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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

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20 / 4360
  • The peacemaking triangle : the United Nations as a mediator in international conflicts


    The United Nations is an important player in international conflict mediation. With the termination of the Cold War and the reinvigoration of the organization s capacities, the UN has expanded its activities in preventing and containing conflicts. However, the organization s efforts in mediation have so far been more of a trial and error undertaking than a strategic approach.
    The objective of this research endeavour is to propose a theoretical framework which explains success and failure of UN mediation and to test it empirically. The main argument is that impartiality, leverage and status are the decisive factors for successful UN mediation. These three factors and their interrelationship take the shape of a triangle: the UN Peacemaking Triangle . The model predicts that all three factors are necessary to produce a positive outcome if only one of the factors is missing, success is out of reach.
    The model suggests that impartiality and credibility are important prerequisites for success because mediation can only be effective when the UN is either perceived as being unbiased and fair and when the organization has gained the trust of the parties through its noble intentions. And yet impartiality is not an objective condition in mediation and the UN can be perceived by one party as supporting the other side. If that is the case, the outcome can still be successful if the UN is accepted as an honest broker with good intentions of solving the dispute. What matters in that case are the UN s apparent motives, its fairness and justice.
    Leverage the ability of the mediator to put pressure on the conflict parties is the second factor in the model. The rationale is that the UN mediator has to make the parties give up their rigid positions and get them to agree on mutually satisfactory terms. This requires material or immaterial pressure which can be exerted as promises and rewards or threats and punishment positive or negative incentives). Material incentives of the UN are its resources in the form of aid programs and the implementation of peace accords; immaterial incentives are the pressure of the international community and the Security Council. A UN-specific form of leverage is the role of the organization as mediator of last resort : if previous mediation attempts have failed and/or no other actor is prepared to become active as a mediator, the disputants will realize that a UN mediation is their last chance for peace and will ultimately be more cooperative and prepared to make concessions.
    The third factor to be tested for its relevance for mediation success is the UN s unique status. The reasoning behind it is that the UN s scope and depth make it the largest and influential international organization and give it a generally distinct standing in world politics. The UN s assets in terms of status are its great degree of legitimacy, its special image and reputation, its experience and technical expertise and, most importantly, the role of the Secretary-General. When the Secretary-General is personally committed to the peace process and brings his integrity and competencies to play, he gives additional weight to the mediation effort.
    If the model is confirmed by the analysis, failure is unlikely when the organization uses all these qualities and attributes strategically in a mediation effort. The model predicts that only impartiality backed by leverage and complemented with status can yield satisfactory results.
    To obtain the data for the analysis, I conducted interviews with UN officials who were personally involved in the respective negotiations. The majority of these interviews were done as personal interviews during an internship at the UN in New York at the beginning of 2006, two were done as telephone interviews. For the data analysis, I used an extended version of Ragin s Qualitative Comparative Analysis which was formulated by Lasse Cronqvist who also developed the software program TOSMANA to assist in the analysis.
    The results essentially indicate that leverage is a necessary and sufficient condition for UN mediation success, whereas impartiality and status are negligible in their explanatory power. Thus, the model of the Peacemaking Triangle is rejected. Not a specific combination of factors but only the presence or absence of the UN s ability to effectively exert pressure on the disputants explains the outcome.
    Although the model was not supported by the analysis, the results still contribute decisively to the existing literature on mediation. The general assessment in the literature that leverage is a key factor for explaining mediation success is confirmed by the analysis. But at the same time
    the results disprove those who state that "United Nation mediation is hampered considerably by lack of resources" and that "[T]he United Nations can offer no promises, nor make any threats".

  • Kuhlenkamp, Andreas; Manouchehri, Shakib; Mergel, Ines; Winand, Udo (2006): Privatsphäre versus Erreichbarkeit bei der Nutzung von Social Software HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. 2006, 43(252), pp. 27-35. ISSN 0723-5208. eISSN 2198-2775

    Privatsphäre versus Erreichbarkeit bei der Nutzung von Social Software


    Die Nutzung von Social Software kann dazu beitragen, Freundschafts- und Arbeitsbeziehungen auch virtuell aufrechtzuerhalten. Durch die Unterstützung der menschlichen Kommunikation und Kollaboration, und somit von sozialen Interaktionen, entsteht eine Art Social Awareness. Bei extensiver Nutzung von Social Software im unternehmerischen Umfeld kann es jedoch zu diversen Zielkonflikten kommen. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Identifikation dieser Zielkonflikte und Ansätzen zu deren Lösung.

