Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4360
  • Boerner, Sabine; Neuhoff, Hans; Renz, Sabine; Moser, Volker (2008): Evaluation in music theater : emprircal results on content and structure of the audience's quality judgment Empirical Studies of the Arts. 2008, 26(1), pp. 15-35. Available under: doi: 10.2190/EM.26.1.c

    Evaluation in music theater : emprircal results on content and structure of the audience's quality judgment


    This article investigated audience judgment of performance quality in opera. On the basis of Boemer's (2004) componential framework of performance quality in opera, a first version of the "questionnaire for the perception of performance quality in music theater" was developed. This questionnaire was validated in two pilot studies with 70 and 39 graduate students in Studies 1 and 2, respectively. In Study 3, the content and the structure of spectators' judgments of performance quality in opera were examined in a field study by interviewing 145 visitors to the opera La forza del destino (Verdi) in Cologne Opera House. Conclusions for further research OD reception of opera performance are drawn.

  • Schneider, Gerald; Finke, Daniel; Baltz, Konstantin (2008): Korporatismus oder Etatismus? Formierung von Verhandlungspositionen zu EU-Gesetzgebungsvorhaben SELCK, Torsten, ed., Tim VEEN, ed.. Die politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses : Modelle und Anwendungen. Wiesbaden: VS-Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2008, pp. 183-209. ISBN 978-3-531-15406-0

    Korporatismus oder Etatismus? Formierung von Verhandlungspositionen zu EU-Gesetzgebungsvorhaben



    dc.contributor.author: Finke, Daniel; Baltz, Konstantin

  • Bräuninger, Thomas; Debus, Marc (2008): Der Einfluß von Koalitionsaussagen, programmatischen Standpunkten und der Bundespolitik auf die Regierungsbildung in den deutschen Ländern Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2008, 49(2), pp. 309-338. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-008-0101-6

    Der Einfluß von Koalitionsaussagen, programmatischen Standpunkten und der Bundespolitik auf die Regierungsbildung in den deutschen Ländern


    Party politics at the German state level plays a decisive role for patterns of party competition and for legislative decision-making at the federal level. This article analyses the impact of party politics at the state and the federal level on the formation of coalition governments in the German Laender. The empirical analysis is based on a unique dataset that covers information on the state parties programmatic positions, their pre-electoral alliances, and the structure of party competition on the federal level in the time period between 1990 and 2007. The results reveal that the programmatic positions of state parties have a decisive impact on government formation. Other relevant factors are the parties relative strength, their coalition preferences and the partisan composition of government and opposition on the federal level.

  • Haunss, Sebastian (2008): Antiimperialismus und Autonomie - Linksradikalismus seit der Studentenbewegung ROTH, Roland, ed. and others. Die sozialen Bewegungen in Deutschland seit 1945: ein Handbuch. Frankfurt a. Main: Campus Verlag, 2008, pp. 447-473

    Antiimperialismus und Autonomie - Linksradikalismus seit der Studentenbewegung



  • Holzinger, Katharina (2008): Kann man gegen sich selbst "spielen"? PIES, Ingo, ed. and others. Jon Elsters Theorie rationaler Bindungen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008, pp. 169-173

    Kann man gegen sich selbst "spielen"?




  • Debus, Marc (2008): Party Competition and Government Formation in Multi-Level Setting : evidence from Germany Government and Oppositon. 2008, 43(4), pp. 505-538. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1477-7053.2008.00267.x

    Party Competition and Government Formation in Multi-Level Setting : evidence from Germany



  • An Ever Cleaner Union? : The Impact of European Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine


    This study addresses the issue of implementation of environmental measures in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Through case studies on Poland and Ukraine it evaluates environmental behaviour of industrial polluters and highlights the regulatory processes in the post-communist context. This study treats business environmental performance as one of the key determinants of the state of the natural environment in the region.

