Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
20 / 4358
  • Transnational attention, domestic agenda-setting and international agreement : modeling necessary and sufficient conditions for media-driven humanitarian interventions


    Interventions based solely or partially on humanitarian grounds are rare; but, over the course of the last two decades, they have become increasingly common phenomena of international politics. Nevertheless international relations theories have thus far not been able to adequately account for their occurrence. The authors present a theoretical framework to explain humanitarian interventions as a result of a multilevel process driven by media attention and political entrepreneurship. They argue that drawing the developed world's public attention to a humanitarian crisis does not suffice to prompt international political reaction to it-it is only a necessary but not a sufficient condition. They therefore develop a consistent, detailed, and falsifiable theoretical model that systematically traces the necessary steps from the spaces of a humanitarian tragedy through the domestic arenas of potentially intervening states to the international arena where agreements on interventions must be reached. The authors take Putnam's two-level game as a template for their model, but they exchange Putnam's interestbased approach with an information-driven approach. The authors examine the structural prerequisites for domestic 'windows of recognition,' deduce logical consequences of these 'windows of recognition' for the possibility to reach an international agreement to intervene, and describe the functions and roles of peace entrepreneurs who try to overcome structural constraints.

  • Noetzel, Timo; Zapfe, Martin (2010): Force structure requirements for complex and conventional operations : the case of the Bundeswehr SCHNAUBELT, Christopher M., ed.. Complex operations : NATO at war and on the margins of war. Rome: NATO Defence College, Research Division, 2010, pp. 134-151. ISBN 978-88-96898-00-0

    Force structure requirements for complex and conventional operations : the case of the Bundeswehr



  • Weidmann, Nils B.; Kuse, Doreen; Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede (2010): The Geography of the International System : The CShapes Dataset International Interactions. Taylor & Francis. 2010, 36(1), pp. 86-106. ISSN 0305-0629. eISSN 1547-7444. Available under: doi: 10.1080/03050620903554614

    The Geography of the International System : The CShapes Dataset


    We describe CShapes, a new dataset that provides historical maps of state boundaries and capitals in the post-World War II period. The dataset is coded according to both the Correlates of War and the CitationGleditsch and Ward (1999) state lists, and is therefore compatible with a great number of existing databases in the discipline. Provided in a geographic data format, CShapes can be used directly with standard GIS software, allowing a wide range of spatial computations. In addition, we supply a CShapes package for the R statistical toolkit. This package enables researchers without GIS skills to perform various useful operations on the GIS maps. The paper introduces the CShapes dataset and structure and gives three examples of how to use CShapes in political science research. First, we show how results from quantitative analysis can be depicted intuitively as a map. The second application gives an example of computing indicators on the CShapes maps, which can then be used in statistical tests. Third, we illustrate the use of CShapes for generating different weights matrices in spatial statistical applications. All the examples can be replicated using the freely available R package and do not require specialized GIS skills. The dataset is available for download from the CShapes website (http://nils.weidmann.ws/projects/cshapes).

  • Leistungsbezogene Entgeltkomponenten im öffentlichen Dienst



  • Keller, Berndt; Werner, Frank (2010): Negotiated employee involvement in the Societas Europaea : a new mode towards harmonization and convergence or to heterogeneity and fragmentation? 9th European Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA), 28 June – 1 July 2010, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 2010

    Negotiated employee involvement in the Societas Europaea : a new mode towards harmonization and convergence or to heterogeneity and fragmentation?



  • Behnke, Joachim; Bräuninger, Thomas; Shikano, Susumu (Hrsg.) (2010): Schwerpunkt Neuere Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Rationalität und ihre Anwendungen

    Schwerpunkt Neuere Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Rationalität und ihre Anwendungen



    dc.contributor.editor: Behnke, Joachim; Bräuninger, Thomas

  • Weidmann, Nils B.; Ward, Michael D. (2010): Predicting Conflict in Space and Time Journal of Conflict Resolution. Sage. 2010, 54(6), pp. 883-901. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002710371669

    Predicting Conflict in Space and Time


    The prediction of conflict constitutes a challenge to social scientists. This article explores whether the incorporation of geography can help us make our forecasts of political violence more accurate. The authors describe a spatially and temporally autoregressive discrete regression model, following the framework of Geyer and Thompson. This model is applied to geo-located data on attributes and conflict events in Bosnia over the period from March 1992 to October 1995. Results show that there is a strong spatial as well as temporal dimension to the outbreak of violence in Bosnia. The authors then explore the use of this model for predicting future conflict. Using a simulation approach, the predictive accuracy of the spatial—temporal model is compared to a standard regression model that only includes time lags. The results show that even in a difficult out-of-sample prediction task, the incorporation of space improves our forecasts of future conflict.

