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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Jänicke, Martin; Jörgens, Helge (2009): New approaches to environmental governance MOL, Arthur P. J., ed. and others. The ecological modernisation reader : environmental reform in theory and practice. London: Routledge, 2009, pp. 156-189

    New approaches to environmental governance



    dc.contributor.author: Jänicke, Martin

  • Institutional Determinants of Deliberative Interaction


    A central assumption of deliberative theory is that political preferences are endogenous to decision-making processes in which they are transformed by communicative interaction. We identify discursiveness and coordinativeness of interaction as central determinants of preference change and develop a typology of political modes of interaction that affect the likelihood of preference change differently. These properties are in turn influenced by institutional characteristics of the forums in which communicative interaction takes place. To illustrate our approach empirically we present a comparative analysis of two extreme modes of interaction, "debate" and "deliberation", providing a case study of a parliamentary debate and a citizen conference on the same conflict: the import of embryonic stem cells in Germany. We assess the discursiveness and coordinativeness as well as the amount of preference transformation in both forums.

  • Seng, Kilian (2009): Die Auswirkungen der EU-Zuckermarktreform auf Drittstaaten : Arbeitsstandards in der Zuckerindustrie EHMKE, Ellen, ed. and others. Internationale Arbeitsstandards in einer globalisierten Welt. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, pp. 266-291. ISBN 978-3-531-16236-2

    Die Auswirkungen der EU-Zuckermarktreform auf Drittstaaten : Arbeitsstandards in der Zuckerindustrie


    Der folgende Beitrag behandelt die Arbeitsbedingungen in der Zuckerproduktion – speziell die Herstellung von Zucker aus Rohrzucker – und geht der Frage nach, inwiefern die Europäische Union (EU) durch ihr Handeln hierauf Einfluss nehmen kann. Anstoß hierfür ist die Reform der EU-Zuckermarktordnung vom 20. Februar 2006 (Rat der Europäischen Union 2006), aufweiche sich die beteiligten Akteure nach langen Verhandlungen geeinigt haben. Die Reform hat neben ihrem Einfluss auf die Produktion in Europa sowohl Auswirkungen auf die Produktion in Ländern, die von den Präferenzsystemen der EU profitieren, wie die AKP-Staaten (Afrika, Karibik, Pazifik) oder die Least Developed Countries (LDC), als auch auf Länder, die daran nicht beteiligt sind. Die unterschiedlichen Forderungen sollen hier unter dem Aspekt ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsbedingungen diskutiert werden. Daraus ergibt sich folgende Fragestellung: Leistet die Reform der Zuckermarktordnung der EU einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Zuckerproduktion, oder trägt sie zu deren Verschlechterung bei?

  • Jörgens, Helge (2009): Perspektiven wissenschaftlicher Beratung der Umweltpolitik KOCH, Hans-Joachim, ed., Christian HEY, ed.. Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik : 35 Jahre Gutachten des Sachverständigenrates für Umweltfragen. Berlin: Schmidt, 2009, pp. 153-158. Materialien zur Umweltforschung. 38

    Perspektiven wissenschaftlicher Beratung der Umweltpolitik



  • Networks, Hierarchies, and Markets : Aggregating Collective Problem Solving in Social Systems


    How do decentralized systems collectively solve problems? Here we explore the interplay among three canonical forms of collective organization - markets, networks, and hierarchies - in aggregating decentralized problem solving. We examine these constructs in the context of how the offices of members of Congress individually and collectively wrestle with the Internet, and, in particular, their use of official websites. Each office is simultaneously making decisions about how to utilize their website. These decisions are only partially independent, where offices are looking at each other for lessons, following the same directives from above about what to do with the websites, and confront the same array of potential vendors to produce their website. Here we present the initial results from interviews with 99 Congressional offices and related survey of 100 offices about their decisions regarding how to use official Member websites. Strikingly, we find that there are relatively few efforts by offices to evaluate what constituents want or like on their websites. Further, we find that diffusion occurs at the "tip of the iceberg": offices often look at each others' websites (which are publicly visible), but rarely talk to each other about their experiences or how they manage what is on their websites (which are not publicly visible). We also find that there are important market drivers of what is on websites, with the emergence of a small industry of companies seeking to serve the 440 Members. Hierarchical influences - through the House and through the party conferences - also constrain and subsidize certain practices.