  • Das US-amerikanische Demokratisierungskonzept als Teilprozess des Wiederaufbaus nach dem militärischen Sieg : die demokratische Restrukturierungspolitik in Deutschland nach 1945 und im Irak nach 2003


    This thesis, The US-American concept of democratization as a sub process of reconstruction after military victory The reconstructuring policy of democracy in Germany after 1945 and in Iraq after 2003 , intends to compare these two examples of U.S.-American nationbuilding. As the two cases are often compared by analysts or by members of the US-administration, I try to find out the actual similarities and differences in democratization and nationbuilding. The hypotheses I work with are the following: The successful concept of democracybuilding in Germany after World War II through the U.S.-occupation was exactly transferred to Iraq and used in the current process of reconstruction. And the second, based on the first hypothesis: The disappointments and set-backs during the Iraqi nationbuilding process are caused in the missing adjustment and localization of the German concept to Iraqi conditions. The results of the comparison were divided. On the one hand the similarities of the concepts are substantial because the main structure of essential factors was analogue. On the other hand many serious differences were found. And as the German concept was not exactly overtaken, the first hypothesis must be dropped. But instead of dropping the second hypothesis alike, I prefer to convert it: The disappointments and set-bags during the Iraqi nationbuilding process are caused in the missing adjustment and localization to Iraqi conditions. The findings of the analysis show the causes of the problems in Iraq appropriate to this new version of the second hypothesis. On the search for the holy grail of nationbuilding as part of reconstruction, researchers tried to find the perfect, most effective and most sustainable model. Maybe this work makes a contribution to the search. And maybe the key is, as is identified in this work as the cause of problems, to react individually and flexible on each challenge of nationbuilding, on the local needs, the structural traditions and the people s visions.

  • Nationaler Wandel in Ost- und Südosteuropa : Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Steuerungsmodi europäischer Regulierungspolitik


    Der policy-analytische Ansatz der Europäisierungsforschung, so die zentrale These dieses Artikels, stellt ein Analysemodell zur Verfügung, welches erlaubt, nationalen Institutionen- und Politikwandel auch in jenen Staaten vorherzusagen und zu erklären, die (noch) nicht zur Europäischen Union gehören. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, daß die Europäische Union verstärkt auch über ihre eigenen Grenzen hinaus politische Wirkungen erzeugt. Betrachtet man beispielsweise die Nachbarschaftspolitik der EU, ihr Engagement im Prozeß der postkommunistischen Systemtransformation in den Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas in der Initiative "Ein größeres Europa" sowie die zahlreichen politischen und ökonomischen Kooperationsprojekte (z.B. in der Europäischen Freihandelsassoziation EFTA) wird deutlich, daß die EU ihr Regime graduell über die Grenzen ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten hinweg ausdehnt. Aus dieser Perspektive ist es überaus plausibel, nach der Wirkung von EU-Politikgestaltung auch außerhalb der Europäischen Union zu fragen.

  • Bauer, Michael W. (2006): Die Reform der europäischen Kommission : Eine Studie zur Managementmodernisierung internationaler Organisationen Verwaltungsarchiv Zeitschrift für Verwaltungslehre, Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungspolitik. 2006, 97(3)

    Die Reform der europäischen Kommission : Eine Studie zur Managementmodernisierung internationaler Organisationen


    Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die jüngsten Managementreformen innerhalb der Europäischen Kommission, die mit dem Inkrafttreten des neuen Beamtenstatuts am 1. 5. 2004 zu einem vorläufigen Abschluss gekommen sind. Das Papier bietet aber nicht nur Aufklärung über einen empirischen Einzelfall, sondern zielt auf die Einordnung und Erklärung von Modernisierungsprozessen in internationalen Organisationen. Internationale Organisationen haben in den vergangen Jahrzehnten an Zahl sowie im Zuge der Europäisierung und der Globalisierung entscheidend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Angesichts der Wichtigkeit dieser supranationalen und internationalen Verwaltung für wirtschaftliche, umweltpolitische und sicher nicht zuletzt sicherheitspolitische Kooperation, finden sich jedoch fast keine Arbeiten über die Effizienz und die Effektivität des internen Managements dieser Administrationen. Dabei dürfte kaum streitig sein, dass die Leistungsfähigkeit von internationalen Organisationen ebenso wie bei nationalen Verwaltungen durch betriebswirtschaftliche Mechanismen gesteigert werden könnte. Die vorliegende Arbeit will daher durch die Beschäftigung mit der Europäischen Kommission einen Beitrag zur Bildung analytischer Hypothesen als Orientierungspunkte für weitere empirische Forschung auf diesem Gebiet leisten.