    The study employs several analytical perspectives. It draws on explanatory models with regard to the European Union (EU) external pressure, market forces, and, finally, state and social control systems. Focusing on the impact of the European Union on the industry's attitudes towards environmental protection, the analysis covers the period of time between 1998 and 2005. Therefore, it provides insights into Polish environmental policy prior to and after the EU accession.

    Explanatory framework is evaluated in case studies on environmental performance of chemical industry the Poland, a new EU member state, and Ukraine, a non-EU country. In contrast to the previous research, this study draws on the bottom-up
    perspective in studying implementation processes in the environmental context. In other words, it does not focus on the mere transposition of acquis communautaire, but on the actual results of environmental action. Thus, it provides empirical evidence on the environmental engagement of the stakeholders at the very bottom of the implementation chain.

    The analysis was performed through application of different data sources. The first empirical part of the study is based on environmental legislation and secondary literature. The second part is devoted to the empirical evidence with the use of official statistical environmental data. Two last empirical chapters draw on my written survey of chemical companies, regional environmental inspectorates and environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Poland and Ukraine, and, finally, on 25 semi-structured expert interviews. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations are presented here.

    The findings reveal that membership in the European Union is the major driving force behind business environmental performance in countries under investigation. Interestingly, the EU impact does not necessarily depend on the strictness of the new EU-related norms. These are rather procedural requirements that accelerate the implementation process.

    Nevertheless, the EU membership is not the only factor which stimulates
    environmentally aware behaviour. The analysis has shown that market forces are
    important stimuli even in the absence of the EU external pressure. Companies with sufficient financial resources invest in the so called win-win solutions that allow them to reduce their negative impact on the environment, and that make them more innovative. On the other hand, as both Polish and Ukrainian companies face financial problems, they reduce their environmental engagement. This is why problems with implementation of costly environmental EU directives occur in Poland. Against this background, the results suggest possible opposition of the Polish industry against the ambitious EU environmental initiatives in the future.

    At the same time, the results show that introduction of the Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) effectively stimulates business environmental performance. Together with search for investors and access to foreign markets they encourage companies to rethink their current environmental policy and reduce their pollution levels. Consequently, good environmental performers enjoy the public image of environmentally aware companies.

    Finally, the study provides interesting findings on state and social control systems. While in Poland environmental inspectorates suffer from frequent legislative changes which hamper the process of carrying out controls, Ukraine's the major problem lies in the rent-seeking behaviour within CEE. The wide spread corruption hinders the environmental progress. Surprisingly, Polish NGOs show little engagement in lobbying against polluters. In contrast, Ukrainian organisations fight actively against industrial polluters. Yet, the impact of both Polish and Ukrainian social groups on companies' behaviour is very limited. Finally, the results provide a clear evidence that access to the environmental information is an important factor accelerating environmental action of businesses.

  • Simone Nagel: Entwicklung und Effektivität internationaler Maßnahmen zur Korruptionsbekämpfung : [Rezension]



  • Integration durch Teilhabe : Das zivilgesellschaftliche Potenzial von Vereinen



    dc.contributor.author: Vortkamp, Wolfgang

  • Breunig, Christian (2008): Legislative Politics in Germany : Some Lessons and Challenges German Politics. 2008, 17(3), pp. 381-392. ISSN 0964-4008. eISSN 1743-8993. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644000802300718

    Legislative Politics in Germany : Some Lessons and Challenges


    This paper reviews the articles in this volume and places them in the broader discussion about German politics and comparative legislative behaviour. I describe their collective understanding of German law-making and highlight the strong empirical foundation of the research. Some challenges of the research agenda appear after comparing and contrasting the individual articles. Specifically, I start with a simple veto game and then amend and scrutinise this model using theoretical and empirical insights from this volume and the larger literature on legislative politics. The article closes by suggesting two future areas of research: institutional transformation and policy dynamics.

