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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4360
  • Peace versus justice : Aspects of ICC prosecutions during ongoing conflict


    On 17 July 1998, the states gathered at the Rome Conference adopted the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This day marked the beginning of a new era in international law and has had far reaching implications for the conduct of international relations (IR). By virtue of being a permanent institution, the ICC poses a new conceptual challenge, because it is the first international war crimes tribunal, which will regularly be active during ongoing conflict.
    The declared goal of the ICC is to put an end to impunity. In situations where the ICC is involved, mediators do not have the option of offering amnesties as an incentive for the successful conclusion of peace negotiations. This has led to a polarization of the aims of peace and of justice . In the so-called peace versus justice debate proponents and opponents of the ICC have exchanged heated arguments over the merits of international criminal prosecutions. In particular critics of the ICC have made emotional appeals and accused the ICC of being an immediate impediment for the successful conclusion of peace negotiations. A growing number of scholars, policy makers, mediators and NGO advocates, however, stress the positive contributions the ICC has made to the cause of peace.
    Since all of the conflicts where the Court is currently involved are still ongoing and not a single trial has begun, a comparative case study aimed at drawing causal inferences about the contribution of the ICC to peace processes is not yet possible at this stage. However, first empirical observations and the peace versus justice debate are indicative of the fact that the Court exercises significant influence on peace processes, today. Insufficient data can thus be no justification to refrain from tackling the issue of whether the ICC supports or disrupts peace processes.
    The first objective of this study is to conceptualize the peace versus justice debate from the point of view of international relations (IR) theory. This will delineate areas for future research, including through case studies and quantitative methods, once a number of cases has been concluded. Secondly, the study is intended to serve as a point of departure for future research on the ICC s influence on peace processes. To this end a set of new hypotheses will be suggested on the basis of a survey, which was conducted among a group of select experts.

  • Lang, Achim (2008): Similar Responses to Similar Pressures? : Adaptation Processes of British and German Business Associations in the Information and Communications Sector GROTE, Jürgen R., ed., Achim LANG, ed., Volker SCHNEIDER, ed.. Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments: The Complexity of Adaptation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 108-129

    Similar Responses to Similar Pressures? : Adaptation Processes of British and German Business Associations in the Information and Communications Sector



  • The Cost of Compliance : The effect of the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) on the situation of women's political, social and economic human rights


    Recent studies have called into question the effectiveness of international human rights treaties. In this study I examine the variations in compliance that governments display concerning the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). I argue that states will only keep their promises if the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs involved. In distinguishing between implementation, reputation and domestic audience costs, I contend that states parties are more likely to comply with women s political rights than their social and economic rights, as respect for the latter categories yields fewer benefits to governments. This expectation is confirmed, measuring the effect for 152 countries across a period of 20 years with the help of ordered logistic regression. Also, I find that religious influences have a negative effect on respect for women s rights, while democratic institutions improve women s position in society.

  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Wandel der Arbeitsbeziehungen im öffentlichen Dienst : Entwicklungen und Perspektiven SACKMANN, R., ed., B. JONDA, ed., M. REINHOLD, ed.. Demographie als Herausforderung für den öffentlichen Sektor. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2008, pp. 73-94. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-90911-0_5

    Wandel der Arbeitsbeziehungen im öffentlichen Dienst : Entwicklungen und Perspektiven



  • Bussmann, Margit; Spörer, Doreen (2008): Globalisierung und Frauen : eine Bestandsaufnahme in Industrie- und Transformationsländern BRABANDT, Heike, ed. and others. Mehrheit am Rand? : Geschlechterverhältnisse, globale Ungleichheit und transnationale Lösungsansätze. Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008, pp. 25-49. Politik und Geschlecht. 19. ISBN 978-3-531-15679-8

    Globalisierung und Frauen : eine Bestandsaufnahme in Industrie- und Transformationsländern


    Die positiven Effekte der Globalisierung auf die makroökonomische Entwicklung eines Landes werden aus wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive kaum mehr angezweifelt. Genauso unumstritten ist aber auch die distributive Wirkung der Integration in den Weltmarkt, die sowohl Gewinner als auch Verlierer unter den ökonomischen Akteuren hervorbringt. Gewöhnlich stehen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber oder Konsumenten und Produzenten im Fokus der Forschung. Die feministische Ökonomie thematisiert dagegen den Geschlechterunterschied.

