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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

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  • Unkel, Julian; Haim, Mario (2021): Googling Politics : Parties, Sources, and Issue Ownerships on Google in the 2017 German Federal Election Campaign Social Science Computer Review. Sage. 2021, 39(5), pp. 844-861. ISSN 0894-4393. eISSN 1552-8286. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0894439319881634

    Googling Politics : Parties, Sources, and Issue Ownerships on Google in the 2017 German Federal Election Campaign


    Democratic election campaigns require informed citizens. Yet, while the Internet allows for broader information through greater media choices, algorithmic filters, such as search engines, threaten to unobtrusively shape individual information repertoires. The purpose of this article is to analyze what search results people encounter when they employ various information orientations, and how these results reflect people’s attributions of issue ownership. A multimethod approach was applied during the 2017 German Federal Election campaign. First, human search behavior depicting various information orientations was simulated using agent-based testing to derive real search results from Google Search, which were then manually coded to identify information sources and ascribe issue ownerships. Second, a survey asked participants about which issues they attribute to which party. We find that search results originated mainly from established news outlets and reflected existing power relations between political parties. However, issue-ownership attributions of the survey participants were reflected poorly in the search results. In total, the results indicate that the fear of algorithmic constraints in the context of online search might be overrated. Instead, our findings (1) suggest that political actors still fail to claim their core issues among political search results, (2) highlight that news media (and thus existing media biases) feature heavily among search results, and (3) call for more media literacy among search engine users.

  • Shafie, Termeh; Schoch, David (2021): Multiplexity analysis of networks using multigraph representations Statistical Methods & Applications. Springer. 2021, 30(5), pp. 1425-1444. ISSN 1618-2510. eISSN 1613-981X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10260-021-00596-0

    Multiplexity analysis of networks using multigraph representations


    Multivariate networks comprising several compositional and structural variables can be represented as multigraphs by various forms of aggregations based on vertex attributes. We propose a framework to perform exploratory and confirmatory multiplexity analysis of aggregated multigraphs in order to find relevant associations between vertex and edge attributes. The exploration is performed by comparing frequencies of the different edges within and between aggregated vertex categories, while the confirmatory analysis is performed using derived complexity or multiplexity statistics under different random multigraph models. These statistics are defined by the distribution of edge multiplicities and provide information on the covariation and dependencies of different edges given vertex attributes. The presented approach highlights the need to further analyse and model structural dependencies with respect to edge entrainment. We illustrate the approach by applying it on a well known multivariate network dataset which has previously been analysed in the context of multiplexity.

  • Merten, Lisa (2021): Block, Hide or Follow : Personal News Curation Practices on Social Media Digital Journalism. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 9(8), pp. 1018-1039. ISSN 2167-0811. eISSN 2167-082X. Available under: doi: 10.1080/21670811.2020.1829978

    Block, Hide or Follow : Personal News Curation Practices on Social Media


    The consumption of news increasingly takes place in the context of social media, where users can personalize their repertoire of news through personal news curation practices such as following a journalistic outlet on Twitter or blocking news content from a Facebook friend. This article examines the prevalence and predictors of curation practices that have the potential to boost or limit social media news exposure. Results from a representative online survey distributed across thirty-six countries demonstrate that more than half of all news users on social media engage in such practices. Significant predictors of news-boosting curation are news interest and the willingness to engage in other news-related activities on social media. News-limiting practices on social media are linked to general news avoidance and, in the case of the US, political extremism, which might decrease the chances of incidental news exposure. News-boosting and news-limiting curation practices relate to a wider and more diverse repertoire of news sources online. Personal news curation practices can be conceptualized as forms of news engagement that have the potential to complement or counteract algorithmic news selection or partisan selective exposure, yet, these practices can also solidify existing divides in news use related to interest and avoidance.

