Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4360
  • Knill, Christoph; Pitschel, Diana; Bauer, Michael W. (2008): Conceptualising Europeanisation in Eastern Europe : EU impact in 'likely' and 'unlikely' member states GÄNZLE, Stefan, ed. and others. Adapting to European integration? : Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008, pp. 31-50. ISBN 978-0-7190-7901-6

    Conceptualising Europeanisation in Eastern Europe : EU impact in 'likely' and 'unlikely' member states



    dc.contributor.author: Pitschel, Diana

  • Sieberer, Ulrich; Becher, Michael (2008): Discipline, Electoral Rules, and Defection in the Bundestag, 1983-94 German Politics. 2008, 17(3), pp. 293-304. ISSN 0964-4008. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644000802300510

    Discipline, Electoral Rules, and Defection in the Bundestag, 1983-94


    This article examines how party discipline and legislators' individual policy goals induced by electoral rules influence the likelihood of defections from the party line in the Bundestag. Using a new indicator based on legislators' explanations of their voting behaviour we find strong evidence that discipline, not policy cohesiveness alone, drives party unity. In particular, the allocation of offices by the party leadership significantly affects legislators' propensity to defect from the position of their party. First, holding an executive office reduces legislators' probability to defect by approximately 19 per cent. Second, parliamentary office also reduces legislators' probability to defect, although the effect is smaller. District legislators are not generally more prone to defect, but their propensity to defect increases if electoral competition increases.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2008): Castles, Francis G. (ed.): The Disappearing State? : Retrenchment realities in an age of globalization Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2008, 49(1), pp. 182-185. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-008-0084-3

    Castles, Francis G. (ed.): The Disappearing State? : Retrenchment realities in an age of globalization


    Frank Castles ist es als Herausgeber gelungen, in diesem Sammelband eine Vielzahl von innovativen Beiträgen renommierter Forscher zusammenzutragen, die zudem noch über ein hohes Maß an interner Kohärenz und einen gemeinsamen theoretischen und methodischen Rahmen verfügen. Die Beiträge ergänzen sich gegenseitig in hohem Maße, und unnötige Doppelungen werden vermieden, so dass das Buch umfassende, aber dennoch präzise Aussagen über die Entwicklungsdynamik und die Bestimmungsfaktoren von Staatsausgaben jenseits der Sozialausgaben tätigen kann, die Castles in seinem einleitenden Beitrag (Kap. 1) meisterlich zusammenfasst.

  • Lay, Jinn-Guey; Yap, Ko-Hua; Chen, Yu-Wen (2008): The Transition of Taiwan's Political Geography Asian Survey. 2008, 48(5), pp. 773-793. Available under: doi: 10.1525/as.2008.48.5.773

    The Transition of Taiwan's Political Geography


    This article reveals that the pan-blue camp has traditionally enjoyed a stable regional stronghold in eastern and certain parts of northern Taiwan. The pangreen camp was scattered but grew to form a considerable southern bloc from 1998 to 2000. Ethnic distribution can partially explain this geographical variation.

  • Conflicts About Intellectual Property Claims : the Role and Function of Collective Action Networks



  • Knill, Christoph; Tosun, Jale (2008): Emerging Patterns of Multi-Level Governance in EU Environmental Policy CONZELMANN, Thomas, ed. and others. Multi-level governance in the European Union: taking stock and looking ahead. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008, pp. 145-162

    Emerging Patterns of Multi-Level Governance in EU Environmental Policy



  • Boerner, Sabine; Jobst, Johanna (2008): The Perception of Artistic Quality in Opera : Results from a Field Study Journal of New Music Research. 2008, 37(3), pp. 233-245. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09298210802542008

    The Perception of Artistic Quality in Opera : Results from a Field Study


    The authors focus on spectators judgements on the performance quality in opera. The results of a field study conducted in Dessau Opera House revealed the single components (e.g. orchestra) and the congruency components (e.g. congruency between the music and the staging dimension) which contribute to operagoers overall quality judgements. Spectators individual judgements were found to be highly homogeneous, with only minor differences between experts and non-experts. Implications for the production and the management of opera are discussed.

