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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
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  • Ideational Legacies and the Politics of Migration in European Minority Regions


    In this book, Christina Zuber outlines a theory of ideational policy stabilization to explain stable policy choices despite changing incentives. Historical legacies are frequently invoked in popular and academic accounts of the politics of migration, but the mechanisms of transmission are left underspecified. This work contributes to research on migration and to theories of public policy by arguing that the missing link between past events and present choices is ideational: initially a historical constellation of interests leads actors to defend policy ideas that match the historical environment, but over time, ideas can detach themselves from interests and stabilize into societal dispositions (shared values and identities). This occurs if elites build a discursive consensus around a policy idea, and if bureaucrats develop concomitant policy practices. The book's empirical section analyses ideational stabilization in Catalonia (Spain), which takes an inclusive approach to immigration, and in South Tyrol (Italy), where immigration is framed as a threat. The comparison shows that these differences can be explained by the political economy of historical industrialization and internal migration. Catalans were in the driving seat of industrialization, receiving unskilled migrant workers from the rest of Spain to boost their own economy. South Tyroleans, on the other hand, were in the passenger seat, perceiving incoming Italians as colonizers. Over time, socioeconomic conditions changed, and internal migration was replaced with international migration. Yet with historical ideas having stabilized into dispositions, political and administrative elites continued to understand immigration through the now-obsolete perspective of economic opportunity in Catalonia and ethnic competition in South Tyrol.

  • Wegenast, Tim; Richetta, Cécile; Krauser, Mario; Leibik, Alexander (2022): Grabbed trust? : The impact of large-scale land acquisitions on social trust in Africa World Development. Elsevier. 2022, 159, 106038. ISSN 0305-750X. eISSN 1873-5991. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.106038

    Grabbed trust? : The impact of large-scale land acquisitions on social trust in Africa


    The livelihoods of rural populations in Africa are closely tied to small-scale farming. In recent years, private investors as well as governments have shown a growing interest in large-scale acquisition of arable land across the continent. While researchers have started to analyze the local economic and environmental impacts of such investments, their socio-political as well as psychological consequences remain poorly understood. This paper investigates how changes in land ownership patterns caused by large-scale land acquisitions affect the level of interpersonal trust among rural communities. We maintain that the transition from community and individual-smallholder land ownership into large-scale investor property has a negative impact on local levels of trust. Furthermore, we assume that the deterioration of trust caused by large-scale land investments is stronger among women than men. To test our claims, we connect circa 71,000 respondents from Afrobarometer surveys to georeferenced information on the location of land deals from 33 African countries. Relying on a difference-in-differences type of empirical strategy as well as an instrumental variable approach, we show that large-scale land investments indeed disrupt local social fabrics by reducing interpersonal trust. Our results suggest that trust in relatives is particularly affected by large-scale land acquisitions. In addition, we find that land deals reduce personalized trust among women but not necessarily among men.

  • Haesebrouck, Tim; Thomann, Eva (2022): Introduction: Causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods Quality & Quantity. Springer. 2022, 56(4), pp. 1867-1888. ISSN 0033-5177. eISSN 1573-7845. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11135-021-01209-4

    Introduction: Causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods


    This special issue addresses questions of causality and validity of different solution types in configurational comparative methods (CCMs). First, what main parameters characterize the debate about correct causal interpretation of solution types? Second, to what extent has this debate been linked to a theory of causation? The special issue contribution by Mahoney and Acosta bases qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) within a regularity theory of causation integrating type-level inferences and counterfactual cases. Swiatczak clarifies how the different algorithms underlying QCA and Coincidence Analysis (CNA) produce non-identical models. Baumgartner defines and benchmarks QCA solution types against the search target of minimal robust sufficiency. Alamos-Concha et al. identify the conservative solution as most appropriate for a multimethod design combining a counterfactual causal understanding at the cross-case level with an in-depth mechanistic explanation at the within-case level. Finally, Mahoney and Owen develop a general set-theoretic framework for the study of necessity and sufficiency in quantitative research using a counterfactual understanding of causality. Our introduction reviews the state of the art, identifies current limitations and open questions regarding the theoretical basis for causal interpretation of QCA solutions.