  • Solioz, Christophe: Turning Points in Post-War Bosnia ; Ownership Process and European Integration [Rezension]



  • Lang, Achim; Schneider, Volker (2008): The Complexity of Adaptation : Conclusions GROTE, Jürgen. R., ed., Achim LANG, ed., Volker SCHNEIDER, ed.. Organized Business Interests in Changing Environments: The Complexity of Adaptation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 221-239

    The Complexity of Adaptation : Conclusions



  • Grote, Jürgen R. (2008): Persistent Divergence? : Chemical Business Associations in Britain and Germany GROTE, Jürgen R., ed. and others. Organized business interests in changing environments : the complexity of adaptation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 65-87. Available under: doi: 10.1057/9780230594913_4

    Persistent Divergence? : Chemical Business Associations in Britain and Germany



    dc.contributor.author: Grote, Jürgen R.

  • Effects of international human rights treaties : the case of the UN convention against torture



    dc.contributor.author: Krüger, Juliane

  • Sommerer, Thomas; Holzinger, Katharina; Knill, Christoph (2008): The Pair Approach: What Causes Convergence of Environmental Policies? HOLZINGER, Katharina, ed., Christoph KNILL, ed., Arts BAS, ed.. Environmental Policy Convergence in Europe: The Impact of International Institutions and Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp. 144-195

    The Pair Approach: What Causes Convergence of Environmental Policies?



    dc.contributor.author: Sommerer, Thomas

  • Knill, Christoph; Bauer, Michael W. (2008): Politikabbau im europäischen Mehrebenensystem : Nationale Beendigungseffekte europäischer Politik TÖMMEL, Ingeborg, ed.. Die Europäische Union : Governance und Policy-Making. 1. Aufl.. Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2008, pp. 185-206. Politische Vierteljahresschrift / Sonderheft. 40. ISBN 978-3-531-14979-0. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-90795-6_8

    Politikabbau im europäischen Mehrebenensystem : Nationale Beendigungseffekte europäischer Politik



  • Bytzek, Evelyn; Shikano, Susumu (2008): Zwei Stimmen als Ausweg aus schwierigen Entscheidungen bei Landtagswahlen? : Eine Analyse der niedersächsischen Landtagswahlen VÖLKL, Kerstin, ed., Kai-Uwe SCHNAPP, ed., Everhard HOLTMANN, ed., Oscar W. GABRIEL, ed.. Wähler und Landtagswahlen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008, pp. 201-218. Studien zur Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung. 10. ISBN 978-3-8329-3057-8

    Zwei Stimmen als Ausweg aus schwierigen Entscheidungen bei Landtagswahlen? : Eine Analyse der niedersächsischen Landtagswahlen



    dc.contributor.author: Bytzek, Evelyn

  • Behnke, Nathalie; Benz, Arthur (2008): The Politics of Constitutional Change between Reform and Evolution Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 2008, 39(2), pp. 213-240. ISSN 0048-5950. Available under: doi: 10.1093/publius/pjn039

    The Politics of Constitutional Change between Reform and Evolution


    In this article, we investigate the dynamics of constitutional policy. Starting from the observation that federal systems are confronted with a two-sided dilemma of stability and flexibility, the question is how necessary constitutional change can be accomplished in spite of special rules of amendment and numerous veto players. We propose an analytical distinction of reform and evolution as two modes of constitutional change that can complement and in part substitute for each other. Comparative research shows that those two modes can effectively account for different patterns of constitutional change and that a two-track mode of constitutional change making use of a flexible interplay of both reform and evolution can best secure federal stability over the long run.

  • Zwei Seiten einer Medaille : Effekte transformationaler Führung auf Teaminnovation


    Both innovation research and leadership research have neglected to theoretically analyze the relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation so far. In addition, the empirical evidence for the role of transformational leadership in influencing team innovation is scarce and mixed. Addressing this issue, this thesis proposes a theoretical framework which sheds light into the "black box" of the relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation by using an interdisciplinary approach. This framework was also empirically tested in a study of 71 research and development teams. In line with the theoretical expectations, interpersonal trust, debate and support for innovation mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation. However, individual creativity was not confirmed as mediator of the relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation. As expected, climate for excellence moderated the relationship between transformational leadership and team innovation such that transformational leadership positively influenced team innovation only under high levels of climate for excellence. Further, the empirical results supported the expectation that transformational leadership can also trigger negative side effects. More precisely, transformational leadership engendered team members' dependency which in turn negatively influenced their individual creativity and debate. Implications for both research and management practice are discussed.

