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Aktuelle Publikationen (Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft)

  • Artikel
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  • Dissertation
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20 / 4358
  • Fischer, Diana; Schwemmer, Carsten; Fischbach, Kai (2018): Terror Management and Twitter : The Case of the 2016 Berlin Terrorist Attack BOERSMA, Kees, ed., Brian TOMASZEWSKI, ed.. Conference Proceedings : 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management : ISCRAM 2018. Rochester, NY, USA: International Association for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2018, pp. 459-468. ISBN 978-0-692-12760-5. Available under: doi: 10.31235/osf.io/964dc

    Terror Management and Twitter : The Case of the 2016 Berlin Terrorist Attack


    There is evidence that people increasingly use social networking sites like Twitter in the aftermath of terrorist attacks to make sense of the events at the collective level. This work-in-progress paper focuses on the content of Twitter messages related to the 2016 terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market. We chose topic modeling to investigate the Twitter data and the terror management theory perspective to understand why people used Twitter in the aftermath of the attack. In particular, by connecting people and providing a real-time communication channel, Twitter helps its users collectively negotiate their worldviews and re-establish self-esteem. We provide first results and discuss next steps.

  • Bauer, Michael W.; Ege, Jörn; Becker, Stefan (2018): Chapter 1 : The European Commission and the Disintegration of Europe : Taking Stock and Looking Ahead EGE, Jörn, ed., Michael W. BAUER, ed., Stefan BECKER, ed.. The European Commission in turbulent times : assessing organizational change and policy impact. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018, pp. 9-30. Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.. 105. ISBN 978-3-8487-4514-2. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845287560

    Chapter 1 : The European Commission and the Disintegration of Europe : Taking Stock and Looking Ahead



    dc.contributor.author: Becker, Stefan

  • Zimmermann, Sophia; Kunze, Florian (2018): Der digitale Wandel : Chance und Herausforderung für die Arbeitswelt SCHWUCHOW, Karlheinz, ed., Joachim GUTMANN, ed.. HR-Trends 2019 : Strategie, Digitalisierung, Diversität, Demografie. 1. Auflage. Freiburg: Haufe Group, 2018, pp. 484-496. ISBN 978-3-648-11604-3

    Der digitale Wandel : Chance und Herausforderung für die Arbeitswelt



  • Haselmayer, Martin; Jenny, Marcelo (2018): Friendly fire? : Negative campaigning among coalition partners Research & Politics. Sage Publications. 2018, 5(3), pp. 1-9. eISSN 2053-1680. Available under: doi: 10.1177/2053168018796911

    Friendly fire? : Negative campaigning among coalition partners


    In democracies with multi-party competition, government parties face a dual challenge in election campaigns: on the one hand, they have to compete against and criticize their coalition partners. On the other hand, they should avoid virulent attacks on their partners to preserve their chances of future collaboration in government. Going beyond a dichotomous operationalization of negative campaigning, this manuscript analyses the tonality and volume of negative campaigning. Studying 3030 party press releases in four national Austrian election campaigns, different patterns for the tonality and frequency of negative campaigning reflect the electoral dilemma of government parties. Coalition parties criticize each other abundantly but refrain from ‘burning bridges’ with their partners through virulent attacks. These findings have implications for studying negative campaigning and coalition politics.

  • Schneider, Gerald (2018): Motive, Optionen, Karrieren : Studien- und Karriereverläufe SCHNEIDER, Gerald, ed., Volker SCHNEIDER, ed., Wolfgang SEIBEL, ed.. Brüchige Erfolge : Eine Biografie der Konstanzer Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2018, pp. 69-90. ISBN 978-3-86764-867-7

    Motive, Optionen, Karrieren : Studien- und Karriereverläufe



  • Daase, Cindy (2018): “Test the West” : Reimagining Sovereignties in the Post-Soviet Space Review of Central and East European Law. 2018, 43(1). ISSN 0925-9880. eISSN 1573-0352. Available under: doi: 10.1163/15730352-04301005

    “Test the West” : Reimagining Sovereignties in the Post-Soviet Space



  • Musch, Elisabeth (2018): Der Energiepakt (Energieakkoord) in den Niederlanden : „grünes“ Poldermodell? RADTKE, Jörg, ed., Norbert KERSTING, ed.. Energiewende : Politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, pp. 131-153. ISBN 978-3-658-21560-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-21561-3_5

    Der Energiepakt (Energieakkoord) in den Niederlanden : „grünes“ Poldermodell?