  • Human Centricity in Digital Delivery : Enhancing Agile Governance



  • Mergel, Ines; Haug, Nathalie; Albrecht, Valerie; Brahimi, Almire; Edelmann, Noella; Hajinejad, Nassrin; Hölscher, Ines; Plomin, Jana (2022): Erfolgreiche Innovationsfellowships in der Verwaltung umsetzen

    Erfolgreiche Innovationsfellowships in der Verwaltung umsetzen



    dc.contributor.author: Albrecht, Valerie; Hajinejad, Nassrin; Hölscher, Ines; Plomin, Jana

  • Resistance is Not Futile : Factors predicting Nonviolent Activism in the Nepalese Civil War


    This PhD thesis investigates patterns of nonviolent activism in civil war contexts with the example of the Nepalese Civil War. The thesis is divided into three major parts. The first part offers a broad theoretical classification of nonviolent action research, while introducing the motivation and research contribution of the thesis. In the second part the three different contributions (papers) of this thesis are presented. In the third part, a summary and discussion of the findings concludes the thesis. The thesis contributes to civil war research by focusing on civilian actors and investigates how they can resist their civil war environment, being more than refugees or recruitment pools for armed factions. The thesis advances the study of nonviolent resistance in civil wars by introducing a novel dataset of nonviolent activism. The thesis further presents results of an empirical field research project which deals with questions regarding organization of nonviolent activism and third-party support of activists also prior to their nonviolent action events. In doing so the thesis combines different state of the art quantitative and qualitative methods and statistical tools to investigate novel research questions. For the first and second project of the thesis a new and unique disaggregated dataset on nonviolent activism on the event level was constructed to investigate patterns of nonviolent activism during the Nepalese Civil War in unprecedented detail. Utilizing this dataset, the first paper investigates a link between direct civil war violence as grievances and nonviolent activism in a spatial panel regression analysis. In the second quantitative contribution, a multilevel model tests different forms and kinds of nonviolent activism and activist group patterns during the civil war to predict a violent state reaction during the nonviolent event. An additional geographically weighted regression outlines spatial variation of the tested variables throughout the country and substantiates the results from the multilevel model. The third contribution uses qualitative expert interviews to investigate the involvement of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to support and train activist groups during the Nepalese Civil War. This contribution utilizes data from an own field research study conducted in Nepal in 2018. The first paper presents a robust, significant relationship between civil war violence and nonviolent action across the Nepalese districts in the spatial panel regression on a yearly as well as monthly basis during the civil war. The paper therefore strongly argues for a linkage between direct civil war violence as grievances with subsequent nonviolent action by civilians. This relationship was already found for battle related violence between conflict factions, but according to this paper now also seems to true for direct violence against civilians. It might explain why we regularly find nonviolent action also far away from the current battlefields in civil wars. The findings of the second contribution show that a high likelihood of disturbance of the public order by nonviolent action events predicts a violent state reaction. Political orientation of activists or number of activist groups during an event also significantly predicted the likelihood of a violent state reaction, but to a lesser extent. The presence of journalists for example to document violence was not related to the likelihood of a violent state reaction. Results of the expert interviews in the third contribution showed in seven examples how nongovernmental organizations supported activist groups, which received counseling in goal formation and selection, and illuminate how conflict-affected parts of the population were supported to become activists step by step, using nonviolent tactics to receive compensation for war crimes and/or demand an end of the war. The findings of this thesis contribute fundamentally to theoretical motivations for nonviolent action during civil wars (direct civil war violence as grievances), and subsequent possible violent state reaction towards nonviolent action events. It extends our understanding of how the decision towards nonviolence and nonviolent action is made, what obstacles are to overcome, but it also outlines in examples how activist groups can receive a helping hand from third parties. In doing so the thesis greatly enhances our understanding of how nonviolent action is facilitated during civil wars, what motivates civilians to do it, what state reaction is to be expected, and what kind of support channels may exist.

  • Korman, Benjamin A. (2022): Recruitment discrimination of lifetime classic psychedelic users is unjustified : Evidence from employees' motivation-based workplace absenteeism Journal of Psychedelic Studies. Akadémiai Kiadó. 2022, 6(3), pp. 203-210. eISSN 2559-9283. Available under: doi: 10.1556/2054.2022.00240

    Recruitment discrimination of lifetime classic psychedelic users is unjustified : Evidence from employees' motivation-based workplace absenteeism


    Background and aims
    Although large-scale population studies have linked the use of classic psychedelics (lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin, or mescaline) to reduced odds of physical health problems, mental health problems, and criminal behavior, the roughly 35 million adults in the United States who have used classic psychedelics are nonetheless stigmatized in the American job market. Various federal organizations in the United States automatically reject applicants on the sole basis of prior psychedelic use, thereby practicing an open form of legal discrimination against these applicants. The present study investigates whether this discrimination can be justified based on associations between lifetime classic psychedelic use and motivationally-based workplace absenteeism.