  • Zuniga, M. Geraldine; Hügl, Silke; Engst, Benjamin G.; Lenarz, Thomas; Rau, Thomas S. (2021): The Effect of Ultra-slow Velocities on Insertion Forces : A Study Using a Highly Flexible Straight Electrode Array Otology & Neurotology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2021, 42(8), pp. e1013-e1021. ISSN 1531-7129. eISSN 1537-4505. Available under: doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000003148

    The Effect of Ultra-slow Velocities on Insertion Forces : A Study Using a Highly Flexible Straight Electrode Array


    The present study sought to 1) characterize insertion forces resulting from a flexible straight electrode array (EA) inserted at slow and ultra-slow insertion velocities, and 2) evaluate if ultra-slow velocities decrease insertion forces independent of other variables.

    Low insertion forces are desirable in cochlear implant (CI) surgery to reduce trauma and preserve hearing. Recently, ultra-slow insertion velocities (lower than manually feasible) have been shown to produce significantly lower insertion forces using other EAs.

    Five flexible straight EAs were used to record insertion forces into an inelastic artificial scala tympani model. Eleven trial recordings were performed for each EA at five predetermined automated, continuous insertion velocities ranging from 0.03 to 1.6 mm/s.

    An ultra-slow insertion velocity of 0.03 mm/s resulted in a median insertion force of 0.010 N at 20 mm of insertion depth, and 0.026 N at 24.3 mm—the final insertion depth. These forces represent only 24 to 29% of those measured using 1.6 mm/s. After controlling for insertion depth of the EA into the artificial scala tympani model and trial insertion number, decreasing the insertion velocity from 0.4 to 0.03 mm/s resulted in a 50% decrease in the insertion forces.

    Using the tested EA ultra-slow velocities can decrease insertion forces, independent of variables like insertion depth. Our results suggest ultra-slow velocities can reduce insertion forces at least 60%, compared with humanly feasible continuous velocities (≥0.9 mm/s).

  • Haug, Nathalie; Mergel, Ines (2021): Public Value Co-Creation in Living Labs : Results from Three Case Studies Administrative Sciences. MDPI. 2021, 11(3), 74. eISSN 2076-3387. Available under: doi: 10.3390/admsci11030074

    Public Value Co-Creation in Living Labs : Results from Three Case Studies


    Living Labs—innovation units established to introduce new methods and approaches into public sector organizations—have received a lot of attention as methods for experimentation and open innovation practices in public sector organizations. However, little is known so far about how they co-create public value and which conditions influence these co-creation practices. Therefore, the research questions are: which organizational factors influence the process of public value co-creation and which outcomes and values are produced as a result? The research questions were answered by employing a qualitative research approach conducting semi-structured interviews with employees and participants of three living labs in Germany and Austria. The results show top-level support and lab leadership as the most important context factors. Living labs produce tangible and intangible outcomes. The tangible outcomes are the products developed within the lab, and the intangible outcomes are created by the interaction between the lab’s participants. The main contributions are twofold: first, context factors are identified that lead to the success of co-creation processes within living labs. Second, the study contributes to the literature on public value because it is shown that participation in living labs itself leads to added value in addition to the tangible and intangible outcomes.

  • Lauri, Triin; Unt, Marge (2021): Multiple routes to youth well-being : a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment UNT, Marge, ed., Michael GEBEL, ed., Sonia BERTOLINI, ed., Vassiliki DELIYANNI-KOUIMTZI, ed., Dirk HOFÄCKER, ed.. Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe : The Multifaceted Consequences of Labour Market Insecurity. Bristol: Policy Press, 2021, pp. 81-111. ISBN 978-1-4473-5872-5. Available under: doi: 10.51952/9781447358756.ch004

    Multiple routes to youth well-being : a qualitative comparative analysis of buffers to the negative consequences of unemployment



    dc.contributor.author: Unt, Marge

  • de Abreu, Liliana; Koebach, Anke; Díaz, Oscar; Carleial, Samuel; Hoeffler, Anke; Stojetz, Wolfgang; Freudenreich, Hanna; Justino, Patricia; Brück, Tilman (2021): Life With Corona : Increased Gender Differences in Aggression and Depression Symptoms Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Burden in Germany Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Research Foundation. 2021, 12, 689396. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.689396

    Life With Corona : Increased Gender Differences in Aggression and Depression Symptoms Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Burden in Germany