  • Knill, Christoph (2008): The EU's Impact on Domestic Policies : Perspectives for Future Research KOHLER-KOCH, Beate, ed. and others. Efficient and democratic governance in the European Union. Mannheim: Connex, 2008, pp. 73-78. CONNEX report series. 09

    The EU's Impact on Domestic Policies : Perspectives for Future Research



  • The emergence of European Union Peacekeeping : Analysing institutions and interests of Member states


    A Liberal Intergovernmentalist view is taken to explain integration in the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The ESDP initiated the development for the institutional framework and decision-making processes that mandated within five years of its existence 20 Civilian and Military Crisis Management operations European Peacekeeping missions .
    Since its establishment the European Union has grown and developed continuously. Regular attempts have been undertaken to develop a European Security Policy, but it was not until the St. Malo Summit in 1998 that agreement for a European Security and Defence Policy was reached. Within the field of European Integration the development of a European Security and Defence Policy marks an important step of the European Union in becoming an international actor. The thesis scrutinizes from a Liberal Intergovernmentalist perspective how the integration in the field of security and defence policy can be explained. The key questions addressed here are: What caused integration in ESDP in 1998? Who were the key players in this process? What are the reasons for member states to integrate in ESDP? What were the crucial factors behind the sudden integration? What were drivers affecting the success in 1998 that was not possible before? Does the theoretical framework of Liberal Intergovernmentalism offer sufficient explanations for the complex processes at work?
    The analysis focuses on Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Crucial factors for the development of a European Security and Defence Policy have been the military spending and budgetary constraints, the public support for a European Security and Defence Policy and the Public support for the use of Civilian versus Military Crisis Management.

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2008): Hochschulen : elitär und doch sozial verträglich? Max-Planck-Forschung. 2008(1), pp. 14-18. ISSN 1616-4172

    Hochschulen : elitär und doch sozial verträglich?



  • Breunig, Christian; Luedtke, Adam (2008): What Motivates the Gatekeepers? : Explaining Governing Party Preferences on Immigration Governance. 2008, 21(1), pp. 123-146. ISSN 0952-1895. eISSN 1468-0491. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0491.2007.00388.x

    What Motivates the Gatekeepers? : Explaining Governing Party Preferences on Immigration


    Most scholarship on immigration politics is made up of isolated case studies or cross-disciplinary work that does not build on existing political science theory. This study attempts to remedy this shortcoming in three ways: (1) we derive theories from the growing body of immigration literature, to hypothesize about why political parties would be more or less open to immigration; (2) we link these theories to the broader political science literature on parties and institutions; and (3) we construct a data set on the determinants of immigration politics, covering 18 developed countries from 1987 to 1999. Our primary hypothesis is that political institutions shape immigration politics by facilitating or constraining majoritarian sentiment (which is generally opposed to liberalizing immigration). Our analysis finds that in political systems where majoritarianism is constrained by institutional “checks,” governing parties support immigration more strongly, even when controlling for a broad range of alternative explanations.

  • Book Review: Charlotte Bretherton and John Vogler : The European Union as Global Actor



  • Bauer, Michael W. (2008): Introduction: Organizational change, management reform and EU policy-making Journal of European Public Policy. 2008, 15(5), pp. 627-647. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501760802133138

    Introduction: Organizational change, management reform and EU policy-making


    If it remains true that the Commission is an essential component within the process of EU policy-making, changes in the organizational basis of this key actor are likely to have broader implications. Adopting this vantage point the article discusses the potential for advancing our theoretical and empirical understanding of the EU policy process by analysing the recent administrative reforms in the European Commission. It is argued that studying internal reform is particularly important as it structures and conditions the capacities and subsequently the impact of the Commission as an actor in EU policy-making. Put simply, organizational changes do affect policy outputs. Hence, studying organizational change in the form of administrative modernization - be it as a dependent or independent variable - should become an important task also for students of EU policy-making.

