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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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20 / 4360
  • Holzinger, Katharina; Knill, Christoph; Schäfer, Ansgar (2006): Rhetoric or Reality? : "New Governance" in EU Environmental Policy European Law Journal. 2006, 12(3), pp. 403-420. ISSN 1351-5993. eISSN 1468-0386. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0386.2006.00323.x

    Rhetoric or Reality? : "New Governance" in EU Environmental Policy


    When scrutinising the literature on EU environmental policy, it becomes apparent that there has been a comprehensive transition in underlying governance ideas during the last two decades. At the core of these changes is the abolition of traditional patterns of interventionist command-and-control regulation in favour of economic instruments and ‘context-oriented’ governance. In view of these developments, this article has two objectives: first, it looks into which causes and factors initiated these discussions; second, it analyses the effects these reform ideas had on actual patterns of governance. As will be shown, changes in governance ideas are only partially expressed in changes in policy instruments.

  • Sieberer, Ulrich (2006): Agenda Setting in the German Bundestag : A Weak Government in a Consensus Democracy German Politics. 2006, 15(1), pp. 49-72. ISSN 0964-4008. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09644000500534972

    Agenda Setting in the German Bundestag : A Weak Government in a Consensus Democracy


    Government agenda-setting rights in the Bundestag are weak. The theoretical part of this article discusses various aspects of agenda setting and their theoretical relevance in the context of the Bundestag. It will be argued that analyses of agenda setting should distinguish between two analytical foci, one concentrating on policy effects in the context of spatial models, the other analysing executive–legislative relations in the broader context of political competition. In addition, agenda setting among veto players should be distinguished from agenda setting between veto players and non-veto players. While the article's theoretical part drives the subsequent empirical analysis, readers more interested in the empirical aspects of agenda setting in the Bundestag may wish to turn directly to the article's second section, which provides an empirical and descriptive account of the formal rules of agenda setting in the Bundestag. In this part, it will be argued that the weakness of the government under the Bundestag's first permanent rules of procedure introduced in the early 1950s can be explained by historic circumstances. Since then, party system characteristics and the strong role of the Bundesrat have made it unattractive for the federal government to seek increased agenda control in the Bundestag. Overall, agenda setting rules in the Bundestag underscore the characterisation of Germany as a consensus democracy.

  • Rhetoric or Reality? : New Governance in EU Environmental Policy


    When scrutinizing the literature on EU environmental policy, it becomes apparent that there has been a comprehensive transition in regulatory ideas during the last two decades. At the core of these changes is the abolition of traditional patterns of interventionist command-and-control regulation in favor of economic and "context-oriented" instruments. In view of these developments, this article has two objectives: first, it looks into which causes and factors initiated these discussions; second, it analyzes the effects these reform ideas had on patterns of regulation. As will be shown, changes in regulatory ideas are only partially expressed in changes in policy instruments.

  • Breunig, Christian; Koski, Chris (2006): Punctuated Equilibria and Budgets in the American States Policy Studies Journal. 2006, 34(3), pp. 363-379. ISSN 0190-292X. eISSN 1541-0072. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0072.2006.00177.x

    Punctuated Equilibria and Budgets in the American States


    In this article, we examine long-term state budget trends to find evidence of punctuated equilibrium. We use the American states as a broad set of institutional variation with which to examine the nature of policy change through the lens of incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium theories of policymaking. The strength of this article is its sensitivity of variations in policy outcomes across time (18 years), across space (50 state institutions), and across issue space (10 budget categories). This research advances the characterization of policy outcomes by employing a quantitative measure that is both less sensitive to outliers and one that characterizes budget distributions on a simple numeric scale. Our general findings are: (i) state budget categories are interdependent; (ii) state budgets are generally punctuated; but (iii) to varying degrees: Thus, considerable stability (indicated by tall peaks) and punctuations (represented by fat tails) are a central feature of policy outcomes in the American states. This result confirms the logic of punctuated equilibrium theory, but raises future questions about the impact specific variations in institutional costs have on policymaking across the 50 states.

  • Determinanten von Leistungsabbau in den Länderhaushalten


    This diploma thesis examines the determinants of retrenchment in the German
    Laender. The literature of policy-termination states that there are two possibilities to abandon a policy: An immediate termination of the policy (
    big bang ) or a long-term decrease in public funding ( long whimper ). Focusing on the long-term decrease of the expenditures in the policy sectors of agriculture, economy and social welfare in seven Laender, the year-to-year change of defined elements of expenditure is used as dependent variable. The partisan politics model is used to explain the party differences in the specific policy fields.

