Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4358
  • Nagel, Melanie (2009): Wissenstransfernetzwerke : Eine netzwerkanalytische Bewertung der Effektivität von intraorganisationalen Wissenstransfernetzwerken SCHNEIDER, Volker, ed. and others. Politiknetzwerke : Modelle, Anwendungen und Visualisierungen. 1. Aufl.. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009, pp. 353-367. ISBN 978-3-531-16401-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-91883-9_16

    Wissenstransfernetzwerke : Eine netzwerkanalytische Bewertung der Effektivität von intraorganisationalen Wissenstransfernetzwerken



  • Regierung, Rendite, Risiko : die politische Ökonomie des Aktienmarktes in Deutschland



    dc.contributor.author: Bechtel, Michael M.

  • Führung im Orchester : Ergebnisse der internationalen (empirischen) Forschung


    "Führung im Orchester" ist von unterschiedlichen akademischen Disziplinen beleuchtet worden. So haben sich die Bereiche Nonprofit Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Soziologie, Sozial- und Musikpsychologie jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Facetten des Themas beschäftigt. Vor diesem Hintergrund vermittelt der folgende Beitrag einen Überblick über 20 Jahre Forschung zur Führung im Orchester.

  • Tosun, Jale; Knill, Christoph (2009): Economy and sustainability : how economic integration stimulates stringent environmental regulations Sustainability. 2009, 1(4), pp. 1305-1322. ISSN 2071-1050. Available under: doi: 10.3390/su1041305

    Economy and sustainability : how economic integration stimulates stringent environmental regulations


    The interaction between economic integration and environmental policy has become an important issue in the last few years. Despite the considerable scholarly attention this topic attracted, actual government responses in terms of environmental policy outputs remain largely untouched by both theoretical and empirical work. To fill this gap, we suggest a theory-based disaggregation of the compound variable economic integration for deriving more precise expectations on its differential impact on environmental policy arrangements. In doing so, we show that economic integration may indeed trigger the promulgation of more demanding environmental regulations. To illustrate our arguments empirically, we analyze the development of Turkish clean air policy between 1975 and 2005.

  • Boerner, Sabine (2009): Führungsstil SCHOLZ, Christian, ed.. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. München: Vahlen, 2009, pp. 380-383. ISBN 978-3-8006-3491-0




  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2009): Verwaltung HUSTER, Stefan, ed. and others. Verfassungsrecht nach 60 Jahren : das Grundgesetz von A bis Z. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009, pp. 198-205




  • Shikano, Susumu; Linhart, Eric (2009): Coalition-formation as a result of policy and office motivations in the german federal states : an empirical estimate of the weighting parameters of both motivations Party Politics. 2009, 16(1), pp. 111-130. ISSN 1354-0688. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1354068809339539

    Coalition-formation as a result of policy and office motivations in the german federal states : an empirical estimate of the weighting parameters of both motivations



    dc.contributor.author: Linhart, Eric

  • Hierarchy, Networks, or Markets : How Does the EU Shape Environmental Policy Adoptions Within and Beyond Its Borders?


    In this study we scrutinize the strength of the European Union s external governance in the area of environmental policy. We explore whether accession candidates and third countries adopted European environmental legislation along with the member states. In doing so, we focus on Community laws that limit nitrogen oxides in the emissions into the air from large combustion plants, introduce the European ecolabel scheme and environmental impact assessments. Our analysis reveals that hierarchical governance is the most significant and robust determinant of policy adoption. Additionally, our results lend some support to the relevance of network governance, indicating that this mode could become more effective at greater length.

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2009): Coordination in the Absence of Sovereign Intervention Journal of institutional and theoretical economics. 2009, 165(1), pp. 185-188. ISSN 0932-4569. Available under: doi: 10.1628/093245609787369750

    Coordination in the Absence of Sovereign Intervention


    Kommentar zu:
    PAULUS, A. L. [2009], "Potential and Limits of the Economic Analysis of International Law: A View from Public International Law", in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 165, 1, S. 170 184

  • Bussmann, Margit; Hasenclever, Andreas; Schneider, Gerald (2009): Identität, Institutionen und Ökonomie : Ursachen und Scheinursachen innenpolitischer Gewalt Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2009(Sonderheft 43)

    Identität, Institutionen und Ökonomie : Ursachen und Scheinursachen innenpolitischer Gewalt



    dc.contributor.author: Hasenclever, Andreas

  • Aspinwall, Mark D.; Schneider, Gerald (2009): Un menu commun pour les tables séparées : le tournant institutionnaliste dans la science politique et les études sur l'intégration européenne DELORI, Mathias, ed., Delphine DESCHAUX-BEAUME, ed., Sabine SAURUGGER, ed.. Le choix rationnel en science politique : débats critiques.. Rennes: Presses Universitaire de Rennes, 2009, pp. 103-139. ISBN 978-2-7535-0819-4

    Un menu commun pour les tables séparées : le tournant institutionnaliste dans la science politique et les études sur l'intégration européenne



    dc.contributor.author: Aspinwall, Mark D.

