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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

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20 / 4358
  • Antecedent Conditions of Shared Leadership



  • Jungherr, Andreas (2019): Normalizing Digital Trace Data STROUD, Natalie Jomini, ed., Shannon C. MCGREGOR, ed.. Digital discussions : how big data informs political communication. New York, USA: Routledge : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019, pp. 9-35. ISBN 978-0-8153-8380-2

    Normalizing Digital Trace Data


    Gradually, over the last ten years, social scientists have found themselves confronting a massive increase in available data sources. The digitalization has, for example, opened up vast textual corpora (Grimmer & Stewart, 2013) and provided researchers with cheap and fast alternatives to telephone or face-to-face surveys (Callegaro, Manfreda, & Vehovar, 2015). Additionally, the growing use of digital services in everyday life provides social scientists with an ever increasing reservoir of digital data traces documenting slices of users’ everyday interactions with various digital devices or services (Howison, Wiggins, & Crowston, 2011). This increase in the variety and size of data available to researchers has been heralded by some as a measurement revolution for the social sciences (Golder & Macy, 2014; Lazer, Pentland, Adamic, Aral, Barabási, Brewer, Christakis, Contractor, Fowler, Gutmann, Jebara, King, Macy, Roy, & Van Alstyne, 2009; Schroeder, 2016; Watts, 2011). Especially, the research potential of digital trace data (Howison et al., 2011) has featured prominently in these accounts.

  • Informationsselektion mit Suchmaschinen : Wahrnehmung und Auswahl von Suchresultaten


    Suchmaschinen haben sich als zentrales Instrument für die Online-Informationssuche etabliert. Das Buch geht daher der Frage nach, welche Kriterien für die Auswahl von Suchresultaten bei der Suche nach Informationen mit Suchmaschinen von Bedeutung sind. Hierfür werden der Ablauf von Suchprozessen sowie relevante Einflussfaktoren auf die Selektionsentscheidung systematisiert und in einem Modell zusammengeführt, das die Wirkung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die einzelnen Schritte des Suchprozesses beschreibt. In drei Vorstudien und einer Hauptstudie mit jeweils experimentellem Versuchsaufbau sowie automatisierter Erfassung des Suchverhaltens werden anschließend ausgewählte Modellschritte empirisch überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Ranking als dominanter Einflussfaktor agiert. Daneben existieren jedoch auch distinkte Einflüsse von Quelleneigenschaften sowie individueller Zuschreibungen (z. B. wahrgenommene Glaubwürdigkeit der Suchresultate) auf den Suchprozess.

  • Sager, Fritz; Thomann, Eva; Hupe, Peter (2019): Accountability of Public Servants at the Street Level SULLIVAN, Helen, ed., Helen DICKINSON, ed., Hayley HENDERSON, ed.. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. living reference work. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-03008-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_5-1

    Accountability of Public Servants at the Street Level


    Public servants are accountable to the public – as their name suggests. However, the question of accountability is not as clear as it seems. Public servants working at the street level of government bureaucracy enjoy discretion in the implementation of public policies (Thomann, van Engen and Tummers, J Public Adm Res Theory 28(4):583–601, 2018a). In the context of regulatory governance, policy implementers more often than not enforce regulation and hence are regulators at the street level. They use discretion to make decisions that ultimately define policies and regulation; and they do so along different reference systems (Thomann, Hupe, and Sager F, Governance 31:299–319, 2018b). Lipsky (Street-level bureaucracy: dilemmas of the individual in public services. Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1980, 2010) famously conceptualized the resulting dilemmas for this stratum of public servants. Maynard-Moody and Musheno (J Public Adm Res Theory 10:329–358, 2000) capture the core dilemma of those public servants’ accountability when interacting with clients with the distinction between “state agents” primarily following the law and “citizen agents” first of all addressing clients’ needs. In their accountability regimes framework, Hupe and Hill (Public Adm 85:85–102, 2007) introduce profession as third key reference institution, alongside state and society. In the course of new modes of governance, in particular contexts, private actors have gained an additional role as implementation agents. Sager et al. (Public Manage Rev 16:481–502, 2014) and Thomann et al. (2018) therefore extend the accountability regimes framework with market as central in the fourth accountability regime at the street level. The chapter presents the extended accountability regimes framework, illustrates it with empirical cases, and discusses regulatory and policy implications of the accountability dilemmas of street-level implementers.

