Aktuelle Publikationen

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die chronologisch geordneten Veröffentlichungen unserer Wissenschaftler*innen aus den vergangenen Jahren.

Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
  • Buch
  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
  • Tagungsbericht
  • Andere
  • Koubi, Vally; Nguyen, Quynh; Spilker, Gabriele; Böhmelt, Tobias (2021): Environmental migrants and social-movement participation Journal of Peace Research. Sage Publications. 2021, 58(1), pp. 18-32. ISSN 0022-3433. eISSN 1460-3578. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0022343320972153

    Environmental migrants and social-movement participation


    The displacement of people due to climatic changes (environmental migration) presents major societal and governance challenges. This article examines whether and how climate-induced rural-to-urban migration contributes to social-movement participation. We argue that the mainly forceful nature of relocation makes environmental migrants more likely to join and participate in social movements that promote migrant rights in urban areas. Using original survey data from Kenya, we find that individuals who had experienced several different types of severe climatic events at their previous location are more likely to join and participate in social movements. This finding has important policy implications. National and local authorities should not only provide immediate assistance and basic social services to environmental migrants in urban settings, but also facilitate permanent solutions by fostering their socio-economic and political integration in order to prevent urban conflict.

  • Garritzmann, Susanne; Garritzmann, Julian L. (2021): Die Bildungspolitik der grün-schwarzen Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg 2016–2021 HÖRISCH, Felix, ed., Stefan WURSTER, ed.. Kiwi im Südwesten : Eine Bilanz der zweiten Regierung Kretschmann 2016-2021. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2021, pp. 203-233. ISBN 978-3-658-34990-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-34991-2_9

    Die Bildungspolitik der grün-schwarzen Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg 2016–2021


    Bildung ist laut Grundgesetz Ländersache – in kaum einem anderen Politikfeld können die Länder ähnlich viel gestalten. Bildungspolitik ist damit ein zentrales – wenn nicht das zentralste – Thema von Landespolitik. Dieses Kapitel analysiert die Bildungspolitik der grün-schwarzen Regierung in Baden-Württemberg (2016–2021). Im ersten Teil vergleichen wir die Wahlkampfversprechen von Grünen, CDU und SPD und analysieren, welche Partei sich im Koalitionsvertrag durchgesetzt hat. Im zweiten Teil untersuchen wir, welche Reformvorhaben die Regierung umsetzen konnte und wie sich die politischen Prozesse gestalteten. Im letzten Teil diskutieren wir diese Ergebnisse. Aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive interessiert uns vor allem, ob die Bildungspolitik der grün-schwarzen Regierung eher von Kontinuität zu ihren Vorgängerregierungen geprägt ist oder ob sie neue Akzente setzen wollte und konnte.

  • Degner, Hanno; Leuffen, Dirk (2021): Brake and broker : Franco-German leadership for Saving EMU Journal of European Public Policy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 28(6), pp. 894-901. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1751678

    Brake and broker : Franco-German leadership for Saving EMU


    Do France and Germany lead the euro zone? We argue that the governments of these two countries jointly and successfully used institutional as well as ideational leadership – both at the domestic as well as at the European levels – when creating the Economic and Monetary Union in the 1980s and 1990s. During the euro zone crisis, however, the two respective governments mainly relied on institutional leadership, but neglected the ideational component of leadership. In consequence, member states only agreed upon lowest common denominator solutions, leaving the institutional setup of the Economic and Monetary Union incomplete. More ideational engagement by the French and German governments and the investment of political capital, in our view, are necessary for the adoption of more far-ranging substantial reforms. This would make the euro zone – and more generally the European integration project – more resilient in the years to come.

  • Dwertmann, David J. G.; Kunze, Florian (2021): More Than Meets the Eye : The Role of Immigration Background for Social Identity Effects Journal of Management. Sage Publications. 2021, 47(8), pp. 2074-2104. ISSN 0149-2063. eISSN 1557-1211. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0149206320929080

    More Than Meets the Eye : The Role of Immigration Background for Social Identity Effects