  • Jochem, Sven (2006): Die Reichstagswahl 2006 : eine Zäsur in der schwedischen Parteiengeschichte NORDEUROPAforum. 2006(2), pp. 5-24. ISSN 1863-639X

    Die Reichstagswahl 2006 : eine Zäsur in der schwedischen Parteiengeschichte


    Bei der Reichstagswahl in Schweden am 17. September 2006 wurde trotz günstiger ökonomischer Rahmendaten die sozialdemokratische Minderheitsregierung unter Ministerpräsident Göran Persson abgewählt. Unter Vorsitz des konservativen Regierungschefs Fredrik Reinfeldt führt seither eine bürgerliche Vierparteienkoalition die Amtsgeschäfte. In diesem Beitrag wird sowohl der Wahlkampf als auch das Wahlergebnis analysiert. Es wird die These vertreten, dass eine historische Zäsur in der schwedischen Parteiengeschichte festzustellen ist. Eine Mehrheitsregierung markiert das Ende programmatischer Differenzen im bürgerlichen Lager. Ferner wird argumentiert, dass die neue Regierung kaum einen Generalangriff auf das schwedische Modell unternehmen wird. Kleine, aber zentrale Weichenstellungen werden den schwedischen Wohlfahrtsstaat jedoch weiter an kontinentaleuropäische Wohlfahrtsstaaten annähern.

  • Optimierungsmöglichkeiten vorausschauender Politikgestaltung : Institutionen staatlicher Planung und Koordination im europäischen Vergleich



    dc.contributor.author: Ziegler, Maria

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2006): Methodological Pitfalls of Convergence Analysis European Union Politics. 2006, 7(2), pp. 271-287. ISSN 1465-1165. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1465116506063721

    Methodological Pitfalls of Convergence Analysis



  • Pietsch, Lutz-Henning (2006): „The Fall of the Empire“ : Der post-freudianische Körper bei Deleuze/Guattari und in Clive Barkers 'Books of Blood' FRITZ, Jochen, ed., Neil STEWART, ed.. Das schlechte Gewissen der Moderne : Kulturtheorie und Gewaltdarstellung in Literatur und Film nach 1968. Köln: Böhlau, 2006, pp. 99-132. ISBN 978-3-412-32805-4

    „The Fall of the Empire“ : Der post-freudianische Körper bei Deleuze/Guattari und in Clive Barkers 'Books of Blood'



  • Grimm, Sonja (2006): Demokratieförderung durch die Europäische Union zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit Integration : Vierteljahreszeitschrift des Instituts für Europäische Politik in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration. 2006, 29(2), pp. 166-171. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0720-5120-2006-2-166

    Demokratieförderung durch die Europäische Union zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit



  • Modernisierung der Verwaltungsorganisation und von Verwaltungsverfahren im Umweltschutz : Gutachten im Auftrag des Rat von Sachverständigen für Umweltfragen, Endbericht, Version vom 23.8.06



    dc.contributor.author: Krapf, Sandra; Reissig, Kristin

  • Gebert, Diether; Boerner, Sabine; Kearney, Eric; Lanwehr, Ralf (2006): The co-existence of opposites as a condition for the enhancement of innovations Paper presented at the 22nd EGOS Colloquium, Bergen, Norway. 2006

    The co-existence of opposites as a condition for the enhancement of innovations



    dc.contributor.author: Gebert, Diether; Kearney, Eric; Lanwehr, Ralf

  • Seeber, Günther; Boerner, Sabine; Keller, Helmut; Beinborn, Peter (2006): Strategien selbstorganisierten Lernens bei berufstätigen Studierenden : ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung Journal für Sozialwissenschaften und ihre Didaktik. 2006, 2. Available under: doi: 10.4119/UNIBI/jsse-v5-i2-1016

    Strategien selbstorganisierten Lernens bei berufstätigen Studierenden : ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung



    dc.contributor.author: Seeber, Günther; Keller, Helmut; Beinborn, Peter

  • Schneider, Gerald; Steunenberg, Bernard; Widgrén, Mika (2006): Evidence with insight : what models contribute to EU research THOMSON, Robert, ed. and others. The European Union Decides. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006, pp. 299-316