  • Tenzer, Helene; Yang, Philip (2019): Personality, Values, or Attitudes? : Individual-Level Antecedents to Creative Deviance International Journal of Innovation Management. World Scientific Publishing. 2019, 23(2), 1950009. ISSN 1363-9196. eISSN 1757-5877. Available under: doi: 10.1142/S1363919619500099

    Personality, Values, or Attitudes? : Individual-Level Antecedents to Creative Deviance


    Creative deviance, i.e., the violation of a managerial order to stop working on a new idea, is an emerging topic in innovation research. Whereas the outcomes of this nonconforming behaviour are inherently ambiguous, its importance for corporations’ innovative capability is undisputed. We complement prior research on the organisational-level determinants of creative deviance by studying its individual-level antecedents. We hypothesise that risk propensity as a personality trait is positively related, whereas allocentrism as a personal value orientation and organisational commitment as a personal attitude are negatively related to creative deviance. Risk propensity is considered the strongest predictor, as it affects creative deviance both directly and indirectly through allocentrism and commitment. Data from 457 employees in a German high-tech corporation support our hypotheses. Our findings contribute to research on innovation management and organisational behaviour while yielding managerial recommendations for leadership and recruitment.

  • Wege zur Einbindung von Freiwilligen : Lehren aus der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise



    dc.contributor.author: Käser, Marco

  • Sager, Fritz; Rüefli, Christian; Thomann, Eva (2019): Fixing Federal Faults : Complementary Member State Policies in Swiss Health Care Policy International Review of Public Policy. International Public Policy Association. 2019, 1(2), pp. 147-172. eISSN 1051-4694. Available under: doi: 10.4000/irpp.426

    Fixing Federal Faults : Complementary Member State Policies in Swiss Health Care Policy


    This article aims to understand what makes member states complement federal healthcare policy beyond the instruments planned by federal policy. We employ a Multiple Streams approach to study how Swiss member states use their discretion in order to complement federal healthcare regulation with the aim of decreasing outpatient healthcare expenditures at the cantonal level. Based on a written survey in the Swiss cantons, we perform a Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), which places a keen emphasis on complex patterns. The method identifies what combinations of determinants make it particularly likely that a canton opts for complementary policy activity. Several configurations prove to foster such activity. While this is important, it is also important to pay attention to the constellations that precisely do not foster complementary policy activity. Our analysis of the cantonal choices on governing outpatient healthcare reveals that party politics in the executive and/or the public administration play a major role in this task, whereas neither organized interests within the medical profession nor individual policy entrepreneurs are crucial. Federalist systems offer opportunities for policy innovations the federal level ultimately may benefit from.

  • An, Jisun; Kwak, Haewoon; Posegga, Oliver; Jungherr, Andreas (2019): Political Discussions in Homogeneous and Cross-Cutting Communication Spaces Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI, 2019, pp. 68-79. ISSN 2162-3449. eISSN 2334-0770. ISBN 978-1-57735-806-0

    Political Discussions in Homogeneous and Cross-Cutting Communication Spaces


    Online platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, provide users with a rich set of features for sharing and consuming political information, expressing political opinions, and exchanging potentially contrary political views. In such activities, two types of communication spaces naturally emerge: those dominated by exchanges between politically homogeneous users and those that allow and encourage crosscutting exchanges in politically heterogeneous groups. While research on political talk in online environments abounds, we know surprisingly little about the potentially varying nature of discussions in politically homogeneous spaces as compared to cross-cutting communication spaces. To fill this gap, we use Reddit to explore the nature of political discussions in homogeneous and cross-cutting communication spaces. In particular, we develop an analytical template to study interaction and linguistic patterns within and between politically homogeneous and heterogeneous communication spaces. Our analyses reveal different behavioral patterns in homogeneous and cross-cutting communications spaces. We discuss theoretical and practical implications in the context of research on political talk online.

  • Jungherr, Andreas (2019): Book Review: Ralph Schroeder: Social Theory after the Internet : Media, Technology and Globalization The International Journal of Press/Politics. 2019, 24(1), pp. 117-119. ISSN 1940-1612. eISSN 1940-1620. Available under: doi: 10.1177/1940161218808373

    Book Review: Ralph Schroeder: Social Theory after the Internet : Media, Technology and Globalization



  • The Imposition and Effectiveness of Sanctions : “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”


    When sender states consider the imposition of sanctions, they also take into account the consequences that these measures have on their own economy and on their domestic economic actors. How do these economic considerations affect the imposition of sanctions as well as the effectiveness of coercive measures after their imposition?