    The number of immigrants worldwide has grown rapidly in recent years, and their integration poses challenges, such as cultural and language barriers, for organizations and societies. Securing and maintaining employment is a key challenge for immigrants, yet management research has devoted little attention to migration. We aim to contribute to the emerging literature on this topic by utilizing a multistudy approach with objective and time-lagged field data from 14,327 mail carriers nested in 737 units of a large Swiss logistics firm and an experimental audio vignette study with 262 participants from the United Kingdom. We investigate whether (in)congruence in terms of immigration background between employees and customers is linked to customer complaints. Controlling for service quality, we find that both congruence scenarios (both or neither migrants) are associated with fewer complaints, the latter suggesting that migrants identify with each other despite national and cultural differences. Results from the two incongruence scenarios show increased complaints. In Study 1, we find that units that receive more complaints experience higher rates of voluntary employee withdrawal behaviors (short-term absenteeism and voluntary turnover), highlighting how unfair customer complaints can hurt organizations twice, by increasing the risk of loss in both customers and employees. In Study 2, we replicate the immigrant identity effect at the individual level and find that social attraction mediates the (in)congruence–complaints link.

  • Yarrington, Julia S.; Lasser, Jana; Garcia, David; Vargas, Jose Hamilton; Couto, Diego Dotta; Marafon, Thiago; Craske, Michelle G.; Niles, Andrea N. (2021): Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health among 157,213 Americans Journal of Affective Disorders. Elsevier. 2021, 286, pp. 64-70. ISSN 0165-0327. eISSN 1573-2517. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.02.056

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health among 157,213 Americans


    The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic presents an unprecedented crisis with potential negative mental health impacts.

    This study used data collected via Youper, a mental health app, from February through July 2020. Youper users (N = 157,213) in the United States self-reported positive and negative emotions and anxiety and depression symptoms during the pandemic. We examined emotions and symptoms before (pre), during (acute), and after (sustained) COVID-related stay-at-home orders.

    For changes in frequency of reported acute emotions, from the pre to acute periods, anxiety increased while tiredness, calmness, happiness, and optimism decreased. From the acute to sustained periods, sadness, depression, and gratitude increased. Anxiety, stress, and tiredness decreased. Between the pre and sustained periods, sadness and depression increased, as did happiness and calmness. Anxiety and stress decreased. Among symptom measures, anxiety increased initially, from the pre to the acute periods, but later returned to baseline.

    The study sample was primarily comprised of young people and women. The app does not collect racial or ethnicity data. These factors may limit generalizability. Sample size was also not consistent for all data collected.

    The present study suggests that although there were initial negative impacts on emotions and mental health symptoms in the first few weeks, many Americans demonstrated resilience over the following months. The impact of the pandemic on mental health may not be as severe as predicted, although future work is necessary to understand longitudinal effects as the pandemic continues.

  • Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making : The "Missing Link"


    This book examines organized interests in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), providing incisive analyses in three critically important policy areas - healthcare, higher education and energy. The four countries surveyed – Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and the Czech Republic – afford rich diversity offering broad empirical material available for cross-country and cross-policy comparative analyses. Featuring interdisciplinary research, the book draws together recent developments in the evolution of post-communist advocacy organizations, their population ecology dynamics, interest intermediation, the influence of organized interests and their (bottom-up and top-down) Europeanization. This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of Central and Eastern European politics, interest groups and lobbying, post-communism, transition and consolidation studies, and more broadly to European studies/politics.

  • Horn, Alexander (2021): The asymmetric long-term electoral consequences of unpopular reforms : why retrenchment really is a losing game for left parties Journal of European Public Policy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2021, 28(9), pp. 1494-1517. ISSN 1350-1763. eISSN 1466-4429. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13501763.2020.1773904

    The asymmetric long-term electoral consequences of unpopular reforms : why retrenchment really is a losing game for left parties


    Debates about the electoral malaise of the Left, punishment for cutbacks, and left parties as credible protectors of the welfare state have neglected the long-term consequences of retrenchment. To find out how reforms affect parties’ popularity beyond individual government periods, we track the electoral performance of government parties over five elections and assess the interplay of unpopular reforms, partisanship, and the economic legacy. Based on well-known asymmetries in the conditionality of welfare support among parties’ core groups, we hypothesize that right parties reap the economic fruits of their reform labour, whereas left parties struggle to claim credit even if the promised positive economic legacy materializes. Our analyses of the consequences of retrenchment for 196 cabinets in 18 countries confirm that losses of left parties after reforms – in contrast to losses of right parties – are permanent and independent of the economic legacy; creating a tragedy of social-democratic responsibility.