    Die niederländische Regierung ließ unter dem Dach des Sozialökonomischen Rates (Sociaal-Economische Raad, SER) – einer nationalen Politikberatungsinstitution – mit verschiedenen Interessenorganisationen einen „Energiepakt für nachhaltiges Wachstum“ (Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei) aushandeln. An den von November 2012 bis September 2013 laufenden Verhandlungen waren über 40 Organisationen beteiligt, darunter Gewerkschaften, Wirtschaftsverbände, Dachföderationen der Energieunternehmen, Naturschutz- und Umweltverbände. Die Implementation der Maßnahmen wird von einem beim SER angesiedelten Kontrollausschuss überwacht. Die Strategie der Regierung lässt einen Rückgriff auf das historisch begründete Handlungsrepertoire des niederländischen Korporatismus erkennen. Damit folgte die ökologische Transformation der Energiewirtschaft vorangegangenen konsensdemokratischen Verfahren in der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik. Pfadabhängigkeit ging aber mit institutioneller Anpassung einher. Diese äußert sich in neuen Verfahren der Bürgerbeteiligung und verbesserten Strukturen der Implementationskontrolle.

  • Funk, Lothar; Jochem, Sven (2018): Sozialpolitik und Wohlfahrtsstaat MAUSE, Karsten, ed. and others. Politik und Wirtschaft : ein integratives Kompendium. 1. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018, pp. 557-593. ISBN 978-3-658-06226-2. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-06227-9_12

    Sozialpolitik und Wohlfahrtsstaat


    Sozialpolitik und Wohlfahrtsstaat sind schwer abgrenzbare, komplexe politische Kategorien solidarischen, gemeinschaftlichen Handelns. Normativ betrachtet ist in der deutschen Debatte bereits der Begriff des Wohlfahrtsstaates begründungspflichtig. Jenseits normativer Diskussionen tangiert Sozialpolitik nahezu alle Bereiche des menschlichen Lebens, bindet sehr große monetäre Ressourcen der Staaten und spielt sowohl in der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen als auch in der politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung eine bedeutsame, wenngleich jüngst rückläufige Rolle. Der Beitrag fokussiert normative Begründungen der Sozialpolitik sowie empirische Erklärungsansätze der Varianz von sozialpolitischem Handeln im internationalen Vergleich. Ebenfalls werden zeitgenössische Herausforderungen der Sozialpolitik aus den Perspektiven der Wirtschafts- und Politikwissenschaft erörtert.

  • Baute, Sharon; Meuleman, Bart; Abts, Koen; Swyngedouw, Marc (2018): Measuring Attitudes Towards Social Europe : A Multidimensional Approach Social Indicators Research. Springer. 2018, 137(1), pp. 353-378. ISSN 0303-8300. eISSN 1573-0921. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1587-3