    Using pooled cross-sectional data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (2013–2019) on 193,320 employed adults in the United States, this study tests whether lifetime classic psychedelic use predicts the number of workdays employees skipped in the last month (i.e., motivationally-based workplace absenteeism).

    After adjusting for sociodemographics, physical health indicators, and other substance use, no significant association between lifetime classic psychedelic use and motivationally-based workplace absenteeism is found.

    This study builds on classic psychedelic research that is just beginning to take work-specific outcomes into account and offers empirical justification for the elimination of arbitrary drug-based recruitment policies in the workplace.

  • Rhein, Susanne; Spilker, Gabriele (2022): When winners win, and losers lose : are altruistic views on immigration always affordable? International Politics. Springer. ISSN 1384-5748. eISSN 1740-3898. Available under: doi: 10.1057/s41311-022-00389-6

    When winners win, and losers lose : are altruistic views on immigration always affordable?


    The existing literature postulates that individual-level attitudes toward immigration are partly determined via the effect of immigration on the labor market. In particular, the labor market competition hypothesis states that natives should oppose immigrants with similar qualifications because they threaten their jobs. Empirical findings, however, partly contradict this expectation. In this paper, we argue that one needs to evaluate immigration attitudes in a broader context since the impact of immigration should be mediated by actual job market competition. In industrialized countries, the arrival of high-skilled immigrants happens against a background in which economic globalization positively affects the demand for high-skilled labor. Thus, the influx of high-skilled immigrants should rarely increase job market competition. The opposite occurs for low-skilled workers, for which labor market insecurity is enhanced by both economic globalization and immigration. We find some support for our argument using micro-level data from 19 European countries.

  •   30.11.24  
    Bizer, Moritz G.; Busemeyer, Marius R. (2022): Inkrementeller Wandel mit transformativer Wirkung? : Eine Bilanz der Bildungspolitik der vierten Regierung Merkel (2018–2021) ZOHLNHÖFER, Reimut, ed., Fabian ENGLER, ed.. Das Ende der Merkel-Jahre : Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2018-2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022, pp. 297-323. ISBN 978-3-658-38001-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-38002-1_12

    Inkrementeller Wandel mit transformativer Wirkung? : Eine Bilanz der Bildungspolitik der vierten Regierung Merkel (2018–2021)


    In diesem Kapitel werden die bildungspolitischen Entscheidungen der vierten Regierung Merkel in den Jahren 2018 bis 2021 untersucht. Auch wenn der Bildungsföderalismus deutscher Prägung eigentlich wenig grundsätzliche Veränderungen erwarten lässt, ist die zentrale These dieses Artikels, dass sich in den letzten Jahren ein langjähriger Trend des inkrementellen Wandels mit langfristig transformativer Wirkung fortgesetzt hat. Im Bereich der Hochschulpolitik haben speziell die Verstetigung der Exzellenzstrategie und die Verabschiedung des „Zukunftsvertrags“ zur Hochschulfinanzierung das Potenzial, die Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Bund und Ländern, insbesondere bei der Finanzierung der Hochschulen, nachhaltig zu verändern. Im Bereich der beruflichen Bildung könnte die Allianz für Aus- und Weiterbildung zu einem inklusiveren Modell des Korporatismus führen, dass neben den klassischen Sozialpartnern auch andere Akteure in berufsbildungspolitische Prozesse einbindet. Auch bei der Schulbildung deuten sich Verschiebungen an: Selbst wenn hier die Etablierung eines Nationalen Bildungsrats weitestgehend gescheitert ist, stellt die Einrichtung des „Digitalpakts Schule“ und die dafür umgesetzte Grundgesetzänderung eine potenziell folgenreiche faktische Lockerung des Kooperationsverbots dar. Diese sich andeutende Trendumkehr in der Kooperation von Bund und Ländern in der Schulpolitik könnte sich zudem durch die Umsetzung des Rechtsanspruchs auf Ganztagsbetreuung in Schulen weiter verfestigen.