  • Füss, Roland; Bechtel, Michael M. (2008): Partisan Politics and Stock Market Performance : The Effect of Expected Government Partisanship on Stock Returns in the 2002 German Federal Election Public Choice. 2008, 135(3-4), pp. 131-150. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11127-007-9250-1

    Partisan Politics and Stock Market Performance : The Effect of Expected Government Partisanship on Stock Returns in the 2002 German Federal Election



    dc.contributor.author: Füss, Roland; Bechtel, Michael M.

  • Köstler, Roland; Werner, Frank (2008): Die SE unter der Lupe Die Aktiengesellschaft. 2008, 53(6), pp. R105-R106

    Die SE unter der Lupe



    dc.contributor.author: Köstler, Roland

  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Berufsverbände, Tarifautonomie und das System der Interessenvertretung Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft. 2008, 36, pp. 364-390. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11578-008-0019-9

    Berufsverbände, Tarifautonomie und das System der Interessenvertretung



  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Negociación Colectiva Transnacional : La Perspectiva de la Union Europea ASOCIACIÓN PERUANA DE RELACIONES DE TRABAJO, , ed.. Relaciones Laborales en el Mundo : 43 estudios en Homenaje al Profesor Luis Aparicio Valdez de sus amigos profesores e investigadores de los cinco continentes. Lima, 2008, pp. 381-392

    Negociación Colectiva Transnacional : La Perspectiva de la Union Europea



  • Die Determinanten der Verwaltungsausgaben der deutschen Bundesländer


    This study assesses the causes of public administration policy of sixteen German Laender (states). Public administration policy is measured in two ways: state-level expenditures for civil servants and state-level public sector operating expenditures during the period 1992 2005. With the use of pooled cross-sectional and time-series analysis the research focuses on a range of variables, including socioeconomic, institutional, international, the distribution of power resources between major interest groups, and government
    The major findings indicate that public expenditures tend to be higher the better the economic performance and the lower the population density. Additionally, the occupational pattern of parliamentarians is of substantial importance. While a high percentage of lawyers, physicians and self-employed parliamentarians has a limiting effect on expenditures, a higher percentage of former civil servant-MPs leads to higher public sector expenditures. Also, the nature of political parties and political institutions matters. The findings suggest governments with left-wing party participation show significantly higher expenditure efforts than Christian Democratic or liberal parties.
    Also, particular institutional characteristics of consensus democracy and a high degree of executive dominance lead systematically to lower expenditures. Finally, transfer payments neither by the state-level nor the federal-level make a difference on spending patterns for the civil service.

  • Herrmann, Michael (2008): Moderat bevorzugt, extrem gewählt : Zum Zusammenhang von Präferenz und Wahlentscheidung in räumlichen Modellen sachfragenorientierten Wählens Politische Vierteljahresschrift : PVS. 2008, 49(1), pp. 20-45. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-008-0086-1

    Moderat bevorzugt, extrem gewählt : Zum Zusammenhang von Präferenz und Wahlentscheidung in räumlichen Modellen sachfragenorientierten Wählens


    Dieser Beitrag demonstriert auf der Basis von Umfragedaten zur Bundestagswahl 2005, dass Wähler entgegen ihrer Präferenz oft systematisch extremere Parteien wählen, als ihnen lieb ist. Die Schätzung eines räumlichen Diskontierungsmodells nach Grofman (1985) zeigt, dass Parteipräferenz und Wahlentscheidung unterschiedlichen Nutzenfunktionen folgen. Präferenzen erweisen sich als rein nähebasiert, d. h. Wähler präferieren Parteien, die ähnliche Positionen vertreten wie sie selbst. Mit der Hinwendung zur Wahlentscheidung bzw. zur meistpräferierten Alternative setzt jedoch eine Abwertung der politischen Positionen von Parteien und, damit einhergehend, eine Verschiebung des Wählernutzens hin zu extremeren politischen Positionen ein. Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Wahlverhalten ändern kann, auch wenn sich die Präferenzen der Wähler nicht ändern. Die Ergebnisse legen außerdem den Schluss nahe, dass der ungewöhnliche Erfolg von FDP und Die Linke bei der Bundestagswahl 2005 eher durch abweichendes Wahlverhalten politisch moderater Wähler als durch eine tiefgreifende Spaltung der (sozial-)politischen Präferenzen der deutschen Wählerschaft erklärt werden kann.

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