Aktuelle Publikationen

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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
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  • Dissertation
  • Studien- / Abschlussarbeit
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20 / 4358
  • Musch, Elisabeth (2019): Politische Steuerung der Energietransformation in der niederländischen Konkordanzdemokratie der moderne staat (dms). Budrich. 2019, 12(2), pp. 347-366. ISSN 1865-7192. eISSN 2196-1395. Available under: doi: 10.3224/dms.v12i2.10

    Politische Steuerung der Energietransformation in der niederländischen Konkordanzdemokratie


    Die niederländische Regierung verfolgt eine bewährte Verhandlungsstrategie, auch bekannt als Poldermodell, um eine umfassende Transformation des Energiesystems und der Wirtschaft zu erreichen. Neben der Umstrukturierung des Energiesektors und Klimaschutzprojekten erstreckt sich der Ansatz auf die Förderung des Wirtschaftswachstums, nationale und internationale Marktentwicklungen, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik sowie Reformen des Verkehrssektors und Maßnahmen der Arbeitsmarktförderung. 2013 hat die Regierung unter Federführung des Sozialökonomischen Rates (SER) mit verschiedenen Interessengruppen, darunter Gewerkschaften, Arbeitgeberverbände und Umweltverbände, einen Energiepakt für nachhaltiges Wachstum (Energieakkoord) ausgehandelt. Im Jahr 2018 folgten Verhandlungen über einen Klimapakt (Klimaatakkoord) mit Unternehmen, Interessengruppen, den Provinzen und Kommunen. Die umfassende niederländische Politik der Energiewende und das zugrunde liegende Zusammenspiel von Regierungsinitiativen, korporatistischer Interessenvermittlung und Politikberatung kann als Musterbeispiel für ausgehandelte Transformationspolitiken betrachtet werden.

  • Jochem, Sven (2019): Radikal-nationalistische Regierungspolitik : die norwegische Fortschrittspartei Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 2019, 50(1), pp. 149-166. ISSN 0340-1758. eISSN 1862-2534. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0340-1758-2019-1-149

    Radikal-nationalistische Regierungspolitik : die norwegische Fortschrittspartei


    Radical right-wing parties challenge the democratic and welfare status quo in Europe. Studying the Norwegian Progress Party shows that radical right-wing parties can successfully change the political status quo and programmatically influence other (bourgeois) parties. The potential for change in Norway, however, is restricted by the position and power of pivotal parties in minority parliamentarism. Therefore, keeping radical right-wing government goals in Norway at bay is not the result of political learning by the Progress Party but it is the result of institutional and strategic restrictions of government under minority parliamentarism.

  • Gallop, Max; Weschle, Simon (2019): Assessing the Impact of Non-Random Measurement Error on Inference : A Sensitivity Analysis Approach Political Science Research and Methods. Cambridge University Press. 2019, 7(2), pp. 367-384. ISSN 2049-8470. eISSN 2049-8489. Available under: doi: 10.1017/psrm.2016.53

    Assessing the Impact of Non-Random Measurement Error on Inference : A Sensitivity Analysis Approach


    Many commonly used data sources in the social sciences suffer from non-random measurement error, understood as mis-measurement of a variable that is systematically related to another variable. We argue that studies relying on potentially suspect data should take the threat this poses to inference seriously and address it routinely in a principled manner. In this article, we aid researchers in this task by introducing a sensitivity analysis approach to non-random measurement error. The method can be used for any type of data or statistical model, is simple to execute, and straightforward to communicate. This makes it possible for researchers to routinely report the robustness of their inference to the presence of non-random measurement error. We demonstrate the sensitivity analysis approach by applying it to two recent studies.

  • Mergel, Ines (2019): Digitale Transformation als Reformvorhaben der deutschen öffentlichen Verwaltung der moderne staat – dms : Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management. 2019, 12(1), pp. 162-171. ISSN 1865-7192. eISSN 2196-1395. Available under: doi: 10.3224/dms.v12i1.09

    Digitale Transformation als Reformvorhaben der deutschen öffentlichen Verwaltung


    Die digitale Transformation der öffentlichen Ver- waltung umfasst die Neukonzeption von internen und externen Verwaltungsleistungen. In Deutsch- land ist dieses Reformvorhaben maßgeblich durch das Onlinezugangsgesetz (OZG) angestoßen wor- den, auf dessen Grundlage bis 2022 alle Verwal- tungsleistungen digital umgesetzt werden sollen. Basierend auf Interviews mit Digitalisierungsex- perten der deutschen öffentlichen Verwaltung schlägt dieses Thesenpapier Verbesserungsmaß- nahmen für die Umsetzung des OZG vor, so dass digitale Verwaltungsleistungen im Sinne der Nut- zer neu konzipiert werden können.

