Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4360
  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2007): Selecting Independent Variables : Competing Recommendations for Factor-Centric and Outcome-Centric Research Designs GSCHWEND, Thomas, ed. and others. Research design in political science : how to practice what they preach. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 163-182. ISBN 978-0-230-01947-8

    Selecting Independent Variables : Competing Recommendations for Factor-Centric and Outcome-Centric Research Designs



  • Der ökonomische Wert sozialer Beziehungen : Eine empirische Analyse zum Verhältnis von Vertrauen, sozialen Netzwerken und wirtschaftlichem Wachstum im interkulturellen Vergleich


    Ausgangspunkt dieses Beitrags ist die Frage, inwiefern zwischenmenschliches Vertrauen sowie informelle und formelle soziale Netzwerke das wirtschaftliche Wachstum beeinflussen. Ausgehend von der ökonomischen Theorie konditionaler Konvergenz argumentieren wir, dass ärmere Länder nur unter bestimmten politischen und kulturellen Bedingungen ihr Wachstumspotential ausschöpfen können. Die Datengrundlage unserer Untersuchung bildet die für die Wachstumsforschung bislang vernachlässigte vierte Welle des Word Values Survey (1999-2001). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Bestand an sozialem Kapital das Wirtschaftswachstum hoch entwickelter Volkswirtschaften nicht generell beeinflusst, jedoch insbesondere für den ökonomischen Aufholprozess ökonomisch rückständiger Nationen von Bedeutung ist. Die aufgezeigte Wirkung des Sozialkapitals ist dabei indikatorenabhängig: Während ein stark ausgeprägtes interpersonales Vertrauen ein Aufholen der ärmeren Länder gegenüber den reichen Nationen zulässt, können informelle Netzwerke und das Vereinsengagement die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung nicht wesentlich beeinflussen.

  • Jones, Bryan D.; Breunig, Christian (2007): Noah and Joseph Effects in Government Budgets : Analyzing Long-Term Memory Policy Studies Journal. 2007, 35(3), pp. 329-348. ISSN 0190-292X. eISSN 1541-0072. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0072.2007.00227.x

    Noah and Joseph Effects in Government Budgets : Analyzing Long-Term Memory


    This article examines the combined effects of what mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot has termed "Noah" and "Joseph" effects in U.S. national government budgeting. Noah effects, which reference the biblical great flood, are large changes or punctuations, far larger than could be expected given the Gaussian or Normal models that social scientists typically employ. Joseph effects refer to the seven fat and seven lean years that Joseph predicted to the Pharaoh. They are "near cycles" or "runs" in time series that look cyclical, but are not, because they do not occur on a regular, predictable basis. The Joseph effect is long-term memory in time series. Public expenditures in the United States from 1800 to 2004 shows clear Noah and Joseph effects. For the whole budget, these effects are strong prior to World War II (WWII) and weaker afterward. For individual programs, however, both effects are clearly detectable after WWII. Before WWII, budgeting was neither incremental nor well behaved because punctuations were even more severe and memory was not characterized by simple autoregressive properties. The obvious break that occurred after WWII could have signaled a regime shift in how policy was made in America, but even the more stable modern world is far more uncertain than the traditional incremental view.

  • Strategische Allianzen in der deutschen Messebranche


    Recent trends have shown an increasing importance of alliances as a strategic option for businesses. Several studies state that companies in vulnerable positions and undergoing business discontinuity tend even more to perform alliances. The trend is furthermore especially applicable to companies from the business services sector.

    The German exhibition organizers form one of the most important service industries of their country. Their global position is undisputed. But in recent years they had to struggle with decreasing numbers of exhibitors and visitors whilst the hall capacities continued to increase. Moreover exhibition organisers from abroad with ambitious fairgrounds make part of a competition which was previously to such an extent, non existent.

    Nevertheless strategic alliances between German exhibition organizers are being performed only to an insignificant manner. Considering these trends this master thesis deals with the applicability of the concept of strategic alliances to the German exhibition industry on the one hand.

    The theoretical applicability will be explained by pulling up the market based view and the research based view of strategic management. Case studies of failed alliances of the past and of current successful ones will point out the practicability of alliances between exhibition organizers.

    On the other hand the existence of sectoral features that avert the accomplishment of alliances between German exhibition organizers will be examined. The identification of these features will be done through an intensive research of relevant literature and more importantly by interviewing several experts.

    In this context, possibilities offered by alliances to the participating exhibition organizers will be illustrated, as well as their limitations.