  • Schmid, Nicolas; Guinaudeau, Benjamin (2022): Mapping public support for climate solutions in France Environmental Research Letters. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP). 2022, 17(4), 044035. ISSN 1748-9318. eISSN 1748-9326. Available under: doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac583d

    Mapping public support for climate solutions in France


    Although successful sustainability transitions depend on public support, we still know little about citizens' opinions on climate solutions. Existing research often focuses on the problem perception of climate change rather than analyzing attitudes toward specific climate solutions. Studies also largely use closed questions to assess public opinion, posing a problem of ecological validity. Here, we address these gaps by leveraging data from a large-scale public consultation process, the "Grand Débat National", launched by the French government in response to the Yellow Vest movement in 2019. Combining structural topic modelling, dictionary-based text analysis and qualitative coding, we map the salience and directionality of public opinion on climate solutions. We find that consultation participants perceive climate change as the most salient environmental problem. Transforming the transport and energy sectors is the most supported solution for addressing climate change. For these two sectors, substitution-based climate solutions - as opposed to sufficiency- or efficiency-based measures - are most salient. For instance, participants stress the need to expand public transport infrastructure and switch to renewable energy technologies for power generation. Our findings demonstrate a strong public consensus on most substitution-based climate solutions, except for the role of cars and nuclear energy. While most participants do not link climate solutions to specific policy instruments, we find preferences for authority-based instruments in the context of phasing out polluting technologies, and treasury-based instruments for supporting innovation and phasing in low carbon technologies.

  • Petridou, Evangelia; Sparf, Jörgen; Jochem, Sven (2022): Sweden Report : Sustainable Governance Indicators 2022

    Sweden Report : Sustainable Governance Indicators 2022



    dc.contributor.author: Petridou, Evangelia; Sparf, Jörgen

  •   30.11.24  
    Heermann, Max; Leuffen, Dirk; Tigges, Fabian; Mounchid, Pascal (2022): Nur wer sich ändert, bleibt sich treu? : Die Europapolitik der Regierung Merkel IV ZOHLNHÖFER, Reimut, ed., Fabian ENGLER, ed.. Das Ende der Merkel-Jahre : Eine Bilanz der Regierung Merkel 2018-2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022, pp. 475-500. ISBN 978-3-658-38001-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-38002-1_18

    Nur wer sich ändert, bleibt sich treu? : Die Europapolitik der Regierung Merkel IV


    Das im Jahr 2020 verhandelte und seit 2021 implementierte Pandemie-Wiederaufbauprogramm „Next Generation EU“ bricht mit dem Tabu gemeinschaftlicher europäischer Schuldenhaftung. In diesem Kapitel analysieren wir, ob die deutsche Unterstützung dieses Programms einen programmatischen Wandel in der deutschen Europapolitik darstellt oder aber mit den vorherigen Grundprinzipien Angela Merkels Europapolitik in Einklang zu bringen ist. Die empirische Analyse von Bundestagsdebatten, Wahlprogrammen und Meinungsumfragen baut auf einem Korridor-Modell nationalstaatlicher europapolitischer Präferenzbildung auf, welches institutionalistische und ideelle Faktoren kombiniert. Inhaltsanalysen zeigen, dass sich die Position der Kanzlerin innerhalb des Präferenzkorridors von Bundestag und deutscher Öffentlichkeit bewegte. Ferner erscheinen die Bundesregierung und die pro-europäischen Fraktionen im Bundestag geeint in ihrer Sorge um ein Auseinanderbrechen der EU. Übergeordnete Werte begründen also den situativ begrenzten Richtungsschwenk; dieser stellt somit keinen Bruch mit dem etablierten „konservatorisch-programmatischen“ Ansatz der Kanzlerin dar. Unsere Analyse deckt gleichsam parteipolitische Differenzen zu einer Fiskalunion auf – ein Befund, der Fragen zur weiteren Entwicklung bundesdeutscher Europapolitik aufwirft.

  • Lauri, Triin; Saar, Ellu (2022): Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education : Set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Sage Publications. 2022, 63(1-2), pp. 51-88. ISSN 0020-7152. eISSN 1745-2554. Available under: doi: 10.1177/00207152221092152

    Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education : Set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries


    This article explores how parental resources work together to secure higher education for their offspring. It does so by, first, mapping the linkages between cumulative advantages and disadvantages of respondents’ parental resources and educational attainment across countries and cohorts. Second, investigating under which institutional setup of education systems these linkages between parental background and educational attainment are the weakest. At both levels, the set-analytic approach is applied. We show that disadvantages tend to cumulate to a much greater extent than advantages and their role in hindering higher educational attainment is much stronger than advantages to enable it. The only configuration of educational system that is sufficient to mitigate linkages between cumulative background and educational attainment in both directions, that is, advantageous background to enable and disadvantageous background to hinder higher educational attainment, combines high levels of standardization and decommodification.