  • Seibel, Wolfgang (2019): Pragmatism in Organizations : Ambivalence and Limits ZILBER, Tammar B., ed., John M. AMIS, ed., Johanna MAIR, ed.. The Production of Managerial Knowledge and Organizational Theory : New Approaches to Writing, Producing and Consuming Theory. first edition. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019, pp. 43-58. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 59. ISBN 978-1-78769-184-1

    Pragmatism in Organizations : Ambivalence and Limits


    Pragmatism in the sense of harmonizing rules and reality for the sake of appropriate problem solving and overall performance is a ubiquitous phenomenon in organizational life. As such it has been generalized as an everyday requirement of making organizations work and a virtue of human decision making under the condition of complexity, strategic dilemmas or “wicked problems.” This chapter addresses both the theoretical and the normative dimensions of pragmatism in organizations, public administration in particular. The main statement is that the necessary theoretical clarification concerns the distinction between pragmatism and what is referred to as a logic of appropriateness while the normative limits of pragmatism refer to the necessity of ranking logics of appropriateness and related values plus the ability to act on the basis of accurate judgment which is primarily, even if not exclusively, a matter of leadership.

  • Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas; Stack, Steven; Till, Benedikt; Sinyor, Mark; Pirkis, Jane; Garcia, David; Rockett, Ian R. H.; Tran, Ulrich S. (2019): Association of Increased Youth Suicides in the United States With the Release of 13 Reasons Why JAMA Psychiatry. American Medical Association (AMA). 2019, 76(9), pp. 933-940. ISSN 2168-622X. eISSN 2168-6238. Available under: doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0922

    Association of Increased Youth Suicides in the United States With the Release of 13 Reasons Why



    dc.contributor.author: Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas; Stack, Steven; Till, Benedikt; Sinyor, Mark; Pirkis, Jane; Rockett, Ian R. H.; Tran, Ulrich S.

  • Schmidt, Jan-Hinrik; Merten, Lisa; Hasebrink, Uwe; Petrich, Isabelle; Rolfs, Amelie (2019): How Do Intermediaries Shape News-Related Media Repertoires and Practices? : Findings From a Qualitative Study International Journal of Communication. University of Southern California. 2019, 13, pp. 853-873. eISSN 1932-8036

    How Do Intermediaries Shape News-Related Media Repertoires and Practices? : Findings From a Qualitative Study


    Online intermediaries such as search engines, social network sites, or video platforms provide access to diverse content; however, there is a school of thought that argues that they may also contribute to the structural deformation of the public sphere. To assess the impact of these Web-based services, research needs to address them not as isolated platforms but as part of broader media environments. Based on 6 group discussions and 18 interviews with German participants varying in age and political engagement, we mapped individual information repertoires with a particular focus on online intermediaries, reconstructed key episodes in which these services were used for gathering information on current news events, and investigated participants’ awareness of the architecture and mechanisms of these intermediaries. Findings show that for most participants, online intermediaries are an indispensable part of their media repertoires, but are seldom dominant, let alone the only source of information on political topics. Most respondents possessed some knowledge on the basic workings of the intermediaries they used, but were not familiar with details such as algorithmic personalization.

  • Elsig, Manfred; Hahn, Michael; Spilker, Gabriele (Hrsg.) (2019): The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance

    The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance


    Today's trade regime and its rules are under pressure. Increasing societal discontent with globalization and the rise of protectionist measures threaten the trade regime's legitimacy and effectiveness. The authors explore systemic challenges to the trade regime, inter alia, related to development, migration, inequality, the digital economy and climate change. The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance allows the readers, in times of change, to put current developments into context and offers an understanding of the different dynamics defining today's regulation of the global economy. Chapters authored by leading researchers from different disciplines - law, political science and economics - address the challenges of the global economic system and share novel outlooks, both theory- and data-based, for the future.