  • Klüver, Heike (2009): Measuring interest group influence using quantitative text analysis European Union Politics. 2009, 10(4), pp. 535-549. ISSN 1465-1165. eISSN 1741-2757. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1465116509346782

    Measuring interest group influence using quantitative text analysis



  • Selb, Peter; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Hänggli, Regula; Marr, Mirko (2009): Partisan choices in a direct-democratic campaign European Political Science Review. 2009, 1(1), pp. 155-172. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S175577390900006X

    Partisan choices in a direct-democratic campaign


    Ever since Lazarsfeld and his colleagues (1944) seminal study, it has become common wisdom that election campaigns, if anything, serve the activation of voters fundamental predispositions. However, disagreement emerges on the role of partisan orientations. Although some authors consider them as fundamental predispositions, which are activated during the campaign and subsequently act as filters for incoming information, others argue that party attachments are simple running tallies of political assessments, which are constantly updated in response to campaign events, or decision shortcuts for voters innocent of substantial information. In this study, we scrutinize the role of partisan orientations in a direct-democratic campaign using data from a panel survey fielded during the run-up to the 2006 Swiss asylum law referendum. We find that, as voters accumulate knowledge in the course of the campaign, vote intentions dramatically converge on pre-campaign partisan orientations. Moreover, voters, whose earlier issuespecific and partisan orientations collide, tend to resolve their ambivalence in favour of their partisan leanings. These results corroborate the view of partisanship as a fundamental predisposition.

  • Noetzel, Timo; Rotmann, Philipp (2009): Guttenbergs doppelte Prüfung Financial Times Deutschland

    Guttenbergs doppelte Prüfung



    dc.contributor.author: Rotmann, Philipp

  • Brandes, Ulrik; Schneider, Volker (2009): Netzwerkbilder : Politiknetzwerke in Metaphern, Modellen und Visualisierungen SCHNEIDER, Volker, ed. and others. Politiknetzwerke: Modelle, Anwendungen und Visualisierungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, pp. 31-58

    Netzwerkbilder : Politiknetzwerke in Metaphern, Modellen und Visualisierungen



  • Schneider, Gerald; Finke, Daniel; Bailer, Stefanie (2009): Bargaining Power in the European Union : An Evaluation of Competing Game-Theoretic Models Political Studies. 2009, 57. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.2009.00774.x

    Bargaining Power in the European Union : An Evaluation of Competing Game-Theoretic Models


    This paper evaluates, by drawing on Barry's distinction between 'power' and 'luck', the predictive accuracy of competing bargaining models. We explore whether models that take various facets of political power into account predict legislative outcomes more precisely than purely preference-based models like the Nash Bargaining solution (NBS). Our empirical examination compares how well different formal models predict the outcome of 66 legislative decisions made within the European Union (EU). A model that considers the saliency actors attach to a contested issue performs best among all the models under examination. Although resource-based models provide less accurate forecasts at the average, they offer relatively precise point predictions. The analysis also shows that domestic constraints are not a particularly important bargaining resource in legislative decision making.

  • Bailer, Stefanie; Hertz, Robin; Leuffen, Dirk (2009): Oligarchization, formalization, adaptation? : Linking Sociological Theory and EU Enlargement Research Journal of European Public Policy. 2009, 16(1), pp. 162-174. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501760802482063

    Oligarchization, formalization, adaptation? : Linking Sociological Theory and EU Enlargement Research


    This article reviews emergent literature on the effects of Eastern enlargement on EU decision-making. After recalling pre-enlargement hypotheses we inspect empirical findings on that issue. Whereas some authors stress a ‘business as usual’ reading of post-enlargement decision-making, others point out changes. In order to better understand the processes of post-enlargement governance we draw on three sociological group theories – oligarchization, formalization and adaptation – and assess their applicability to the case of the EU. While we present only preliminary evidence for each of these theories, our secondary literature analysis underlines that the complexity of enlargement demands a widening of the theoretical scope. In such a perspective enlargement research can contribute to more general debates about decision-making in the EU.

  • Lang, Achim; Schneider, Volker (2009): Business Software Alliance Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009, pp. 515-522

    Business Software Alliance



  • Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale; Bauer, Michael W. (2009): Neglected faces of Europeanization : the differential impact of the EU on the dismantling and expansion of domestic Policies Public Administration. 2009, 87(3), pp. 519-537. ISSN 0033-3298. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9299.2009.01768.x

    Neglected faces of Europeanization : the differential impact of the EU on the dismantling and expansion of domestic Policies


    The objective of this article is to clarify the extent and the conditions under which the European Union (EU) induces changes in the policy arrangements of its member states. For an accurate measurement of our dependent variable, we distinguish between EU-induced policy expansion and EU-induced policy dismantling. We argue that the extent to which European requirements lead to an expansion or dismantling of national policy arrangements is crucially affected by the respective governance logic underlying the regulatory activities at the European level, that is: (1) compliance with EU rules; (2) competition between national administrative systems to achieve EU requirements; and (3) communication between regulatory agents across national levels arranged in an EU legal or institutional framework. To illustrate our theoretical argument, we develop hypotheses on the likelihood and direction of national policy change under these three modes of governance, in addition, providing empirical examples from different policy areas.