  • Babaei, Mahmoudreza; Kulshrestha, Juhi; Chakraborty, Abhijnan; Redmiles, Elissa M.; Cha, Meeyoung; Gummadi, Krishna P. (2022): Analyzing Biases in Perception of Truth in News Stories and Their Implications for Fact Checking IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. IEEE. 2022, 9(3), pp. 839-850. eISSN 2329-924X. Available under: doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2021.3096038

    Analyzing Biases in Perception of Truth in News Stories and Their Implications for Fact Checking


    Misinformation on social media has become a critical problem, particularly during a public health pandemic. Most social platforms today rely on users' voluntary reports to determine which news stories to fact-check first. Despite the importance, no prior work has explored the potential biases in such a reporting process. This work proposes a novel methodology to assess how users perceive truth or misinformation in online news stories. By conducting a large-scale survey (N = 15,000), we identify the possible biases in news perceptions and explore how partisan leanings influence the news selection algorithm for fact checking. Our survey reveals several perception biases or inaccuracies in estimating the truth level of stories. The first kind, called the total perception bias (TPB), is the aggregate difference in the ground truth and perceived truth level. The next two are the false-positive bias (FPB) and false-negative bias (FNB), which measures users' gullibility and cynicality of a given claim. We also propose ideological mean perception bias (IMPB), which quantifies a news story's ideological disputability. Collectively, these biases indicate that user perceptions are not correlated with the ground truth of new stories; users believe some stories to be more false and vice versa. This calls for the need to fact-check news stories that exhibit the most considerable perception biases first, which the current voluntary reporting does not offer. Based on these observations, we propose a new framework that can best leverage users' truth perceptions to remove false stories, correct misperceptions of users, or decrease ideological disagreements. We discuss how this new prioritizing scheme can aid platforms to significantly reduce the impact of fake news on user beliefs.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2022): Capitalist Peace Theory : A Critical Appraisal THOMPSON, William R., ed.. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics:. 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Available under: doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.314

    Capitalist Peace Theory : A Critical Appraisal


    Capitalist peace theory (CPT) has gained considerable attention in international relations theory and the conflict literature. Its proponents maintain that a capitalist organization of an economy pacifies states internally and externally. They portray CPT either as a complement to or a substitute for other liberal explanations, such as the democratic peace thesis, but disagree about the facet of capitalism that is supposed to reduce the risk of political violence. Key contributions have identified three main drivers of the capitalist peace phenomenon: the fiscal constraints that a laissez-faire regimen puts on potentially aggressive governments, the mollifying norms that a capitalist organization creates, and the increased ability of capitalist governments to signal their intentions effectively in a confrontation with an adversary. CPT should be based on a narrow definition of capitalism and should scrutinize motives and constraints of the main actors more deeply. Future contributions to the CPT literature should pay close attention to classic theories of capitalism, which all considered individual risk taking and the dramatic changes between booms and busts to be key constitutive features of this form of economic governance. Finally, empirical tests of the proposed causal mechanism should rely on data sets in which capitalists appear as actors and not as “structures.” If the literature takes these objections seriously, CPT could establish itself as central theory of peace and war in two respects: First, it could serve as an antidote to “critical” approaches on the far left or far right that see in capitalism a source of conflict rather than of peace. Second, it could become an important complement to commercial liberalism that stresses the external openness rather than the internal freedoms as an economic cause of peace and that particularly sees trade and foreign direct investment as pacifying forces.

  • Baccaro, Lucio; Tober, Tobias (2022): The role of wages in the Eurozone Review of International Political Economy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2022, 29(4), pp. 1263-1286. ISSN 0969-2290. eISSN 1466-4526. Available under: doi: 10.1080/09692290.2021.1888143

    The role of wages in the Eurozone


    There are two main political economy explanations of the Eurocrisis. The labor market view regards cross-country differences in wage bargaining institutions as the root cause of the crisis. The finance view, instead, emphasizes cross-border financial flows and downplays labor market institutions. For the first time, we attempt to assess these two explanations jointly. We find that financial flows are better predictors of nominal wage growth than labor market institutions. At the same time, we show that wage moderation matters for bilateral export performance in the important case of Germany, but not for other countries. These results suggest that imposing wage moderation and labor market reforms onto the countries of the European periphery was unlikely to improve their plight. In contrast, stimulating wage growth in Germany might have contributed to rebalancing the Eurozone.