    Measuring Attitudes Towards Social Europe : A Multidimensional Approach


    Although the notion of ‘Social Europe’ can refer to different principles and policy options, most research narrows down attitudes towards Social Europe to a unidimensional construct. In this study, we instead propose a multi-dimensional approach, and contribute to the literature in three ways. First, we elaborate the notion of ‘Social Europe’ conceptually, and distinguish between the decision-making level for social policy, European social citizenship, harmonization, member-state solidarity and interpersonal solidarity. Second, analysing the 2014 Belgian National Election Study by means of confirmatory factor analysis we evidence that citizens indeed have distinct attitudes towards the policy principles and instruments of Social Europe. Although these attitudinal dimensions are interrelated, they cannot be reduced to a single Social Europe factor, meaning that citizens differentiate in their attitudes between various aspects of Social Europe. In addition, our research indicates that member-state solidarity is the primary aspect of Social Europe in public opinion, whereas the feature that has received most scholarly attention in empirical research to date—the preferred decision-making level for social policy—cannot be considered as a key component of attitudes towards Social Europe. Third, we investigate whether citizens with different educational levels conceptualize Social Europe similarly using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicate that the attitudinal factor structure of Social Europe is largely equivalent among lower and higher-educated citizens.

  • Mergel, Ines (2018): Big Data und Data-Science-Ansätze in der öffentlichen Verwaltung MOHABBAT-KAR, Resa, ed., Basanta THAPA, ed., Peter PARYCEK, ed.. (Un)Berechenbar : Algorithmen und Automatisierung in Staat und Gesellschaft : Berlin : Kompetenzzentrum Öffentliche IT. Berlin: Kompetenzzentrum Öffentliche IT, Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene kommunikationssysteme FOKUS, 2018, pp. 76-96. ISBN 978-3-9818892-5-3

    Big Data und Data-Science-Ansätze in der öffentlichen Verwaltung


    Big Data und Data-Science-Ansätze finden Einzug in die öffentliche Verwaltung. Dieses Kapitel bietet zunächst eine Definition von Big Data in der öffentlichen Verwaltung an und leitet die unterschiedlichen Datenquellen für historische, Echtzeit- und prädiktive Big-Data-Analysen ab. Danach werden Beispiele für organisationale Einheiten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung erläutert, die Big-Data-Analysen durchführen. Anhand der folgenden drei ausgewählten Beispiele wird das Potenzial von Big Data aufgezeigt: USGS »Did you feel it?«-Twitter-Karten, prädiktive Analysen in Finanzbehörden und Vorhersagen von Grippewellen mit Hilfe von Google Flu Trends. Aus diesen und weiteren Beispielen werden dann die Herausforderungen für die Verwendung von Big Data und Data-Science-Ansätzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung erläutert sowie offene Forschungsfragen für die Verwaltungswissenschaft abgeleitet.

  • Babaei, Mahmoudreza; Kulshrestha, Juhi; Chakraborty, Abhijnan; Benevenuto, Fabrício; Gummadi, Krishna P.; Weller, Adrian (2018): Purple Feed : Identifying High Consensus News Posts on Social Media FURMAN, Jason, ed. and others. AIES '18 : Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. New York, NY: ACM, 2018, pp. 10-16. ISBN 978-1-4503-6012-8. Available under: doi: 10.1145/3278721.3278761

    Purple Feed : Identifying High Consensus News Posts on Social Media


    Although diverse news stories are actively posted on social media, readers often focus on the news which reinforces their pre-existing views, leading to 'filter bubble' effects. To combat this, some recent systems expose and nudge readers toward stories with different points of view. One example is the Wall Street Journal's 'Blue Feed, Red Feed' system, which presents posts from biased publishers on each side of a topic. However, these systems have had limited success. We present a complementary approach which identifies high consensus 'purple' posts that generate similar reactions from both 'blue' and 'red' readers. We define and operationalize consensus for news posts on Twitter in the context of US politics. We show that high consensus posts can be identified and discuss their empirical properties. We present a method for automatically identifying high and low consensus news posts on Twitter, which can work at scale across many publishers. To do this, we propose a novel category of audience leaning based features, which we show are well suited to this task. Finally, we present our 'Purple Feed' system which highlights high consensus posts from publishers on both sides of the political spectrum.

