Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
20 / 4360
  • Schneider, Gerald; Baltz, Konstantin (2004): Specialization pays off : Interest Group Influence on EU Pre-negotiations in four Member States WARNTJEN, Andreas, ed. and others. Governance in Europe : the role of interest groups. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2004, pp. 129-146. ISBN 3-8329-0634-7

    Specialization pays off : Interest Group Influence on EU Pre-negotiations in four Member States



    dc.contributor.author: Baltz, Konstantin

  • Verpflichten Menschenrechte zur Demokratie? : Über universelle Menschenrechte, politische Teilhabe und demokratische Herrschaftsordnungen


    Um Menschenwürde und die Freiheit des Individuums zu wahren, muss jedem Menschen die Chance gewährt werden, am Zustandekommen politischer Entscheidungen zu partizi- pieren. Im transzendentalen Tausch erkennen Individuen gegenseitig an, dass sie ein ratio- nales, wohlüberlegtes Interesse am Zugang zur politischen Arena, nicht zuletzt am Zugang zu politischen Ämtern haben. Politische Teilhaberechte lassen sich folglich wie die libera- len Abwehrrechte philosophisch begründen und sind als Bürgerrechte zu verwirklichen. Sie gehören damit in den Kanon der Menschenrechte, die, in drei Dimensionen unterteilt (liberale Abwehrrechte, politische Teilhaberechte, soziale Teilhaberechte), notwendig auf- einander verwiesen sind. Dies hat für die Gestaltung politischer Systeme und deren Schutz weit reichende Konsequenzen.

  • Boerner, Sabine (2004): Führungsstile und -konzepte SCHREYÖGG, Georg, ed. and others. Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation. 4. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2004, pp. 316-332. Enzyklopädie der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. 2. ISBN 3-7910-8050-4

    Führungsstile und -konzepte



  • The winners and losers of war : stock market effects of armed conflict, 1990-2000


    War opponents frequently assert that the economic interests of the defence industry and other sectors drive the warring parties into the use of force. This paper evaluates this claim indirectly and identifies with a refined version of “commercial liberalism” the sectors that loose or gain during an intensification of the hostilities. Our time series analysis examines how the ups and downs in three conflicts (Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Ex-Yugoslavia) affected subindices of three major Western stock market indices (CAC, Dow Jones, FTSE) throughout the 1990s. GARCH (1, 1) models show in line with the distributional theory of war that the defence sector occasionally profits from an intensification of a conflict, while other sectors (aviation, hotels, leisure) lose under an escalation of the hostilities. Our model also accounts for the negative reactions of the “military-industrial complex” to cooperative events that the analysis uncovers for some conflicts.

  • Ideologische Signale in den Wahlprogrammen der deutschen Bundestagsparteien 1980 bis 2002


    Die Wahlprogramme der Parteien stellen Politikangebote an die Wähler dar. Es sind die Policypakete, zwischen denen die Bürger alle vier Jahre entscheiden können. In diesem Beitrag beantworten wir die Frage, inwieweit man aus den Wahlprogrammen Information über die ideologischen Richtungen herauslesen kann, die von den einzelnen Parteien vertreten werden. Hierfür treffen wir eine wichtige Vorentscheidung: Wir analysieren die Parteipositionen für den Bereich der Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Finanzpolitik getrennt vom Bereich der Innen-, Rechts- und Gesellschaftspolitik. Wir erwarten nämlich für das deutsche Parteiensystem eine zweidimensionale Konfliktstruktur, die Laver/Hunt als Benelux-Konstellation bezeichnen. Der untersuchte Zeitraum reicht von 1980 bis 2002, in dem zwei Regierungswechsel und zwei Eintritte neuer Parteien ins Parteiensystem stattfanden. Unsere empirische Analyse, die die Faktorenanalyse auf die Daten aus dem Comparative-Manifesto-Projekt anwendet, weist für beide Politikfelder zwei latente Dimensionen nach. Der erste Faktor erfasst die zeitspezifischen Gemeinsamkeiten der Wahlprogramme und der zweite Faktor erfasst die ideologischen Unterschiede der Parteien.