  • Vogler, Jan P. (2022): Rivalry and Empire : How Competition among European States Shaped Imperialism Journal of Historical Political Economy. Now Publishers. 2022, 2(2), pp. 189-234. ISSN 2693-9290. eISSN 2693-9304. Available under: doi: 10.1561/115.00000028

    Rivalry and Empire : How Competition among European States Shaped Imperialism


    For centuries, European history was characterized by a fundamental asymmetry. While interpolity relations on the continent were often relatively balanced — without any dominant power being able to permanently establish a hierarchical relationship to the other major powers — the relations between European states and polities in other world regions were generally hierarchical and exploitative, as manifested in colonialism and imperialism. How can we explain this difference? I argue that the symmetrical character of relationships among major European powers, particularly in the form of sustained and intense military and economic competition, was partly constitutive of the hierarchical relationships between those same powers and other parts of the world. Specifically, three mechanisms connect sustained rivalries to imperialism: (1) political elites' desire to improve their relative status/prestige through territorial gains, (2) pressure from public budget deficits that incentivized colonial exploitation, and (3) the creation of powerful interest groups in the form of navies and armies that favored imperialism. Moreover, when territorial conflict over colonies escalated, imperial expansion could ultimately feed back into interpolity competition in Europe. I demonstrate these dynamics through systematic analyses of the rivalries between England and France (1689–1815) and between Imperial Germany and Great Britain (1871/1897–1918).

  • Mergel, Ines (2022): Innovationsfellowships als Sprungbrett für Veränderungen Innovative Verwaltung. Gabler. 2022, 44(10), pp. 9. ISSN 1618-9876. eISSN 2192-9068

    Innovationsfellowships als Sprungbrett für Veränderungen



  • Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz; Haselmayer, Martin; Huber, Lena Maria; Fenz, Martin (2022): Who talks about what? : Issue strategies across the party hierarchy European Journal of Political Research. Wiley-Blackwell. 2022, 61(3), pp. 842-852. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12500

    Who talks about what? : Issue strategies across the party hierarchy


    We combine the recent literature on issue competition with work on intra-party heterogeneity to advance a novel theoretical argument. Starting from the premise that party leaders and non-leaders have different motivations and incentives, we conjecture that issue strategies should vary across the party hierarchy. We, therefore, expect systematic intra-party differences in the use of riding the wave and issue ownership strategies. We test this claim by linking public opinion data to manually coded information on over 3600 press releases issued by over 500 party actors across five election campaigns in Austria between 2006 and 2019. We account for self-selection into leadership roles by exploiting transitions into and out of leadership status over time. The results show that party leaders are more likely than non-leaders to respond to the public's issue priorities, but not more or less likely to pursue issue-ownership strategies.

  • Urman, Aleksandra; Makhortykh, Mykola; Ulloa, Roberto (2022): The Matter of Chance : Auditing Web Search Results Related to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Primary Elections Across Six Search Engines Social Science Computer Review. Sage. 2022, 40(5), pp. 1323-1339. ISSN 0894-4393. eISSN 1552-8286. Available under: doi: 10.1177/08944393211006863

    The Matter of Chance : Auditing Web Search Results Related to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Primary Elections Across Six Search Engines


    We examine how six search engines filter and rank information in relation to the queries on the U.S. 2020 presidential primary elections under the default—that is nonpersonalized—conditions. For that, we utilize an algorithmic auditing methodology that uses virtual agents to conduct large-scale analysis of algorithmic information curation in a controlled environment. Specifically, we look at the text search results for “us elections,” “donald trump,” “joe biden,” “bernie sanders” queries on Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and Yandex, during the 2020 primaries. Our findings indicate substantial differences in the search results between search engines and multiple discrepancies within the results generated for different agents using the same search engine. It highlights that whether users see certain information is decided by chance due to the inherent randomization of search results. We also find that some search engines prioritize different categories of information sources with respect to specific candidates. These observations demonstrate that algorithmic curation of political information can create information inequalities between the search engine users even under nonpersonalized conditions. Such inequalities are particularly troubling considering that search results are highly trusted by the public and can shift the opinions of undecided voters as demonstrated by previous research.

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