    Evidence with insight : what models contribute to EU research


    Will formal models of policy-making like those in this book ultimately become reliable aids to policy-makers? We do not share the pessimism of Rubinstein (2000: 74 75) who attributes no predictive power to game theory: I am not convinced that Game Theory is more valuable than a detective novel, a romantic poem, or a game of chess in improving the strategic capabilities of practitioners. In particular, he points to the artificiality of some concepts, like mixed strategies, and notes that the usage of mathematical symbols creates an illusion of preciseness which does not have any basis in reality . To the contrary, we all believe that our models can enlighten political debates, even when, as now, they have achieved only modest levels of predictive success.
    Translating between the academic world and the policy world is never easy, however. Complicated models require explanation in plain language, with their limitations and imprecisions conveyed clearly to nonspecialists. Commercial opinion surveys have made much progress in this regard, and the best of them include in their reports information on their sample size, margin of error, and the response rates. Similarly, many evaluation associations impose a set of standards on their members who do practical research.We have tried to meet those standards throughout this book and particularly in Chapter 10, where our forecasting successes and limitations are described in detail.
    The present volume has shown that a critical dialogue between different modelling traditions applied to a single data set forces researchers to make their modelling choices transparent, as honest science requires. It also makes the models vulnerable to empirical findings, a critical step in intellectual progress. Then, when models reach a certain stage of maturity and empirical success, reporting the results of such dialogues to policy-makers in accessible form seems to us part of the scholarly mission.
    In short, we feel that this book itself proposes a model beyond those included in the individual chapters a working model for collaborative social scientific research that aims at addressing issues of broad social interest and concern. In this project, we have engaged in a double dialogue in which different theoretical claims encountered each other while each model faced a common data set. This kind of work is not easy, it is not cheap, and it imposes substantial administrative and managerial burdens on its practitioners. But when it is possible, both science and policy benefit. We are glad we did it. But of course, the present book is just a beginning. We are confident that subsequent double dialogues will build on our findings, correct our errors, and continue to improve our common understanding of EU decision-making.

  • Spilker, Gabriele; Schneider, Gerald (2006): Segregation in the classroom : an empirical test of the Schelling model Rationality and Society. 2006, 18(1), pp. 95-117. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1043463106060154

    Segregation in the classroom : an empirical test of the Schelling model


    Schelling s segregation model, one of the most influential contributions to the theory of collective choice, has almost exclusively been applied to the study of the housing market. We employ this analytical framework for a field experiment on the seating decisions within a classroom and thus a low-cost decision-making situation. In contrast to residential choices, individuals face minimal costs when choosing a seat and cannot within our subject pool reduce their neighbourhood choices to a visible criterion such as race. The experiment reveals nevertheless considerable segregation based on individual characteristics even in the absence of such a direct selection mechanism. Individual choices are largely determined by the 'costs' of a seat, the participants psychological background and their self-declared seating behaviour. We also observe structure in the seating dynamic as individuals tend to sit in clusters, but avoid being directly placed next to another person. Our results strongly support the assertion that auditorium seating and equivalent social processes are not random but guided by both strategic reasoning and individual preferences.

  • Leuffen, Dirk; Luitwieler, Sander (2006): Domesticated Wolves? : Length of Membership, State Size and Preferences at the European Convention HOLZHACKER, Ronald, ed. and others. European research reloaded : cooperation and integration among europeanized states. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006, pp. 151-178. Library of public policy and public administration. 9. ISBN 978-1-4020-4429-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/1-4020-4430-5_7

    Domesticated Wolves? : Length of Membership, State Size and Preferences at the European Convention



    dc.contributor.author: Luitwieler, Sander

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2006): Kontext oder Konflikttyp : Was bestimmt die Wahl des Kommunikationsmodus? SIECKMANN, Jan-R., ed.. Argumentation und politische Legitimation. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2006, pp. 83-97

    Kontext oder Konflikttyp : Was bestimmt die Wahl des Kommunikationsmodus?