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2004): Transnationale Gemeinschaftsgüter: strategische Konstellationen, Kollektivhandlungsprobleme und Mehrebenensteuerung Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2003 : Tätigkeitsberichte, Zahlen, Fakten, Publikationen ... (CD-ROM-Beilage). 2004, 2003, pp. 373-386

    Transnationale Gemeinschaftsgüter: strategische Konstellationen, Kollektivhandlungsprobleme und Mehrebenensteuerung



  • The positions of parties in ideological and policy space : the perception of German voters of their party system


    Left and right are the dominant criteria to position European parties ideologically and the capacity to order parties along this ideological dimension meaningfully is not restricted to political elites or the media. On the basis of research results on the capabilities of European voters to apply the ideological labels left and right either to parties or to their own ideological orientation, we ask the following more specific questions:

    1. Do German voters agree with each other about the left-right ordering of parties?
    2. If yes, to what extent is the common left-right placement of the parties capable to predict the policy positions of parties in various issue domains as perceived by individual voters?

    As an answer to the first question, a common scale is identified for manifest left-right placements of parties which has to be supplemented by a second dimension on which established parties are distinguished from non-established parties. Whereas in West Germany the former Communist Party of Democratic Socialism and the two right-wing parties Republikaner and Deutsche Volksunion are perceived as radical, East Germans perceive the PDS as the leftmost party that is as extremist on the left-right scale, but not as a non-established or radical party. Concerning the second question, we find a close correspondence between ideological and policy spaces of parties which is mainly restricted to the established parties, whereas small extermist outsiders have problems to be recognized as possible suppliers of concrete policy options. But they are perceived at the same time in terms of their ideological leanings. In addition, the left-right distinction has a high absorptive capacity which means that in West Germany the Greens and not the PDS are seen as the leftmost party due to their pronounced position in new politics issues as e.g. atomic energy.

  • von Streit, Christian; Boerner, Sabine (2004): Collaboration in Symphony Orchestras : the Role of Group Emotion, Flow, and the Conductor Paper presented at “Musical Collaboration”, The Open University, Department of Psychology, UK. 2004

    Collaboration in Symphony Orchestras : the Role of Group Emotion, Flow, and the Conductor



    dc.contributor.author: von Streit, Christian

  • Collier, Paul; Hoeffler, Anke; Söderbom, Måns (2004): On the Duration of Civil War Journal of Peace Research. 2004, 41(3), pp. 253-273. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343304043769

    On the Duration of Civil War


    This article explores empirically the duration of civil war. It relates the duration of civil war to two alternative models of conflict and culls testable hypotheses from the case study literature on civil war. Using a comprehensive dataset on large-scale violent civil conflicts covering the 1960–2000 period, a wide range of hypotheses are tested by means of hazard function regressions. The results show that the duration of conflict is systematically related both to structural conditions prevailing prior to conflict and to circumstances during conflict. The key structural characteristics that lengthen conflict are low per capita income, high inequality and a moderate degree of ethnic division. The key variable characteristics that shorten conflict are a decline in the prices of the primary commodities that the country exports and external military intervention on the side of the rebels. Furthermore, the results indicate that the chances of peace were much lower in the 1980s and 1990s than they had been previously. Three empirical explanations are suggested as different approaches to civil war: rebellion-as-investment, in which the critical incentive is the post-conflict payoff; rebellion-as-business, in which the critical incentive is the payoff during conflict; and rebellion-as-mistake, in which military optimism prevents the recognition of any mutually advantageous settlement. The article concludes that the empirical evidence is incompatible with the first of these approaches but consistent with the others.

  • Boerner, Sabine; von Streit, Christian (2004): Transformational Leadership and Group Emotion as Prerequisites for Success in the Symphony Orchestra Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition (ICMPC8), Northwestern University School of Music, Evanston, IL, USA. 2004

    Transformational Leadership and Group Emotion as Prerequisites for Success in the Symphony Orchestra



    dc.contributor.author: von Streit, Christian

  • Wer hat Angst vor der großen Erweiterung? Die diskriminierende Mitgliedschaft in internationalen Organisationen am Beispiel der Europäischen Union