  • Sinyor, Mark; Tran, Ulrich S.; Garcia, David; Till, Benedikt; Voracek, Martin; Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas (2021): Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Sage. 2021, 55(6), pp. 613-619. ISSN 0004-8674. eISSN 1440-1614. Available under: doi: 10.1177/0004867420976844

    Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain


    The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, two major American icons, in a span of days in June 2018 represent a unique and tragic natural experiment to characterize associations with actual suicides in the aftermath of celebrity suicides. The aim of this study was to identify changes in suicide counts after their deaths.

    Suicide data were obtained from the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s public-use mortality file. A time-series analysis was performed, examining monthly suicide data by age group (⩽19, 20–44, 45–64 and ⩾65 years), for both men and women, for all suicide methods and for hanging versus non-hanging methods, from January 1999 to December 2018. Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average models were fitted to the pre-June 2018 period, estimating suicides in subsequent months and identifying deviations from expected values. The volume of Twitter posts about Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain was used as a proxy of societal attention.

    Tweets about the celebrities were mainly concentrated in June 2018 and faded quickly in July. Total suicides exceeded the 95% confidence interval for June and approximated the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval in July. Over this 2-month span, there were 418 (95% confidence interval = [184, 652]) more suicides than expected, including 275 (95% confidence interval = [79, 471]) excess suicides in men and 182 (95% confidence interval = [93, 271]) in women. These equate to 4.8%, 4.1% and 9.1% increases above expected counts. There were 392 (95% confidence interval = [271, 514]) excess suicides by hanging, a 14.5% increase, with no significant increase in all other methods combined.

    Conclusion and Relevance:
    These findings demonstrate that mortality following celebrity suicides can occur at a similar magnitude to that observed for other public health emergencies. They underscore the urgency for interventions to mitigate imitation effects after celebrity suicide reporting.

  • Jochem, Sven (2021): Torsten Graap, Auður H. Ingόlfsdόttir, Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær (eds.): The future of the north - sustainability in nordic countries : analysis and critical comparison Nordeuropaforum : Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 48-49. eISSN 1863-639X

    Torsten Graap, Auður H. Ingόlfsdόttir, Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær (eds.): The future of the north - sustainability in nordic countries : analysis and critical comparison



  • Wenn alle Teil der Mittelschicht sein wollen : (Fehl-)Wahrnehmungen von Ungleichheit und warum sie für Sozialpolitik wichtig sind


    Für eine Politik, die auf Wohlstand und soziale Mobilität abzielt, stellt die bestehende soziale und wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit eine anhaltende Herausforderung dar. Dabei wird Ungleichheit in der deutschen Bevölkerung vielfach falsch wahrgenommen: Sie wird zwar durchaus als Problem betrachtet; ihr Ausmaß wird aber in wichtigen Aspekten unterschätzt, wie dieses Papier anhand von Befragungsdaten zeigt. Dabei unterstützen große Teile der Bevölkerung eine egalitärere Gesellschaft.

  • Voters, Leaders, and European Integration : The Impact of Voting Institutions


    Political decisions are sometimes made by voters directly and sometimes delegated to their elected or appointed representatives. Do political leaders make better choices than voters? This work takes into account both economic and procedural dimensions to answer this question by evaluating the performance of different voting institutions. The economic dimension allows me to assess the extent to which the decision-making outcome is efficient (i.e., maximizing social welfare). The procedural dimension allows me to assess the extent to which the decision-making rule is perceived as fair. Both dimensions matter but may come into conflict with each other when fair procedures do not result in efficient decisions and vice versa.

    Specifically, Chapter 2 presents evidence from a lab experiment showing that elected representatives make better choices (maximizing social welfare) than groups deciding by majority vote. Turning to mechanisms, I show that elected leaders do not care whether the information based on which they are elected is meaningful or not. The finding suggests that leaders make better choices not because they feel they were chosen based on their competence but rather because they feel they are pivotal in the decision-making process. Pivotality increases both their visibility and responsibility to act in the best interest of all voters. By contrast, the majority vote leads to the diffusion of pivotality fostering selfish behavior.