    Gender differences (GD) in mental health have come under renewed scrutiny during the COVID-19 pandemic. While rapidly emerging evidence indicates a deterioration of mental health in general, it remains unknown whether the pandemic will have an impact on GD in mental health. To this end, we investigate the association of the pandemic and its countermeasures affecting everyday life, labor, and households with changes in GD in aggression, anxiety, depression, and the somatic symptom burden. We analyze cross-sectional data from 10,979 individuals who live in Germany and who responded to the online survey “Life with Corona” between October 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. We estimate interaction effects from generalized linear models. The analyses reveal no pre-existing GD in aggression but exposure to COVID-19 and COVID-19 countermeasures is associated with sharper increases in aggression in men than in women. GD in anxiety decreased among participants with children in the household (with men becoming more anxious). We also observe pre-existing and increasing GD with regards to the severity of depression, with women presenting a larger increase in symptoms during the hard lockdown or with increasing stringency. In contrast to anxiety, GD in depression increased among participants who lived without children (women > men), but decreased for individuals who lived with children; here, men converged to the levels of depression presented by women. Finally, GD in somatic symptoms decreased during the hard lockdown (but not with higher stringency), with men showing a sharper increase in symptoms, especially when they lived with children or alone. Taken together, the findings indicate an increase in GD in mental health as the pandemic unfolded in Germany, with rising female vulnerability to depression and increasing male aggression. The combination of these two trends further suggests a worrying mental health situation for singles and families. Our results have important policy implications for the German health system and public health policy. This public health challenge requires addressing the rising burden of pandemic-related mental health challenges and the distribution of this burden between women and men, within families and for individuals who live alone.

  • Bledow, Nona; Busemeyer, Marius R. (2021): Lukewarm or enthusiastic supporters? : Exploring union member attitudes towards social investment and compensatory policy Journal of European Social Policy. Sage. 2021, 31(3), pp. 267-281. ISSN 0958-9287. eISSN 1461-7269. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0958928720974182

    Lukewarm or enthusiastic supporters? : Exploring union member attitudes towards social investment and compensatory policy


    Although social investment has become an increasingly important topic in the welfare policy discourse, reform efforts are stalling in many contexts. We examine whether labour unions and their members may be one factor contributing to the varying implementation across countries. In particular, we focus on the difference in the policy attitudes of union members and non-members. Using a new comparative survey, we investigate how union member attitudes toward social investment and classic compensatory policy differ from those of non-members, and how these differences vary across countries. We find that union members appear to be lukewarm supporters: even though union members are generally supportive of social investment policies, they tend to support compensatory policies even more. We also find cross-national variation in these associations, for which we provide some tentative explanations.

  • Herrmann, Michael; Shikano, Susumu (2021): Do campaign posters trigger voting based on looks? : Probing an explanation for why good-looking candidates win more votes Acta Politica. Springer. 2021, 56(3), pp. 416-435. ISSN 0001-6810. eISSN 1741-1416. Available under: doi: 10.1057/s41269-020-00159-3

    Do campaign posters trigger voting based on looks? : Probing an explanation for why good-looking candidates win more votes


    Numerous studies document that better-looking candidates win more votes. Yet the causal mechanisms leading to this advantage remain unexplored. We consider for the first time a potential trigger of the looks–vote association that has previously been suggested but not tested in the literature: exposure to campaign posters of the candidates. We test this explanation with German election survey data, which we augment with ratings—provided by MTurk workers from the U.S.—of the attractiveness and facial competence of about 1,000 district candidates. Confirming previous studies on Germany, we find that attractiveness is positively associated with candidate vote share (1.2 ppts. min–max). At the voter level, we find tentative evidence for the idea that the association is moderated by exposure to campaign posters: effects are in the expected directions and their sizes consistent with what we observe at the candidate level, but we cannot always reject the null hypothesis of no effect. In contrast to attractiveness, we do not find conclusive evidence for an effect of facial competence in the election considered. These preliminary results suggest that inundating voters with candidate posters, as in elections in Germany and many other places, might be a reason for voting based on looks.