    Trade restrictions that have been imposed because of the perceived political misbehavior of a target state do not simply limit the activities between the governments of the sanctioning states and the target state. Sender governments rather have to restrict the activities of their own domestic actors in the target country. Despite the importance of economic actors within sender states, their role has often been neglected in research on sanctions. The goal of this dissertation is to provide a conceptual framework for the different aspects how economic considerations affect the imposition and effectiveness of sanctions. I show that there are three important dimensions: first, lobbying by economic actors can lead to restrictive measures that are less comprehensive than they would have been without these efforts. Second, there are resulting selection effects on the effectiveness of sanctions, which reflect the impact of domestic economic actors on the sanctioning process. Finally, the way companies of the sanctioning states operate in a sanctions regime also has an impact on the effectiveness of these measures. This dissertation contributes four articles to analyze these different dimensions.

  • Brandsma, Gijs Jan; Heidbreder, Eva G.; Mastenbroek, Ellen (2019): EGPA and the Study of EU Public Administration : EGPA Permanent Study Group 14: EU Administration and Multilevel Governance ONGARO, Edoardo, ed.. Public Administration in Europe : The Contribution of EGPA. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 259-266. ISBN 978-3-319-92855-5. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92856-2_24

    EGPA and the Study of EU Public Administration : EGPA Permanent Study Group 14: EU Administration and Multilevel Governance



    dc.contributor.author: Mastenbroek, Ellen

  • Wehl, Nadja (2019): The (ir)relevance of unemployment for labour market policy attitudes and welfare state attitudes European Journal of Political Research. Wiley-Blackwell - SSH. 2019, 58(1), pp. 141-162. ISSN 0304-4130. eISSN 1475-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12274

    The (ir)relevance of unemployment for labour market policy attitudes and welfare state attitudes


    Typically, associations between being unemployed and policy attitudes are explained with reference to economic self-interest considerations of the unemployed. Preferences for labour market policies (LMP) and egalitarian preferences are the prime example and the focus of this study. Its aim is to challenge this causal self-interest argument: self-interest consistent associations of unemployment with policy preferences are neither necessarily driven by self-interest nor necessarily causal. To that end, this article first confronts the self-interest argument with a broader perspective on attitudes. Given that predispositions (e.g., value orientations) are stable and influence more specific policy attitudes, it is at least questionable whether people change their policy attitudes simply because they get laid off. Second, the article derives a non-causal argument behind associations between unemployment and policy attitudes, arguing that these might be spurious associations driven by individuals’ socioeconomic background. After all, the entire socioeconomic background of a person is simultaneously related to both the risk of getting unemployed (‘selection into unemployment’) and distinct political socialisation experiences from early childhood onwards. Third, this article uses methods inspired by a counterfactual account on causality to test the non-causal claims. Analyses are carried out using the fourth wave of the European Social Survey and applying entropy balancing to control for selection bias. In only two of the 31 analysed countries do unemployment effects on egalitarian orientations remain significant after controlling for selection bias. The same holds for effects on active LMP attitudes with the exception of six countries. Attitudes towards passive LMP are to some degree an exception since effects remain in a third of the countries. Robustness checks and Bayes factor replications showing evidence for the absence of unemployment effects support the general impression from these initial analyses. After discussing this article's results and limitations, its broader implications are considered. On the one hand, the article offers a new perspective on the conceptualisation and measurement of unemployment risk. On the other hand, its theoretical argument, as well as its treatment of the resulting selection bias, can be broadly applied. Thus, this article can contribute to many other research questions regarding the (ir)relevance of individual life events for political attitudes and political behaviour.

  • Holzinger, Katharina (2019): Wie deliberativ war die Schlichtung zu ´Stuttgart 21´? : Sprachliche Analyse politischer Kommunikation Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften : Jahrbuch 2018. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-3-00-062676-0

    Wie deliberativ war die Schlichtung zu ´Stuttgart 21´? : Sprachliche Analyse politischer Kommunikation



  • The European Council and EU Decision-Making : Keeping a Watchful Eye on the Council?