  • Bouko, Catherine; Garcia, David (2018): S’exprimer sur l’Europe après le referendum du Brexit : une analyse des réactions sur Flickr, entre charge affective et détournement métaphorique De Europa : European and Global Studies Journal. Dipartimento di Culture, politica e società (Università di Torino). 2018, 1(2), pp. 45-62. eISSN 2611-853X. Available under: doi: 10.13135/2611-853X/2913

    S’exprimer sur l’Europe après le referendum du Brexit : une analyse des réactions sur Flickr, entre charge affective et détournement métaphorique


    We have conducted a content analysis of our exhaustive corpus of 5877 posts that contain the keyword ‘Brexit’, all published after the announcement of the Brexit referendum results on the social network Flickr. More specifically, this article homes in on the 67 posts in this corpus that mention the European Union, in order to qualitatively identify the multimodal discursive practices (combining text and image) used by citizens to express their concerns, or indeed fears, about Brexit in the context of the EU. Our analysis calls attention to the predominance of posts within the affective, rather than the utilitarian, paradigm of the European identity. In addition, the analysis of the images included in these posts highlights the particularly frequent metaphorization processes of everyday images.

  • Rudkowsky, Elena; Haselmayer, Martin; Wastian, Matthias; Jenny, Marcelo; Emrich, Štefan; Sedlmair, Michael (2018): More than Bags of Words : Sentiment Analysis with Word Embeddings Communication Methods and Measures. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, 12(2-3), pp. 140-157. ISSN 1931-2458. eISSN 1931-2466. Available under: doi: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1455817

    More than Bags of Words : Sentiment Analysis with Word Embeddings


    Moving beyond the dominant bag-of-words approach to sentiment analysis we introduce an alternative procedure based on distributed word embeddings. The strength of word embeddings is the ability to capture similarities in word meaning. We use word embeddings as part of a supervised machine learning procedure which estimates levels of negativity in parliamentary speeches. The procedure’s accuracy is evaluated with crowdcoded training sentences; its external validity through a study of patterns of negativity in Austrian parliamentary speeches. The results show the potential of the word embeddings approach for sentiment analysis in the social sciences.

  • Strong Governments, Precarious Workers : Labor Market Policy in the Era of Liberalization ​


    Why do some European welfare states protect unemployed and inadequately employed workers ("outsiders") from economic uncertainty better than others? Philip Rathgeb’s study of labor market policy change in three somewhat-similar small states—Austria, Denmark, and Sweden—explores this fundamental question. He does so by examining the distribution of power between trade unions and political parties, attempting to bridge these two lines of research—trade unions and party politics—that, with few exceptions, have advanced without a mutual exchange. Inclusive trade unions have high political stakes in the protection of outsiders, because they incorporate workers at risk of unemployment into their representational outlook. Yet, the impact of union preferences has declined over time, with a shift in the balance of class power from labor to capital across the Western world. National governments have accordingly prioritized flexibility for employers over the social protection of outsiders. As a result, organized labor can only protect outsiders when governments are reliant on union consent for successful consensus mobilization. When governments have a united majority of seats, on the other hand, they are strong enough to exclude unions. Strong Governments, Precarious Workers calls into question the electoral responsiveness of national governments—and thus political parties—to the social needs of an increasingly numerous group of precarious workers. In the end, Rathgeb concludes that the weaker the government, the stronger the capacity of organized labor to enhance the social protection of precarious workers.

  • Heidbreder, Eva G.; Brandsma, Gijs Jan (2018): The EU Policy Process ONGARO, Edoardo, ed. and others. The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe ; Vol. 2. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 805-821. ISBN 978-1-137-55268-6. Available under: doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-55269-3_42

    The EU Policy Process


    This chapter applies the well-established heuristic of the policy cycle to the policymaking process of the European Union (EU). Notably, the EU polity differs from states, which has significant implications on its policy cycle. To set the scene, the first part of this chapter provides an overview of the central polity traits that determine the unique features of the EU policy cycle. The subsequent sections review the basic features of—and some of the main research contributions on—the individual stages of the EU policy cycle. This chapter concludes with an evaluation of the changing power balances within and across the EU policy stages that suggest significant adaptations in EU policymaking and the EU’s role as a regulatory polity.