  • Gebert, Diether; Kearney, Eric; Boerner, Sabine (2010): Religious diversity in organizations : An important, but neglected dimension Paper presented at the 2010 Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2010

    Religious diversity in organizations : An important, but neglected dimension



    dc.contributor.author: Gebert, Diether; Kearney, Eric

  • The influence of health care financing systems on health outcomes : Are nations with a greater share of public health care healthier?


    This thesis investigates the relationship between health care financing systems and cross-national health outcomes. For this purpose, health care financing systems are defined along three dimensions: a) total expenditures on health, b) public-private mix, and c) tax-financing vs. social insurance contributions. Based on various theoretical foundations, it is argued that public health care will increase equality of health care utilization. A panel analysis of the 30 OECD member states during the time period 1999 to 2005 finds that among these three dimensions the share of taxes in public health care expenditure is most strongly associated with higher life expectancy and lower premature mortality. Controls for other important health inputs like environment, education, lifestyle, demographics, and income have been included. Findings on the impact of a higher share of publicly financed health care differ for the two outcome indicators but suggest a positive correlation, while total expenditure on health has no systematic influence in this sample.

  • Wolf, Sebastian (2010): Assessing Eastern Europe's anti-corruption performance : views from the Council of Europe, OECD, and Transparency International Global crime. 2010, 11(2), pp. 99-121. Available under: doi: 10.1080/17440571003669134

    Assessing Eastern Europe's anti-corruption performance : views from the Council of Europe, OECD, and Transparency International


    This article compares the results of Council of Europe and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) anti-corruption monitoring reports to two Transparency International instruments, the Corruption Perceptions Index and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention Progress Report. It constructs and applies a simple typology (four-cell matrix) consisting of the combinations of good/deficient implementation of international anti-corruption provisions and high/low level of perceived corruption. As the sources and the comparative method used cannot prove causality, the article introduces three ideal types of interpretation to discuss the relevance of the anti-corruption regulatory framework in both domestic and cross-border anti-corruption policies. In the conclusion it is argued that there is a specific Eastern European pattern of anti-corruption performance that implies a need for new strategies.

  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhueser, Werner (2010): An international review of key issues : Work and family ; 2. Germany BLANPAIN, Roger, ed., Greg BAMBER, ed.. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws : international comparisons between key countries. Austin Tex [u.a.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 67-68. Bulletin of comparative labour relations. 74. ISBN 978-90-411-3199-7

    An international review of key issues : Work and family ; 2. Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Nienhueser, Werner

  • Schultz, Daniel; Jungherr, Andreas (2010): Applications : Picking the Right One in a Transient World JOYCE, Mary, ed.. Digital Activism Decoded : The New Mechanics of Change. New York: International Debate Education Association, 2010, pp. 33-46. ISBN 978-1-932716-60-3

    Applications : Picking the Right One in a Transient World



    dc.contributor.author: Schultz, Daniel

  • Busemeyer, Marius R.; Nikolai, Rita (2010): Education CASTLES, Francis G., ed. and others. The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford [u.a.]: Oxford Univ. Press, 2010, pp. 494-510. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199579396.003.0034



    This article describes the relationship between education and social policy across the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) region. It first provides an overview of the variety of education regimes in advanced industrialized democracies. Then, an analytical framework is presented, locating the political and institutional foundations of diverse development paths that helps make sense of the observed variation of education regimes. Analysis reveals that the observed spending patterns are related to and driven by differences in public and private spending on tertiary education. Moreover, some factors such as the state-church conflict appear to be more significant in the case of education, while others (decentralization and federalism) seem likely to influence the development of education in ways rather different from social policy.