    Diese Arbeit untersucht die diskriminierende Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union. Mit Hilfe der Ansätze der allgemeinen Literatur zur Erweiterung internationaler Organisationen und klubtheoretischen Arbeiten wird ein zweistufiges theoretisches Modell entwickelt. Die erste Stufe stellt eine internationale Organisation dar, in welcher die Mitglieder die verfügbaren Haushaltsmittel auf die Produktion unterschiedlicher Klubgüter verteilen müssen. In der zweiten Stufe entscheiden die Mitglieder, gegeben des ausgehandelten Haushaltes, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen sie weitere Staaten in die internationale Organisation aufnehmen. Das zentrale theoretische Argument ist, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer diskriminierenden Mitgliedschaft für Neumitglieder steigt, wenn sie den Nutzen, den Altmitglieder aus dem Konsum der Klubgüter ziehen, einschränken und gegenüber den alten Mitgliedern eine geringe Verhandlungsmacht aufweisen.
    Anschließend untersucht die Arbeit die Einschränkung der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit für die Beitrittsstaaten im Osterweiterungsprozess. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die empirische Diskussion gut entlang der theoretischen Überlegungen geführt werden kann. Darüber hinaus verweisen die Ergebnisse auf die Stärken und Schwächen, die eine solche Theorie in Hinblick auf die realen Erweiterungsprozesse und -resultate besitzt. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Diskussion der Ergebnisse und Vorschlägen für zukünftige Arbeiten zu diesem Thema ab.

  • Analyzing Organizational Change and Adaptation of Civilian Police Components in UN Peace Operations


    This thesis focuses on International Civilian Police components of UN Peace Operations (CIVPOL). CIVPOL missions have experienced an increasing importance due to the growing involvement of the UN in pacifying war-torn territories by quasi-governmental and multidimensional peacekeeping missions after the end of the Cold War. The underlying research questions are: how do CIVPOL missions deal with problems, how do they find solutions, and what do they do within the framework of their mandate?
    The thesis applies a problem-solving framework on the basis of organizational theory and garbage can models to adaptation and change processes of CIVPOL missions. It has been argued that organizational and institutional adaptation is necessary due to insufficiencies of the mandate , and it has been hypothesized that adaptation of CIVPOL missions is influenced by four streams : problems, which are encountered by the CIVPOL in five key dimensions; solutions, which consist of four components, the adaptation of the mandate, the development of policies, change of organizational structures, as well as the development of cooperation with international actors; the mandate, which provides the basic framework of the CIVPOL missions; and context providing political support in the environment. On the basis of primary and secondary sources as well as interviews with former UN and OSCE staff, the thesis analyzes four streams along five key dimensions and challenges of CIVPOL missions: the bridging of the deployment (1) and enforcement gap (2), the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants respectively, the restructuring, reorganization, and downsizing of security forces (3), the creation of a local democratic police force (4), and the creation of a functioning judiciary (5). Case studies include the International Police Task Force of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1996-2002, and the United Nations Interim Administration Missions in Kosovo Police (1999-2004).

  • Busemeyer, Marius R. (2004): Chasing Maastricht : The Impact of the EMU on the Fiscal Performance of Member States European Integration online Papers (EIoP). 2004, 8(8). eISSN 1027-5193

    Chasing Maastricht : The Impact of the EMU on the Fiscal Performance of Member States


    This paper examines the impact of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on the fiscal performance of EU member states. I will show that the process towards EMU and the accompanying Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) have increased fiscal performance in the EU member states. Small EU states have generally performed better than big states, because they were more constrained by the institutions of the SGP: During the period of accession, the threat of being excluded from the final stage of EMU was more severe than for the large states in the core of the EU (Germany and France). Second, as members of the EMU, smaller states will encounter higher difficulties in finding allies to avoid punishment through sanctions in the Council.

  • Statistik und wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen



    dc.contributor.author: Behnke, Joachim

  • Seibel, Wolfgang; Bayraktar, Seyhan (2004): Das türkische Tätertrauma : Der Massenmord an den Armeniern 1915 bis 1917 und seine Leugnung GIESEN, Bernhard, ed. and others. Tätertrauma : nationale Erinnerung im öffentlichen Diskurs. Konstanz: UVK Verl.ges, 2004, pp. 381-399. Historische Kulturwissenschaft. 2. ISBN 978-3-89669-691-5

    Das türkische Tätertrauma : Der Massenmord an den Armeniern 1915 bis 1917 und seine Leugnung



  • Die Theorie und Praxis zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation in lokalpolitischen Strukturen und Entscheidungsprozessen : dargest. am Beispiel der dezentral verwalteten Gemeinde Chimoio, Mosambik


    The study departs from the proposition that civil society participation within decentralization strategies can contribute substantially to the combat of poverty in developing countries.