  • Voting behavior and electoral choice using causal inference methods for observational data



  • Schneider, Gerald; Weber, Patrick M. (2018): Punishing Putin : EU Sanctions Are More than Paper Tigers stars insights. Weinfelden: stars - for Leaders of the Next Generation

    Punishing Putin : EU Sanctions Are More than Paper Tigers

  • Schenoni, Luis (2018): The Southern African unipolarity Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, 36(2), pp. 207-228. ISSN 0258-9001. eISSN 1469-9397. Available under: doi: 10.1080/02589001.2017.1364355

    The Southern African unipolarity


    Despite the tectonic changes that have taken place in Southern Africa since the demise of apartheid, South Africa is still widely considered a hegemonic regional power by scholars, practitioners and pundits. This article challenges this interpretation, asserting that both Pretoria’s foreign policy and that of its neighbours fit the concept of regional unipolarity with more precision. Since the early 1990s, South Africa has pursued leadership within binding regional institutions and invested resources in order to reinforce the sovereignty of second-tier states such as Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, which have in turn disputed its diplomatic and military primacy, achieving impressive results. This behaviour is characteristic of unipoles rather than hegemons. In this article I revisit the evolution of South African relations with its more proximate neighbours in a transition from hegemony (1961–1990) to unipolarity. I start by defining both concepts and clarifying the behaviours that regional powers and small states are expected to have under hegemonic and unipolar settings. Then, I examine inter-state relations in the region, showing that the concept of unipolarity best describes power distribution and best predicts foreign policy in Southern Africa since the 1990s. Finally, I show that this exercise in concept rectification illuminates comparisons with other regional unipoles, and provides a useful framework to forecast the consequences of an eventual Southern African bipolarity, if Angola continues to catch up.

  • Ensuring each other’s post? : Exploring Personal Ties between Politicians and Traditional Leaders


    In my dissertation “Ensuring each other’s post? Exploring Personal Ties between Politi-cians and Traditional Leaders” I examine the role of traditional leaders in modern states relying on a cross-sectional study, a quasi-experiment, and a comparative case study. As heads of ethnic groups, traditional leaders take on important governance func-tions within their communities, some of which are primarily state tasks. While almost two billion people worldwide live in dual polities, the relation of state and traditional sphere differ tremendously across states. Using country level and group level data, I show that many traditional leaders aim for a formally acknowledged role in the modern state that limits the legal means of aboli-tion. In states with limited capacity, developing democratic regime, and a significant share of population under traditional governance, politicians have incentives to accommodate these wishes, although they limit their own governance space and consolidate traditional leaders as potential political antagonists. Yet, politicians hope to win the political support of traditional leaders in return. Using their authority among their ethnic group, traditional leaders can substantially influence electoral results in favour of their allies. With good state-traditional relations, traditional leaders can prevent unfavourable legislation and achieve to legally safeguard their role. In this way, both politicians and traditional leaders profit by ensuring each other’s post.

  • Dobbins, Michael; Riedel, Rafał (2018): The New Research Agenda of Examining Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe = Rocznik Instytutu Środkowo-Wschodniej. IESW, Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. 2018, 16(5), pp. 61-79. ISSN 1732-1395

    The New Research Agenda of Examining Organized Interests in Post-Communist Policy-Making


    This paper presents new research agenda focused on organised interests in selected policy areas in the post-communist countries. In recent years, political scientists have made significant advancements in comparatively analysing the influence of organized interests in the political process. However, the post-communist region has been largely neglected. Instead, large bodies of research have focussed on formal political institutions, party systems and the Europeanization of public administrations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The research agenda discussed here seeks to overcome this research gap by exploring the structures, democratic-participative incorporation and impact of organized interests on policy-making in four postcommunist EU members: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Hungary.

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