

    Behavioral consequences of mixed electoral systems : Deviating voting behavior of district and list MPs in the German Bundestag


    Electoral rules should affect parliamentary behavior. In particular, deputies elected from single-member districts should be more likely to deviate from the party line than deputies elected under proportional representation. This paper suggests a framework for conceptualizing and modeling the effect of the type of mandate on deputies’ propensity to cast deviating votes in mixed electoral systems. The proposed modeling strategy uses disaggregated voting data and integrates dependencies among observations in a multi-level design. Empirically, the paper analyses voting behavior in the 16th German Bundestag (2005–2009) and shows that the odds of district MPs to deviate are significantly higher despite frequent claims that the two types of MPs behave alike. However, the behavioral differences cannot be attributed to attempts by district MPs to follow their local constituents as competing principals.

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