    The theoretical framework deals with the general concept of civil society participation against its historical background with special focus on the theories of Habermas and Foucault. On this basis the thesis reconstructs the developmental discourse of the concepts of decentralization and civil society participation. They are linked to the central concepts of empowerment, local governance and political culture.

    The methodology consists of a combination of ethnography and participatory action research. The typology of Plummer (2000) systematizes the various dimensions of the actors and of participation.
    The empirical part of the study focuses on civil society participation and decentralization in Mozambique, which belongs to the six poorest countries in the world. This is carried out against the background of the specific historical and political constellation of the Portuguese colonial regime, the socialist one-party-state and the democratization process after 1992. In line with more functional aspects, the extent of civil society participation in local political decision-making processes is analyzed, taking the case of the municipality of Chimoio, province of Manica. The study explores, which limits and chances the interaction of civil society with official mandate- and office-holders offers for the improvement of the living-conditions of citizens.

    The perspectives of the theoretical and the empirical level are contrasted, in order to deal with questions of theoretical ambition and reality as well as the legitimacy and compatibility of the concepts. The study does not only work with the, but also on the theoretical frame. Out of that, the research provides general results and recommendations for the developmental theory and practice. The results shed light on factors that represent the conditions of civil society participation in many municipalities in Mozambique and other developing countries, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa.

    The research shows, that factors like the distribution of power and political culture play a decisive role for civil society participation. Besides the level of legal prerequisites and the instruments of participation, the level of consciousness has especially to be taken into account. The participation of many societal groups remains too weak without explicit promotion. Participation is hampered and manipulated by the municipal government. It is limited to insufficient information rather than extended to communication, consultation, cooperation or mobilization.

    The official political decision-makers lack the legitimacy and capacity for service-delivery all the more it is important to give space for civil society action. Informal participation structures have to be taken into consideration as well. The existing, or respectively, the newly developing informal forms of participation, which exist side by side with the municipal government, need to be integrated and made transparent. Disassociated from classical approaches, therefore e.g. (party)political and traditional authorities have to be recognized as part of civil society as well.

    On the theoretical level the study shows, that an extensional and intentional enlargement of the notion of civil society is needed, in the sense of post-modern approaches. The dichotomist view of civil society as counter-power of the state is inadequate. There are multilayered interrelations. Instead of taking the social and organisational affiliation of actors into account, the criteria for the definition of civil society needs to be established on the basis of their acting in favour of development goals.

  • Boerner, Sabine (2004): Transformationale Führung und Erfolg : der Einfluss der Gruppenstimmung Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personal im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Konstanz. 2004

    Transformationale Führung und Erfolg : der Einfluss der Gruppenstimmung



  • Der vergessene Hegemon : die Vereinigten Staaten und die Europäische Integration


    The thesis deals with the US-American influence on the process of European integration and with the question of how this factor has been dealt with in European integration theories.
    Processing the research questions of
    Have the United States as regional hegemon influenced the European integration processs? and
    Does the inclusion of the external factor ´American hegemonial influence on processes of cooperation and integration among European states´ into the mainstream integration theories Neo-Functionalism and Intergouvernementalism advance their respective descriptive and explanatory power?" ,
    the paper aims at
    reconstructing and analysing the hegemonial influence of the United States, and thus at systematizing the relevant literature, as well as at
    theory-building in accordance with Imre Lakatos´ concept of the ´Methodology of Scientific Research Programs´ (MSRP).

    Examining the notoriously neglected issue of the geopolitical dimension of Western Europe´s post-1945 regional integration, I develop an analytical raster which combines the foci of Neo-Functionalism and Intergouvernementalism with assumptions of international relations´ grand theories of Liberalism-Institutionalism and (Neo-) Realism on the concept of "hegemony". The historico-empirical material collected in the literature analysis is subsequently screened via this template´s categories.