  • Entwicklungen, Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der deutschen Kommunalverfassungen


    At the heart of the Bachelor thesis is the question of similarities and differences between Germany's municipal constitutions (excluding the city-states Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg).
    The Bachelor thesis is based upon the theory of veto players and uses this theory to analyse the structures of municipal political powers between mayor, city council and the people themselves.
    Results show that even after the so called victory of the "Süddeutsche Ratsverfassung", there are still notable differences between political powers in Germanys cities and communities. The powers of the executive show a strong correlation. In total one can conclude a path dependency.
    The Bachelor thesis basis these results on a 26 item based index, which in the end results to a new typology of Germany's municipal constitutions.

  • Bailer, Stefanie; Schneider, Gerald (2006): Nash versus Schelling? The importance of constraints in legislative bargaining THOMSON, Robert, ed. and others. The European Union decides. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2006, pp. 153-177

    Nash versus Schelling? The importance of constraints in legislative bargaining


    When the Council of Ministers had to decide on the so-called chocolate directive in 1999, its plan to allow vegetable fat in the production of candy products met with fierce opposition from Belgium, France, and the Netherlands. These three member states objected to the usage of vegetable fats other than cocoa in chocolate. Although they advanced some consumer-friendly arguments, continental manufacturers also tried to avoid competition from the British chocolate industry and to protect some of their traditional trading partners in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.1 They particularly protested against the proposed derogations that would have allowed the United Kingdom and Ireland to continue the production of household milk chocolate , which contains a large amount of milk. While the Belgian government spoke of a la carte harmonisation benefiting the industries of only certain member states (Europe Daily Bulletins, No. 7583, 29 October 1999), French chocolate makers demonstrated against the measure during the plenary session of the European Parliament in January 2000. The massive lobbying by the Belgian and French interest groups was, however, only partially successful. The European Parliament accepted the common position of the Council, allowing some sorts of vegetable fats in chocolate as well as the derogations favouring British and Irish family milk chocolate . The legislature nevertheless added a fair trade requirement. This successful amendment granted the industry the right to sell chocolate containing up to six sorts of vegetable fat everywhere in the European Union, as long as these ingredients came from developing countries (Europe Daily Bulletins, No. 7677, 16 March 2000). The compromise found illustrates that domestic interests considerably shape the negotiation mandates of member states. At a theoretical level, the influence of sectoral interests in the negotiations on the chocolate directive is in line with the conjecture that domestically constrained and therefore supposedly weak negotiators, like the Belgian and French ministers under pressure from the chocolate industry and development countries, often possess disproportionate bargaining power. These two countries were able to postpone the directive for many years. Thomas Schelling (1960: 22) enthroned this hypothesis with the status of a paradox and suggested that a commitment to a demanding negotiation position might be a useful bargaining device. He wrote, that the power to constrain an adversary may depend on the power to bind oneself; that, in bargaining, weakness is often strength, freedom may be freedom to capitulate, and to burn bridges behind one may suffice to undo an opponent. Although the strategic analysis of such commitment tactics did not really take off until the early 1990s, Schelling s paradox of weakness has enjoyed considerable popularity in descriptive and normative bargaining theory. Robert D. Putnam s (1988) influential article on twolevel games reinforced the status of the counter-intuitive conjecture. According to him, constrained governments might try to exploit their constraint to advance their own interests. It was especially this idea that has encouraged empiricists and formal modellers to dwell on the paradox of weakness . This chapter evaluates the empirical relevance of the Schelling conjecture, showing that two-level game models do not predict much better than standard models of multilateral bargaining. We embed the Schelling conjecture within a conventional multi-actor Nash bargaining game. Our assessment of the paradox of weakness relies on different criteria account for the possible influence that domestic institutions, diverging ideological stances, and the behaviour of the negotiators exert on final outcome. We compare the predictive power of the different Schelling bargaining games with the accuracy of the symmetric Nash bargaining game. Our results show that the model that simultaneously considers institutional and ideological constraints fares the best by comparison. The models that try to measure domestic constraints through ideological constraints alone or the occurrence of threats have, by contrast, rather low predictive accuracy. The chapter is structured as follows: first introduce the Schelling conjecture and embed it within a multiactor Nash bargaining model. Next, we outline our research design. The empirical section presents the model comparison and analyses conditions under which the assumption of domestically constrained governments makes sense in the analysis of EU decision-making.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Eisenbeiß, Silke; Griesser, Daniel (2006): Transformational leadership and organizational performance : The mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior and debate 2006 Annual meeting proceedings. 2006. ISSN 1543-8643

    Transformational leadership and organizational performance : The mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior and debate



    dc.contributor.author: Eisenbeiß, Silke; Griesser, Daniel

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