Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4359
  • Boerner, Sabine; Jobst, Johanna (2008): Good Taste, Bad Taste, Same Taste? : Comparing Experts' and Non-Experts' Judgments on Opera The 20th Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, August 19-22, 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2008

    Good Taste, Bad Taste, Same Taste? : Comparing Experts' and Non-Experts' Judgments on Opera



  • Bennett, W. Lance; Breunig, Christian; Givens, Terri (2008): Communication and Political Mobilization : Digital Media and the Organization of Anti-Iraq War Demonstrations in the U.S. Political Communication. 2008, 25(3), pp. 269-289. ISSN 1058-4609. eISSN 1091-7675. Available under: doi: 10.1080/10584600802197434

    Communication and Political Mobilization : Digital Media and the Organization of Anti-Iraq War Demonstrations in the U.S.


    The speed and scale of mobilization in many contemporary protest events may reflect a transformation of movement organizations toward looser ties with members, enabling broader mobilization through the mechanism of dense individual-level political networks. This analysis explores the dynamics of this communication process in the case of U.S. protests against the Iraq war in 2003. We hypothesize that individual activists closest to the various sponsoring protest organizations were (a) disproportionately likely to affiliate with diverse political networks and (b) disproportionately likely to rely on digital communication media (lists, Web sites) for various types of information and action purposes. We test this model using a sample of demonstrators drawn from the United States protest sites of New York, San Francisco, and Seattle and find support for our hypotheses.

  • Der verwaltete Raub : die Arisierung der Wirtschaft in Frankreich 1940-1944



    dc.contributor.author: Jungius, Martin

  • Ehrke, Anna Małgorzata (2008): Der Markt, die Umwelt und das Image : Chemieindustrie in Polen und der Ukraine Osteuropa. 2008, 58(4/5), pp. 459-474

    Der Markt, die Umwelt und das Image : Chemieindustrie in Polen und der Ukraine



    dc.contributor.author: Ehrke, Anna Małgorzata

  • Germany : the public-private dichotomy in the Bismarckian welfare regime


    The German welfare state has undergone fundamental reforms over the past three decades. Since the early 1980s, various governments changed the programmatic contours of German social policies. Beyond the question of how various national governments could push through these reforms under the conditions of federalism, divided government ( jointdecision trap ; Scharpf 1988, 2006), corporatism and increasing party competition, this chapter focuses on the changing contours of the public-private mix in health and pension policies. The argument of this chapter is that privatization, understood as a risk shift (Hacker 2004, 2006), has taken place in the German welfare state. However, because this welfare state was, and largely remains, a highly interwoven social insurance state in which the state and social partners (for example, labor and business organizations) coincidentally finance and regulate important welfare programs, these reforms do not imply that the federal government lost its prominent role in social policy. Rather, the national government still strongly regulates benefits, contributions, and other programmatic features of public and private social policies.

  • Die Sondergesandten des UN Generalsekretärs - Politiker oder Manager?


    This explorative thesis seeks to contribute to the research on leadership in UN peace operations with a focus on leadership roles of the Special Representatives of the Secretary General (SRSG). Using role theory as theoretical underpinning, the first part derives normative task specifications for SRSGs from various reports and doctrines in order to develop an analytical framework and to identify ideal types of leadership roles: politician, manager, and communicator. The second, empirical part applies the developed framework to compare and analyze leadership roles and performances of two SRSGs of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The results show that both SRSGs delegated the managerial tasks, and concentrated primarily on their political role. Contrary to existing theoretical and normative assumptions, according to which an SRSG is part diplomat and part manager, this dichotomy could not be proven in reality. Moreover, the comparison indicates that the crucial factor for success or failure was the performance of the role as a communicator.

  • Freitag, Markus; Vatter, Adrian (2008): Die Bundesländer zwischen Konsensus- und Mehrheitsdemokratie : eine Verortung entlang ihrer politisch-institutionellen Konfigurationen FREITAG, Markus, ed. and others. Die Demokratien der deutschen Bundesländer : politische Institutionen im Vergleich. Stuttgart: UTB, 2008, pp. 309-328. UTB : Politikwissenschaft. 3095. ISBN 978-3-8252-3095-1

    Die Bundesländer zwischen Konsensus- und Mehrheitsdemokratie : eine Verortung entlang ihrer politisch-institutionellen Konfigurationen



    dc.contributor.author: Vatter, Adrian

  • Internationale Korruptionsbekämpfung : Anmerkungen zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des OECD-Bestechungsübereinkommens



  • Organisationale Kognition als Steuerungsgegenstand : eine Konzeption des Wissensmanagements aus Sicht der Kognitiven Organisationsforschung


    On the basis of the cognitive approach in organization theory this study presents a concept knowledge management as managing organizational cognition.