  • Knill, Christoph; Schulze, Kai; Tosun, Jale (2010): Politikwandel und seine Messung in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung : konzeptionelle Probleme und mögliche Alternativen Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2010, 51(3), pp. 409-432. ISSN 0032-3470. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-010-0022-z

    Politikwandel und seine Messung in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung : konzeptionelle Probleme und mögliche Alternativen


    Politikwandel kommt in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Dennoch versäumen es zahlreiche empirische Arbeiten, das Konzept klar zu definieren und zu operationalisieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund zieht diese Abhandlung eine kritische Bilanz des Forschungsstandes zu Politikwandel in den Bereichen Umwelt- und Sozialpolitik. Wir stellen fest, dass Untersuchungen häufig Näherungswerte für die Messung von Politikwandel verwenden, obwohl diese einem präzisen Verständnis von Staatstätigkeit widersprechen. Des Weiteren findet weder die Komplexität politischer Entscheidungen noch die Möglichkeit, Politikwandel ebenfalls als Politikabbau aufzufassen, genügend Aufmerksamkeit in der empirischen Staatstätigkeitsforschung. Zumeist ist der empirische Fokus vieler Studien sehr eng und verhindert somit robuste Aussagen über Kausalbeziehungen. Als Antwort auf diese Defizite unterbreiten wir ein neues Konzept zur Messung von Politikwandel und diskutieren dessen Vor- und Nachteile gegenüber den bisherigen Ansätzen sowie die Konsequenzen für den Forschungsprozess.

  • Macht und Moral : die "Endlösung der Judenfrage" in Frankreich, 1940-1944



  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2010): Die gescheiterte Wirtschaftsreform 1989/90 Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. 2010, 2010(11), pp. 34-40. ISSN 0479-611X. eISSN 2194-3621

    Die gescheiterte Wirtschaftsreform 1989/90



  • Pressel, Holger (2010): Das "Sozialversicherungs- Stabilisierungsgesetz" - Entstehung und Inhalte Wege zur Sozialversicherung. 2010, 64(5), pp. 143-145

    Das "Sozialversicherungs- Stabilisierungsgesetz" - Entstehung und Inhalte



  • Behnke, Nathalie (2010): Alte und neue Werte im öffentlichen Dienst BLANKE, Bernhard, ed., Stephan VON BANDEMER, ed., Frank NULLMEIER, ed., Wewer GÖTTRIK, ed.. Handbuch zur Verwaltungsreform. 4. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2010, pp. 340-349. ISBN 978-3-531-17880-6

    Alte und neue Werte im öffentlichen Dienst



  • Pappi, Franz Urban; Herrmann, Michael (2010): Überhangmandate ohne negatives Stimmgewicht : Machbarkeit, Wirkungen, Beurteilung Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 2010, 41(2), pp. 260-278. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0340-1758-2010-2-260

    Überhangmandate ohne negatives Stimmgewicht : Machbarkeit, Wirkungen, Beurteilung


    Unter dem gegenwärtigen Bundestagswahlrecht ist es möglich, dass ein Zuwachs an Zweitstimmen zu einem Verlust von Mandaten für eine Partei führen kann. Dieses so genannte negative Stimmengewicht wurde vom Bundesverfassungsgericht unlängst für verfassungswidrig erklärt. Zur Beseitigung des negativen Stimmgewichts, wurde in der jüngeren Diskussion um mögliche Reformen des Wahlsystems einem Lösungsweg bisher wenig Beachtung geschenkt: die Zuteilung von Sitzen auf Länderebene. Im Gegensatz zu anderen in der Literatur vorgestellten Reformvorschlägen zielt diese Lösung darauf ab, das bestehende Mischwahlsystem in seiner einzigartigen Wirkungsweise einschließlich der Entstehung von Überhangmandaten zu erhalten und es nicht durch ein wesentlich anderes System zu ersetzen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Funktion von Überhangmandaten, die als mehrheitsbildendes Element und wichtiges Strukturmerkmal des deutschen Mischwahlsystems angesehen werden können und für deren Beibehaltung plädiert wird.

  • Haas, Jessica; Malang, Thomas (2010): Beziehungen und Kanten STEGBAUER, Christian, ed., Roger HÄSSLING, ed.. Handbuch Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2010, pp. 89-98. Netzwerkforschung. 4. ISBN 978-3-531-15808-2

    Beziehungen und Kanten



    dc.contributor.author: Haas, Jessica

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