  • Wiesner, Karoline; Birdi, Alvin; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Farrell, Henry; Garcia, David; Lewandowsky, Stephan; Palacios, Patricia; Ross, Don; Sornette, Didier; Thébault, Karim (2019): Stability of democracies : a complex systems perspective European Journal of Physics. Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP). 2019, 40(1), 014002. ISSN 0143-0807. eISSN 1361-6404. Available under: doi: 10.1088/1361-6404/aaeb4d

    Stability of democracies : a complex systems perspective


    The idea that democracy is under threat, after being largely dormant for at least 40 years, is looming increasingly large in public discourse. Complex systems theory offers a range of powerful new tools to analyse the stability of social institutions in general, and democracy in particular. What makes a democracy stable? And which processes potentially lead to instability of a democratic system? This paper offers a complex systems perspective on this question, informed by areas of the mathematical, natural, and social sciences. We explain the meaning of the term 'stability' in different disciplines and discuss how laws, rules, and regulations, but also norms, conventions, and expectations are decisive for the stability of a social institution such as democracy.

  • Ayaita, Adam; Yang, Philip; Gülal, Filiz (2019): Where Does the Good Shepherd Go? : Civic Virtue and Sorting into Public Sector Employment German Economic Review. De Gruyter. 2019, 20(4), pp. e571-e599. ISSN 1465-6485. eISSN 1468-0475. Available under: doi: 10.1111/geer.12180

    Where Does the Good Shepherd Go? : Civic Virtue and Sorting into Public Sector Employment


    Several studies have analyzed motives to work in the public versus private sector. However, research on prosocial motivation in the context of public sector employment has largely neglected civic virtue, the motive to contribute to society. This study considers civic virtue in addition to other possible motives, using a representative, longitudinal dataset of employees in Germany including 63,180 observations of 13,683 different individuals. We find that civic virtue relates positively to public sector employment beyond altruism, risk aversion, laziness and (low) financial motivation. The result holds within different branches and is explained by sorting into the sector.

  • Vom Klimastreik zur Klimapolitik : Die gesellschaftliche Unterstützung der „Fridays for Future“-Bewegung und ihrer Ziele : Forschungsbericht



    dc.contributor.author: Naumann, Elias

  • Steiner, Nils D.; Mader, Matthias (2019): Intra-party heterogeneity in policy preferences and its effect on issue salience : Developing and applying a measure based on elite survey data Party Politics. Sage. 2019, 25(3), pp. 336-348. ISSN 1354-0688. eISSN 1460-3683. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1354068817715553

    Intra-party heterogeneity in policy preferences and its effect on issue salience : Developing and applying a measure based on elite survey data


    Quantitative research on party politics often has to assume that parties are unitary actors with homogeneous policy preferences simply because intra-party heterogeneity is difficult to measure. This article proposes a measure of preference heterogeneity based on surveys of party elites. We draw on Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS) data from 28 elections in 21 developed democracies to quantify intra-party heterogeneity and validate this measure. The usefulness of the measure is demonstrated by studying the effects of intra-party heterogeneity on issue salience. We find support for the hypothesis that heterogeneity regarding a policy issue tends to be negatively associated with the emphasis a party places on that issue by regressing measures of issue salience from the Chapel Hill Expert Survey and the Manifesto Project on our CCS measure of heterogeneity. Problems of elite surveys notwithstanding, drawing on this data source seems a promising way to overcome the unitary party assumption.

  • Jochem, Sven (2019): Schweden BENZ, Arthur, ed. and others. Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert : Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel ; Band 5: Seit 1989. Bonn: Dietz, 2019, pp. 931-963. ISBN 978-3-8012-4251-0




  • Bardon, Aurélia; Ceva, Emanuela (2019): The ethics of toleration and religious accommodations LEVER, Annabelle, ed., Andrei POAMA, ed.. The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy. London: Routledge, 2019, pp. 434-446. ISBN 978-1-138-20127-9. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9781315461731

    The ethics of toleration and religious accommodations


    Toleration is one of the most important values in contemporary democracies, and is commonly considered as the appropriate way to deal with religious diversity. But what does it actually mean to tolerate others? This chapter has two objectives. First, it clarifies the idea of toleration as the normative ground for the accommodation of religious diversity in a democracy. Second, it draws the implications of this analysis for the design of public policies capable of making sense of the specific challenges raised by a plurality of religious claims.