  • Die zwölf Verwaltungen der Weltmeisterschaft : eine vergleichende Analyse


    Die Arbeit befasst sich damit, ob sich die WM Verwaltungen eher dem klassischen weberianischen oder dem, auf betriebswirtschaftlichen Kriterien basierenden, New Public Management (NPM) Verwaltungsmodell zuordnen lassen. Es wird dargestellt, welches dieser beiden Verwaltungsmodelle ausschlaggebend für eine erfolgreiche Verwaltungsperformanz war. Bei der Analyse kommt eine Fuzzy-Set QCA (fsQCA) zur Anwendung.

  • Schneider, Volker; Häge, Frank M. (2008): Europeanization and the retreat of the state Journal of European Public Policy. 2008, 15(1), pp. 1-19. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501760701702124

    Europeanization and the retreat of the state



    dc.contributor.author: Häge, Frank M.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2008): De deliberatibus disputandum est: a response to Jürg Steiner European Political Science. 2008, 7(2), pp. 199-206. Available under: doi: 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210189

    De deliberatibus disputandum est: a response to Jürg Steiner


    This article takes issue with Steiner's polemic against the usage of deliberation in rational choice scholarship. I show i) that the reproach that rationalists do not allow for preference change is mistaken; ii) that Steiner does not sufficiently distinguish between normative and positive contributions and iii) that he shields his preferred model against systematic comparisons with strategic models of deliberation. In my view, we need more competing model evaluations rather than misleading attacks against imagined heretics.

  • Religion und der Geist des Kapitalismus im modernen Europa : eine empirische Analyse wirtschaftlicher Orientierungen



  • Schneider, Volker (2008): Akteurkonstellationen und Netzwerke in der Politikentwicklung SCHUBER, Klaus, ed., NILS C. BANDELOW, ed.. Lehrbuch der Politikfeldanalyse 2 0. München: Oldenbourg, 2008, pp. 107-145

    Akteurkonstellationen und Netzwerke in der Politikentwicklung



  • Wolf, Sebastian (2008): Diskussionsbericht zu den Vorträgen von Christian Koch und Weida Wang PITSCHAS, Rainer, ed.. Dezentralisierung im Vergleich - Kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Deutschland und Südostasien am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2008, pp. 323-326

    Diskussionsbericht zu den Vorträgen von Christian Koch und Weida Wang



  • Grimm, Sonja (2008): External democratization after war: Success and failure Democratization. 2008, 15(3), pp. 525-549. ISSN 1351-0347. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13510340801972262

    External democratization after war: Success and failure


    In post-war societies external actors promote democracy within a broad framework of state- and nation-building, rule-of-law building, and economic development. But not all democracy promotion efforts succeed in an equal way. A closer look at cases of intervention and democratization since 1945 helps us to account for this variation. Cases of democratization can be differentiated according to their level of post-war socio-economic development, the level of social trust versus the level of inner-societal violence, the character of remaining stateness, the potential erosion of the nation, and the terms of peace. In order to explain the democratization successes of the post-World War II period on the one hand, and the apparent democratization failures of the 1990s and after 11 September 2001 on the other, the strategies external actors use in post-war transformation must be considered. Sometimes, external actors differ significantly in their ability and willingness to deal with the five issues mentioned above. Given differences in both structural conditions and actor engagement, external actors should be more careful when using some of the early democratization cases as blueprints for democracy promotion today.

  • Häusermann, Silja (2008): Ist das politische System in der Schweiz in der Lage, den Sozialstaat zu modernisieren? BONOLI, Giuliano, ed., Fabio BERTOZZI, ed., Giuliano BONOLI, ed. and others. Les nouveaux défis de l'Etat social = Neue Herausforderungen für den Sozialstaat. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2008, pp. 202-255. ISBN 978-3-258-07324-8

    Ist das politische System in der Schweiz in der Lage, den Sozialstaat zu modernisieren?



  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Social Dialogue - The Specific Case of the European Union International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 2008, 24(2), pp. 201-226

    Social Dialogue - The Specific Case of the European Union



  • Keller, Berndt (2008): Industrial relations in Germany Conference "International trends in industrial relations", Dec. 2008, University of Athens, Department of Economics, 2008. 2008

    Industrial relations in Germany



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