  • Schneider, Volker (2007): Politiknetzwerke und die Steuerung komplexer Gesellschaften EBNER, Alexander, ed., Klaus HEINE, ed., Jan SCHNELLENBACH, ed.. Innovation zwischen Markt und Staat: Die institutionelle Dynamik wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2007, pp. 169-192

    Politiknetzwerke und die Steuerung komplexer Gesellschaften



  • Busch, Per-Olof; Jörgens, Helge (2007): Dezentrale Politikkoordination im internationalen System : Ursachen, Mechanismen und Wirkungen der internationalen Diffusion politischer Innovationen Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2007(Sonderheft 38), pp. 56-84. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-90612-6_3

    Dezentrale Politikkoordination im internationalen System : Ursachen, Mechanismen und Wirkungen der internationalen Diffusion politischer Innovationen



    dc.contributor.author: Busch, Per-Olof

  • Bauer, Michael W.; Knill, Christoph (Hrsg.) (2007): Management Reforms in International Organizations

    Management Reforms in International Organizations


    In recent years, International Organizations have undergone substantive reforms in terms of their administrative structures and management. This development has so far not been subject to systematic or comparative investigations. With Management Reforms in International Organizations Michael W. Bauer and Christoph Knill present a first attempt to open this black box. How can we explain the speed, acceptance and scope of management reforms in International Organizations? How important are Secretary Generals and member states? Do International Organizations, often considered as crucial diffusion agents for public management reforms, actually live up to the standards they are promoting? Do management reforms have unintended consequences with regard to the policy output?
    The book delivers a comprehensive analysis of management reforms in a broad range of different International Organizations. Leading scholars in the field analyze the respective reform processes inter alia in the European Commission, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the World Bank, the OECD, the European Central Bank, the European Parliament and the United Nations.

  • Schneider, Volker (2007): Entwicklungspfade von Governance in einer zunehmend komplexen Weltgesellschaft BORA, Alfons, ed., Stephan BRÖCHERL, ed., Michael DECKER, ed.. Technology Assessment in der Weltgesellschaft. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2007, pp. 191-200

    Entwicklungspfade von Governance in einer zunehmend komplexen Weltgesellschaft



  • Bühlmann, Marc; Freitag, Markus (2007): Freiwilligentätigkeit als Sozialkapital : Eine empirische Analyse zu den Rahmenbedingungen bürgerschaftlichen Vereinsengagements Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft. 2007, 47, pp. 163-182

    Freiwilligentätigkeit als Sozialkapital : Eine empirische Analyse zu den Rahmenbedingungen bürgerschaftlichen Vereinsengagements


    In this paper we ask for conditions influencing volunteering in social organizations as strongholds of social capital. Beside individual characteristics, contextual factors such as political, social, or economic settings are also taken into consideration to explain individual decisions to participate in voluntary organizations. The influences of individual and contextual level factors are tested simultaneously in several multi-level analyses. The results show that volunteering in social associations on the one hand is affected by individual characteristics and on the other hand by contextual factors such as a rural environment and institutional settings. In particular, both direct democracy and decentralization offering larger possibilities of participation facilitates volunteering in social organizations. The data for our analysis is taken from the Swiss Labor Force Survey (SLFS) and comprises over 54.000 respondents.

  • Der Einfluss von Diamanten auf die Qualität von Governance : eine Paneldatenanalyse


    Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, ob Unterschiede in der Qualität der Governance durch das Vorkommen, beziehungsweise den Abbau und die Produktion einer bestimmten Ressource, nämlich Diamanten, erklärt werden können. Das Ziel ist, den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Vorkommen und der Produktion von schwer und leicht abbaubaren Diamanten auf der einen Seite, und Bad Governance auf der anderen theoretisch zu fundieren. Dabei werden Mechanismen herausgearbeitet, welche die unabhängige Variable (Diamanten) mit der abhängigen Variable (Qualität der Governance) verbinden.
    Im Gegensatz zu bereits existierenden Studien, die sich entweder einseitig auf die negativen Auswirkungen von Öl auf das politische und wirtschaftliche System eines Landes konzentrieren (vgl. dazu Auty 1993, 2001; Karl 1997), oder aber überhaupt keine systematische Unterscheidung im Ressourcenvorkommen treffen, steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie die Frage, ob sich das Vorkommen oder eher die Produktion von Diamanten negativ auf die Qualität der Governance auswirken. Des Weiteren werden zwei Typen von Diamanten unterschieden, leicht und schwer abbaubare Diamanten, deren Wirkung auf die Qualität der Governance anschließend in separaten Regressionsanalysen getestet werden soll.
    Ist es möglich, mit Hilfe einer Panelanalyse zu zeigen, dass sich Unterschiede in der Governance Qualität über diese Variablen (Vorkommen oder Produktion verschiedener Diamantentypen) erklären lassen?
    Zusätzlich wird die abhängige Variable (Qualität der Governance) disaggregiert, d.h. in ihre einzelnen Dimensionen zerlegt. Entsprechende Analysen versuchen dann zu klären, ob das Vorkommen oder die Produktion der unterschiedlichen Diamantentypen die staatliche Effektivität in der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter, die Handelsoffenheit, die Rechtssicherheit, die Effizienz in der Korruptionskontrolle oder eher das Ausmaß an politischen Mitspracherechten beeinflussen. Im Zuge dieser Analysen soll also gezeigt werden, welche Governance-Indikatoren in besonderem Maße negativ vom Ressourcenreichtum betroffen sind.
    Die abschließende Darstellung der Regressionsergebnisse wird verdeutlichen, dass der Zusammenhang zwischen Diamanten und Bad Governance empirische Relevanz besitzt.
    Nachdem die Grenzen der vorliegenden Analyse aufgezeigt wurden, sollen Bedeutung und Konsequenzen dieses Zusammenhangs, sowohl für die internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, als auch für nationale Entwicklungsstrategien, in einem abschließenden Ausblick angedeutet werden.