    The second lab experiment (Chapter 3) picks up this finding and shifts the attention to the selection procedure: if political selection as such has a positive effect, does it also matter how that person was selected? My co-author and I find that, against our theoretical expectation, appointed leaders and their followers perform better (maximizing social welfare) than elected leaders and their followers. Turning to mechanisms, we show that appointed leaders feel more connected to their followers. The finding suggests that appointed leaders perform socially optimal because they espouse a more holistic view of representation, keeping the interests of all followers in mind (not just their voters’).

    Finally, in Chapter 4, I present evidence from a quasi-experimental analysis of Eurobarometer data collected shortly before and after the 2005 Constitutional Treaty referendum in France. Contrary to what theory suggests, I show that the popular vote has a dampening effect on voters’ legitimacy perceptions and that this effect is primarily driven by the winners of the referendum. In spite of their victory, they experience a large and significant drop in their legitimacy perceptions. I explain this surprisingly fatalist view of the electoral winners by the past experience of repeated EU referendums in cases where the electorate had initially rejected further integration steps to eventually accept them in a second referendum.

    Taken together, I provide novel empirical evidence that could change the way we think about political participation (more is not always better), political selection (the how matters), and representation (appointed leaders espouse a more holistic view). The contribution of my dissertation is twofold. First, I advance theory building by developing a new argument on the positive effect of political selection that explores expressive or intrinsic channels (e.g., feeling pivotal, competent, or connected to voters). Past research, by contrast, has focused on instrumental or extrinsic motives (e.g., reelection). Second, the combination of lab experiments and surveys provides for a more comprehensive and robust test of hypotheses than would be possible by relying exclusively on either one of the two data sources.

  • Education systems and political inequality : how educational institutions shape turnout gaps



  • Szöcsik, Edina; Zuber, Christina Isabel (2021): Does decentralisation turn minority parties into secessionists? : Insights from Eastern and Western Europe West European Politics. Taylor & Francis. 2021, 44(4), pp. 825-851. ISSN 0140-2382. eISSN 1743-9655. Available under: doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1758892

    Does decentralisation turn minority parties into secessionists? : Insights from Eastern and Western Europe


    Whereas Western European governments have devolved political authority to minority regions, governments in Eastern Europe have shied away from using decentralisation to accommodate national minorities. This article assesses how these differences affect the secessionism of minority parties. The theoretical section argues that both programmatic accommodation (i.e. when governments adopt positions in favour of decentralisation) and institutional accommodation (i.e. when governments create regions that correspond to the settlement areas of minority groups and transfer authority to the regional level) increase the likelihood that minority parties will adopt secessionist positions. Regression analyses of 83 European minority parties show that a higher level of programmatic and institutional accommodation is indeed associated with a higher likelihood of secessionism. However, increases in programmatic accommodation between 2011 and 2017 in fact decrease the likelihood that minority parties turn secessionist when using the method of first differences. Future research should therefore collect panel data on minority parties’ positions.

  • Elff, Martin; Heisig, Jan Paul; Schaeffer, Merlin; Shikano, Susumu (2021): Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters : Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge University Press. 2021, 51(1), pp. 412-426. ISSN 0007-1234. eISSN 1469-2112. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0007123419000097

    Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters : Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference


    Quantitative comparative social scientists have long worried about the performance of multilevel models when the number of upper-level units is small. Adding to these concerns, an influential Monte Carlo study by Stegmueller (2013) suggests that standard maximum-likelihood (ML) methods yield biased point estimates and severely anti-conservative inference with few upper-level units. In this article, the authors seek to rectify this negative assessment. First, they show that ML estimators of coefficients are unbiased in linear multilevel models. The apparent bias in coefficient estimates found by Stegmueller can be attributed to Monte Carlo Error and a flaw in the design of his simulation study. Secondly, they demonstrate how inferential problems can be overcome by using restricted ML estimators for variance parameters and a t-distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom for statistical inference. Thus, accurate multilevel analysis is possible within the framework that most practitioners are familiar with, even if there are only a few upper-level units.