    Descriptive and regression analytic methods are used to test the hypotheses on a sample of TimeSeries Cross-Sectional data. Hypotheses state that the the political parties will spare their voters. No empirical evidence supporting the
    hypotheses is found except the finding that grand coalitions save the expenditures of their clientele and cut less expenditures than other coalition types do. Instead, the socio-economic variables such as the economic power, the level of public debts, the rate of economic growth and budget growth are able to
    explain some variance of the changes in the Laender budgets.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Neuhoff, Hans; Renz, Sabine (2006): Evaluation im Musiktheater Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Systematische Musikwissenschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Kassel. 2006

    Evaluation im Musiktheater



    dc.contributor.author: Neuhoff, Hans; Renz, Sabine

  • Pappi, Franz Urban; Shikano, Susumu (2005): Regierungsabwahl ohne Regierungsneuwahl Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 2005, 46(4), pp. 513-526. ISSN 0032-3470. eISSN 1862-2860. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11615-005-0300-3

    Regierungsabwahl ohne Regierungsneuwahl



    dc.contributor.author: Pappi, Franz Urban

  • Winkler, Daniela; Knill, Christoph (2005): Eine politisch inszenierte Entscheidung Frankfurter Rundschau. 26. Aug. 2005, No. 198, pp. 2

    Eine politisch inszenierte Entscheidung



  • Versendetes Kulturgut : Plädoyer für ein audiovisuelles Medienarchiv


    Allen kulturpessimistischen Debatten zum Trotz: Wenn wir die "Dschungel Show" nicht konservieren, verschleudern wir kulturgeschichtliches Erbe. Während über Jahrhunderte Bibliotheken das Wissen für nachfolgende Generationen gespeichert haben, mangelt es an Perspektiven, wie das audiovisuelle Kulturgedächtnis des 20. Jahrhunderts in das 21. hinübergerettet und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden kann. Aber es drohen nicht nur in Zukunft gravierende Wissenslücken über unsere Kultur. Bereits heute verschliesst sich die Mediengesellschaft dem Potenzial eines gesellschaftlich relevanten Reflexionsfeldes. Beispiele aus den USA, Frankreich und Australien belegen jedoch: Medienarchive sind jenseits aller medienrechtlicher Einwände möglich.

  • Boerner, Sabine; Streit, Christian von (2005): Transformational Leadership and Group Climate : empirical Results from Symphony Orchestras Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 2005, 12(3), pp. 31-41. Available under: doi: 10.1177/107179190501200203

    Transformational Leadership and Group Climate : empirical Results from Symphony Orchestras


    The study investigates the degree to which the conductor s transformational leadership style and a cooperative climate in the orchestra favorably effect the orchestra s artistic quality. The authors study the assertion that the conductor s transformational leadership style promotes the orchestra s artistic quality only if there is a cooperative climate in the orchestra. An empirical study of 208 musicians from 22 professional German symphony orchestras confirms the assumed interaction effect of the conductor s transformational leadership style and the cooperative climate among the musicians on the orchestra s artistic quality. Conclusions for the effectiveness of transformational leadership in organizations are drawn.

  • Fischer, Walter Boris : Kunst vor Management, Führung und Förderung von Kulturinstitutionen



  • Schneider, Gerald (2005): Erich Weede: A nonconformist conflict researcher European political science. 2005, 4, pp. 1-7. Available under: doi: 10.1057/palgrave.eps.2210037

    Erich Weede: A nonconformist conflict researcher


    The second winner of the Richardson Lifetime Achievement Award (in 2004) was Professor Erich Weede from the University of Bonn, Germany. The prize, which is sponsored by two sections of the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR), goes tri-annually to a political scientist who made major contributions to peace and conflict research in the tradition of Lewis Frye Richardson (1881 1953), a British meteorologist and pioneering scientific analyst of international war. This essay summarises some of the most important insights of the present award holder.

  • Leuffen, Dirk; Weichert, Stephan Alexander (2005): Wider den Fluch der Flüchtigkeit : Plädoyer für ein audiovisuelles Medeinarchiv BEUTHNER, Michael, ed. and others. Die Selbstbeobachtungsfalle : Grenzen und Grenzgänge des Medienjournalismus. 1. Aufl.. Wiesbaden: VS-Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2005, pp. 365-389. ISBN 3-531-14215-1

    Wider den Fluch der Flüchtigkeit : Plädoyer für ein audiovisuelles Medeinarchiv



    dc.contributor.author: Weichert, Stephan Alexander

  • Collier, Paul; Hoeffler, Anke (2005): Resource Rents, Governance, and Conflict Journal of Conflict Resolution. 2005, 49(4), pp. 625-633. ISSN 0022-0027. eISSN 1552-8766. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022002705277551

    Resource Rents, Governance, and Conflict


    Case studies as well as cross-country studies suggest that countries with an abundance of natural resources are more prone to violent conflict. This collection of articles analyzes the link between natural resources and civilwar in a number of differentways. So far the literature falls broadly into two camps. First, in the economics literature the well-documented “resource curse” leads to low-income growth rates and low levels of income. These in turn constitute lowopportunity costs for rebellion and make civilwar more likely. On the other hand, political science literature concentrates on the link between natural resources and weak institutions. States with natural resources often rely on a system of patronage and do not develop a democratic system based on electoral competition, scrutiny and civil rights. Based on further empirical evidence in this volume we conclude with a brief overview of current policy initiatives.

