Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Behnke, Nathalie (2010): Föderalismusreform in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz VON BLUMENTHAL, Julia, ed. and others. Föderalismusreform in Deutschland : Bilanz und Perspektiven im internationalen Vergleich. Wiesbaden: VS-Verl., 2010, pp. 37-58. ISBN 978-3-531-17569-0

    Föderalismusreform in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz



  • Organisationen im Paradox der Externalisierung : wie wirkt flexible Beschäftigung auf das Extra-Rollenverhalten?


    Due to increasing external challenges, e.g. technological advancement, globalization, and high competition, organizations are reducing traditional employment and increasingly rely on flexible workers like freelancers and temporary employees. At the same time, organizations depend more than ever on staff s willingness to perform beyond formal expectations, i.e. extra-role behavior. In the research literature, this phenomenon is known as the paradox of externalization. In view of this facts, the present thesis has two goals: First, to identify pos-sible predictors of flexible workers extra-role behavior. Second, to shed light on the emergence of and effects between these predictors.
    This thesis includes three empirical studies which are connected by means through the principles of mixed methods research or of triangulation. As a first step, qualitative interviews were conducted with 26 flexible workers. Second, 197 flexible workers were surveyed using a standardized questionnaire. The hypotheses derived from these two studies were tested in a survey eximining 372 flexible workers. 106 flexible workers of this group were surveyed again within the framework of a longitudinal design.
    The main results of the studies are (1) that flexible workers have different attitudes regarding flexible employment: while some prefer flexible work to standard employment, others do not ("preference for flexible work"). (2) Embeddedness within the organization is very important for flexible workers. Preference for flexible work turned out to be a moderator for some predictors of extra-role behavior: Professional commitment is only predictive for individuals high on preference for flexible work, instrumentality of extra-role behavior only tends to be a significant predictor for individuals low on preference for flexible work. Additionally re-gardless of the individual level of preference the commitment to co-workers is a highly significant predictor of extra-role behavior.

  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhueser, Werner (2010): An international review of key issues : Freedom of association and representative organizations ; 2. Germany BLANPAIN, Roger, ed., Greg BAMBER, ed.. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws: international comparisons between key countries. Austin Tex [u.a.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 144. ISBN 978-90-411-3199-7

    An international review of key issues : Freedom of association and representative organizations ; 2. Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Nienhueser, Werner

  • Politikgestaltung in der Europäischen Union : Die Entstehung und Umsetzung der Dienstleistungsrichtlinie



  • A Comparison between Political Claims Analysis and Discourse Network Analysis : The Case of Software Patents in the European Union


    The study of policy discourse comprises actor-centered and content-oriented approaches. We attempt to close the gap between the two kinds of approaches by introducing a new methodology for the analysis of political discourse called Discourse Network Analysis. It is based on social network analysis and qualitative content analysis and takes an entirely relational perspective. Political discourse can be analyzed in a dynamic way, and the approach makes previously unobservable cleavage lines and alignments measurable at the actor level, at the level of the contents of a discourse, and a combined layer. We compare discourse network analysis with political claims analysis, a competing method, and apply both methods to the European-level discourse on software patents. Our results demonstrate how an anti-software-patent coalition was mobilized and how it gained control over important frames, while the well-organized pro-software-patent discourse coalition was not able to gain sovereignty over the discourse.

  • Rölle, Daniel; Brettschneider, Frank (2010): Massenmedien und Behördenimage : Zum Zusammenhang von Mediennutzung und Einstellungen zur Verwaltung in Deutschland Der Moderne Staat (dms). Budrich. 2010, 3(2), pp. 433-453. ISSN 1865-7192. eISSN 2196-1395

    Massenmedien und Behördenimage : Zum Zusammenhang von Mediennutzung und Einstellungen zur Verwaltung in Deutschland


    Am teilweise negativen Image der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland sind die Medien schuld! Dies wird zumindest in Teilen der verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Literatur behauptet. Durch ihre negative Berichterstattung über das (Fehl-)Verhalten von Beamten bzw. über die öffentliche Verwaltung insgesamt, bilden sich in den Köpfen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger Stereotypen, die im kollektiven Gedächtnis der Bevölkerung haften bleiben. Die in diesem Zusammenhang den Medien zugeschriebene Rolle ist zwar plausibel, empirisch aber nicht belegt. Der Beitrag fasst die wissenschaftliche Diskussion über öffentliche Verwaltung und Medienberichterstattung zusammen. Zudem wird der aktuelle Diskussionsstand anhand von Sekundäranalysen ergänzt, in denen Mediennutzung einerseits und Einstellungen zur Verwaltung andererseits miteinander verbunden werden. Der Untersuchungszeitraum umfasst nahezu 30 Jahre.