  • Mader, Matthias; Pesthy, Maria; Schoen, Harald (2021): Conceptions of national identity, turnout and party preference : Evidence from Germany Nations and Nationalism. Wiley. 2021, 27(3), pp. 638-655. ISSN 1354-5078. eISSN 1469-8129. Available under: doi: 10.1111/nana.12652

    Conceptions of national identity, turnout and party preference : Evidence from Germany


    As globalisation makes national boundaries both permeable and contested, conflicts over national identity and related policy issues are bound to increase the salience of citizens' individual national identitiesand, consequently, increase their impact on political attitudes and behaviour. We study the link between ethnocultural and civic dimensions of national identity and turnout and party preferences. After providing a theoretical discussion that integrates conceptions of national identity into established models of turnout and party preference formation, we explore the merit of accounting for these conceptions of national identity in a case study of Germany. Analysing data from two surveys conducted in the period between 2015 and 2017, we show that acceptance of civic criteria of national identity was positively associated with turnout and partisan support for all German parties besides the AfD. Acceptance of ethnocultural criteria was associated with increased support for (centre‐) right and decreased support for (centre‐) left parties. Some of these patterns differ significantly and in predictable ways between the two data points bracketing the height of the European refugee crisis. These findings suggest that individual conceptions of national identity may be of importance for our understanding turnout decisions and party preferences, but the specific relationships presumably depend on contextual conditions.

  • Malang, Thomas; Leifeld, Philip (2021): The Latent Diffusion Network among National Parliaments in the Early Warning System of the European Union Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS). Wiley-Blackwell. 2021, 59(4), pp. 873-890. ISSN 0021-9886. eISSN 1468-5965. Available under: doi: 10.1111/jcms.13135

    The Latent Diffusion Network among National Parliaments in the Early Warning System of the European Union



  • Reinwald, Max; Zimmermann, Sophia; Kunze, Florian (2021): Working in the Eye of the Pandemic : Local COVID-19 Infections and Daily Employee Engagement Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Research Foundation. 2021, 12, 654126. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.654126

    Working in the Eye of the Pandemic : Local COVID-19 Infections and Daily Employee Engagement


    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed many aspects of our society and work life. This study assesses how daily variations in employees' work engagement are affected by daily variations in infection rates in employees' communities. Applying the conceptual framework of event system theory, we argue that surging COVID-19 cases have an impact on employee engagement, depending on the individual sensemaking processes of the pandemic. We assume that employee age and received leader support are key context factors for these sensemaking processes and that particularly older employees and employees who receive little leader consideration react with lower work engagement levels toward rising local COVID-19 infections in their proximity. We find support for most of our proposed relationships in an 8-day diary study of German employees, which we integrate with official COVID-19 case statistics on the county level. We discuss the implications of these results for the literature on extreme events and individual workplace behavior. Furthermore, these findings have important implications for companies and executives who are confronted with local COVID-19 outbreaks or other extreme societal events.

  • Fuglsang, Lars; Hansen, Anne Vorre; Mergel, Ines; Røhnebæk, Maria Taivalsaari (2021): Living Labs for Public Sector Innovation : An Integrative Literature Review Administrative Sciences. MDPI. 2021, 11(2), 58. eISSN 2076-3387. Available under: doi: 10.3390/admsci11020058

    Living Labs for Public Sector Innovation : An Integrative Literature Review


    The public administration literature and adjacent fields have devoted increasing attention to living labs as environments and structures enabling the co-creation of public sector innovation. However, living labs remain a somewhat elusive concept and phenomenon, and there is a lack of understanding of its versatile nature. To gain a deeper understanding of the multiple dimensions of living labs, this article provides a review assessing how the environments, methods and outcomes of living labs are addressed in the extant research literature. The findings are drawn together in a model synthesizing how living labs link to public sector innovation, followed by an outline of knowledge gaps and future research avenues.