  • Freitag, Markus; Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela (2009): Educational Federalism in Germany : Foundationsof Social Inequality in Education Governance : An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions. 2009, 22(1), pp. 47-72. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0491.2008.01421.x

    Educational Federalism in Germany : Foundationsof Social Inequality in Education


    This article applies Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to examine how sub-national education systems affect the extent of social inequality in education within the German federal states. Variations in educational outcomes between the federal states can be primarily attributed to the strict educational decentralization in Germany. We examine four conditions of regional education systems presumed to be relevant for the extent of social inequality in education: the availability of early childhood education, the development of all-day schools, the onset of tracking to different school types, and the degree of tripartition in secondary education. Altogether, we find systematic relationships between the variation of sub-national education systems and the extent of social inequality in education. The results indicate that well-developed early childhood education is necessary for a low degree of educational inequality. However, educational inequality is not directly related to partisan and socioeconomic determinants.

  • Selb, Peter; Lachat, Romain (2009): The more, the better? : Counterfactual evidence on the effect of compulsory voting on the consistency of party choice European Journal of Political Research. 2009, 48(5), pp. 573-597. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2009.01834.x

    The more, the better? : Counterfactual evidence on the effect of compulsory voting on the consistency of party choice


    Compulsory voting (CV) undoubtedly raises electoral turnout. Yet does it also affect individual party choices and aggregate election outcomes? Previous studies have focused on partisan or 'directional' effects of CV in favour of, for example, social-democratic or anti-establishment parties. These effects are usually small, however. Using survey data from the Belgian General Elections Study, this article finds that CV primarily affects the consistency, rather than the direction, of party choices. In particular, the analyses suggest that CV compels a substantial share of uninterested and less knowledgeable voters to the polls. These voters, in turn, cast votes that are clearly less consistent with their own political preferences than those of the more informed and motivated voluntary voters. Claims that CV promotes equal representation of political interests are therefore questionable.

  • Shikano, Susumu; Pappi, Franz-Urban (2009): Telefonische Messung von Policy-Positionen zu einem komplexen Sachthema am Beispiel der Gesundheitsreform SCHNAPP, Kai-Uwe, ed.. Datenwelten : Datenerhebung und Datenbestände in der Politikwissenschaft. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2009, pp. 294-309

    Telefonische Messung von Policy-Positionen zu einem komplexen Sachthema am Beispiel der Gesundheitsreform



    dc.contributor.author: Pappi, Franz-Urban

  • Energieeffizienz in privaten Haushalten im internationalen Vergleich : eine Policy-Wirkungsanalyse mit QCA


    In recent years, the recognition of the multiple benefits related to energy efficiency has become more and more pronounced both at the national and the international level. Therefore, governments worldwide have adopted miscellaneous energy efficiency policies in order to promote the efficient use of energy in all sectors. This study aims at analysing the impact energy efficiency policies have on the electricity consumption of private households in international comparison. In this context, the study focuses on identifying which combination of policies is most effective, using Qualitative Comparative Analysis as a method suited to answer this kind of research question. The underlying intention is to gain insights into standards of good practice, having in mind the improvement of German energy efficiency policy-making. The results indicate that policies, when applied in combination, are sufficient for the reduction of electricity consumption in private households, with the combined impact of cross-sectional and informative instruments being the most outstanding. However, context factors seem to have a modifying impact on the functioning of the policies observed. In order to further specify the results of the analysis, a case study of the Danish energy efficiency policy was conducted. It revealed that Denmark received good results with an Electricity Saving Trust as well as Energy Efficiency Commitments for grid companies.

  • Hüttermann, Hendrik; Boerner, Sabine (2009): Functional diversity and team innovation : The moderating role of transformational leadership Paper presented at the 2009 Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago. Illinois. 2009

    Functional diversity and team innovation : The moderating role of transformational leadership



  • Schneider, Gerald; Bechtel, Michael; Fahrholz, Christian (2009): Methoden für die politische Ökonomie von Finanzmärkten SCHNEIDER, Gerald, ed. and others. Krieg, Kooperation, Kursverlauf : die internationale politische Ökonomie von Finanzmärkten. 1. Aufl.. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, pp. 32-46. ISBN 978-3-531-16509-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-91911-9_3

    Methoden für die politische Ökonomie von Finanzmärkten


    Der in diesem Buch unternommene Versuch, die Auswirkungen internationaler Ereignisse auf Finanzmärkte analytisch und empirisch zu durchdringen, erfordert nicht nur theoretische Innovation. Die Forschungsfrage, der wir nachgehen, setzt auch Vertrautheit mit den ökonometrischen Verfahren voraus, die für die Analyse von Finanzmärkten geeignet sind. Da die Politikwissenschaft wie auch Teile der Politischen Ökonomie mit diesen Verfahren bislang noch nicht umfänglich vertraut sind, soll dieses Kapitel die statistischen Grundmodelle einführen, die in den verschiedenen empirischen Studien zur Anwendung gelangen.

  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2009): Parlamente, Agendasetzung und Vetospieler : Festschrift für Herbert Döring German Politics. 2009, 18(4), pp. 591-600. ISSN 0964-4008. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644000903364621

    Parlamente, Agendasetzung und Vetospieler : Festschrift für Herbert Döring



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