  • Dealing with the demographic change in companies : potential impacts and intervention strategies for an aging workforce



  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhueser, Werner (2010): An international review of key issues : Individual agreements ; 2. Germany BLANPAIN, Roger, ed., Greg BAMBER, ed.. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws: international comparisons between key countries. Austin Tex [u.a.]: Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 76. Bulletin of comparative labour relations. 74. ISBN 978-90-411-3199-7

    An international review of key issues : Individual agreements ; 2. Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Nienhueser, Werner

  • Noetzel, Timo; Rid, Thomas (2010): Mehr Köche als Diplomaten Financial Times Deutschland

    Mehr Köche als Diplomaten


    Die Bundesregierung behauptet zwar, mit Militär allein sei Afghanistan nicht zu gewinnen - tatsächlich aber entsendet sie fast nur Soldaten. Fünf Vorschläge für mehr ziviles Engagement.

  • Die geringere Hälfte : Erscheinungsformen, Entwicklungen und Ursachen der Unterrepräsentation von Frauen in deutschen Parlamenten



    dc.contributor.author: Magin, Raphael

  • Das Gesundheitswesen als „komplexes adaptives System“ - Implikationen für die Gestaltung der Gesundheitsversorgung



    dc.contributor.author: Hermann, Christopher

  • Dobbins, Michael (2010): Education Policy in New Zealand : Successfully Navigating the International Market for Education MARTENS, Kerstin, ed. and others. Transformation of Education Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 153-178. ISBN 978-0-230-24634-8. Available under: doi: 10.1057/9780230281295_7

    Education Policy in New Zealand : Successfully Navigating the International Market for Education


    Studying New Zealand’s education system is an interesting endeavor for various reasons and this analysis sheds light on the policy process and outcomes in this country of 4.1 million. First, the analysis highlights that geographical distances can easily be overcome during the spread of international best practice. New Zealand’s policymakers demonstrate a unique willingness to engage in international cooperation and also have influenced the development of education policy in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Second, New Zealand education has undergone radical changes over the past 25 years. The sweeping changes in the public sector spilled over to the education system, making New Zealand an early reformer, forerunner, and education “experimenter.” Third, New Zealand education is strongly impacted by its key role in the global education market. The government has actively facilitated the liberalization of education through the General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) framework (Codd 2003; Martens and Starke 2008), making the “export” of tertiary and secondary education to foreign students a core national industry. Fourth, as a result of the parameters set in the 1980s, New Zealand currently finds itself in an arguably more favorable situation than many European countries and therefore perhaps offers a preview of what is to come for European education systems. Unlike in Germany (see Niemann, Chapter 4 in this volume), the past 15 years have not been characterized by transformation, but rather by efforts to optimize education in symbiosis with both national and international demands.

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2010): Die Herstellung der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion und die Errichtung der Treuhandanstalt ANDREAS H. APELT, , ed. and others. Der Weg zur Deutschen Einheit : Mythen und Legenden ; [Tagung "Der Weg zur Deutschen Einheit. Mythen und Legenden" vom 10. bis 12. März in Berlin]. Berlin: Metropol, 2010, pp. 71-84. ISBN 978-3-940938-91-6

    Die Herstellung der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion und die Errichtung der Treuhandanstalt



  • Eisenbeiss, Silke Astrid; Boerner, Sabine (2010): Transformational leadership and R&D innovation : taking a curvilinear approach Creativity and Innovation Management. 2010, 19(4), pp. 364-372. ISSN 0963-1690. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8691.2010.00563.x

    Transformational leadership and R&D innovation : taking a curvilinear approach


    Only few studies have examined innovation at the team level so far. Moreover, there are different positions when it comes to the role of leadership in engendering R&D team innovation. Innovation research outlines that high levels of team autonomy are beneficial to innovation in R&D teams and thus suggests that leaders should give as little intellectual guidance as possible. Leadership research proposes transformational leadership as a lever for facilitating team innovation. We integrate these two perspectives by arguing for a U-shaped relationship between transformational leadership and R&D team innovation. This hypothesis was supported by data from 52 R&D teams of international companies.