  • Social Democrats and Education Spending : A Refined Perspective on Supply-Side Strategies


    This paper builds on the arguments developed by Carles Boix (1997, 1998) about partisan differences in supply-side oriented strategies. The original Boix model argues that social democrats in government prefer to increase public investment in human capital formation, while conservatives are opposed to this. The model is presented and subjected to a comprehensive empirical test. It is argued that it is necessary to determine the dynamics of spending in each educational sector separately. In addition, economic internationalization is not treated as a background variable as with Boix (1997, 1998), but fully included in the analysis. Finally, instead of relying on a simple dichotomy of leftist and rightist parties, the impact of government participation on the part of social democrats, Christian democrats and conservatives is analysed. The empirical test supports the Boix model only on a very general level. Social democrats are found for the most part to increase spending on higher education, which is at odds with the predictions of the Boix model and partisan theory in general. The paper concludes with a discussion of the consequence of the findings for the development of partisan theory.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2007): The search for the holy grant : (mis)allocating money in european political science European Political Science. 2007, 6(2), pp. 160-168. Available under: doi: 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210125

    The search for the holy grant : (mis)allocating money in european political science


    This article analyses the ways in which the research management apparatus set up by the European Commission and national-level research foundations contributes to the publication gap of European political science vis-a-vis the United States. I identify four structural problems in the allocation of money to individuals and institutions and derive two main recommendations from them. First, reviewers should be members of a merit-oriented European Academy of Political Science rather than stem from a group of arbitrarily chosen scholars. Second, the European Consortium for Political Research should seriously consider the introduction of individual membership and competitive leadership elections.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2007): War in the Era of Economic Globalization RITZER, George, ed.. The Blackwell Companion to Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell Publ., 2007, pp. 630-643

    War in the Era of Economic Globalization



  • Promoting orchestral performance : the interplay between musicians' mood and a conductor's leadership style


    This study investigates the degree to which a conductor s transformational leadership and orchestral musicians positive group mood have a beneficial effect on orchestral performance. The authors study the assertion that there is an interaction effect of conductor s transformational leadership style and group mood in the orchestra. In this view, neither the conductor s transformational leadership nor the musicians positive group mood alone foster success; only the interaction between transformational leadership and positive group mood is effective at promoting orchestral performance. An empirical study of 208 musicians from 22 German symphony orchestras reveals the assumed interaction effect of a conductor s leadership style and musicians group mood on the artistic quality of the orchestra.

  • Between Chaos and Sclerosis : Decision-making in the 'Old', the Enlarged and a Reformed European Union


    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Stabilität von legislativen Entscheidungen in der Europäischen Union, sowohl im Hinblick auf das Risiko des Entstehens von Entscheidungszyklen als auch auf die Häufigkeit und die Auswirkungen von Blockadesituationen. Das Risiko für Entscheidungszyklen hängt von drei Parametern ab, der angewendeten Entscheidungsregel, der Dimensionalität des Konfliktraums und der Heterogenität der Akteurspräferenzen. Für die empirische Untersuchung werden die Konzepte des Kerns und der Gewinnmenge verwendet, die aus der Spieltheorie (spatial voting theory) und Vetospieler Theorie stammen. Es wird gezeigt, dass in der EU-15 Entscheidungszyklen ausgeschlossen waren. Obwohl die EU-15 eine deutliche Neigung zu Entscheidungsblockaden hatte, war diese nicht so ausgeprägt wie häufig wahrgenommen. Insbesondere die Gewinnmenge erweist sich als eine gutes Vorhersagekonzept zur Erklärung des Ausmaßes an Politikveränderung bei legislativen Entscheidungen. Es ist außerdem das beste Konzept zur Erklärung der Effizienz von Entscheidungen gemessen in der Entscheidungsdauer.
    Die EU-Erweiterung von 2004 hat in Verbindung mit dem Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Nizza das Problem von Blockadesituationen verschärft und gleichzeitig das Risiko von Entscheidungszyklen noch weiter reduziert. Auch das eventuelle Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Lissabon, der substanziell weitgehend der Europäischen Verfassung entspricht, würde kein derartiges Risiko mit sich bringen. Es würde andererseits jedoch die Häufigkeit von Blockadesituationen reduzieren und damit ein deutliches Potenzial für Reformen in der EU eröffnen.
    Während für die EU-15 keine klaren Gewinner und Verlierer identifiziert werden können, scheinen die südlichen Mitgliedstaaten die relativen Gewinner der Erweiterung zu sein. Der Lissabon Vertrag würde an dieser Verteilung von Gewinnern und Verlierern kaum etwas ändern.