    The second part of the study deals with the question of whether this hitherto omitted factor of US influence as "benevolent hegemon" can be included in the two integration theories. Based on the MSRP by Lakatos, I identify four criteria which are to be met: logical or theoretical coherence and thus the compatibility of the factor to be integrated with the hard core assumptions of the theory in question; empirical accuracy and thus the realistic description of the phenomenon of interest; novelty and thus the explanation of phenomena hitherto not accounted for; multi-causal consistency and thus the existence of logical starting points. These criteria are discussed for both theories - with the result that the integration of this omitted external variable feasible as well as fruitful in terms of advancing their descriptive and explanatory power.

  • Vergleich der Flexibilisierung in mittelständischen Unternehmen aus Frankreich und Deutschland


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde versucht, ein Einblick in die Arbeitflexibilisierung von mittelständischen produktiven Unternehmen aus Frankreich und Deutschland anhand einer E-Mail-Befragung von Firmen aus Oberrhein und Centre-Alsace zu geben. Dabei wurde untersucht, wie die Arbeitsflexibilisierung sich vergleichen lässt. Der Mittelstand umfasst Unternehmen mit einer Mitarbeiterzahl von 50 bis 249. Sein wirtschaftliches Gewicht ist bedeutend, dennoch befindet er sich unter schwierigen Bedingungen. Die Charakteristika des Mittelstands sind insbesondere seine flexible und transversale Organisation. Zwischen den deutschen und französischen Unternehmen lassen sich kulturelle Unterscheide von insbesondere vier Dimensionen ableiten, nämlich Machtdistanz, Unsicherheitsvermeidung, Individualismus, und Maskulinität. Die französische Umwelt ist durch steife Hierarchie, hohen Individualismus und Unsicherheitsvermeidung, sowie Zentralismus gekennzeichnet. Die deutsche Umwelt ist dagegen durch Machtegalität, Kollektivismus, Betonung von Fachwissen und männliche Werte charakterisiert. Die Arbeitsflexibilisierung kann viele Formen annehmen, insbesondere die Schichtarbeit, die Jahresarbeitszeit, die Aufgabenerweiterung der Mitarbeiter und die Beschäftigung von externen Mitarbeitern. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit lassen sich inhaltlich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Die Arbeitsflexibilisierung ist fast in allen befragten Unternehmen eingeführt worden. Die Befragten sind alle samt mit diesen Maßnahme zufrieden. Je nach Land unterscheiden sich die gewählten Arbeitsflexibilisierungstypen wegen bestehenden kulturell anderen Wertmustern. In Frankreich herrscht die Jahresarbeitszeit vor, die durch den Zentralstaat initiiert wurde. In Deutschland kommt knapp an erster Stelle eine kollektive Form, die Schichtarbeit, gefolgt von Mischformen, die aus Kombinationen von Arbeitsflexibilisierungstypen entstanden sind. Sie beweisen, dass die Kultur noch einen besonderen Einfluss auf die Wirtschaft hat. Die Arbeitsflexibilisierung bringt in Sachen Personalkosten-, Produktionskostenreduzierung und Umsatzsteigerung quantitativ mehr in Deutschland als in Frankreich. Die Arbeitsflexibilisierung fördert auch qualitativ ähnliche Modifikationen, wie eine Optimierung der Arbeit oder eine Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsqualität in Frankreich und Deutschland.

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2004): Bargaining by Arguing : An Empirical Analysis Based on Speech Act Theory Political Communication. 2004, 21(2), pp. 195-222. ISSN 1058-4609. Available under: doi: 10.1080/10584600490443886

    Bargaining by Arguing : An Empirical Analysis Based on Speech Act Theory


    In a recent debate in political science, the terms "bargaining and arguing" have been construed as semantic opposites. The present article rejects this dichotomy and offers a new theoretical approach to clarify the logical and pragmatic relationship of bargaining and arguing as modes of the resolution of conflicts through communication. On the basis of speech act theory, a method for the empirical analysis of bargaining and arguing is developed and demonstrated with an example of conflict resolution by mediation. Four conclusions can be drawn. First, in empirical processes of communicative conflict resolution, in almost all cases both arguing and bargaining will be present. Second, only in the rare cases of pure conflicts over solely facts or values will arguing appear. Third, within the context of an interest conflict, arguing is not an alternative to bargaining, but a means for bargaining. Fourth, although bargaining and arguing have the potential to resolve certain types of conflicts, their success is difficult to predict and cannot be taken for granted.

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