    This dissertation analyzes the influence of the European Council (EUCO) in the legislative process of the European Union (EU) by examining the inter-institutional relationship between EUCO and the Council of the EU (‛Council’) in EU decision-making. EUCO comprises the Heads of State or Government of all EU member states, the President of the Commission and, since December 2009, a permanent EUCO President. It is therefore the highest political body of the EU. However, the functions of the institution are ambiguous. According to the EU Treaties EUCO sets the broad guidelines for the EU, but is excluded from the legislative process. Lawmaking is formally in the remits of the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission. However, I suggest that EUCO plays an important, albeit informal, role in the decision-making process by influencing the Council. The core argument is that EUCO´s influence in EU decision-making is based on a principal-agent relationship between EUCO and the Council. As principal of the Council, EUCO can control the Council´s legislative behavior and, thereby, the decisions the Council takes. My dissertation examines how and with what consequences EUCO controls the Council in legislative decision-making in three studies.
    Study 1 illustrates the causal mechanisms how EUCO controls the Council in five case studies. It shows that EUCO controls the Council manifestly or latently. While EUCO interferes in the Council´s activities in manifest control, latent control works through anticipation. I find that the Council´s response to manifest control depends on its zone of discretion that it enjoys after EUCO interfered. Low discretion leads to an obedient Council, while high discretion results either in an obedient or shirking Council. In Study 2, I analyze EUCO control over time and across policy areas through a content analysis of all EUCO conclusions from 1975 until 2016. According to the principal-agent model the frequency and intensity of control is lower in informationally intense policy areas and increase if the principal gains resources to exert control. The results show more control activity in the post-Lisbon period, in intergovernmental policy areas, but less intensive control. Study 3 examines the effect of EUCO on the number of legislative decisions. A count model of all EU legislation adopted from 1976 until 2009 shows that EU output increases in anticipation of EUCO meetings, but drops shortly after the summits.
    In sum, the dissertation shows that EUCO influences the Council in legislative decision-making. EUCO keeps, and is anticipated to keep, a watchful eye on the Council. Yet, EUCO influence over the Council is not absolute. The dissertation offers the first comprehensive investigation of the relationship between EUCO and the Council in EU decision-making by theorizing it through the principal-agent model and analyzing it through multiple methods and data. The thesis contributes to research on delegation in the EU political system and carries implications for research on (global) summitry and on the politics in national (core) executives.

  • Garcia, David; Galaz, Victor; Daume, Stefan (2019): EATLancet vs yes2meat : the digital backlash to the planetary health diet The Lancet. Elsevier. 2019, 394(10215), pp. 2153-2154. ISSN 0140-6736. eISSN 1474-547X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32526-7

    EATLancet vs yes2meat : the digital backlash to the planetary health diet



    dc.contributor.author: Galaz, Victor; Daume, Stefan

  • Herfeld, Catherine; Döhne, Malte (2019): The diffusion of scientific innovations : A role typology Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. Elsevier. 2019, 77, pp. 64-80. ISSN 0039-3681. eISSN 1879-2510. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2017.12.001

    The diffusion of scientific innovations : A role typology


    How do scientific innovations spread within and across scientific communities? In this paper, we propose a general account of the diffusion of scientific innovations. This account acknowledges that novel ideas must be elaborated on and conceptually translated before they can be adopted and applied to field-specific problems. We motivate our account by examining an exemplary case of knowledge diffusion, namely, the early spread of theories of rational decision-making. These theories were grounded in a set of novel mathematical tools and concepts that originated in John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern's Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1944/1947) and subsequently spread widely across the social and behavioral sciences. Introducing a network-based diffusion measure, we trace the spread of those tools and concepts into distinct research areas. We furthermore present an analytically tractable typology for classifying publications according to their roles in the diffusion process. The proposed framework allows for a systematic examination of the conditions under which scientific innovations spread within and across preexisting and newly emerging scientific communities.

  • Goirizelaia, Maialen; Berriochoa, Kattalina (2019): News from the Old Country : Media Consumption by the Basque Diaspora in the United States Comunicación y sociedad (Communication & Society). 2019, 32(3), pp. 109-121. ISSN 0214-0039. eISSN 2174-0895

    News from the Old Country : Media Consumption by the Basque Diaspora in the United States


    This study analyzes the ways in which the Basque diaspora community in the United States consumes news media from their home origin. Using survey data collected from over 400 Basque-Americans with varying generations (first, second, third, etc.), we explore the ways in which surveyed individuals consume media from their ancestral territory of origin, in this case, the Basque Country of Spain and France. This research is exploratory and descriptive of the media habits and behavior of individuals with Basque origins. We find that significant shifts in media consumption occur between first generation immigrants and those beyond the second generation. As we move across generations, we observe that individuals shift from engagement with home-origin media to engagement with Basque cultural activities, such as dancing clubs. Our study suggests that the importance of digital media from the homeland is growing, but that most consumption of information by the Basque diaspora is through social networks. Our findings also suggest that, among those who continue to consume home-origin media, it is mainly through readership of national newspapers (in this case, from Spain) rather than local newspapers (from the Basque Country). This article enriches our understanding of the media habits of the Basque diaspora and raises questions for future research about the effect of transnational media consumption on the political, social and economic behavior of immigrants in the United States.