  • Les Arguments religieux en politique : une théorie de la justification publique


    Faut-il exclure les arguments religieux de la sphère publique? Pour être légitimes, les décisions politiques doivent pouvoir être justifiées par des arguments publics. Mais comment ce principe s’applique-t-il à la religion? Les arguments religieux sont-ils toujours des arguments non-publics? C'est à ces questions que ce livre tente de répondre, en proposant une nouvelle manière de définir les arguments non-publics comme étant des arguments fondés sur l'absolutisme moral. Les arguments religieux sont souvent des arguments absolutistes, mais ils ne le sont pas nécessairement. Seuls les arguments religieux absolutistes doivent être exclus.Faut-il exclure les arguments religieux de la sphère publique? L'un des principes fondamentaux de la démocratie libérale est celui de la justification publique : pour être légitimes, les décisions politiques doivent pouvoir être justifiées par des arguments publics. Mais comment ce principe s'applique-t-il à la religion ? Les arguments religieux sont-ils toujours des arguments non-publics?

  • Latent Organisational Hybridity in Administrative Crisis Management : The German Refugee Crisis of 2015/16


    Despite presenting as global challenges, the societal effects of climate change or migration movements are felt primarily at the local level. This poses challenges to administrative crisis management. In this paper, we introduce the concept of ‘latent organizational hybridity’ to theorize how local administrations can effectively address crisis situations. Instead of theorizing the exact administrative design features fit for an effective crisis response, we emphasize informal and temporal (latent) deviations from administrative routine action along operational principles borrowed from the private and non-profit sector (hybridity), in particular internal flexibilization and citizen participation. We report novel data collected from a survey of administrative crisis management organizations involved in the so-called German refugee crisis of 2015/16, covering more than half of all 401 county-level administrations. We test the effects of the different forms of latent hybridity on administrative effectiveness using regression modelling. Findings indicate that changes in administrative routines towards more flexible and participatory action have a positive impact on crisis management effectiveness. The effect of flexible activity was especially pronounced in counties and cities that were allocated higher shares of asylum seekers.

  • Customized Implementation of European Union Food Safety Policy : United in Diversity?



  • Calca, Patricia (2019): Responsividade e inovação legislativa em Portugal : Dos programas eleitorais à União Europeia CORRÊA D'ALMEIDA, André, ed.. Reforma do Sistema Parlamentar em Portugal : Análises e Instrumentos para um Diálogo Urgente. Cascais: Principia, 2019, pp. 211-258. ISBN 9789897162169

    Responsividade e inovação legislativa em Portugal : Dos programas eleitorais à União Europeia



  • Wiese, Lorenz; Roth, Florian (2019): Bericht zum Workshop "Wissenschaft trifft Praxis - Methoden, Erfahrungen, Mehrwert" am 6.-7.5.2019 in Konstanz Bericht zum Workshop "Wissenschaft trifft Praxis - Methoden, Erfahrungen, Mehrwert". 2019

    Bericht zum Workshop "Wissenschaft trifft Praxis - Methoden, Erfahrungen, Mehrwert" am 6.-7.5.2019 in Konstanz

  • Baute, Sharon; Meuleman, Bart; Abts, Koen (2019): Welfare State Attitudes and Support for Social Europe : Spillover or Obstacle? Journal of Social Policy. Cambridge University Press. 2019, 48(1), pp. 127-145. ISSN 0047-2794. eISSN 1469-7823. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0047279418000314

    Welfare State Attitudes and Support for Social Europe : Spillover or Obstacle?


    This study investigates how support for Social Europe is related to citizens’ welfare attitudes. On the one hand, welfare attitudes can spill over from the national to the European level, given that Social Europe aims to achieve similar goals to those of national welfare states. On the other hand, support for the welfare state can be an obstacle, if citizens perceive the nation state and the European Union as competing or substituting governance levels. Using data from the 2014 Belgian National Election Study, we take a multidimensional approach to Social Europe, capturing attitudes toward social regulations, member state solidarity, European social citizenship, and a European social security system. Results demonstrate that citizens who are more positive about the welfare state are also more supportive of Social Europe. However, positive welfare attitudes do not affect all dimensions of Social Europe to the same extent. The spillover effect of support for basic welfare state principles is strongest for policy instruments of Social Europe that are less intrusive to national welfare states (EU social regulations). By contrast, welfare state critique has a stronger impact on support for more intrusive instruments (European social citizenship).

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