  • Organizational Learning in International Organizations : the Case of UN Peace Operations


    With the United Nations and the Bretton-Woods institutions approaching their 60th anniversary and most other IOs having been established decades ago, there is still little systematic research on how they change over time, whether they can adapt to changes in the international system, or whether and how they can learn about new problems, actors, or altering requirements for effective action. The end of the Cold War and the process of globalization with its various dimensions have fundamentally changed the organizations environment and modified the conditions under which most of our current international organizations were created to function. Some IOs have successfully changed, while others persist and have lost importance, and only very few organizations have ceased to exist. However there is little convincing theory to account for this variance. The mentioned negligence of the internal functioning of IOs, has led to a theoretical blind spot to explain phenomena of organizational persistence and change.

    In this study a new model, based on the concept of organizational learning, is proposed to explain the persistance and change of UN peace operations after the Cold War. This study underlines the importance of internal cognitive structures for change in international organizations. They emerge as a decisive factor in the explanation of organizational persistence of UN peace operations during the early 1990s, when the Secretariat refused to revise its traditional concept of peacekeeping. The OL approach brings to light the importance of signals about environmental changes and their ambiguity, as the UN was faced with very vague information, and was lacking the experience and resources to adjust to these new challenges. In this regard the importance of the interplay between decision-making bodies and the Secretariat is highlighted, as effective communication and a consensus between the two were deemed essential for successful change. As was observed, the Brahimi panel did not create new knowledge, but made an effort to communicate and build a consensus around existing recommendations for change. Related to this observation, our OL approach has drawn attention to hidden or implicit knowledge, which can be found in the organization and can be used by the administrative leadership to conduct reform. The OL approach emphasizes the significance of the absorptive capacity of IOs, as it demonstrates that the organizations needs ample resources to process information and that understaffing can also hamper learning and reform. External shock and crisis are identified as viable learning conditions of IOs.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2005): Capacity and concessions : bargaining power in multilateral negotiations Millennium : Journal of International Studies. 2005, 33, pp. 665-689. Available under: doi: 10.1177/03058298050330031901

    Capacity and concessions : bargaining power in multilateral negotiations


    Realism and liberalism disagree over the source of bargaining power in international relations. Realists believe that the success of a negotiator is a linear function of the capabilities that its home state possesses. Liberals stress the crucial importance of either the relative salience a country attaches to a contested issue or the importance negotiating governments have to attribute to powerful domestic actors. In this essay, I clarify some of the channels through which these different facets of power influence multilateral negotiations. To examine the competing theoretical claims in international negotiations, I rely on the canonical contribution to the formal theory of bargaining, the Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS), as the unifying analytical framework. I distinguish several causal mechanisms through which varying forms of resources affect the negotiation outcomes. The formal analysis points out severe limitations of the thesis that different forms of bargaining power are fungible. Whether different facets of power can be substituted at all depends on how specific a channel is through which power is exerted. The empirical application uses the saliency approach as the baseline model and compares it with a realist capability and a liberalist domestic politics model. The analysis of the Uruguay round negotiations in the tourism sector shows that the realist bargaining model outperforms the domestic politics model. The saliency version of the NBS on which the competing models are based also fares relatively well in forecasting the concessions that 29 member states made in this policy realm.

  • Market Response to European Commission's Merger Decisions


    The aim of this paper is to show whether there are sizeable market reactions to decisions by the European Commission on proposed business combinations. To this end, I present a model on market reactions to decisions within the scope of the Merger Regulation, asserting that information arrival has a non-negligible impact on both stock returns and market volatility. This conjecture is challenged by empirical stock market data on individual firms' stock returns preceding and following different decisions by DG competition.

    Using an event study approach, I can show that as far as stock returns are concerned there is a clear impact of certain types of decisions on financial markets. Further, the application of exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasicity (EGARCH) models reveals volatility reactions to uncertain decisions; the effect of anticipation on event induced volatility, however, being less distinct than level reactions.

  • Mergel, Ines; Lazer, David; Binz-Scharf, Maria Christina (2005): Electronic communication in a geographically dispersed community of forensic scientists DIGITAL GOVERNMENT SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA, , ed.. Proceedings of the 2005 national conference on Digital government research (dg.o '05). ACM, 2005, pp. 299-300

    Electronic communication in a geographically dispersed community of forensic scientists


    Electronic communication creates new pathways for knowledge sharing, through e-mail, listservers, electronic repositories of information, and web-based forums. This study focuses on two questions in the context of electronic communication in a distributed knowledge intensive community: (1) How do individuals in the community seek answers to their questions? and (2) Why do other individuals answer those questions? Thus, the first question addresses an individual's activities of knowledge seeking, whereas the second question focuses on an individual's willingness to share his or her knowledge with the questioner.

  • Die Europäische Union : Theorien und Analysekonzepte



  • Merkel, Kathrin; Schneider, Gerald (2005): Neu im Club : Die Auswärtige Kulturpolitik Polens, Ungarns und Russlands MAASS, Kurt-Jürgen, ed.. Kultur und Außenpolitik : Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. 1. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005, pp. 301-308. ISBN 3-8329-1404-8

    Neu im Club : Die Auswärtige Kulturpolitik Polens, Ungarns und Russlands



    dc.contributor.author: Merkel, Kathrin

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