  • The Tug-of-War over Taiwan in the US : a case Study of the Fomosan Association for Public Affairs


    This book explores the factors that have influenced the establishment and effectiveness of Taiwanese American grassroots lobbies on Capitol Hill through a case study of the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), a notable non-state actor that has been actively advancing Taiwanese interests in the United States since 1982. In discussing the influence of FAPA, I undertake a comparative analysis of FAPA's five campaigns: its request to the Taiwan government to lift its blacklist policy, its urging of the US government to allow Taiwanese Americans to state "Taiwan" as their place of birth on their US passports, its promotion of Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations, and its campaign in favor of the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act (TSEA) in 2000.The analysis provides a vigorous account of Taiwanese-American grass-root lobbies in the US, and may be of interests to those studying US-Taiwan relations, or anyone looking for empirical case studies on ethnic lobbies and grass-root lobbies in the US.

  • Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft


    Clarifying the relationship between organisational reform and reform outcome is a central objective of students of public administration or administrative sciences. The last decades have witnessed intensive research efforts in this area. However, the added value achieved in theory development remains meagre, at best. This article argues that by systematically incorporating policy analysis conceptualisations, the administrative sciences can reduce this deficit and generate more advanced theoretical knowledge. By referring to the recent reforms of the European Commission, this article illustrates the potential of an approach that systematically combines policy analysis insights and public administration research interests. Public administration reform scholars are advised to concentrate their analysis on the nexus between organisational reform and reform output if their aim is to steadily improve the capacity for theory development within this sub-discipline of public administration.

  • Jobst, Johanna; Boerner, Sabine (2008): The Enjoyment in Opera : an Empirical Study of Visitors’ Experience in Music Theatre MIYAZAKI, Ken'ichi, ed. and others. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on music perception and cognition : ICMPC 10 ; 25.-29. August 2008 Sapporo, Japan. Sapporo, Japan: ICMPC, 2008. ISBN 978-4-9904208-0-2

    The Enjoyment in Opera : an Empirical Study of Visitors’ Experience in Music Theatre



  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Arbeits- und Beschäftigungspolitik HEINELT, Hubert, ed. and others. Politikfelder im EU-Mehrebenensystem : Instrumente und Strategien europäischen Regierens. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008, pp. 213-234

    Arbeits- und Beschäftigungspolitik



  • Europäische Umweltpolitik : Steuerungsprobleme und Regulierungsmuster im Mehrebenensystem



  • Weiffen, Brigitte (2008): Liberalizing Autocracies in the Gulf Region? : Reform Strategies in the Face of a Cultural-Economic Syndrome World Development. 2008, 36(12), pp. 2586-2604. ISSN 0305-750X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2008.01.009

    Liberalizing Autocracies in the Gulf Region? : Reform Strategies in the Face of a Cultural-Economic Syndrome


    From an international comparative perspective, the stability of autocratic regimes in the countries of the Gulf region is striking. This paper presents historical–cultural as well as economic explanations and proposes that the interaction of both factors constitutes a cultural-economic syndrome accounting for the persistence of authoritarianism. Macro-quantitative analyses demonstrate the significant influence of this syndrome, which operates through a mechanism of mutual reinforcement and substitution. Departing from this diagnosis, potential remedies are discussed: political and economic reform measures pursued in the 1990s are explored, and the Gulf monarchies are classified according to four ideal-typical combinations of reform strategies.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2008): Neither Goethe nor Bismarck : on the Link between Theory and Empirics in Council Decision-Making Studies NAURIN, Daniel, ed., Helen WALLACE, ed.. Unveiling the Council of the European Union: Games Governments Play in Brussels. Houndsmill: Palgrave, 2008, pp. 277-289

    Neither Goethe nor Bismarck : on the Link between Theory and Empirics in Council Decision-Making Studies


    In a spirited attack Dorothee Heisenberg takes issue with the emerging field of quantitatively oriented European Union politics in general and the formal modelling tradition in studies on the Council of Ministers (CM) in particular. Drawing on constructivist scholarship and her important article on the culture of consensus (Heisenberg 2005) she argues in her contribution to this volume that rationalist scholarship is incapable in enlightening the whealing and dealing that characterises decision making within the intergovernmental legislative body of the European Union.
    I will demonstrate that the "culture of consensus" that DH advocates is in perfect line with the rationalist scholarship as some of the extant bargaining models, which are barely mentioned, explicitly assume that actors have an inherent interest in cooperation.

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