  • Meinen, Insa (2009): Die Shoah in Belgien

    Die Shoah in Belgien



    dc.contributor.author: Meinen, Insa

  • Kroh, Martin; Selb, Peter (2009): Inheritance and the Dynamics of Party Identification Political Behavior. 2009, 31(4), pp. 559-574. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11109-009-9084-2

    Inheritance and the Dynamics of Party Identification


    Extensive research efforts notwithstanding, scholars continue to disagree on the nature and meaning of party identification. Traditionalists conceive of partisanship as a largely affective attachment to a political party that emerges in childhood through parental influences and tends to persist throughout life. The revisionist conception of partisanship is that of a running tally of party utilities that is updated based on current party performance. We attempt to reconcile both schools of thought in an individual difference perspective, showing that the party loyalties acquired through parental influences confirm better the traditional view, while the attachments of individuals who did not inherit their parents' party loyalties exhibit features more closely matching the revisionist predictions. The analysis is facilitated by uniquely suited longitudinal household data emanating from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study that allow to study party identifications of young adults and their parents on an annual basis from 1984 to 2007.

  • Welz, Martin (2009): Zum Scheitern verurteilt : Zur neuen Regierung in Simbabwe Afrika Süd : Zeitschrift zum südlichen Afrika. 2009, 38(2), pp. 17-18

    Zum Scheitern verurteilt : Zur neuen Regierung in Simbabwe


    Die ersten Tage der neuen Regierung in Simbabwe unter Premierminister Tsvangirai geben wenig Anlass zur Hoffnung. Die Zanu-PF sitzt weiter fest im Sattel.

  • Eder, Christina (2009): Kommunale Direktdemokratie : ein Vorschlag zur Messung der Anwenderfreundlichkeit institutioneller Regelungen in Deutschland Tagung "Institutionen und Prozesse in vergleichender Perspektive" der DVPW-Sektion Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Darmstadt, 22.- 24.Januar, 2009. 2009

    Kommunale Direktdemokratie : ein Vorschlag zur Messung der Anwenderfreundlichkeit institutioneller Regelungen in Deutschland



    dc.contributor.author: Eder, Christina

  • Jones, Bryan D.; Baumgartner, Frank R.; Breunig, Christian; Wlezien, Christopher; Soroka, Stuart; Foucault, Martial; François, Abel; Green-Pedersen, Christoffer; Koski, Chris; John, Peter; Mortensen, Peter B.; Varone, Frédéric; Walgrave, Stefaan (2009): A General Empirical Law of Public Budgets : A Comparative Analysis American Journal of Political Science. 2009, 53(4), pp. 855-873. ISSN 0092-5853. eISSN 1540-5907. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5907.2009.00405.x

    A General Empirical Law of Public Budgets : A Comparative Analysis


    We examine regularities and differences in public budgeting in comparative perspective. Budgets quantify collective political decisions made in response to incoming information, the preferences of decision makers, and the institutions that structure how decisions are made. We first establish that the distribution of budget changes in many Western democracies follows a non-Gaussian distribution, the power function. This implies that budgets are highly incremental, yet occasionally are punctuated by large changes. This pattern holds regardless of the type of political system—parliamentary or presidential—and for level of government. By studying the power function's exponents we find systematic differences for budgetary increases versus decreases (the former are more punctuated) in most systems, and for levels of government (local governments are less punctuated). Finally, we show that differences among countries in the coefficients of the general budget law correspond to differences in formal institutional structures. While the general form of the law is probably dictated by the fundamental operations of human and organizational information processing, differences in the magnitudes of the law's basic parameters are country- and institution-specific.

  • Knill, Christoph (2009): Europeanisation and Its Challenges ATKINSON, Tony, ed. and others. Vital questions : the contribution of European social science ; SCSS science position paper. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 2009, pp. 44-46. ISBN 978-2-918428-04-6

    Europeanisation and Its Challenges



  • Brandl, Julia; Fink, Matthias (2009): Voluntary corporate health promotion as strategic function of HRM : comparing SMEs and large companies? FINK, Matthias, ed.. The management of small and medium enterprises. New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 142-158. Routledge studies in small business. 15. ISBN 978-0-415-46724-7

    Voluntary corporate health promotion as strategic function of HRM : comparing SMEs and large companies?



    dc.contributor.author: Brandl, Julia; Fink, Matthias

  • Country Clustering in Comparative Political Economy


    In the comparative political economy of rich democracies there is a long tradition of classifying countries into one of a small number of categories based on their economic institutions and policies. The most recent of these is the Varieties of Capitalism project, which posits two major clusters of nations: coordinated and liberal market economies. This classification has generated controversy. We leverage recent advances in mixture model-based clustering to see what the data say on the matter. We find that there is considerable uncertainty around the number of clusters and, barring a few cases, which country should be placed in which cluster. Moreover, when viewed over time, both the number of clusters and country membership change considerably. As a result, arguments about who has the "right" typology are misplaced. We urge caution in using these country classifications in structuring qualitative inquiry and discourage their usage as indicator variables in quantitative analysis, especially in the context of time-series cross-section data. We argue that the real value of both Esping-Andersen's work and the Varieties of Capitalism project consists of their theoretical contributions and heuristic classification of ideal types.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2009): Reformbaustelle oder Vorzeigemodell? : Die deutsche Berufsbildung im Wandel MPIfG Jahrbuch 2009-2010. Köln: Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2009, pp. 39-45

    Reformbaustelle oder Vorzeigemodell? : Die deutsche Berufsbildung im Wandel


    Das deutsche Berufsbildungssystem befindet sich im Umbruch: Der Rückzug eines Teils der Unternehmerschaft aus der Ausbildung sowie Veränderungen der Ökonomie haben zu einer strukturellen Lehrstellenknappheit geführt. Die Politik der beruflichen Bildung hat auf dieses Problem bislang keine nachhaltige Antwort gefunden. Die Konflikte um zweijährige Ausbildungsberufe, die Finanzierung der Ausbildung sowie ihre Flexibilisierung und Europäisierung nehmen zu.

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