  • Witting, Antje; Brandenstein, Frederick; Kochskämper, Elisa (2021): Evaluating learning spaces in flood risk management in Germany : Lessons for governance research Journal of Flood Risk Management. Wiley. 2021, 14(2), e12682. ISSN 1753-318X. eISSN 1753-318X. Available under: doi: 10.1111/jfr3.12682

    Evaluating learning spaces in flood risk management in Germany : Lessons for governance research


    Efforts to collaboratively manage the risk of flooding are ultimately based on individuals learning about risks, the decision process, and the effectiveness of decisions made in prior situations. This article argues that much can be learned about a governance setting by explicitly evaluating the relationships through which influential individuals and their immediate contacts receive and send information to one another. We define these individuals as “brokers,” and the networks that emerge from their interactions as “learning spaces.” The aim of this article is to develop strategies to identify and evaluate the properties of a broker's learning space that are indicative of a collaborative flood risk management arrangement. The first part of this article introduces a set of indicators, and presents strategies to employ this list so as to systematically identify brokers, and compare their learning spaces. The second part outlines the lessons from an evaluation that explored cases in two distinct flood risk management settings in Germany. The results show differences in the observed brokers' learning spaces. The contacts and interactions of the broker in Baden‐Württemberg imply a collaborative setting. In contrast, learning space of the broker in North Rhine‐Westphalia lacks the same level of diversity and polycentricity.

  • Röper, Nils (2021): Between Competition and Cooperation : Financial Incumbents and Challengers in German Pension Politics Business and Politics. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 23(2), pp. 243-263. ISSN 1369-5258. eISSN 1469-3569. Available under: doi: 10.1017/bap.2020.13

    Between Competition and Cooperation : Financial Incumbents and Challengers in German Pension Politics


    It has long been overlooked that factions of finance such as banks and insurers can have opposing policy interests. This paper is concerned with the preferences and strategies of private financial actors in the context of private prefunded pensions. To capture the “tug of war” among these actors, this paper identifies their different financial business models (insurance- and investment-orientation), political roles (financial incumbents and challengers), and levels at which infighting may occur (political and product-market level). For the German case, it shows that product-market competition among financial incumbents and challengers over retirement savings products only turned into competition politics during the 1990s, when shifting political winds provided an opening to insert path-shaping instruments in line with the program of finance capitalism. Financial actors’ preferences are not a derivative of economic or functional incentives, but socially embedded in that they are crucially shaped by interactions with their competitors and the political environment. The analysis disentangles the complex web of competition, cooperation, and ownership among factions of finance and discerns their genuine preferences from those strategically adjusted to context. This sheds doubt on functionalist explanations of (pension) financialization and enhances our understanding of how financial actors form and pursue their preferences.

  • Mergel, Ines; Bellé, Nicola; Nasi, Greta (2021): Prosocial Motivation of Private Sector IT Professionals Joining Government Review of Public Personnel Administration. Sage Publications. 2021, 41(2), pp. 338-357. ISSN 0734-371X. eISSN 1552-759X. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0734371X19886058

    Prosocial Motivation of Private Sector IT Professionals Joining Government


    Attracting highly skilled IT talent has become a priority and an immense burden for government organizations—especially when they have other—higher paying—employment opportunities. We set out to explore why IT professionals choose a government job to make an impact on society. We aim at disentangling the effects of different types of motives, such as extrinsic, intrinsic, and other-oriented motivational forces on the decision to accept a challenging government IT job. We use self-determination theory (SDT) to analyze publicly available statements of former private sector IT professionals reporting their reason for joining 18F. Our study is one of the first attempts to use SDT as a comprehensive framework for conducting qualitative research into work motivation in the public sector. We shed light on the conceptual and empirical distinctiveness of motives, behaviors, and perceptions of prosocial impact, which are often lumped together in the public service motivation (PSM) literature. We contribute novel empirical evidence to a nascent stream of research that uses SDT to disentangle the intrinsic, prosocial, and purely extrinsic motives that drive individuals’ decisions to join public-sector organizations.