  • Keller, Berndt; Seifert, Hartmut (2008): Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Flexibilität, soziale Sicherheit und Prekarität REHBERG, Karl-Siegbert, ed.. Die Natur der Gesellschaft : Verhandlungen des 33. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Kassel. Frankfurt/M: Campus Verlag, 2008, pp. 4390-4405. Verhandlungen des...Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. 33. ISBN 978-3-593-38440-5

    Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse : Flexibilität, soziale Sicherheit und Prekarität



    dc.contributor.author: Seifert, Hartmut

  • Werner, Frank; Keller, Berndt (2008): Industrial democracy in a European perspective : the example of SEs Workshop "Economic democracy : Historical and contemporary issues in a European perspective", London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 2008. 2008

    Industrial democracy in a European perspective : the example of SEs



  • Wolf, Sebastian (2008): Elite sei Dank? (K)eine polemische Wahrheit über Europa CASNY, Peter, ed.. Zukunft der euopäischen Integration : Wahrheiten über Europa. Hamburg: Kovac, 2008, pp. 199-102. ISBN 978-3-8300-3334-9

    Elite sei Dank? (K)eine polemische Wahrheit über Europa



  • Kochskämper, Susanna; Lang, Achim (2008): Großbritannien MENZEL, Kai, ed.. Markt und Verbraucherschutz im Gesundheitswesen: Erfahrungen europäischer Nachbarländer und Lehren für Deutschland. Saarbrücken: VDM-Verlag, 2008, pp. 97-136




    dc.contributor.author: Kochskämper, Susanna

  • Sozialkapitalwelten in Deutschland : Soziale Netzwerke, Vertrauen und Reziprozitätsnormen im subnationalen Vergleich


    This article has two aims. First, we address the debated question of adequate conceptualization and measurement of social capital. Second, we present the first comparative analysis of social capital stocks in the German regions. Drawing on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) we consider a vast array of structural and cultural social capital indicators, i.e. social networks, trust, and for the very first time in comparative social capital research norms of reciprocity. Empirical evidence shows that social capital is not a coherent socio-cultural syndrome easily captured by a single measure. Rather, the concept comprises several distinct phenomena that are largely independent from each other. A separate inventory of different forms of social capital yields great regional variation with regards to social networks, trust, and norms of reciprocity. These patterns are explained by differences in cultural and structural conditions in the German regions. Last, social networks, trust, and norms of reciprocity show distinct consequences for regional political, economic, and social performance.

  • Gebert, Diether; Schaeffner, Mélanie; Kearney, Eric; Boerner, Sabine (2008): The Influence of Team Meetings and Cross-Functional Communication on Team Performance Paper presented at the 2008 Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, California. 2008

    The Influence of Team Meetings and Cross-Functional Communication on Team Performance



    dc.contributor.author: Gebert, Diether; Schaeffner, Mélanie; Kearney, Eric

  • Brunner, Martin; Debus, Marc (2008): Between Programmatic Interests and Party Politics : the German Bundesrat in the Legislative Process German Politics. 2008, 17(3), pp. 232-251. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644000802300288

    Between Programmatic Interests and Party Politics : the German Bundesrat in the Legislative Process



    dc.contributor.author: Brunner, Martin

  • Grote, Jürgen R.; Lang, Achim; Schneider, Volker (Hrsg.) (2008): Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments : the Complexity of Adaptation

    Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments : the Complexity of Adaptation



    dc.contributor.editor: Grote, Jürgen R.

  • Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale (2008): Policy making CARAMANI, Daniele, ed.. Comparative Politics. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr., 2008, pp. 495-519. Working Paper Series / Chair of Comparative Public Policy and Administration

    Policy making


    The process related to public policy making touches the core function of democratic politics, namely the elaboration and discussion of solutions to societal problems. This article provides an overview of the different stages of policy making. In doing so, we seek to offer a theoretical entrée to the analysis of policy making as well as to highlight the determinants of real policy choices. To this end, we combine the illustration of the policy cycle framework with an analysis of some country-specific factors. Further, we discuss the effects of international factors on the design of domestic policies and present empirical findings for the relative importance of both national and international factors.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2008): Bildung und die "neue" Sozialdemokratie : eine Analyse aus der Sicht der vergleichenden Staatsausgabenforschung Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2008, 49(2), pp. 283-308. ISSN 0032-3470. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-008-0100-7

    Bildung und die "neue" Sozialdemokratie : eine Analyse aus der Sicht der vergleichenden Staatsausgabenforschung


    In der Programmatik der reformierten, „neuen“ Sozialdemokratie spielen Bildung und Investitionen in Humankapital seit den 1990er Jahren eine zentrale Rolle. Dennoch wurde das Politikfeld Bildung von der einschlägigen Forschung vernachlässigt. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht daher der Frage nach, ob sich im Vergleich der 1980er und 1990er Jahre der Wechsel von der traditionellen zur „Dritte-Wege“-Sozialdemokratie über Veränderungen in der Dynamik der Staatsausgaben nachweisen lässt. Insbesondere wird gezeigt, dass eine sozialdemokratische Regierungsbeteiligung in den 1980er Jahren noch positive Effekte auf die Höhe der Sozialtransferausgaben hatte. Im Gegensatz dazu werden in den 1990er Jahren die Investitionen in Bildung, vor allem Hochschulbildung, priorisiert und die Ausgaben für Sozialtransfers reduziert. Insofern finden sich aus der Perspektive der vergleichenden Staatsausgabenforschung deutliche Hinweise auf einen Strategie- und Prioritätenwechsel sozialdemokratischer Parteien. Im abschließenden Abschnitt diskutiert der vorliegende Beitrag, welche Auswirkungen diese Befunde auf die Zukunft und Fortentwicklung der Parteiendifferenztheorie haben.

  • Knill, Christoph; Pitschel, Diana; Bauer, Michael W. (2008): Conceptualising Europeanisation in Eastern Europe : EU impact in 'likely' and 'unlikely' member states GÄNZLE, Stefan, ed. and others. Adapting to European integration? : Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008, pp. 31-50. ISBN 978-0-7190-7901-6

    Conceptualising Europeanisation in Eastern Europe : EU impact in 'likely' and 'unlikely' member states



    dc.contributor.author: Pitschel, Diana

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