  • Refugees welcome? : How Germany, Canada, and Australia respond to contemporary migration


    This dissertation studies how three different liberal democracies; Germany, Canada, and Australia, have experienced and reacted to contemporary migration, focusing on asylum seekers and refugees. Conceptually, it assumes that their admission leads to paradoxes for host states’ governmental apparatuses: If these migrants’ reasons to seek new lives outside of their home countries and regions are recognized, they need to be granted protection statuses and thus be ‘welcomed’ to stay temporarily or permanently. As a consequence of public ‘backlashes’ and anxieties, destination countries’ governments have however increasingly attempted to control and restrict their entry. To understand these phenomena, this study explains the underlying incentives and scopes for handling contemporary migratory movements primarily from a governmental top-down point of view. Historical institutionalism helps to understand the path-dependent emergence of certain policies in the context of each state’s particular actor constellations. Approaches taken from public choice theory are adopted to illuminate the connection between societal sentiments, discourses, and domestic political decisionmaking. Insights from delegation, blame and signaling games are used to complete this picture. Supplemented by expert interviews, the empirical part of this study deciphers the observable political developments, as well as the resulting administrative asylum/refugee regimes in 21st century Germany, Canada, and Australia. The selected cases include one ‘newcomer’ and two ‘classic’ immigration countries. In line with the conceptual model, its focus lies on key actors’ influences in the corresponding institutional set-ups, as well as the internal developments that are shaped by the historical paths, discourses and public opinion. The crosscountry comparison in this most different systems design shows that, although Germany’s, Canada’s, and Australia’s humanitarian commitments and overall experiences with contemporary migratory movements have differed sharply in many regards, certain phenomena have been recurring. In particular, political elites in all three states have been maneuvering fine lines between different policy objectives, attempting to ‘filter’ and ‘manage’ migration and settlement. The advancing externalization of border regimes made it more difficult to physically reach these states in the first place. But also once there, migrants have been facing other obstacles before eventually being granted protection statuses and the corresponding socioeconomic rights. The legal regimes have been complemented by widely hidden practices of ‘administrative deterrence’ aiming at the reduction of so-called ‘pull factors’. This has entailed dysfunctional and discriminatory refugee status determination systems which pit different migrant groups against each other and leave many in legal uncertainty for long periods. Only for particular subgroups of refugees, the way to an arrival in dignity has been paved in all three states. Further crucially, the observable overall convergence to more selective admission frameworks cannot distract from the fact that related challenges have been of completely different scales: The implementation of well-functioning asylum administrations certainly depends on the corresponding claimants’ numbers and profiles. Domestic conflicts over material priorities have nonetheless contributed to the development of short-term pseudo-solutions to the inherent dilemmas in all three cases. These often came at the expense of procedural fairness and long-term goals such as social ‘integration’. Instead of reflecting strategic decisions, many findings thus point out to political ‘muddling through’. The comparison of their preconditions and the corresponding outcomes provides starting points for emulating, consolidating or abolishing certain policies – in order to achieve more coherent and evidence-based decisionmaking in this controversial area.

  • Capdepón, Ulrike (2019): The Selectivity of Universal Jurisdiction : The History of Transnational Human Rights Prosecutions in Latin America and Spain QUATAERT, Jean H., ed., Lora WILDENTHAL, ed.. The Routledge History of Human Rights. New York: Routledge, 2019, pp. 507-522. ISBN 978-1-138-78433-8. Available under: doi: 10.4324/9780429324376-27

    The Selectivity of Universal Jurisdiction : The History of Transnational Human Rights Prosecutions in Latin America and Spain



  • Die Entwicklung und Zukunft der Fridays for Future-Bewegung : Ergebnisse von zwei Befragungen während der Fridays for Future-Demonstrationen in Konstanz am 24. Mai und 20. September 2019 : Forschungsbericht



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