  • Bardon, Aurélia (2021): The Pope’s Public Reason : A Religious yet Public Case for Welcoming Refugees Migration and Society. Berghahn. 2021, 4(1), pp. 137-148. ISSN 2574-1306. eISSN 2574-1314. Available under: doi: 10.3167/arms.2021.040113

    The Pope’s Public Reason : A Religious yet Public Case for Welcoming Refugees



  • Jansesberger, Viktoria; Lefkofridi, Zoe; Mühlböck, Armin (2021): Electoral support for FPÖ in regional and national arenas : Different levels of government, same causality? Regional & Federal Studies. Taylor & Francis. 2021, 31(3), pp. 337-358. ISSN 1359-7566. eISSN 1743-9434. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13597566.2021.1928087

    Electoral support for FPÖ in regional and national arenas : Different levels of government, same causality?


    Which factors contribute to the electoral success of Populist Radical Right Parties (PRRPs)? We empirically investigate the relationship between the Austrian Freedom Party/FP (Freiheitliche Partei Österreich/FPÖ)'s electoral shares and the degree of population's socioeconomic polarization based on data for six regional and national elections and 118 municipalities in the state of Salzburg. Regional elections offer an excellent setting for conducting a thorough test of the argument that relative deprivation provides fertile ground for PRRPs. Our longitudinal study provides clear evidence that the more polarized the socio-economic structure in Salzburg's municipalities, the higher the share of FP supporters. This relationship holds over time and across types of elections: regional elections (‘Landtagswahlen’) and national elections (‘Nationalratswahlen’).

  • de Abreu, Liliana; Hoeffler, Anke (2021): Safer spaces : The impact of a reduction in road fatalities on the life expectancy of South Africans Accident Analysis & Prevention. Elsevier. 2021, 157, 106142. ISSN 0001-4575. eISSN 1879-2057. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106142

    Safer spaces : The impact of a reduction in road fatalities on the life expectancy of South Africans


    In this paper we determine the burden on society of fatalities resulting from road traffic injuries (RTIs) in South Africa. We express the burden in terms of reduced life expectancy and years of potential life lost (YPLL). Our main data source is the Injury Mortality Survey (IMS), a retrospective descriptive study carried out in South Africa. Using the mortality rates by sex and age from the IMS we calculate actual life expectancy at birth. In our counterfactual analysis we assume a 15 % reduction in road fatalities per year over a period of 10 years. A comparison of the estimated actual and counterfactual life expectancies suggests that the average gain in life expectancy at birth would be 0.58 years. Since the overwhelming majority of road traffic fatalities are male (75.7 %), there is a considerable gender difference. Men would gain on average 0.85 years while women would gain 0.30 years in life expectancy, closing the gender gap in life expectancy by about 14 %. We then discuss how a reduction in RTIs could be achieved. South Africa’s legislation addresses several of the important aspects of road safety (e.g. seat belt use, drink driving restrictions, speed limits, infrastructure improvements), however, enforcement is relatively weak and should be improved. There are a raft of measures that have been well researched in other countries, most interventions aim to modify the behaviour of road users and have been found to be cost effective. In addition to stricter enforcement, evidence from social science suggests that compliance could be increased through a change in social norms regarding road usage.

  • Lopez Garcia, Ana Isabel; Maydom, Barry (2021): Remittances, criminal violence and voter turnout Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 47(6), pp. 1349-1374. ISSN 1369-183X. eISSN 1469-9451. Available under: doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1623294

    Remittances, criminal violence and voter turnout


    How do financial remittances influence electoral participation in violent democracies? Previous work has focused on the ‘substitution effect’; if recipients depend on remittances for welfare rather than the state, they become disengaged from formal political processes and less likely to vote in elections. However, while remittances can be used to substitute for state provision of welfare goods, they cannot fully substitute for public security. In this paper, we posit that the ability of governments to contain crime and violence conditions the effect of remittances on electoral participation. Specifically, we argue that high levels of crime can negate the substitution effect and make remittance recipients more likely to vote. Using municipality-level data from Mexico and individual-level data from Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, we find that both the receipt of remittances and crime exposure significantly reduce individuals’ propensity to vote and that aggregate remittances and crime rates are correlated with lower turnout. Remittances can, however, negate the turnout-suppressing effects of crime, and crime can negate the turnout-suppressing effects of remittances. Our results suggest a need to account for government provision of both substitutable and non-substitutable goods when investigating the effects of remittances on political participation.

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