  • Labor Unions in the Contemporary Welfare State : Preferences, Salience, Positions



  • Eckhard, Steffen; Steinebach, Yves (2021): Le recrutement du personnel et la représentation géographique dans les organisations internationales Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives. Cairn. 2021, 87(4), pp. 607-624. ISSN 0303-965X. Available under: doi: 10.3917/risa.874.0607

    Le recrutement du personnel et la représentation géographique dans les organisations internationales


    Qu’est-ce qui explique la représentation géographique dans le personnel professionnel des organisations intergouvernementales (OI) ? Nous abordons cette question d’un point de vue organisationnel en considérant les processus de recrutement des OI. Dans le système des Nations unies (ONU), les processus de recrutement sont conçus pour garantir le mérite bureaucratique, l’expérience et la formation étant les critères de mérite pertinents. Nous développons et testons une théorie de l’offre, en postulant que les différences dans l’offre de candidats qualifiés et très expérimentés dans les pays peuvent expliquer la représentation géographique. En nous appuyant sur les données relatives au personnel de 34 OI et sur les données relatives à l’offre de 174 États membres, et en tenant compte de l’endogénéité et des autres explications, nous n’avons observé aucune relation de ce type pour la formation. Cependant, les pays qui disposent d’un grand nombre de candidats ayant une expérience professionnelle et régionale pertinente présentent des valeurs significativement plus élevées en termes de représentation. Ces résultats offrent une explication complémentaire sur les raisons pour lesquelles certains pays sont plus fortement représentés dans le personnel professionnel international que d’autres. Ils révèlent également la nature du mérite bureaucratique au sein de l’ONU, qui semble privilégier les connaissances locales et l’expérience professionnelle par rapport à l’éducation formelle (occidentale).

  • Eick, Gianna Maria (2021): Øland, Trine: Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State Social Policy & Administration. Wiley. 2021, 55(1), pp. 242-243. ISSN 0144-5596. eISSN 1467-9515. Available under: doi: 10.1111/spol.12671

    Øland, Trine: Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State



  • Calca, Patricia (2021): Portugal : Left-Wing Single-Party Governments and Right-Wing Coalitions BERGMAN, Torbjörn, ed., Hanna BÄCK, ed., Johan HELLSTRÖM, ed.. Coalition Governance in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 517-543. ISBN 978-0-19-886848-4. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198868484.003.0015

    Portugal : Left-Wing Single-Party Governments and Right-Wing Coalitions


    How have Portuguese political parties, especially the ones in coalition governments, operated? The main focus of this chapter is the study of coalition governments in Portugal since the 2000s. This chapter shows how the country’s governments have shifted back and forth from left-wing single-party governments to right-wing coalition governments during this period. It aims to improve the understanding of Portuguese governments by shedding light on their specificities and dynamics. It is thus useful as a standalone chapter or as a source for multi-country comparisons. The chapter is initiated with a brief description of Portugal’s institutional setting. It is developed further by delving into the country’s party system followed by a discussion of government-formation issues. In conclusion, the chapter considers all the previous information going deeper into coalition governance mechanisms.

  • Lailach, Andrea (2021): Das tätige Selbst Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. De Gruyter Akademie. 2021, 69(1), pp. 147-154. ISSN 0012-1045. eISSN 2192-1482. Available under: doi: 10.1515/dzph-2021-0012

    Das tätige Selbst



  • Vlk, Aleš; Dobbins, Michael; Riedel, Rafał (2021): Explaining institutional persistence and change in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective DOBBINS, Michael, ed., Rafał RIEDEL, ed.. Exploring Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making : The "Missing Link". London: Routledge, 2021, pp. 173-193. ISBN 978-0-367-50218-8. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781003049562-12

    Explaining institutional persistence and change in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective


    The authors examine recent very differential trends in Polish and Czech higher education from a stakeholder perspective. Previous research has highlighted how academic mobilization was instrumental in bringing down communism and facilitating the restoration of academic self-governance. For a long time, Polish and Czech higher education seemed to be characterized by participative democracy and an aversion to any overzealous state intervention. However, Poland has recently experienced a striking shift toward re-centralization, while the Czech system has largely remained embedded in its restored model of academic oligarchy. This chapter focuses on the catalytic forces behind these changes. The authors analyze how changes in interest intermediation structures and steering approaches facilitated centralization in Poland and the persistence of preexisting policy arrangements in the Czech Republic. They show how the organizational power of interest groups, their conflict orientation, and interlinkages with the governmental bureaucracy are key variables in explaining policy divergence. The authors argue that the national-conservative Polish government strategically played with the interests of particular stakeholders and thus transformed the opportunity structures of various organizations. In the Czech Republic, internal stakeholders continue to dominate the system.

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