  • Erzwungene Demokratie : Politische Neuordnung nach militärischer Intervention unter externer Aufsicht


    Um eine erneute Gewalteskalation zu verhindern und den Frieden zu sichern, induzieren externe Akteure nach humanitären oder demokratischen Interventionen Rechtsstaat und Demokratie. Jedoch: Lässt sich Demokratie erzwingen?
    Die Autorin untersucht erstmals systematisch die Legalität, Legitimität und Effektivität der externen Demokratisierung von 1945 bis heute und zeigt die damit verbundenen Dilemmata auf. Im Fokus der empirischen Untersuchung stehen die externe Supervision in Bosnien-Herzegowina, die internationale Übergangsverwaltung im Kosovo, die multilaterale Supervision in Afghanistan und die US-Besatzung im Irak. Ein kritischer Rückblick auf die Transformation Westdeutschlands unter alliierter Besatzung rundet die Analyse ab.
    Es zeigt sich: Die Dilemmata der externen Demokratisierung sind kaum aufzulösen und die Erfolge bleiben begrenzt.

  • Integration durch Konsultation? : Konsensbildung in der Migrations- und Integrationspolitik in Deutschland und den Niederlanden



  • Gebert, Diether; Boerner, Sabine; Kearney, Eric (2010): Fostering Team Innovation : why is it important to combine opposing action strategies? Organization Science. 2010, 21(3), pp. 593-608. ISSN 1047-7039. Available under: doi: 10.1287/orsc.1090.0485

    Fostering Team Innovation : why is it important to combine opposing action strategies?


    We develop a framework that provides a general theoretical rationale for the claim made by several authors that combining opposing action strategies fosters team innovation. We distinguish between open and closed strategies and posit that these are opposing but complementary in that each fosters one of two processes necessary for team innovation: open action strategies (e.g., delegative leadership) promote knowledge generation, and closed action strategies (e.g., directive leadership) enhance knowledge integration. We argue that each pole of a pair of opposing action strategies both energizes and detracts from elements of innovation. Thus, it could be expected that combining opposing action strategies leads to an impasse, as the negative effects of each strategy might offset the positive effects of the opposite strategy. There is currently no viable explanation in the literature for why this mutual neutralization may not occur. We aim to fill this gap by explicating why and how opposing action strategies, when implemented simultaneously, do not countervail each other's positive effects, but rather yield positive synergies that fuel team innovation.

  • Keller, Berndt; Nienhueser, Werner (2010): An International Review of Key Jurisdictions : 2. Germany BLANPAIN, Roger, ed., Greg BAMBER, ed.. Regulating employment relations, work and labour laws : international comparisons between key countries. Austin: Tex. [u.a.] : Wolters Kluwer, 2010, pp. 17-23. Bulletin of comparative labour relations. 74. ISBN 978-90-411-3199-7

    An International Review of Key Jurisdictions : 2. Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Nienhueser, Werner

  • Welz, Martin (2010): Zimbabwe's 'inclusive government' : some observations on its first 100 days The Round Table. 2010, 99(411), pp. 605-619. ISSN 0035-8533. Available under: doi: 10.1080/00358533.2010.530403

    Zimbabwe's 'inclusive government' : some observations on its first 100 days


    Zimbabwe seemed to be in a political transition but only on the surface. In actual fact, the new government established under the power-sharing agreement between President Mugabe and newly elected Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai proved unsuccessful in its first 100 days owing to continued rivalry and a lack of commitment on behalf of Mugabe and his party. Mugabe managed to secure key positions in the new government for his cronies. They continued to control the relevant security organs as well as the Reserve Bank, which held a key position because its Governor guarded the budget available for the new ministers. Consequently, sabotage was an imminent threat for the new government. Mugabe benefited from the weakness of the opposition, which was split and had an indecisive and uncharismatic leader who failed to secure financial support from the West. To complicate the situation even further there were more players involved in the political arena of Zimbabwe, including the two major farmers' groupings, an emerging third party under Simba Makoni, the trade unions and white businessmen. They all had their own agenda. Mugabe and his ruling clique relied on each other as they had both committed gross human rights violations over the last 25 years. They either fall together or their mutual dependency keeps them going. Change was unlikely to occur; even the new Movement for Democratic Change ministers were aware of this.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Linkohr, Marius; Kiefer, Sabine (2010): TMT Diversity and Firm Performance : The Ambivalent Role of Team Longevity Paper accepted at the 2010 Academy of Management Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 2010

    TMT Diversity and Firm Performance : The Ambivalent Role of Team Longevity



    dc.contributor.author: Linkohr, Marius; Kiefer, Sabine

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