  • Bussmann, Margit; Schneider, Gerald (2007): When globalization discontent turns violent : foreign economic liberalization and internal war International Studies Quarterly. 2007, 51, pp. 79-97. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2478.2007.00440.x

    When globalization discontent turns violent : foreign economic liberalization and internal war


    One of the disputed consequences of global economic integration is the possible effect that foreign economic liberalization exerts on social cohesion. Proponents of commercial liberalism see stabilization as an indirect consequence of growing economic interdependence, while globalization critics are much more skeptical. They expect, at least during the liberalization process, destabilizing effects. We examine in this paper the contradictory claims in the light of what we call the distributional theory of civil war. This variant of commercial liberalism qualifies the peace-throughtrade hypothesis and expects, based on political economy models of trade policy making, that the redistributive struggle associated with foreign economic liberalization can culminate in violent forms of protest. We demonstrate that a higher level of economic openness is indeed associated with a lower risk of civil war. At the same time, economic liberalization increases the chances of instability weakly. None of the following factors are found to exert any compensatory influence on instability: social spending, foreign aid, and financial flows from the International Monetary Fund. Discontent over the process of globalization is thus a destabilizing force despite the pacifying effect that the level of economic integration exerts.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2007): Why is european political science so unproductive and what should be done about it : a symposium European Political Science. 2007, 6(2), pp. 156-159. ISSN 1680-4333. eISSN 1682-0983. Available under: doi: 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210124

    Why is european political science so unproductive and what should be done about it : a symposium


    The worldwide departmental ranking by Simon Hix and national performance evaluations have dramatically shown that European political science is not sufficiently competitive at the global level. This symposium analyses why this is the case and what kind of reform measures should be introduced to move beyond this dire state of affairs. The authors detail the problems in four domains (i) funding of teaching and research; (ii) the market for political science education; (iii) career development, salaries, and tenure decision-making; and (iv) the publication behaviour of European political scientists. Each contribution concludes with suggestions about how the situation could be improved.

  • Leuffen, Dirk (2007): Case selection and selection bias in small-n research GSCHWEND, Thomas, ed., Frank SCHIMMELFENNIG, ed.. Research design in political science : how to practice what they preach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 145-160. ISBN 978-0-230-30127-6

    Case selection and selection bias in small-n research



  • Comparing Apples with Oranges? : UN and EU Approaches to Rule of Law in Sub-Sahara Africa


    Historically, the European Union (EU) has concentrated its European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) missions in its backyard (Tocci 2007) until deployments in Africa became a viable policy option for ESDP engagement. Since the developments in the Democratic Republic Congo (DR Congo), where the French were spearheading Operation Artemis, and Sudan, where the EU has supported the African Union (AU) in its Mission in Darfur, the EU has also deployed missions under the ESDP umbrella to Africa, Aceh, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine. In addition to military interventions, there are some which are deployed as civilian crisis management missions. In this context, the EU has developed specialized police and rule of law missions. Rule of Law, in general, has become a central concept in peace operations. Furthermore, in both the EU and the United Nations (UN), several tools have been developed which serve as organizational and policy blueprints for rule of law efforts in peace operations. In contrast to ESDP, which began only after 2000 to develop tools for financing regional initiatives1 and stand-alone peace operations, the UN has a long experience in deploying peace operations to Sub-Sahara Africa where the organization also experienced two of its peacekeeping disasters, in DR Congo in the 1960s and in Rwanda in the 1990s (Debiel 2003). Despite the growing literature on peace operations, there are only few comparative studies of how different international organizations deal with similar problems in the rule of law area, including police reforms.2 This chapter seeks to first contribute to a discussion of general policies, looking at both UN and EU definitions and conceptualizations of the rule of law efforts at the Headquarters level, and their translation into field operations.

  • Grimm, Sonja (2007): Walter Kälin/Jörg Künzli : Universeller Menschenrechtsschutz [Rezension] Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte. 2007, 1(1), pp. 146-150. ISSN 1864-6492

    Walter Kälin/Jörg Künzli : Universeller Menschenrechtsschutz [Rezension]



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